Mayor Mike Troup | City of Quincy Website
Mayor Mike Troup | City of Quincy Website
City of Quincy City Council met Feb. 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Andrew Stegeman, Kyle Vandermaiden
Fire Chief Bernie Vahlkamp - 27 Years
By South Side Boat Club requesting permission to conduct a raffle and have the bond requirement waived from February 1, 2025, to January 31, 2026. The City Clerk recommends approval of the permit.
Special Event Application from Scott Moore of the Early Childhood and Family Center, 401 South 8th Street, requesting permission to hold its annual student parade in recognition of the “Week of the Young Child” at 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Monday, April 7, 2025. He requests the closure of 8th Street, Kentucky to State Streets; 9th Street, Kentucky to State Streets; Kentucky Street, 8th to 9th Streets and State Street, 8th to 9th Streets for approximately twenty-five (25) minutes for each parade and the City provide barricades and assist with closing the intersections. The applicant has submitted all required documentation and approval is recommended by the Department of Utilities & Engineering.
Human Resources Director and the Personnel Committee requesting approval of a new Vacation Policy effective January 1, 2025.
Public Works Director and Utilities Committee recommending approval of the bid in the amount of $4,038,430.00 from Wiemelt Plumbing and Excavating, Inc. of Quincy, IL. for the 2025 Lead Service Line Replacement Project replacing up to three-hundred forty (340) lead water service lines between Cherry and Locust Streets, 2nd to 5th Streets.
Illinois Department of Transportation resolution for maintenance of streets and highways by municipality under the Illinois highway code requesting to appropriate $574,050.00 of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) monies to the City for the 2025/2026 Fiscal Year. This funding will be used for the purchase of concrete, asphalt patching, road salt, traffic signal parts, and other items used for the maintenance of roads and flow of traffic throughout the City of Quincy.
Director of Public Works, Engineering Manager, and Central Services Committee recommending approval for the change order requiring $188,896.00 in additional spending for the 2024 Alley and Capital Improvements Project.
Adoption of ordinances entitled:
An Ordinance Implementing A Municipal Grocery Retailers’ Occupation Tax and a Municipal Grocery Service Occupation Tax For The City of Quincy.
Ward 3 An Ordinance Amending The District Map Which Is Made A Part Of Section 162.002 Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Quincy Of 2015. (504 North 54th Street, change the present RU1 (rural/agricultural) to C2 (general commercial).)