
Quincy Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met Oct. 16

Webp 14

Bob Rhea, Board Member | John Wood Community College

Bob Rhea, Board Member | John Wood Community College

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met Oct. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary 

The 10.16.24 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order in the Board Room, 1301 S. 48th Street, Quincy, Illinois, 62305 at 6:00 p.m. by Mr. Bob Rhea, chair. Mr. Rhea appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary. Mr. Larry Fischer was appointed acting secretary pro tem due to the absence of Ms. Paula Hawley.

2. Roll Call 

Ms. Benz called roll:






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

Attendees: Dr. Bryan Renfro, Ms. Leah Benz, Mr. James Rapp, Dr. Shelley Barkley, Ms. Rachel Hansen, Mr. Josh Welker, Mr. Josh Brueck, Mr. Jake Courtney Mr. Dan Stupavsky, Mr. Noah Hall, Ms. Vanessa Hall, Ms. Arielle Gordon, Mr. Alex Altmix, Mr. Matt Carey, Mr. Dave Hetzler, Ms. Kelly Larson, Ms. Jessica Farniok, Mr. David Hoage, and Ms. Tracy Orne.

3. Pledge of Allegiance; Mission Statement – Pledge of Allegiance was said. Mr. Kannon Dickerman shared the mission statement of the College.

4. Introductions 

• Alex Altmix – Instructor, Language/Lit/Communications (Dual Credit)

• Jake Courtney – Coordinator, Audio/Visual

• Jessica Farniok – Administrative Assistant, Agricultural Education Center

• Arielle Gordon – Administrative Assistant, Assistant to the Dean of Transfer & Academic Support & Dean Career, Technical & Workforce Education

• Noah Hall – Coordinator, Grants

• Vanessa Hall – Manager, Hospitality and Food Service

4.1 Blazer at Their Best 

Dr. Renfro highlighted one “Blazer’s at Their Best” submission. Acknowledgement was given to an employee who demonstrated caring beyond the scope of their role as a JWCC employee. The acknowledgement was given to Mr. Bill Calkins, a campus police officer.

My daughter and her partner were staying at a remote Airbnb in the northwest mountains of N.C. when Hurricane Helene struck. After that, I had no contact with them, and I could not remember the nearest town or address to report them as missing. I needed to get into the Testing Room Saturday morning to look into my computer history to see if I could find where they were. I called and Officer Bill Calkins told me to come out to JWCC. He let me in, and his concern and compassion were at the highest level from our first contact. He assured me he would help me until I found her. He started searching with me and gave me a lot of information and guidance. By the afternoon we had the address I needed. He then helped me fill out the N.C missing person’s form. 

Bill stayed with me way past his scheduled duty hours Saturday afternoon to help me search and guide me through accessing information until we were assured, we had done all we could do. After a big hug (yes, poo poo on you know, THOSE trainings, in cases like this), we left JWCC with new hope of finding them. He continued to check on me and get updates until I was finally informed with simply, they were located and okay - overwhelming joy and relief! 

Only as a result of being able to fill out the form with an address, eventually a National Guard team hiked into this region that was completely inaccessible by air, road, or ATV, and located them. (I found out later it was a very brief encounter only to mark them as okay and promptly left the area because they had no way to get them out.) Little did I realize that this brief search encounter was the only outside world contact of any kind the girls had in three days, in addition to no cell service, power or water service. Nor was there any information given to them on when or how they could be rescued. The search team eventually sent a message to me simply as found and okay - a monumental relief for me, my family, and friends. Through Facebook we heard there were a few helicopters rescues the next day, but the girls waited. Finally, an ATV picked them up with only what they could pack in a bag. All roads and bridges were completely destroyed, and they rode hours through the mountain and full creeks to get to Burnsville, N.C. when they made their first contact with home. They are on their way home! 

I am so grateful that Bill picked up my call when I called the JWCC Campus Police off hours. I am also forever grateful for his genuine promise he would stay with me through this until they were found! Bill is a Quincy hero to me, helping from afar with an unimaginable disaster in northwest North Carolina. Thank you, Officer Bill Calkins 

5. Special Report – No report

6. Consideration of Items from the Floor - None

7. Public and/or Employee Comment - None

8. President and Committee Reports 

8.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report – Dr. Randy Greenwell, ICCTA representative, Mr. Don Hess. No report.

8.2 Board Executive Committee Report – Mr. Bob Rhea, Mr. Andy Sprague, Ms. Paula Hawley The Executive Committee met on Thursday, October 10, 2024, in room C252 at 1:30 pm. Attendees were Mr. Bob Rhea, and Ms. Paula Hawley, trustees via zoom. Mr. Andy Sprague, trustee, attended in-person, with Dr. Bryan Renfro; president, Ms. Leah Benz; notetaker, Mr. Kannon Dickerman; student trustee, and Mr. Carter Kasparie, a student.

The committee discussed and reviewed October Board agenda items which included: Consent items 

∙ October regular and retreat meeting minutes

∙ Financials, bills for payment, travel expenditures, and investments

Grant items 

∙ None

Business items 

∙ Discussed adoption of a resolution and certificate abating the tax levied to pay debt service on the General Obligation Refunding Bonds,

∙ resolution regarding the intent to levy the equity adjustment for the 2024 tax year,

∙ approval of an increase in insurance premium costs of 8.0%, and

∙ authorization to award a bid for construction project of the classroom for PACT.

Personnel item 

Dr. Renfro shared that Dr. Steven Soebbing is the new Dean of Arts, Sciences, and Academic Support Programs. The vacant WDC director position search is still in progress, and Administration received a request for amicable separation.

Additional items discussed 

October is the month the Board of Trustees notes the destruction of closed session recordings and review of closed session minutes. This will be discussed in closed session.

Mr. Kannon Dickerman, student trustee brought forward a student government request for feedback on a project to enhance safety of students walking on 48th street. Quincy City council has the 48th street roundabout on their next meeting agenda for a vote. Mr. Dickerman, representing the students of JWCC, will address the safety at this city council meeting.

Board Policy/procedure 509.1 – Benefits – was discussed regarding changes proposed in the procedure. The Executive Committee reiterated the Board does not have to approve procedures of Board policies.

8.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report – Dr. Randy Greenwell, Mr. Don Hess. The Curriculum Committee met Thursday, October 10, 2024, in room C252 at 11:00 a.m. Present were Dr. Randy Greenwell; trustee, Mr. Don Hess; trustee, Dr. Bryan Renfro; president, and Dr. Shelley Barkley; vice president of academic & student affairs and Kristina Johnson; note taker.

The committee reviewed new course proposals related to Surgical Technology Program. After this review, the committee recommended further details be brought back on those changes and additions in conjunction with degree changes. These revisions will be brought back to the November Curriculum Committee.

The committee also reviewed proposed changes to the Business Program, specifically to transfer pathways. Further clarification on the pathways for Business Management AA, Marketing AA, and Supply Chain Management programs was requested. Revised pathways from the Business department were also asked to be presented at the November Curriculum Committee meeting.

8.4 Board Finance and Audit Committee Report Mr. Larry Fischer, Ms. Angela Greger - The Finance and Audit Committee met on October 9, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., at John Wood Community College. Present were Dr. Bryan Renfro; president, Josh Welker; dean of business services & institutional effectiveness, Mr. Larry Fischer; trustee, Nora Klingele, director of fiscal services, and Jenny Venvertloh; notetaker. Ms. Angela Greger was absent.

Bills for payment, overnight travel requests, September financials, investments, and board budget, were reviewed.

The committee discussed the Board agenda items which were tax levy, abatement, health insurance premiums, and PACT bid. The PACT lease agreement was pulled from the October meeting and will be presented in November.

8.5 Student Trustee Report – Mr. Kannon Dickerman – SGA held pizza with the Prez on October 1, 2024, with around 20 students in attendance. It is an opportunity for students to talk one-on-one with Dr. Renfro to express positive or negative experiences.

October 8, a music trivia night was held. Other activities held was game night, hotdog eating contest hosted by TRIO, Powder Puff Football (for females) and Peach Fuzz (men’s volleyball) game. Fall Fest is scheduled for October 24 and October 25, with a haunted trail for kids. A bonfire is planned in the courtyard.

November will be homecoming scheduled for the first basketball game. A pep rally and hypnotist and two bonfires and tailgating activities are planned before Saturday’s game.

Mr. Dickerman shared that he addressed Quincy City Council on behalf of the JWCC students regarding safety concerns on 48th street at their regular scheduled meeting. The city council voted to support the 48th street roundabout at this meeting.

The Board acknowledged to Mr. Dickerman his leadership in representing his fellow students on the topic of safety for students on 48th street.

8.6 Administration Report - Dr. Renfro – Dr. Renfro participated in Trio’s hot dog eating contest. Mr. Toby Chambers was the champion and took first place. Mr. Jim Behrens was second, and Dr. Renfro third.

Parent and Child Together (PACT) will be offering daycare services on campus. This is in response to a survey for childcare in the community and at JWCC. It is geared for low-income families with children under 3 years of age. The application process and admission into the center goes through PACT. JWCC is leasing space to PACT to provide this service.

10.16.24 Board of Trustees meeting

Mission: JWCC enriches lives through learning by providing accessible educational opportunities and services at an exceptional value Vision: JWCC will be the community’s partner and leader in education, workforce training and lifelong learning Core Values: Excellence Accountability Integrity Servant Leadership Lifelong Learning JWCC early childhood education program will be able to observe and learn from the daycare service on campus.

Blazer Fuel Station has been renamed from what was food pantry. Campus Care has revamped this service/need for all of our students. The pantry is now more accessible, larger in order to house more items, and houses a freeze. In addition to food items, gift cards, toothbrushes, and other items have been added. It has also been expanded to serve the outlying centers.

Dr Renfro extended appreciation on behalf of the College to both the city of Quincy and county officials for listening to the students in regards to their safety concerns.

9. Consent Agenda 

Consent business 

9.1 Request approval of 09.18.24 Board regular meeting minutes and retreat minutes of 

9.2 Request approval of bills for payment for September Finance and Audit Committee 

9.3 Request approval of monthly financial statement for September Finance and Audit Committee 

9.4 Request approval of trustee and employee travel expenditures for September Finance & Audit Committee 

Motion: Approval of consent agenda items. 

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague







Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley



Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

10. Grant Items – No grants for October were presented.

11. Business 

11.1 MOTION: Request adoption of a resolution and certificate abating the tax levied for the year 2024 to pay debt service on the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2021C 

Moved by: Mr. Sprague

Seconded by: Mr. Hess

Discussion: This resolution and certificate direct the County Clerks to abate the tax levied for the year 2024 to pay debt service on the General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2021C.






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

11.2 MOTION: Request adoption of a resolution regarding the intent to levy the equity adjustment for the 2024 tax year as allowed by Section 3-14.3 of the Illinois Public Community College Act 

Moved by: Mr. Hess

Seconded by: Mr. Fischer

Discussion: Section 3-14.3 of the Illinois Public Community College Act makes provision for districts which are eligible to receive equalization grants, and which have an operating tax rate below the statewide average to levy this amount, subject to public notice of such intention to be published as required by law. Each year the Illinois Community College Board certifies the eligibility of districts to levy this amount; a copy of this ICCB action for the 2024 levy is attached. The amount for which John Wood Community College is eligible equals an equity tax rate of 6.29 cents.






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rheax

Voice Vote

11.3 MOTION: Request approval of an increase in insurance premium costs at 8.0% effective January 1, 2025 

Moved by: Mr. Fischer

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague

Discussion: Office of Human Resources, American Central Insurance Services, Blue Cross Blue Shield representatives and the Benefits Committee reviewed the recommendation of an increase in premium costs to John Wood Community College of approximately 8.0%. This increase is needed to cover the rising costs of services while maintaining the College’s insurance fund balance. This increase will become effective on January 1, 2025.






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

11.4 MOTION: Request authorization to accept the bid and award to John Petty & Sons the PACT construction bid 

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Hess

Discussion: Bids were solicited from qualified vendors for construction of space on the College’s main campus that the Parent and Child Together organization will use to provide childcare services. Six bids were received with John Petty and Sons as the lowest bid.






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

12. Discussion Item 

12.1 Calendar of Events

13. Notices and Communications 

14. Personnel Items 

14.1 MOTION: Authorize to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, terminations, and implement status changes as presented. 

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague







Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

15. Other Items - Dr. Greenwell suggested appointing a replacement for him as the ICCTA representative prior to April as he was leaving the Board of Trustees at that time.

16. Closed Session 

16.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body and to review closed session minutes and authorize destruction of closed recordings per state statue according to the Open Meetings Act by audio recording.

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague







Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

17. Resume Open Session 

Motion: Authorize the release of closed session minutes of January 2024 - June 2024 with noted redactions and the destruction of the audio - recordings of closed sessions as follows: February 21, 2024, March 20, 2024, April 17, 2024, and June 21, 2024, with noted redactions. No closed session for January of 2024 or May of 2024. Closed session recordings were November 2022-March 2023. 

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague







Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

18. Adjournment 

18.1 MOTION: Mr. Rhea, Board chair adjourned the October 16, 2024, Board of Trustees regular meeting. 

Moved by:

Seconded by:

Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

19. Approval: 

Approved the 20th day of November 2024, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 539, meeting at the Student Administrative Center, 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy Illinois 62305 at which ________voting members were present, constituting a quorum by a vote of ___ayes and ________nays.




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