
Quincy Reporter

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education Academic Success Committee met Nov. 7

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Sara Olson - Principal, Elm School | Community Consolidated School District 181

Sara Olson - Principal, Elm School | Community Consolidated School District 181

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education Academic Success Committee met Nov. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order

The Academic Success Committee meeting of the Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, was called to order at 12:01 p.m. by Grace Shin, Board Member and Committee Chair, at noon on November 7, 2024.

On roll call, the following members were present: William Cotter and Grace Shin.

Dr. Kathy Robinson, Kristin Reingruber, Erica Ekstrom, Sara Clary, Jake Wertz, Chaidan Leshinski, and Recording Secretary Jean Duggan were also present.

Guests: Brandon Todd, Barbara Shanahan, Cory Burke, Sara Olson, Effey Nassis, Kristin Cummings, Levi Brown, Erin Eder, and Eric Chisausky.

Pledge of Allegiance

Grace Shin led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

Grace Shin made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 10, 2024, Academic Success Committee meeting. Bill Cotter seconded the motion. All in favor, the motion carried.

Public Comment

No public comment.

Discussion Topics

Fall MAP 2024

Ms. Kristin Reingruber, Director of Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation, presented the Fall MAP data. She said the grade-appropriate MAP assessment was administered to grades 1-8 students between August 26 and September 6, 2024 (the second week of instruction according to 2020 NWEA norms). She noted that the fall administration provides the District with a data point for where to begin instruction, provide support, and enrich the curriculum for students. The eighth grade MAP data is also sent to District 86 as one piece of student academic data to assist in course placement for freshman year. Building goals for School

Improvement Plans reflect students’ present performance levels on MAP and are linked to end-of-year goals for student achievement and growth.

Ms. Reingruber shared the results for all grade levels for reading and math. She also included a district decile view of achievement for both reading and math. Lastly, she included achievement by grade and school. The MAP presentation concludes with fall-to-fall growth for each grade in both reading and math. Summary:

● High levels of achievement continue to be observed across the district

● A consistent level of achievement and growth is observed between D181 schools

● Bright spots - what can we learn from specific grades, teams, and subjects to benefit all?

● Literacy is a priority - targeted learning, reflection, and refinement opportunities.

● Focus on increased achievement through growth.

● The District will continue to evaluate student achievement and growth trends related to NWEA assessment updates by comparing 23-24 to 24-25 data.

Fall School Improvement Plans

Each building principal presented celebrations, opportunities, and strategies related to their academic and social-emotional school improvement goals.

Elm School

Sara Olson shared the Elm School SIP information:

Building Proficiency Goal:

● 80% of students will meet/exceed the 69th percentile in the Spring 2025 administration of MAP in both reading and math.

● Rdg: F 70.0%;

● Math: F 74.1%;

Academic Celebrations

● 49% above the 90th percentile in Mathematics

● 4th and 5th-grade cohorts stayed at their Spring ELA percentiles (no summer slide)

● 85% on-level in ELA on the Benchmark Assessment System

● 69% of students met growth in ELA last year, 75% of students met growth in Math last year

Academic Strategies

● Strengths-Based Feedback: Provide student feedback that focuses on positive attributes and successes to help students grow in their confidence and competency.

● Differentiated Learning: Teachers will utilize small groups to reinforce, re-teach or extend specific skills and concepts.

● Modeling: Teachers will intentionally model how to do something after communicating a clear student goal. Through observation and engagement, students can eventually take over the instructional task's responsibility.

SELAS Celebrations

● “We are Family” SELAS Theme

● Unity Day, Kindness Club, Zone of Regulation training, Grade Level Buddies

● Strengths as identified on the Fall Satchel Pulse Screening include Social Awareness and Responsible decision-making, including respect for others, appreciating diversity, empathy, and ethical responsibility as components within these domains

SELAS Strategies:

Elm School staff will focus on embedding SELAS practices across the school culture, including curriculum time, frequent teacher training, consistent positive reinforcement, and building a supportive environment where students can develop self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and responsible decision making abilities.

Madison School

Principal Barb Shanahan shared the Madison School SIP information:

Building Proficiency Goal

● 80% of students will meet/exceed the 69th percentile on the Spring 2025 administration of MAP in both reading and math.

● Rdg: F (70.8%);

● Math: F (73.1%)

Academic Celebrations

● 68% above the 90th percentile in Mathematics

● 82% of students met or exceeded on IAR math

● In fourth-grade reading and third and fourth-grade math, more than 80% of students are at or above the 69th percentile.

Academic Strategies

● Vocabulary Instruction - instructional teams will implement research-based vocabulary instruction strategies during content instruction

● Targeted Small Group Instruction - teams will analyze and use formative assessment results to identify student skill levels and create targeted groups to reteach standards

● Self-reflection and Goal Setting - teachers will provide specific, meaningful feedback to students with a focus on student self-reflection and goal-setting

SELAS Celebrations:

● Panther Families: All first through fifth graders belong to a Panther Family. Panther Families meet monthly to discuss SEL themes

● Panther Pride: Encourage positive behavior throughout the building with Panther Pride tickets and weekly incentives

SELAS Strategies:

● Zones of Regulation

● Morning Meetings

● District SEL Lessons

Monroe School

Principal Erin Eder provided the Monroe School update.

Building Proficiency Goal

● 80% of students will meet/exceed the 69th percentile in the Spring 2025 administration of MAP in both reading and math.

● Rdg: F (71.3%);

● Math: F (75.8%);

Academic Celebrations

● Exemplary Designation on IL Report Card

○ IAR Math Growth

● Fall 2024 MAP

○ 56.8% of students above the 90th percentile in Math

○ 74% of 4th grade students above the 90th percentile in Math

○ 80% of 3rd grade students above the 69th percentile in Reading

Academic Strategies

● Continuing to strengthen collaborative work in teams (clear objectives for student learning, refine formative assessments)

● Focus on small group instruction

● Goal Setting focusing on Effort

SELAS Celebrations

● ‘We Fit Together’ SELAS theme

● Strength in ‘Respect for Others’ and ‘Social Awareness’

● Student Leadership Opportunities (Peer Mediation, 5th Grade Helpers, Student Council, Tech Ambassadors, Morning Announcements)

SELAS Strategies

● Activities, Books, and Lessons around monthly themes

● Feelings Check-In, School-Wide Expectations Assembly

● Presence of Adults during Transitions for Modeling, WOW Slips

Oak School

Principal Effey Nassis provided the Oak School update.

Building Proficiency Goal

● 80% of students will meet/exceed the 69th percentile on the Spring 2025 administration of MAP in both reading and math.

● Reading (72.0%);

● Math (77.5%);

Academic Celebrations

● IAR data

○ highest in both reading and math and tied and/or beat our own highest historical performance overall at every grade level in both reading and math

● Spring 2024 MAP data

○ Increase in reading & math achievement both at +69th & =90th; beat our growth targets in both reading and math from the previous year & 3-year average.

● PWA writing data (65.12%)

Academic Strategies -

● Student engagement through deliberate differentiated instructional practices; Doable Differentiation Work with/ Strategic Accountable Partners

● Collaboration of grade-level PLC teams with a focus on creating/refining common formative assessments & common standards-based grading rubrics in response to student learning

● Professional learning on targeted small group reading instruction and best practices

SELAS Celebrations

● Yearly Theme

● Universal Language: Expected vs. Unexpected

○ Classroom & School Wide Behavior Goals

● Executive Functioning: Interactive Agendas, Timers, Materials Organization System

● SELAS Subcommittees become 1 team!

● Other: Hootie Grams, Birthday Celebrations, Assemblies, Swag, Celebrations, PTO

SELAS Strategies

● Universal Language: Conflict/Resolution (starting with classroom instruction)

● Executive Functioning

○ Restoration Spaces & Strategies

Prospect School

Principal Kristin Cummings provided the Prospect School update:

Building Proficiency Goal

● 80% of students will meet/exceed the 69th percentile on the Spring 2025 administration of MAP in both reading and math.

● F (70.9% reading)

● Math (85.2%)

IAR Data

● Students achieving proficiency or higher on the IAR ELA assessment reached a five-year high. MAP Data

● 61.9% of students are above the 90% in math.

● Last year, 60% of students achieved their individual growth targets in ELA, while 70% met theirs in math.

Academic Strategies

● Teachers will utilize research-based vocabulary strategies to help students identify and comprehend Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary words

● Collaborative teams develop success criteria that describe how students will be expected to demonstrate their learning based on the learning target

SELAS Celebrations

● Be Here, Be You, Belong- 24/25 School Theme

● Prospect P.R.I.D.E.

● Celebrating differences in our school community: Unity Day, White Cane Day, Down’s Syndrome Day, Autism Awareness Month, World Kindness Day, etc.

SELAS Strategies

● Continue to focus on improving the Prospect P.R.I.D.E lessons

● Embed executive functioning strategies into daily classroom lessons

The Lane School

Principal Brandon Todd provided The Lane School update:

Building Proficiency Goal

● 80% of students will meet/exceed the 69th percentile on the Spring 2025 administration of MAP in both

● reading (72.1%)

● math (71.4%)

Academic Celebrations

● Had a higher percentage of students meet or exceed their growth targets in both Reading and Math as measured by MAP compared to the previous 3-year average in the Spring

● Third- and fourth-grade cohorts-maintained proficiency in reading over the summer break and started the fall with strong performance.

● 57.7% of students are performing at or above the 90th percentile in math as measured in the fall.

Academic Strategies

● Goal setting and monitoring- students set goals based on their fall scores and are working toward growth in their academic areas through targeted support and monitoring of progress.

● Peer-assisted consolidation of learning- students engage in groups or pairs to support processing, discussing, and practicing new learning.

● Guided initial application with formative feedback- students consolidate new skills and procedural knowledge effectively and accurately with formative teacher support.

SELAS Celebrations

● Utilizing the monthly themes to support monthly celebrations. Unity Week Spirit days in collaboration with the PTO to celebrate differences: Autism Awareness, Down Syndrome Awareness, and Dyslexia Awareness

● All students identified through Satchel Pulse as needing additional support have already been identified and support has begun prior to the screening tool being completed.

SELAS Strategies

● Monthly themes tied into classroom meeting lessons.

● Weekly reminders of the message and ways to be part of a positive community during Mr. Todd’s video announcements.

● SELAS committee provides fun, social activities for staff members to connect with each other.

Walker School

Principal Eric Chisausky provided the Walker School update:

Building Proficiency Goal

● 80% of students will meet/exceed the 69th percentile on the Spring 2025 administration of MAP in both

● reading (60.2%)

● math (67.1%)

Academic Celebrations

● Exemplary Designation on IL Report Card (based on IAR)

○ 80% Academic Progress in both Reading and Math

○ Beat both three and 5-year averages in Reading and Math

○ Walker in the top 3% of schools in IL (My IRC)

● Ranked #15 of Best Public Elem Schools in IL by Niche

● Met or Exceeded Fall-to-Winter and Fall-to-Spring growth for all grades in Reading and Math MAP last year

● 49% above the 90%ile on the Fall 24 Math MAP and 36% above the 90%ile on the Fall 24 Reading MAP

● RISE onboarding with new staff and reshaped vision for teaming and collective work

Academic Strategies

● Team goal-setting to ensure a greater number of students reach standards

● Improved formative assessments to address gaps in learning and focus targeted small group teaching

● Consistent research-based vocabulary practices for close reading

SELAS Celebrations

● Connected school environment for students, families, and teachers

● PTO partnership with Walker Fest fundraiser, assemblies, and enrichments

● Rollout of Teacher “Connections” Mentor program

● Going Green + Eco Club partnership → working toward Green Ribbon application

SELAS Strategies

● Focus on mindfulness activities with Walker Way all school incentives

● Building stamina and frustration management

● Implement SEL lessons in class meetings

Clarendon Hills Middle School

Principal Levi Brown provided the Clarendon Hills Middle School update:

Building Proficiency Goal

● 80% of 6th & 7th-grade students will meet/exceed the 69th percentile on the Spring 2025administration of MAP in both reading and math.

● Reading: (77.3%)

● Math: (84.2%)

Academic Celebrations

● 30.8% at 90th percentile MAP Reading

● 63.7% at 90th percentile MAP Math

● Niche A+ rating

Academic Strategies

● Collaborative Teams (PLC process)

● Small group instruction/interventions based on formative assessments

● MAP goal setting

● MTSS process and benchmarking

● Eagle Hour/10th Period

SELAS Celebrations

● Clubs & Activities

● Unity Day

● Satchel Pulse

SELAS Strategies

● The Big 4

● Kindness Cards

● Advisory Lessons

● Parental Involvement

● Social Work supports

● Grade Level Awards and Recognition

● Pep Rallies

● Eagle Notes

● Best of the Nest!

● Staff Breakfasts & Social Events

Hinsdale Middle School

Principal Cory Burke provided the Hinsdale Middle School update:

Building Proficiency Goal

● 80% of students will meet/exceed the 69th percentile in the Spring of 2025 administration of MAP in both reading and math.

● Reading: (72.4%)

● Math: ( 79.5%)

Academic Celebrations

● Math: 32.4% of students above the 90%ile

● Reading: 60.5% of students above the 90%ile

● Consistently smaller class sizes

● Music sectionals not pulling from Core classes

Academic Strategies

● PLC Deliverables - SMART Goals, Norms, CFAs

● 1st 15 Days - Relationship Skills, Social Awareness

● Using historical Summative and Formative Assessment Data to drive instruction. ● Goal Setting in Reading and Math

● Small Group Instruction across the System

● Focus on Literacy as a district

SELAS Celebrations

● 1st 15 Days

● Unity Month

● Satchel Pulse

SELAS Strategies

● Identifying emotions - Zones of Regulation

● Goal Setting

● Advisory Focus

● Recognition Assemblies

● Spartan Tickets for all grades

Grace Shin asked if the DOL/Principals could share information with families on Executive Functioning. Also, she asked the principals to feel free to invite the Board to their schools.

IAR and ISA Data

2024 Reading, Math, and Science Results

Ms. Reingruber shared that the individual student reports were sent to families earlier in the fall. The public facing school and district data were released on October 20, 2024. She noted that yearly school summative calculations use the IAR achievement and growth and ISA achievement.

ELA Overall Proficiency

2024 v. 3yr Prior Avg

● ES +2.8%

● MS +16.2%

● District +9.6%

IAR ELA School Achievement School

2021 2022 2023 2024

CHMS 62.5 63.8 76.9 87.1

HMS 68.2 66.9 73.5 82.4

Elm 73.8 81.7 83.8 86.6

Madison 75.0 74.3 80.0 75.6

Monroe 76.8 74.4 78.1 82.3

Oak 83.3 87.9 83.0 88.6 Prospect 72.2 75.0 78.3 81.1 The Lane 79.9 79.5 87.0 78.1 Walker 79.6 80.5 74.8 79.9

Math Overall Proficiency

● 2024 v. 3yr Prior Avg

● ES +3.1%

● MS +8.0%

● District +5.3%

Ms. Reingrruber shared that Illinois uses student growth percentiles to calculate growth. Proficiency shows whether or not students have mastered a common, high standard, whereas growth recognizes progress toward and beyond the standard, no matter where each student started.

She explained that a school’s mean SGPs is the average of its individual students’ SGPs, accounting for 50% of the overall summative designation.

School Report Cards

Ms. Reingruber shared that the 2024 Illinois School Report Card overall results were released on October 30, 2024. The federal Every Student Succeeds Act has required states to provide a summative designation to each school with the required indicators since 2018. ISBE includes school designations annually in the Illinois Report Card.

All D181 schools gained points in the chronic absenteeism category worth 20% + of the rating. 00% of points were obtained in all academic proficiency categories, representing 25% + of the rating.

The Student Growth Percentile (SGP) describes how much a student grew compared to their academic peers who started at the same level. An academic peer is a student in the same grade and subject with the same test scores the previous year.

Ms. Reingruber said the D181 2024 Average Growth Index Score for the Summative Rating is as follows:

● ELA: 78.73 (-2.22)

● Math: 71.97 (+7.01)

IAR and ISA results, integrated into the summative designation calculation, demonstrate continued academic achievement and growth across elementary and middle school. Overall performance and three-year averages were presented. D181 schools were summative rated either exemplary (six schools) or commendable (three schools) according to the state's four performance levels. These designations indicate that D181 schools fall in the state's top two tiers of elementary and middle schools. D181 continues to see increased academic proficiency and the district average reflects an increase in growth indicator scores in both ELA and Math.

Math/ELA/ACE Placement Approval

Ms. Reingruber presented the criteria for student placement in third through eighth-grade math and sixth through eighth-grade ELA and social studies courses for the 2025-2026 school year.

The highlights are as follows:

● Updated RIT Scores: The district has updated RIT scores to reflect percentiles for the 2024-2025 MAP weeks of instruction at a 3.5 SEM (D181 average). Qualifying percentiles for advanced and accelerated courses remain unchanged.

● Math Bridge Pre-Assessment: A new Math Bridge Pre-Assessment will be offered to qualifying students. Students who score 85% or higher on the pre-assessment may opt out of the Math Bridge program.

● Integrated Appeals Process: The district implements an integrated appeals process that uses multiple valid and reliable indicators to ensure fair and equitable placement decisions.

● These processes aim to provide students with the most appropriate academic challenges and support.

District-level Committee Updates:

The Department of Learning updated the committee on the District-level Committee meetings.


Grace Shin made a motion to adjourn at 2:10 p.m. William Cotter seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion carried.



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