
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Quincy City Council met Sept. 30

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City Clerk Laura Oakman | City of Quincy Website

City Clerk Laura Oakman | City of Quincy Website

City of Quincy City Council met Sept. 30.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Quincy, Illinois, September 30, 2024 The regular meeting of the City Council was held this day at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Michael A. Troup presiding. The following members were physically present: Ald. Fletcher, Entrup, Bergman, Bauer, Hultz, Mays, Farha, Sassen, Rein, Ebbing, Reis, Reed, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 14.

The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held September 23, 2024, were approved on a motion of Ald. Entrup. Motion carried.

Legal Counsel: Corporation Counsel Lonnie Dunn.



Deputy Chief Steve Salrin recognized Assistant Chief Alan Munger for his 25 years of service. Mayor Troup presented him with a gift.



Police Chief Adam Yates and Deputy Chief R. Michael Tyler recognized Sgt. Ryan Witt, Sgt. Nicholas Hiland, and Officer Kristopher Billingsley for their 20 years of service and presented them with plaques. Mayor Troup presented them with a gift.

The City Clerk presented and read the following:


Ernest Hicks stated that 14th & State St. needs a crosswalk and asked why the clothing purchase resolution cost so much.


By AirMedCare Network requesting permission to have the Air Evac helicopter at Upper Moorman Park on October 2nd from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. for the Quincy Park District Fall Festival. The Quincy Fire Department will be handling securing the landing zone during landing and takeoff.

Ald. Mays moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried. Application for Revocable Permit for Encroachment of City Right-of-Way from Ashley Neil, owner of 2535 Elm Street requesting permission to lay a concrete pad and install a small shed on City-owned right-of-way at 2535 Elm Street. The Engineering Manager presents this request subject to five conditions.

Ald. Mays moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried. Requesting permission to hold the annual Veteran’s Day Parade on Saturday, November 9, 2024, starting at 10:00 a.m. at 12th and Maine Street proceeding west on Maine Street to 5th Street. There is a request to close Maine Street, 5th to 24th Streets from 6:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the day of the event and the City provide barricades for the closure of all intersecting streets. “No Parking” signs are also requested to be placed on both sides of Maine Street 5th to 12th Streets by the close of business on Friday, November 8th. Approval is recommended by the Department of Utilities & Engineering. Ald. Uzelac moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried.


Ald. Uzelac moved to receive and file the report. Motion carried.


Recommending APPROVAL of a Non-Conforming Use Permit to allow for the continued use of 700-702 South 17th Street as a two-family residential dwelling (duplex) in an R1C zoning district.

Ald. Reis moved the report be received and concurred in and an ordinance drafted. Motion carried.

Recommending APPROVAL of a Special Permit for Planned Development to allow for the placement of a pole sign at 420 North 34th Street that advertises for a commercial retailer located at 3415 Broadway Street with the condition that the maximum size of the pole sign be 261.5” by 63.5” (approximately 115 square feet) as requested by the petitioner.

Ald. Mays moved the report be received and concurred in and an ordinance drafted. Motion carried. Recommending DENIAL of a Special Permit for Planned Development to allow for the operation of a commercial bar & grill at 906 Lind Street and to obtain a liquor license as a means to operate a commercial bar & grill and to operate video gaming terminals at 906 Lind Street.

Ald. Bauer moved the report be received and concurred in. Motion carried.

Recommending APPROVAL of a subdivision of property (one lot to two lots) located at 501-503 Hampshire Street under the “small tracts” provision of the Subdivision Ordinance.

Ald. Uzelac moved the report be received and concurred in and an ordinance drafted. Motion carried. Recommending DENIAL to rezone property located at 1738 Broadway/305 North 18th Street from C1B (commercial) to C2 (commercial) to allow for the operation of a gaming parlor with video gaming terminals. This request was withdrawn from consideration on 09/26/2024.

Ald. Farha moved to concur with the withdrawal. Motion carried.

Recommending APPROVAL to rezone property located at 1840 North 18th Street from R1C (single-family residential) to C2 (commercial) and to rezone 1900 Seminary Road from M1 (light industrial) to C2 (commercial) to allow for the op eration of a vehicle washing facility.

Ald. Mays moved the report be received and concurred in and an ordinance drafted. Motion carried. Reporting that the request that was TABLED to the September 24, 2024, Plan Commission meeting to rezone property located at 1700 Kochs Lane from R1A to NR1 to allow for the construction of multiple owner-occupied residential dwell ings (condominiums) was then TABLED to the October 22, 2024, Plan Commission meeting at the request of the petitioner. Ald. Fletcher moved the report be received and concurred in. Motion carried.


By Michael A. Troup proclaiming October 2024 as “National Month of Service.”

Ald. Uzelac moved the proclamation be received and filed. Motion carried.



WHEREAS, the City of Quincy has hereinbefore approved and adopted a certain written Investment Policy governing the investment of public funds by the City Treasurer; and,

WHEREAS, Article VI of said Investment Policy specified certain financial institutions in which the City’s funds could be properly deposited; and,

WHEREAS, Section 4.003 of the Municipal Code calls for this Council to, from time to time, identify depositories for City funds; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy is a home rule unit of local government pursuant to the provisions of Section 6, Article VII (Local Government) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy and the State of Illinois have many excellent, solvent depositories of good repute; and,

WHEREAS, the City Treasurer has adopted a comparison method for short term deposits to maximize the interest rev enue while maintaining the safety and security of the principal; and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to such authority and such other authority as may be established by law,


1. That Article VI (Authorized Financial Institutions) of the Investment Policy, be and is hereby amended by deleting said Article in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following:


The investment officer will maintain a list of financial institutions authorized to provide banking and investment ser vices.

They are First Bankers Trust Company, Mercantile Bank (UCB), State Street Bank, Town & Country Bank Midwest, HomeBank, Heartland Bank and Trust, BOS Bank, First-Mid Bank & Trust, Commerce Bank, LPL Financial – First In vestment Services, Raymond James Financial Services, PMA Financial Network (IPRIME), These financial institutions are expected to make reasonable efforts to preclude imprudent transactions involving the City’s funds. This was amended March 8, 1999, to include all banks within corporate limits. It was amended to include county banks

and the surrounding counties on August 26, 2002. This article was amended to include banks currently holding City invest ments on September 10, 2018.

As of August 31, 2024, the City of Quincy holds bank accounts or investments at the following financial institutions: First Bankers Trust Company

Mercantile Bank (United Community Bank)

State Street Bank (Quincy & Payson IL)

Town and Country Bank Midwest


Heartland Bank and Trust

BOS Bank

First Mid Bank & Trust

Commerce Bank

LPL Financial – First Investment Services

Raymond James Financial Services

PMA Financial Network (IPRIME)

The financial institutions performing investment services for the City shall provide their most recent financial state ments or Consolidated Report of Condition (“call report”) for review at least quarterly.

No public deposit shall be made except in qualified public depository as established by state laws.

2. That nothing in this Resolution is intended to limit the discretion granted the Treasurer for choosing from among the approved depositories as set forth in City Code Section 4.003.

3. This resolution shall take effect upon its adoption and approval.

Ald. Rein moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Sassen, and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Human Resources Department is responsible for the negotiation of labor agreements between the City of Quincy and the District 9 Local Lodge 822 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers; and,

WHEREAS, per the labor agreement, the City is required to supply all Local 822 union employees with safety apparel that is appropriate for their specific job duties; and,

WHEREAS, the Department recently requested quotes for the purchase of ANSI rated safety apparel (shirts, hoodies, and winter coats) ranging in sizes from medium to 6X; and,

WHEREAS, Ted’s Shirt Shack of Quincy, Illinois, is the only vendor available to supply ANSI rated safety apparel that meets all the necessary requirements of the City’s order in a timely and satisfactory manner; and,

WHEREAS, the City has received a quote from Ted’s Shirt Shack in the amount of $22,392.40 for the purchase of the safety apparel; and,

WHEREAS, funding for purchase is available in the 2024/2025 Self Insurance Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the Human Resources Director and Finance Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that normal bidding requirements be waived and the quote from Ted’s Shirt Shack of Quincy, Illinois in the amount of $22,392.40 for the purchase of safety apparel be approved.

Kelly Japcon

Director of Human Resources & Risk Management

Ald. Rein moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Sassen, and on the roll call each of the 14 Alder men voted yea. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities requested bids for the Sludge Pump Station Demolition Project which includes demolition of the sludge dome building and other site improvements; and,

WHEREAS, two (2) bids were received:

Waterkotte Construction

Quincy, Illinois $362,228.00

Blick’s Construction

Quincy, Illinois $143,413.00

Engineer’s Estimate $150,000.00

WHEREAS, the bids have been reviewed by the Director of Public Works and found to be acceptable; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this project is available in the 2024/2025 Water Fund fiscal year budget; and, WHEREAS, to allow for the uninterrupted progression of these projects in the event that changes or modifications are

required, an additional 10% over the amount of the bid shall be included in the encumbrance for this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the low bid from Blick’s Construction of Quincy, Illinois, in the amount of $143,413.00 be accepted, and the Mayor be authorized to sign contract documents.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E.

Director of Public Works

Ald. Holtschlag moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Uzelac, and on the roll call the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Sassen, Ebbing, Uzelac, Holtschlag, Entrup, Bauer, Hultz, Mays. 8. Nays: Ald. Farha, Rein, Reis, Reed, Fletcher, Bergman. 6. Motion carried.


Adoption of an Ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Establishing And Designating The 54th Street Business District And Approving The 54th Street Business District Within The City Of Quincy.

Ald. Hultz moved for the adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Ald. Entrup, and on a roll call the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Ebbing, Reis, Reed, Uzelac, Holtschlag, Fletcher, Entrup, Hultz, Farha, Sassen, Rein. 11. Nays: Ald. Bergman, Bauer, Mays. 3.

The Chair, Mayor Michael A. Troup, declared the motion carried and the ordinance adopted.


Adoption of an Ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Ending The Municipal Aggregation Program By Amending Chapter 54 (Electricity) Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Quincy (2015).

Rules Suspended

Ald. Uzelac moved to suspend the rules to discuss the Ordinance, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag. Motion carried. Ald. Uzelac stated that there are two competing ordinances on the agenda. He said that it is only fair for the voters to decide whether they want to continue aggregation or not. He suggests tabling this ordinance until April 7, 2025. Corporation Council Lonnie Dunn stated that the election results would need to be certified.

Ald. Uzelac then suggested the first of May.

Rules Resumed

Ald. Uzelac moved to go back in regular session, seconded by Ald. Reed. Motion carried.

Ald. Fletcher moved to make an amendment to the ordinance to suspend the aggregation program from January 1, 2025, to the certification of the municipal election in May 2025, seconded by Ald. Entrup.

Ald. Fletcher withdrew his motion.

Ald. Uzelac moved to table this ordinance until May 5, 2025, seconded by Ald. Reed, and on a voice vote there were 12 Ayes with Ald. Farha voting Nay and Ald. Sassen abstaining. Motion carried.


Second presentation of an Ordinance entitled: An Ordinance providing for the Submission of a Public Question Regard ing Electric Aggregation of the Voters of the City of Quincy, Adams County, Illinois at the General Election to be Held on April 1, 2025.


Second presentation of an Ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Amending The 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget. (Increase Airport Revenues $20,000 Sale of property, Increase Fleet Expenses $20,000).


First presentation of Ordinances entitled: An Ordinance Establishing Salaries For Certain Elected Officials. (City Clerk and City Treasurer.)


Mike Rein

Jack Holtschlag

Anthony E. Sassen

Eric Entrup

Richie C. Reis

Finance Committee

Ald. Rein, seconded by Ald. Sassen, moved the report be received and vouchers be issued for the various amounts and on the roll call the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Entrup, Bauer, Hultz, Mays, Sassen, Rein, Ebbing, Reis, Reed, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 11. Nays: Ald. Fletcher, Bergman, Farha. 3. Motion carried.


Ald. Fletcher moved to suspend the electric aggregation program from January 1, 2025, until the certification of the municipal election and then a resolution or an ordinance be made, seconded by Ald. Entrup and on a voice vote there were 12 Ayes with Ald. Farha voting Nay and Ald. Sassen abstaining. Motion carried.

Ald. Bergman asked that he receive Q-Wrap program statistics concerning how much funds have been paid out so far. Ald. Mays moved to allow the closure of the east lane starting at 36th and Columbus Road, in front of Columbus Road Baptist Church going north, starting October 5th from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and October 7th from 8:00 a.m. to noon to construct a sidewalk. Motion carried.

Ald. Reed stated that concerning abandoned homes and crime there needs to be discussions concerning the current codes and more funding for code enforcement officers.

Ald. Holtschlag moved to periodically close the sidewalk and two parking places in front of Quincy Appliance at 8th & Maine Street starting October 7th for 2 weeks. Motion carried.

The City Council adjourned at 8:29 p.m. on a motion of Ald. Holtschlag. Motion carried.




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