
Quincy Reporter

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met Sept. 18

Webp 15

Andrew Sprague, Board Member | John Wood Community College

Andrew Sprague, Board Member | John Wood Community College

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met Sept. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary 

The 09.18.24 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order in the Board Room, 1301 S. 48th Street, Quincy, Illinois, 62305 at 6:00 p.m. by Mr. Bob Rhea, chair. Mr. Rhea appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary.

2. Roll Call 

Ms. Benz called roll:






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

Attendees: Dr. Bryan Renfro, Ms. Leah Benz, Mr. James Rapp, Dr. Shelley Barkley, Ms. Rachel Hansen, Ms. Kelly Larson, Mr. Matt Carey, Ms. Rachel Hansen, Dr. Chris Kaelke, Mr. Dave Hetzler, Ms. Alexis Klinner, Mr. David Hoage, and Ms. Amy Hustead.

3. Pledge of Allegiance; Mission Statement – Pledge of Allegiance was said. Mr. Kannon Dickerman shared the mission statement of the College.

4. Introductions 

o Alexis Klinner, Instructor, Biology

4.1 Blazer at Their Best 

Dr. Renfro highlighted three of submissions received in “Blazer’s at Their Best”. Acknowledgement was given to a student, employee, and faculty member who demonstrated caring beyond the scope of their role as an employee and/or student. These acknowledgements are being shared on Blazer vision throughout the college also. The three were:

o Employee, name not known but works in student services

∙ I was having a panic attack because my computer was acting up and I was having a really hard week. She tried to help me fix the computer and looked up some places where I could go to get it fixed. She also sat there with me and did her best to try and encourage me that everything would be ok. 

o Math Faculty, Jimmy Behrens

∙ Professor Behrens is a very patient teacher. He allows us to work through our problems without rushing us to understand. He is so understanding of people and works at his students’ pace. 

o Student, Nate Werries (conducting tours during new student orientation)

∙ He is very easy to talk to and was very welcoming. He engaged us in conversation and made me feel comfortable. 

5. Special Report – No report

6. Consideration of Items from the Floor - None

7. Public and/or Employee Comment - None

8. President and Committee Reports 

8.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report – Dr. Randy Greenwell, ICCTA representative, Mr. Don Hess. No report.

8.2 Board Executive Committee Report – Mr. Bob Rhea, Mr. Andy Sprague, Ms. Paula Hawley The Executive Committee met on Thursday, September 12, 2024, in room C252 at 1:00 pm. Attendees were Mr. Bob Rhea, Mr. Andy Sprague and Ms. Paula Hawley, trustees via Zoom. Dr. Bryan Renfro; president, and Ms. Leah Benz; notetaker, present.

The committee discussed and reviewed September Board agenda items. Those included: Consent items 

July regular meeting minutes – No meeting in August

Financials, bills for payment, travel expenditures, investments

Grant items 

Discussed two grants for submission and two grants for acceptance.

Business items 

Discussed two fund transfers from Operating Funds to O&M Restricted and Auxiliary Fund. Discussed an RFP for the Door Access project. A bid will be presented for acceptance from United Systems, Inc.

Personnel item 

Dr. Renfro shared an update on the dean position search and WDC director position.

Additional items discussed:

PACT contract and timeline – The committee reviewed the PACT contract and proposed timeline of implementation and heard the contract will be presented at the October Board of Trustees meeting.


o October 7 will be the Board Retreat at WDC. Agenda topics are being drafted. o Legislator visit was a success. They toured the main campus and Workforce Development Center.

o Four individuals have expressed interested in the two vacant trustee positions and picked up a packet. Filing is November 12 through November 18.

o A recognition ceremony is being planned for our legal counsel, Mr. Jim Rapp, for 50 years of service to the college on December 5.

o A celebration event is being planned to recognize 30 years of JWCC TDT program on September 25.

o Dr. Renfro was unable to meet and review the Southeast Education Center agreement at this time. This meeting is being rescheduled.

o Dr. Renfro was unable to meet the Deters family due to a conflict, which is also being rescheduled.

o Klingner associates shared a proposal to the JWCC Master Planning Services. This document was shared with the Executive committee.


Dr. Renfro shared data of year-end budget numbers and projections for next year.

8.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report – Dr. Randy Greenwell, Mr. Don Hess. The Curriculum Committee met Thursday, September 12, 2024, in room C252 at 11:00 a.m. Present were Dr. Randy Greenwell; trustee, Mr. Don Hess; trustee, Dr. Bryan Renfro; president, and Dr. Shelley Barkley; vice president of academic & student affairs and Kristina Johnson; note taker.

Administration reviewed curriculum changes for the Agricultural Education Center, following recommendations from the Advisory Council. This included adjusting the course sequence to better align with the learning outcomes of the Agricultural AAS degree. In the Agricultural Business Management program, AGR 200 (Intro to Soil Science) was moved from the first year to the second, while AGR 204 (Principles of Crop Science) was shifted to the first year to better align with the AGRM pathway.

The Advisory Council recommended adding an HVAC course to the Advanced Manufacturing Technician degree for FAME students, replacing CSC 163 Fundamentals of Networking with a refrigeration course. It was also determined that CMN 101 Introduction to Speech would be more beneficial than CMN 104 Interpersonal Communication for FAME students. Additionally, a new Industrial Fabrication degree was approved, offering a pathway for students who complete the Precision Manufacturing and Basic Welding Certificates to earn an AAS degree. Combining both fields of study enhances employability and provides a more clearly defined career pathway.

Mr. Fischer inquired on the FAME initiative. Dr. Renfro shared twelve students (12) are enrolled in the program. Reviewing the process for the next session.

8.4 Board Finance and Audit Committee Report Mr. Larry Fischer, Ms. Angela Greger - The Finance and Audit Committee met on September 11, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., at John Wood Community College. Present were Dr. Bryan Renfro; president, Josh Welker; dean of business services & institutional effectiveness, Mr. Larry Fischer; trustee, Nora Klingele, director of fiscal services, and Jenny Venvertloh; notetaker. Ms. Angela Greger was absent.

Bills for payment, overnight travel requests, board budget, and the July and August financials were reviewed and discussed. FY2024 ended the year with operating revenues exceeding the budget and operating expenses lower than usual. New Certificates of Deposits are being obtained.

Board items were reviewed. Two transfers are being requested at the October meeting. The first transfer is from the Operating Funds to the Auxiliary Fund to raise the self-insurance fund balance and for expenses such as student transportation, student life and athletics. The second transfer is from Operating Funds to Operations and Maintenance Restricted Fund to replenish deferred maintenance and capital projects funds. Another business item discussed was to accept the bid from United Systems Inc. for the Door Access update.

8.5 Student Trustee Report – Mr. Kannon Dickerman – On August 7 all scholarship recipients were on campus for a tour and to interact with each other. SGA held only one orientation day this year which was August 15 for incoming freshman. Lunch was cooked by the Ag students.

Several activities were planned for the start of the school year. SGA leadership has been focusing their advertising/promotions on Instagram, Facebook, and other forms of social media. A slip and kick event were held where 60 participants were in attendance. Events have been scheduled for every Tuesday and Thursday such as volleyball, yard games, and washers. Recently an art class was offered with 30 participants. SGA is working with all clubs to interact with each other.

Mr. Dickerman stated he had the opportunity to meet the legislators and visit with them about SGA while on campus.

Future item planned include:

o September 19 SGA students will be helping with the wine pull.

o Students are volunteering for a community service event monthly. This Friday they are offering dog walking.

o Donuts with the Deans and Pizza with Prez has been scheduled.

o Courtyard Coachella has been scheduled – an alumnus is invited back to sing o SGA/students are working on a food drive

o SGA is working on a solution to resolve the hazard of students walking to the apartments on 48th Maine/State

The Board suggested SGA offer tacos with the trustees.

8.6 Administration Report - Dr. Renfro – Since there was no August meeting Dr. Renfro shared information from the start-up of the fall semester. As of 8/26 enrollment was 1,894 students are enrolled in 19,104 credit hours, an increase of 4.6% from fall 2023. A breakdown of new students, returning students, dual credit students, transferred students, and readmit students was shared.

Last year’s student survey results showed that students are under tremendous stress from food insecurity, housing, and anxiety disorder. They are seeking greater assistance in picking a career and determining the next steps to pursue that career.

Administration has reorganized the onboarding and student service component. New departments have been created to address these survey results. They are:

o Admissions and Advising office merged into the Pathways Office. This office will assist students find their path to a desired career and ensure right classes are being taken. o Career Services office will also assist students in identifying and selecting the right career pathway. This office will also offer an online component in the near future.

o University Transfer Center greater presence established. This allows our students to meet with transfer advisors from private and state universities for more informed decisions without spending time and money-making multiple visits.

o Campus Care office established. This office will identify and provide resources to help students with barriers of food, housing, and anxiety.

o Resource Fair for Student Support. Multiple community organizations will be invited each year to participate in offering services like medical, food, financial planning, advocacy, legal, childcare, and housing to students. Clarity Healthcare will regularly visit JWCC Student Success Center to facilitate student service referrals.

The College has two funding opportunities through grants to “Swipe Out Hunger” and support mental health needs.

A Caring Campus initiative has been launched for all employees funded by a grant. This initiative is to make students feel welcome through campus through behaviors.

Administration started the J-Dub Operations which is a series of informational sessions to provide new employees and faculty an overview of the college’s operations. Each session is led by a leadership department team member. We have 26 new employees in this series.

9. Consent Agenda 

Consent business 

9.1 Request approval of 07.24.24 Board regular meeting minutes

9.2 Request approval of bills for payment for July and August Finance and Audit Committee 

9.3 Request approval of monthly financial statement for July and August Finance and Audit Committee 

9.4 Request approval of trustee and employee travel expenditures for July and August Finance & Audit Committee 

Motion: Approval of consent agenda items. 

Moved by: Ms. Hawley

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague







Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

10. Grant Items - All grants were presented under one motion. 

10.1 Request authorization to submit a grant application to Swipe Out Hunger 2024 for a grant entitled “Blazer Fuel Station Funding Support” Amount Requested: $6,000 

Discussion: JWCC is seeking additional funding to maintain and support the newly renovated Blazer Fuel Station, the on-campus food pantry service, open to those who are facing food insecurity. Swipe Out Hunger’s mission is aligned with JWCC’s recently adopted strategic initiative to address food insecurity, “Swipe Out Hunger powers the movement to end college student hunger”.

10.2 Request authorization to submit a grant application to ICCB for a grant entitled “FY25 Bridge and Transition Grant” Amount Requested: $200,000 - $250,000 

Discussion: Extension and expansion of the FY24 Bella Ease project. The purpose of this grant is to improve student transitions to and through postsecondary education (up to baccalaureate) and into employment. JWCC will utilize transition/wrap - around services which provide students with the information and assistance they need to access and persist along their career pathway. This may include providing wrap-around services for students transitioning from adult education or remedial coursework to credit programs, or from credit programs to the workforce. Services may include academic advising, career pathway navigation, tutoring, supplemental instruction, study skills, coaching, and referrals to individual support services (e.g., basic needs including housing, transportation, and childcare).

10.3 Request authorization to accept grant funds from Illinois Community College Board for Mental Health Action on Campus Act Appropriation – Amount of Acceptance $50,000 

Discussion: Year 3 appropriated funding from ICCB to community colleges to address gaps in mental health services on college campuses through training, peer support, and community-campus partnerships. Areas of focus could include telehealth, campus ratios for service, and technical assistance.

10.4 Request authorization to accept grant funds from IGEN for Learning Center & Activity Center LED Project – Amount Requested: $97,991 

Discussion: JWCC’s goal is to incorporate efficiencies in the design and operation in every building and renovation project to move towards a “greener” campus. The Learning Center will require replacing the lamps within the existing ceiling cove fixtures with direct voltage wired LED lamps (removing the old fluorescent dimming ballasts). The Student Activity Center will require replacing 26 exterior HID fixtures with LED, and the stairs outside the Learning Center will require 7 LED bollards.

Moved by: Mr. Fischer

Seconded by: Mr. Hess






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

11. Business 

11.1 MOTION: Request approval to transfer $672,848.95 from Operating Funds to the Operations and Maintenance Restricted Fund for fiscal year 2024 

Moved by: Mr. Sprague

Seconded by: Ms. Greger

Discussion: The College would like to request to transfer $672,848.95 from the Operating Funds to the Operations and Maintenance Restricted Fund for fiscal year 2024. This transfer will replenish deferred maintenance and capital project funds that were spent in fiscal year 2024, and also help fund maintenance and capital projects planned for fiscal year 2025 and future years.

Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

11.2 MOTION: Request approval to transfer $850,000 from the Operating Funds to the Auxiliary Fund for fiscal year 2024 

Moved by: Ms. Hawley

Seconded by: Ms. Greger

Discussion: The College would like to request to transfer $850,000 from the Operating Funds to the Auxiliary Fund for fiscal year 2024. This transfer will help raise the Self-Insurance Fund balance up to the target level and ensure sufficient funding levels for additional auxiliary funds such as Student Transportation, Student Life, and Athletics for fiscal year 2025.






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

11.3 MOTION: Request authorization to award Untied Systems, Inc. the Door Access proposal in the amount of $139,000 

Moved by: Mr. Sprague

Seconded by: Mr. Hess

Discussion: JWCC solicited request for proposals from qualified vendors to provide a door access system that would lock and unlock daily and have the option to immediately lock all doors with the push of a button and automatically contact the Quincy Police Department. The RFP was advertised in the Quincy-Herald Whig and on the John Wood Community College website. United Systems, Inc. of Quincy, Illinois was the only bid received.






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

12. Discussion Item 

12.1 Calendar of Events

Mr. Fischer requested a 3- 5 project of financial expenses and revenue be placed on the Retreat agenda

13. Notices and Communications 

14. Personnel Items 

14.1 MOTION: Authorize to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, terminations, and implement status changes as presented. 

Moved by: Ms. Greger

Seconded by: Mr. Hess







Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote

15. Other Items Mr. Fisher inquired on “Celebration of Success” at the College. 

16. Closed Session - No Closed session was held.

16.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body.

Moved by:

Seconded by:







Mr. Dickerman

Ms. Greger

Mr. Hess

Mr. Sprague

Ms. Hawley

Dr. Greenwell

Mr. Fischer

Mr. Rhea

Voice Vote

17. Resume Open Session 

Moved by:

Seconded by:







Mr. Dickerman

Ms. Greger

Mr. Hess

Mr. Sprague

Ms. Hawley

Dr. Greenwell

Mr. Fischer

Mr. Rhea

Voice Vote

18. Adjournment 

18.1 MOTION: Mr. Rhea, Board chair adjourned the September 18, 2024, Board of Trustees regular meeting. 

Moved by:

Seconded by:






Mr. Dickerman


Ms. Greger


Mr. Hess


Mr. Sprague


Ms. Hawley


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer


Mr. Rhea


Voice Vote




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