
Quincy Reporter

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met Oct. 21

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Sara Olson - Principal, Elm School | Community Consolidated School District 181

Sara Olson - Principal, Elm School | Community Consolidated School District 181

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met Oct. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

The Regular Business meeting of the Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, was called to order by Board President William Cotter at 6:00 pm on October 21, 2024, at Hinsdale Middle School, 100 S. Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL.

Roll Call

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call. Board members present were: Asim Aleem, Margaret Cooper, Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, William Cotter, Sinead Duffy, and Michael Martin. Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Pledge of Allegiance

William Cotter led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Executive Session

William Cotter made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session at 6:02 p.m. to discuss personnel and matters related to individual students. Michael Martin seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye”: Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, Asim Aleem, Margaret Cooper, William Cotter, Michael Martin, and Sinead Duffy. ”Nay”: None. The motion carried.

Call to Order

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call at 7:20 p.m. Board members present were William Cotter, Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, Margaret Cooper, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, and Michael Martin. “Nay:” None. Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Board of Education Celebrations

The Board of Education thanked the building administrators for their exceptional leadership and dedication. The Board also recognized that all of the D181 schools received the prestigious A+ rating from Niche, a testament to the District’s commitment to academic excellence. Lastly, the Board celebrated that the Rotary Run Charity Classic was another success, thanks to the participation of D181 families and staff.

Public Comment

Joseph Craig, a Hinsdale resident, addressed the Board regarding E-bike safety.

Lindsey Fimek, a Hinsdale resident, addressed the Board regarding student safety and communications.

Action Items

Selection of Search Firms

Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent of District 181, and Board President Bill Cotter presented an update on the Superintendent Succession Plan and recommended selecting a search firm.

Key Points:

● Dr. Garcia's Retirement: The Board discussed Dr. Hector Garcia's upcoming retirement on June 30, 2026, after eight years as Superintendent of District 181.

● Superintendent Search: The Board discussed the presentations from three search firms and selected one to assist in the superintendent search.

● Board Vision: The Board outlined their goals for the process, including continuing the district's progress, upholding core philosophy, and facilitating a smooth transition. This included partnering with BWP to recruit a qualified candidate.

● Timeline: The Board will finalize the search timeline at their November 18, 2024 meeting. Board members asked that the full Board be included in the decision and process and be as transparent as possible.

William Cotter made a motion to approve the search firm, BWP, and Associates, to assist with the Superintendent Succession Plan and search for the next superintendent. Meg Cooper seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Meg Cooper, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, Bill Cotter, Grace Shin, and Michael Martin. “Nay:” None. “Abstain:” Margaret Kleber. The motion carried.

School Maintenance Grant

Director of Facilities, Mike Duggan, presented the School Maintenance Grant for approval. He recommended that the Board of Education execute the application for the grant and explained that the grant is a state-matching grant program that offers up to $50,000 for building maintenance. The District must provide an equal match.

Mr. Duggan said that the funds will be used to remodel the Media Resource Center (MRC) at Walker School. The MRC remodel aligns with the District's strategic plan and will provide state-of-the-art technology, new furniture, and increased STEAM curriculum resources. The total project cost is estimated to be $200,000. The grant would contribute $50,000, and the district will fund the balance of the project.

Michael Martin made a motion to approve the School Maintenance Grant as presented. Margaret Kleber seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy, Margaret Kleber, and Meg Cooper. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

District Office Building Bid Approval and Award

Mrs. Mindy Bradford, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations presented the District Office Building Bid Approval and Award for approval. She outlined the bid opening results and award of the contract for the 133 Ogden Remodeling project.

Ms. Bradford shared that Construction Inc. of Lombard was selected as the successful bidder based on their responsibility criteria. The District Architect also recommended phasing the project to stay on schedule, with site work and elevator modernization to be bid separately.

She explained that four alternate bids were considered, including roof replacement, security glazing, and a rough-in for a future generator. All were deemed unnecessary or too costly.

The base bid for the 133 Ogden remodeling project was within budget.

Margaret Kleber made a motion to approve the District Office Building Bid Approval and Award as presented. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy, Margaret Kleber, and Meg Cooper. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Facilities Master Plan Recommendations

Director of Facilities, Mike Duggan, outlined the proposed capital projects for the summer of 2025. He said that the projects are aligned with the District's Facilities Master Plan. He also emphasized that the aim of the FMP is to maintain quality facilities that support student learning.

Mr. Duggan said that the proposed projects are based on the Facilities Condition Assessment Report, Educational Adequacy Analysis, Health Life Safety Surveys, staff surveys, and feedback from various stakeholders. Some projects will be managed by the District Architect, while others will be completed in-house using cooperative purchasing. He shared the rough cost estimates for the proposed projects and said they are subject to refinement as more information becomes available.

Margaret Kleber made a motion to approve the authorization for the preparation of specifications and bid documents for these projects. Michael Martin seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Sinead Duffy, Grace Shin, Asim Aleem, Michael Martin, William Cotter, Meg Cooper, and Margaret Kleber. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Informational Items

Inclement Weather

Dr. Kathy Robinson, Assistant Superintendent of Learning, and Dr. Jeffrey Alstadt, Director of Communications presented the Inclement Weather Update & Virtual Student Schedules. The update included protocols surrounding the plans and options for Inclement Weather Days. Dr. Robinson shared that while the District hopes that the winter does not bring any severe weather, it is important to be reminded of the decision process and plans if severe weather occurs.

The District considers weather forecasts, road conditions, staffing availability, and school functionality before deciding on remote learning or closure.

Dr. Alstadt said families will be notified via email, phone (for closures only), text (opt-in), website, and social media. Decisions are made by 9:30 pm the night before or by 6:30 am on the closure day.

Dr. Robinson said that detailed virtual learning schedules are available for middle and elementary schools, including synchronous (live) and asynchronous (independent) work components.

Dr. Robison confirmed that the District assists if someone does not have internet access.

Mr. Cotter commented that he was pleased to see the concept of having a snow day if there are three consecutive days of closure.

Preliminary Tax Levy Memo

Ms. Mindy Bradford, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations, updated the Board of Education on the Preliminary Tax Levy numbers. Her presentation provided details on the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL) and the District’s projected tax levy for the upcoming year.

She provided the following highlights:

● The PTELL limits the increase in property tax extensions for non-home rule taxing districts.

● Based on preliminary EAV and new construction estimates, the District’s projected equalized assessed values for the tax year 2024 are estimated to increase by 7.96%.

● The District calculated the projected limiting rate and extension limit based on the adjusted extension base, EAV, new property, and CPI.

Ms. Bradford shared that the levy calendar outlines the key dates for the levy process, including public hearings and adoption. The District will determine the abatement amount in February and file it with the county.

Math/ELA/ACE Placement Criteria

Mrs. Kristin Reingruber, Director of Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation, presented the math/ELA/ACE placement criteria for the 2025-2026 school year.

The highlights of the presentation are as follows:

● Placement Criteria: Qualifying percentiles remain unchanged. RIT scores were updated to reflect the correlation to 2024-2025 MAP administration weeks of instruction.

● Math Bridge Course: The department presented an enhancement to the math placement process to include a new pre-assessment for bridge courses. The optional math bridge pre-assessment will be offered to qualifying students in May 2025. Bridge would be optional for students who score 85% or higher on the pre-assessment.

● Placement Timeline: The department shared a timeline for the 2025-2026 placement process and announced a placement night event for families. A placement night event will be held Tuesday, December 3 in the Hinsdale Middle School Cafetorium from 5:45-6:45 pm for current 2nd-4th grade families and 7:00-8:00 pm for current 5th-7th grade families.

● Appeals Process: An integrated appeals process using multiple valid and reliable indicators, including CogAT and additional spring data, provides students with additional pathways to placement.

Additional Information:

● The presentation outlined the specific criteria for math, A-ELA, and ACE placement, including MAP scores, PWA, and common assessment averages.

● Students must maintain a high level of performance in advanced or accelerated courses to remain in those placements.

● Teachers will collaborate with students and parents if a student's performance falls below expectations.

● The elementary math course names have been updated to reflect the grade-level content covered.

SEL Update

Erica Ekstrom, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, and Kristin Reingruber, Director of Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation provided an update on the K-8 Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) initiatives for the 2024-2025 school year..

Ms. Ekstrom said the District is using the Satchel Pulse screener to assess student social-emotional needs in grades K-8.

The data collected from the screener will inform the development of a district-wide MTSS model aligned with Illinois SEL standards and CASEL. She said teachers will use Satchel Pulse resources to teach SEL skills to their students and support their academic success.

The MTSS committee is reviewing research and programs to select two curricular resources to pilot in the 2025-2026 school year.

They said the Department of Learning will continue to provide updates on the SEL curricular work to the Board of Education throughout the school year.

FOIA Update

Dr. Garcia shared that the District received four requests and completed four since the last FOIA update at the September 16, 2024 Board meeting.

Consent Agenda

Approval of Minutes

The Board was asked to approve the following minutes:

● Regular Business Meeting - September 16, 2024

● Regular Business Meeting - October 7, 2024

Monthly Financial Report

The Board was asked to approve the monthly financial reports from August and September of 2024.

Quarterly Financial Report

The Board was asked to approve the Quarter 1 financial activity reports.

Policy Adoption

The Board was asked to approve the adoption of the following policies:

● Policy 7:20 - Harassment of Students Prohibited

● Policy 2:260 - Uniform Grievance Procedure

● Policy 2:265 - Title IX Grievance Procedure

● Policy 5:100 - Staff Development Program

● Policy 7:185 - Teen Dating Violence Prohibited

Amended 2024-2025 Board of Education Meeting Calendar

The Board was asked to approve the amended 2024-2025 Board of Education meeting calendar. The Board added a meeting on May 5, 2025, to seat the new Board of Education members.

Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Notice of Remedial Warning

The Board was asked to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of a Notice of Remedial Warning.

Committee Reports

Finance / Facilities Committee

● The Finance and Facilities Committee met on October 15, 2024 The topics for discussion were as follows: ○ Quarterly Financial Reports

○ Preliminary Tax Levy Update

○ Facilities Master Plan Recommendation

○ District Office Building Bid Approval & Award

○ Monthly Financials

○ School Maintenance Grant

Academic Success Committee

● The Academic Success Committee met on October 10, 2024. The topics for discussion were as follows:

○ Math/ELA/ACE Initial Placement Criteria

○ PWA Data Review

○ Social Emotional Learning Update

○ Social Studies Pilot Update

○ District-Level Committee Updates

Payment of Bills and Reimbursements

Bills and reimbursements were presented in the amount of $2,640,0861.34.

William Cotter made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Meg Cooper seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” William Cotter, Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, Margaret Cooper, Sinead Duffy, Michael Martin, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.


William Cotter made a motion to adjourn at 8:42 p.m. Michael Martin seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion carried.



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