Lori Geschwandner, Adams County Circuit Clerk | Adams County
Lori Geschwandner, Adams County Circuit Clerk | Adams County
Adams County Board Public Health & Safety Committee met Jan. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Overseeing; Sheriff, Emergency Management, Ambulance, Coroner, and the Veterans Advisory Commission.
Present were, Mark Sorenson, Steve McQueen, Kieth Calloway, and Brent Ficher. Also attending; John Simon, Tony Grootens, Scott Graham.
Absent was Barb Fletcher, and Paul Havermale from VAC.
The meeting was called to order at 5:38pm
There were no speakers
Bills were reviewed and appeared to be in order.
Department Reports:
• Coroner Graham submitted a written report as well as gave a verbal report as well. Scott mentioned one case specifically were he chose to do an autopsy on an elderly person.
• John Simon gave a verbal report that included information about recent activation of the EOC for weather related information. John also shared info of possible legislative changes that may affect Admin Rules related to EMS. He will keep the comm posted of any potential changes. Lastly, John mentioned a funding request of the Opioid Money the county has been collecting.
• Sheriff Grootens gave a verbal repot of activity in the Sheriff’s Office. Basically, gave some general information related to manpower and staffing with the Sheriff’s Office.
• The committee was made aware of a request from the Village of Plainville on a ARPA funding request. Plainville has already been approved for $90,000 to go towards the new bathroom project. In a recent meeting with the Village, the Village leaders were made aware of an issue with their water tower. This was unexpected but has become a priority over the redoing of bathrooms. It was asked if they could amend the funding to allow the Village to use the $90,000 to go towards fixing the water tower over bathrooms. Steve McQueen made a motion to amend and seconded by Kieth Calloway. All approved and was passed to recommend the request.
New or Old Business: None to report
Adjourned: Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm