2018 Inductees - Liberty Hall of Fame: Row 1 (left to right): Nancy Waters, Brandy Obert Hocking, and Carla O'Neil Row 2 (left to right): Eric Obert, Nolan Cramsey, Brian Schullian, Dr. Tim Smith, Bob Funk, and Darren Sims | Liberty CUSD #2
2018 Inductees - Liberty Hall of Fame: Row 1 (left to right): Nancy Waters, Brandy Obert Hocking, and Carla O'Neil Row 2 (left to right): Eric Obert, Nolan Cramsey, Brian Schullian, Dr. Tim Smith, Bob Funk, and Darren Sims | Liberty CUSD #2
Liberty Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met Jan. 22.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Regular meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. Members present: Baucom, Cecil, Derhake, Mixer, Mowen, Obert and Sims. Absent: None. 7 present 0 absent. Also present: Kelle Bunch, Jody Obert, Kimberly Harrison, Tennille Gimm, Melissa Straley, Chris Taylor, Alisia Pittman, Faith Klauser, McKenna Davis, Olivia Barry and
Mariana Roberts.
Joel Mixer left the meeting at 6:51 p.m.
Joel Mixer returned to the meeting at 7:01 p.m.
Tennille Gimm left the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Melissa Straley, Faith Klauser, McKenna Davis, Olivia Barry and Mariana Roberts left the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Motion by Obert, seconded by Baucom that the board of education approves the Routine Consent Agenda. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Baucom, Cecil, Derhake, Mixer, Mowen, Obert and Sims 7 ayes 0 nays. M.C.
Johnny Baucom left the meeting at 7:51 p.m.
Johnny Baucom returned to the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Motion by Obert, seconded by Cecil that the board of education approves the Consent Agenda, except line item F. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Baucom, Cecil, Derhake, Mixer, Mowen, Obert and Sims 7 ayes 0 nays. M.C.
No closed session.
Motion by Mowen, seconded by Baucom that the board of education approve the personnel report. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Baucom, Cecil, Derhake, Mixer, Mowen, Obert and Sims. 7 ayes 0 nays. M.C.
Motion by Mowen, seconded by Baucom that the board of education approves the amendment to the snow plowing contract with Robert Anderson to pay an additional $250 for the removal of snow over 8 inches determined by the accumulation report from the Quincy Regional Airport. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Baucom, Cecil, Derhake, Mowen, Obert and Sims. Nay: Mixer. 6 ayes 1 nays. M.C.
Motion by Mowen, seconded by Baucom that the board of education adjourns. Time: 9:00 p.m. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Baucom, Cecil, Derhake, Mixer, Mowen, Obert and Sims. 7 ayes 0 nays. M.C.