Stacey Day, Superintendent for the West Central School District | West Central Community Unit School District #235
Stacey Day, Superintendent for the West Central School District | West Central Community Unit School District #235
West Central Community Unit School District 235 Board of Education met March 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Good News Items
● Ms. Lewis, along with her 5th grade helpers, raised over $593.50 during the Send a Sucker to a Friend event, which has been donated to the Angel Tree Organization.
● The Elementary PE Staff coordinated the Kids Heart Challenge and raised $6,226.36 for the American Heart Association.
● Our third grade students participated in ag related activities provided by Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau. We are appreciative of their continued partnership.
● The High School received a donation in Memory of Earl and Grace Seitz. $500 for the music program, $500 for the high school student body, and $1000 to be split between the baseball and softball programs.
● West Central Elementary School was selected as the WRAM/WMOI Spotlight School of the Month! They were highlighted on the radio, on their website and through YouTube for the great things happening at WCES!
● March Rise and Shine
● Our 3rd - 5th Grade students attended a special jazz event at the Capitol Theater in Burlington, which showcased a performance called “Swing Makes You Sign”. We would like to thank Mr. Pappas for extending this invitation to our West Central Students.
5. Approve Agenda Items
6. Comments from the Public
7. Consent Agenda
a. Meeting Minutes
i. Regular Meeting, February 19, 2025 (Enclosure)
ii. Closed Session, February 19, 2025 (Enclosure)
b. Financial Activity
i. Consider Payment of Bills (Enclosure)
ii. Consider Approval of Activity Accounts (Enclosure)
iii. Consider Approval of Treasurer’s Reports
iv. Review of District Financial Report (Enclosure)
c. Other
i. Approval of 2025-2026 School District Calendar (Enclosure)
ii. Approval to Direct the Superintendent to Begin Work on the FY26 District Budget
iii. Approval of IHSA Continued Participation (Enclosure)
iv. Approval of IESA Continued Participation
8. Discussion Items
a. FOIA Requests - SmartProcure
b. 2025-2026 Registration Fees (Enclosure)
9. Reports
a. Principal’s Reports (Enclosures)
b. Technology Report (Enclosure)
c. Special Education Report (Enclosure)
d. HS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director’s Report (Enclosure)
10. Action Items
a. Approval of Driver’s Ed Car Lease with Bruce Foote (Enclosure)
b. Approval of HLS Middle School Locker Room Project (Enclosure)
11. Future Agenda Items
12. Closed Session - A Closed Session will be held pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss the following subjects:
a. Personnel - The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
b. Negotiations - Collective negotiating matters between the school board and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.
c. Student Issues - The placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students.
13. Open Session - Possible Action from Closed Session (Enclosures)
A. Personnel Agenda
01. Volunteer - Carley Pringle - WCMS Track Coach
02. Volunteer - Hannah McSparen - WCMS Track Coach
03. Employment - Ryan Muegge - WCHS ACT Prep Class
04. Employment - Micheal Holloran - WCHS ACT Prep Class
05. Paternity Leave - Troy Linden
06. Retirement - Natalie Ensminger - Change of Retirement Date
07. Resignation - Andy Chockley - Volunteer WCMS 6th Grade Basketball Coach
08. Resignation - Matthew Mullen - WCHS English Teacher
09. Resignation- Kristin Mynatt - WCHS Head Volleyball Coach
10. Resignation - Ross Parcel - WCHS Physical Education Teacher
B. National Honor Society Acceptance Appeal
C. Graduation Participation Request
14. Future Meeting Dates
a. Next Regular Board of Education Meeting, Wednesday, April 15, 2025, at 6:00 pm in the West Central Elementary Cafeteria
15. Adjournment