
Quincy Reporter

Friday, March 28, 2025

City of Quincy Plan Commission met Aug. 27

Webp 3

City Treasurer Linda K. Moore, DBA | City of Quincy Website

City Treasurer Linda K. Moore, DBA | City of Quincy Website

City of Quincy Plan Commission met Aug. 27.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

1) Call the Meeting to Order

2) Approval of the minutes from the previous meeting

3) Declaration of Conflict

4) Public Comment on Issue(s) not listed on the agenda (limited to three minutes)

5) A request by McDermott Enterprises for a Special Permit to register a two-family residential dwelling at 727-729 North 22nd Street as a non-conforming use (Located in Ward 2, Zoned Single-Family Residential)

6) A request by McDermott Enterprises to subdivide property (one lot into two) located at 500- 522 South 8th Street under the Small Tracts Subdivision Ordinance (Located in Ward 7, Zoned Downtown Retail)

7) A request by Niemann General Contracting, Inc. to rezone property at 1700 Kochs Lane from R1A (Single Family Residential) to NR1 (Neighborhood Residential) to allow for the construction of owner-occupied residential dwellings (condominiums). (Located in Ward 1) a) The Petitioner requested this be tabled until the 9/24/2024 Plan Commission meeting.

8) A request by Briana Graham for a Special Permit for Planned Development to allow for the operation of a dog sitting/boarding business at 2110 State Street (Located in Ward 4, Zoned Single-Family Residential)

9) A request by Ryan Companies for M3 Review (1700 North 45th Street)

10) A request by the City of Quincy to amend Chapter 162 (zoning) regarding off-street ADA parking provisions

11) A request by the City of Quincy to amend Chapter 162 (zoning) regarding the addition of commercial solar energy facilities as a use by special permit in certain zoning districts and to adopt Chapter 164 (Commercial Solar Energy Facilities)

12) New Business

13) Adjournment
