Village of Machesney Park Officials | Facebook
Village of Machesney Park Officials | Facebook
Village of Machesney Park Board of Trustees met Feb. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Johnson.
I. Invocation was given by Pastor Bobby Sheets from Riverside Community Church.
II. Pledge of Allegiance led by Trustee Aaron Wilson.
III. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
Present: Mayor Steve Johnson, Trustees James Kidd, Joe Seipts, Aaron Wilson, Terri Bailey, and Jodi Stromberg
Absent: Trustee Julie Boggie
Also Present: Village Attorney Tom Green
Treasurer Deb Alms
Village Administrator James Richter II
Finance & HR Director Shannon Hansen
Management Analyst/Acting Clerk Kevyn-Ann Sutter
Public Works Director Mitch Hilden
Village Engineer Chris Dopkins
Community Development and Building Coordinator Izzy Mandujano Deputy Chief Josh Gesner
IV. The Journal of Proceedings for the Regular Board Meeting from January 21, 2025, was approved per typewritten copies submitted by the Clerk’s Office on a motion by Trustee Stromberg and seconded by Trustee Seipts. Motion approved by voice vote.
V. Treasurer Deb Alms presented the Treasurer’s Report as of January 27, 2025, which reflected the total of all funds to be $45,355,190.88. A motion was made by Trustee Wilson to accept the Treasurer’s Report and seconded by Trustee Stromberg. Motion approved. On roll call: 6 ayes, (Trustees Seipts, Kidd, Stromberg, Wilson, Bailey, and Mayor Johnson); 1 absent (Trustee Boggie).
VI. Communications: none
VII. Warrant: Trustee Wilson presented the warrant in the amount of $146,775.11 and moved for its passage; seconded by Trustee Seipts. Motion approved. On roll call: 6 ayes, (Trustees Seipts, Kidd, Stromberg, Wilson, Bailey, and Mayor Johnson); 1 absent (Trustee Boggie).
VIII. Administrative Reports
1. Mayor Johnson reported the following:
• Mayor Johnson is excited to share how busy the Village has been with ribbon-cutting events (Rockford Community Bank, Rustic Reflections Salon) for new local businesses and open-houses (HCC Building on Roosevelt Road) in the past week,
• He advised that he is honored to participate in World Read Aloud Day with Olson Park Elementary School on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, with Mrs. Rush’s first-grade class,
• And he reminded everyone how important it is to shop locally.
2. Attorney Green had no report.
3. Village Administrator James Richter II had no report.
4. Finance and Human Resources Director Shannon Hansen had no report.
5. Community Development and Building Coordinator Izzy Mandujano had no report.
6. Public Works Director Mitch Hilden had no report.
7. Village Engineer Chris Dopkins had no report.
8. Public Safety Deputy Chief Josh Gesner reported that Deputy of the Year for Deputy Joel Carlson will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at the VFW.
IX. Committee and Trustee Reports
1. District #1 – Planning & Economic Development Chair Joe Seipts reported that the Planning & Economic Development Committee met this evening and there are two ordinances and one resolution going to the February 18, 2025, Board meeting with a positive recommendation. Trustee Seipts also thanked Deputy Carlson for his dedication to our citizens.
2. District #2 – Planning & Economic Development Vice-Chair Jodi Stromberg had no report.
3. District #3 – Public Improvement & Safety Vice-Chair James Kidd had no report
4. District #4 – Administration & Finance Aaron Wilson reported that the Administration & Finance Committee met this evening and there is one resolution, 06-R-25, going to the Board tonight with a positive recommendation. One ordinance and two resolutions will go to the Board on February 18, 2025, with a positive recommendation.
5. District #5 – Administration & Finance Vice-Chair Terri Bailey had no report.
6. District #6 –Public Improvement & Safety Chair Julie Boggie had no report (absent).
X. Mayor Johnson noted that the next item is the Consent Agenda. Village Administrator James Richter II presented the consent agenda as follows:
1. Resolution 04-R-25, Revisions to Standard Operating Procedure: Mobile Device Policy
Resolution 06-R-25, Authorizing a Reduction to the Letter of Credit for Wyndridge, Plat 10
Mayor Johnson called for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Motion was made by Trustee Bailey and seconded by Trustee Wilson. On roll call: 6 ayes, (Trustees Seipts, Kidd, Stromberg, Wilson, Bailey, and Mayor Johnson); 1 absent (Trustee Boggie).
XI. Old Business: none
XII. New Business: none
XIII. Public Comment: none.
XIV. Closed Session: none.
XV. Mayor Johnson called for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Seipts and seconded by Trustee Stromberg. Motion approved by voice vote. Meeting adjourned 6:10 p.m.