Mayor Mike Troup | City of Quincy Website
Mayor Mike Troup | City of Quincy Website
City of Quincy City Council met March 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Chief of Police recommending approval to purchase three extended warranties from Gem City Ford, for $3,825.00 per car, for a total amount of $11,475.00 for three recently purchased Ford police utility vehicles.
Fire Chief and the Fire Aldermanic Committee recommending approval to make a payment to FirstDue in the amount of $33,838.09 to enter into a recurring annual program license agreement, for the use of National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS), the current license expires on April 30, 2025.
Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommending approval to pay expenses for two recruits’ attendance at the Spring 2025 Basic Operations Firefighter Academy in the amounts of $12,400.00 and the associated lodging and meal expenses are estimated to be $13,664.00.
Director of Public Works, recommending approval of the low bid from Benntag Mid-South of St. Louis, MO for the purchase of one (1) truck load, approximately twenty (20) tons of monosodium phosphate at the cost of $2,920.00 per ton, for the treatment of drinking water.
Director of Public Works, recommending approval of the low bid from Benntag Mid-South of St. Louis, MO for the purchase of twelve (12) tons of granular sodium fluoride at the cost of $3,425.00 per ton, used for the treatment of drinking water.
Engineering Manager, Public Works, and Central Services Committee recommending approval of the contract proposal from Klingner and Associates of Quincy, IL for an amount not exceeding $112,370.00 for construction inspection and documentation of the South 18th Street road improvement project.
Engineering Manager, Public Works, and Central Services Committee recommending approval of low bid in the amount of $1,111,601.00 from Hood Construction of Rushville, IL, for the Prairie Crossing Pavement & North 36th Street Sidewalk Project which includes PCC patching the City owned streets in the Prairie Crossing Shopping Center and installing sidewalk along the west side of North 36th Street north of Columbus Road.
Purchasing Agent recommending approval of a three-year contract for gasoline and diesel fuel for all City vehicles at $.0950 above Energy Petroleum Company’s delivered cost for fuel delivery at a cost of 0.1250/gallon delivery margin starting on April 1, 2025 and ending March 31, 2028.
Public Works Director, the Purchasing Agent and the Central Services Committee recommending approval of the proposal from 3B Property Maintenance LLC, Quincy, IL, in the amount of $22,120.00, for lawn maintenance services at nineteen (19) locations of City-owned properties and rights-of-way throughout the City of Quincy.
City Of Quincy Council Resolution Authorizing Demolition – Fix Or Flatten Program. (Low bid from H & D Construction, Mendon, IL in the amount of $53,00 for 318 Milliners Alley, 535 N. 8th, and 337-339 S. 7th.)
Resolution to adopt revised Capital Asset Policy.
Adoption of Ordinances entitled:
An Ordinance Amending The 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget. (Water EPA 2019 Project Fund #314).
Ward 4 An Ordinance Vacating Public Alley. (1,240 square feet (62-feet by 20-feet) portion of public alley, contiguous to 2305 Broadway Street, bounded by Broadway Street, North 22nd Street, Spring Street, and North 24th Street.)
Ward 4 An Ordinance Granting A Special Use Permit For A Planned Development. (To allow for the expansion of and improvements/upgrades to the existing manufacturing plant at 415 North 24th Street, 2305 Broadway Street, 2309 Broadway Street, and 2311 Broadway Street.)
Ward 3 An Ordinance Vacating Undeveloped Road. (Approximately 27,500 square feet (550-feet by 50- feet) portion of undeveloped road, bounded by Northbrook Road and Southbrook Road near North 24th Street.)
First presentation of an Ordinance entitled:
An Ordinance Amending Title III (Administration) of Chapter 42 (Administration Provisions Related to The City) Of The Municipal Code Of The City of Quincy of 2015. (REPEALING Section 42.018 EMPLOYMENT OF CITY RESIDENTS. At least 50% of all of a contractor’s employees working on any construction project involving the use of city funds shall be residents of the county, unless this requirement shall be waived by the City Council.)