City Clerk Laura Oakman | City of Quincy Website
City Clerk Laura Oakman | City of Quincy Website
City of Quincy Plan Commission met Feb. 25.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1) Call the Meeting to Order
2) Approval of the minutes from the previous meeting
3) Declaration of Conflict
4) Public Comment on Issue(s) not listed on the agenda (limited to three minutes)
5) A request from Michael Weisenburger to vacate an undeveloped road approximately 550-feet in length that is bounded by Northbrook Road and Southbrook Road to allow for future residential development.
6) A request from Metherd Properties, LLC to rezone an 18-acre parcel with no street address along Columbus Road, contiguous to 4900 Columbus Road, from rural/agricultural (RU1) & single-family residential (R1A) to multi-family residential (R3) to allow for multi-family residential development.
7) A request from Prairie Farms Dairy for a Special Permit for Planned Development to upgrade and expand its manufacturing facility at 415 North 24th Street, 2311 Broadway Street, 2309 Broadway Street, and 2305 Broadway Street.
8) A request from Prairie Farms Dairy to vacate approximately 1,282 square feet of public alley north of 2305 Broadway Street to allow for the upgrading and expansion of its manufacturing facility at 415 North 24th Street, 2311 Broadway Street, 2309 Broadway Street, and 2305 Broadway Street.
9) New Business
10) Adjournment