
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Adams County Board met June 11

Webp 5

Bret Austin, Adams County Board Member - District 1 | Adams County

Bret Austin, Adams County Board Member - District 1 | Adams County

Adams County Board met June 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the baord:

The County Board of Adams County, Illinois met at the Courthouse, Quincy, Illinois, on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 7:00 P.M., pursuant to recess.

PRESENT: R. Kent Snider, Chairman

Ryan A. Niekamp, County Clerk

Chairman Snider called the meeting to order.

Mr. Mark Sorensen gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

The County Clerk called the roll and the following members were present: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider.

Total Present: 20 Absent: 1

Absent were: Les Post

Chairman Snider declared a quorum present.

Officeholders, department heads, and/or their representatives also present were: Gary Farha- States Attorney, Georgene Zimmerman- Supervisor of Assessments, Lori Geschwandner-Circuit Clerk, Anthony Foster- Director of Court Services, Scott Graham Adams County Coroner, Bryden Cory- Treasurer, John Simon-EMA & Ambulance Director, Jim Frankenhoff- County Engineer, Jessica Douglas- Director of 911, David Hochgraber- Director if IT and Amy Carothers-County Board Office Director.

At this time, Chairman Snider presented an award to Stephanie Ogle of the Treasurer’s Office as a token of appreciation.

Mr. Duesterhaus moved to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2024 county board meeting as printed and distributed. Mrs. Fletcher seconded the motion. Mrs. Fletcher made a correction to who presented the Public Health and Safety committee as she was absent.

Motion to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2024 meeting with corrections was adopted.

Transportation, Building & Technology

Committee Report (Mr. Bellis)

Bills – The committee met on June 11, 2024 and reviewed the bills for the Highway Department, the Maintenance Department, and the Technology Department. All the bills were in order.


There will be another Solar Farm Hearing at 6:00 on June 25th. Maintenance is working on Courtroom 1B, currently.


a. Resolution 2024-06-501-020 – Resolution granting a Special Use Permit to 789 N. 550th Ave, LLC and its parent company Summit Ridge Energy, LLC for the construction and operation of a 2.125 MWAC Commercial Solar Energy Facility known as the Quincy – McNay Solar Project in Fall Creek Township.

The clerk read the resolution by title only.

Mr. Hinkamper made a motion to approve the resolution. Mr. McCleary seconded the motion.

Discussion: Mr. Bellis explained this was from the hearing they had two weeks ago. Mr. Finlay asked if they met all of the requirements. Mr. Bellis stated they have so far, but there are more permits they have to get.

Resolution 2024-06-501-020 was approved.

New Business

a. Update on Courthouse HVAC Project

i. Discussion and Possible Action on the Selection of Engineering Firm Mr. Bellis stated that they met to talk about the two engineering firms. The two bids were presented. They previously, unanimously voted on one firm, but after more pricing questions, they are questioning the commitment. Mr. Finlay asked if there is a recommendation. Mr. Bellis stated they do not at the moment. Mr. Hinkamper stated that the question was that the numbers in one firm included a design fee and the other one did not. They got clarification on that which has swayed their opinions. He stated there is a local group and one from out of town which weighs on his opinion. Mr. Austin asked if the two firms are proposing the same system. Mr. Hinkamper stated they are, but once they get in the design phase, it could change. Mr. Austin stated that one estimate seemed more like a contingency-type. Mr. Hinkamper stated that it is a “if we encounter” situation. Mr. Austin asked if we tabled this for a month if we could get more comparisons between the two bids. Mr. Hinkamper stated that shouldn’t be a problem as there are probably many board members that have more questions. Mr. Bellis stated that where the cooling tower is, there will have to be more equipment there and that area is rotted. The roof will have to be replaced in that section closest to the new jail. Mr. Austin asked if we can get a column to column comparison and see where we are at. He stated they could add contingency into that.

Mr. Austin made a motion to table this to the July meetings to get more cost comparisons.

Mr. McCleary stated that these are just estimates of what they think it may cost. He stated that they should be looking at what the cost is for each firm and which firm will do the best job. Mr. Austin stated that one bid has an actual budget number that was estimated and one did not.

Mr. Austin made a motion again to table this project to next month to make a budget worksheet.

Mr. McQueen stated that these are very directional quotes and we won’t have a tighter quote until we get somebody in there. He stated that the line by line might allow us to ask a few more questions and tighten a few things up again.

Mr. Callaway asked if they were going to eliminate the chiller system. Mr. McCleary stated they both talked about reusing things.

Mr. McQueen seconded Mr. Austin’s motion.

The motion to table until the July meetings was approved.

They talked about how they would do a side-by-side comparison. Mr. Bellis asked what contingency he would be comfortable with. Mr. Bret stated that 8- 10% contingency is what is on most projects.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Legislative & Judicial

Committee Report (Mr. Reich)

Bills – The committee met on June 11, 2024 and reviewed bills from the Circuit Clerk, Juvenile Detention Center, Probation Department, Public Defender, State’s Attorney, and the Supervisor of Assessments. All the bills were in order.


There was an update to the committee on the Juvenile Detention Center which he says is operating well.


a. 2024-06-001-017 – Resolution to Change Chapter One of the Adams County Code for Appointment Procedures of Joint Review Board

The clerk read the resolution by title only.

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the resolution. Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

Discussion: He stated this was reviewed last month and will establish procedures on the appointee of the Joint Review Board.

Resolution 2024-06-001-017 was approved.

b. 2024-06-001-018 – Resolution to Change Chapter One – Per Diem Allowances of the Adams County Code

The clerk read the resolution by title only.

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the resolution. Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

The resolution was approved.

c. 2024-06-121-019 – Resolution Adopting the Approval of Election Judges for a Two-Year Term

The clerk read the resolution by title only.

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the resolution. Mr. Kerkhoff seconded the motion.

Discussion: Mr. Reich stated this is for the election and has to be done. The resolution was approved.


a. Reappointment of Melvin M. Moellring to the Central Adams Fire Protection District Effective the First Day of May 2024 and to Expire the First Monday of May 2027.

The appointment was read aloud by the clerk.

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the appointment. Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

The appointment was approved.

Event Liquor Licenses

The following four liquor permits were approved together:

a. Special One-Day Liquor Permit for Central Illinois Wrestling Corporation’s “Summer Fest 2024” to be Held at Bailey Park in Camp Point, Illinois on July 13, 2024 from 3:00 pm (CDST) until 11:59pm (CDST)

b. Special Liquor Permit for the Adams County Fair Grounds – County Fair – to be Held on July 24, 2024 through July 30, 2024 Starting at 6:00PM (CDST) through 12:00PM (CDST) on July 30, 2024

c. Special One-Day Liquor Permit for the Adams County Fair Grounds – Tractor Pull – to be Held on June 30, 2024 from 11:00AM (CDST) to 11:00PM (CDST).

d. Special One-Day Liquor Permit for the Golden Fall Festival for September 6th, 7th, and 8th, of the Year 2024 from 4:00PM (CDST) on September 6, 2024 through 6:00PM (CDST) on September 8, 2024

The permits were read aloud.

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the liquor permits. Mr. Kerkhoff seconded the motion.

The liquor permits were approved.

Pyrotechnic Displays

The following five pyrotechnic displays were approved together:

a. Pyrotechnic Display Request for Oak Wood Acres (Andy Frazier) to be Held on July 5, 2024 at 9:30PM (CDST) with No Alternative Date Provided

b. Pyrotechnic Display Request for Rob Ebbing to be Held on July 13th and July 14th, 2024 at 9:30PM (CDST) with No Alternative Date Provided 10

c. Pyrotechnic Display Request for Springlake Association to be Held on July 6, 2024, at 9:30PM (CDST) with No Alternative Date Provided

d. Pyrotechnic Display Request for the Village of Camp Point to be Held on July 4, 2024 at 9:30PM (CDST) with No Alternative Date Provided

e. Pyrotechnic Display Permit for Sheridan Swim Club to be Held on July 4, 2024 at 9:30PM (CDST) with No Alternative Date

The displays were read aloud.

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the pyrotechnic displays. Mr. McCoy seconded the motion.

The pyrotechnic displays were approved.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2024. Public Health & Safety Committee Report (Mrs. Fletcher)

Bills – The committee met on June 11, 2024 and reviewed the bills for the Sheriff’s Office, Coroner’s Office, Emergency Management Agency, Veterans Assistance Commission and Animal Control. All the bills were in order.


Mrs. Fletcher read the following department reports that were given to the committee: From John Simon, Director of Ambulance and EMA: They are in conversation in the city for repairing of the sirens.

From Scott Graham, County Coroner: There were 74 reported deaths. 2 autopsies, 1 abandoned cremation, 34 cremation permits issued and 1 suicide in the month of May. From Sheriff Grootens: There was 1 new hire and average jail population was 120. From Paul Havermale, Director of the Veterans Assistance Commission: There was no report.


There were no resolutions to discuss.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9, 2024 Executive Committee

Committee Report (Mr. Austin)

The committee met on June 3, 2024

Mr. Austin stated they talked about several things that will be gone over in the Finance Committee report.

The committee’s next meeting will be Monday, July 1, 2024


Committee Report (Mr. Austin)

Bills – The committee met on June 10, 2024 and reviewed the bills. All the bills were in order.


There were no special reports.


a. Resolution Number 2024-06-001-020 – Resolution to Establish a Line of Credit with First Bankers Trust Company.

Mr. Austin stated that they are tabling this until next month. He stated it is a clearing account in order to pay vendors electronically. He stated the committee has a few more questions.


a. Additional Fund Appropriation from Anthony Grootens – Sheriff – In the Amount of $19,900 to Expense Account Number 236-231-5713 – SHERIFF – COVID-19 – for a Revised Budget Amount of $19,900.

The clerk read the appropriation.

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the additional fund appropriation. Mr. Poulter seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the additional fund appropriation. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider.

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1.

The additional fund appropriation was approved.

b. Transfer of Fund Appropriation from Georgene Zimmerman – Supervisor of Assessments – in the Amount of $5,000 from Account Number 001-001-5999 – Contingency – for a Revised Budget Amount of $195,000 and $5,000 to Account Number 001-161-5443 – SOA Fee Appraisals – for a Revised Budget Amount of $7,500.

The clerk read the appropriation.

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the transfer of fund appropriation. Mr. Bellis seconded the motion.

Discussion: This will put some money from contingency into the office’s budget to pay for an appraisal.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the transfer of fund appropriation. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider.

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1.

The transfer of fund appropriation was approved.


a. Preparations for FY24-25

Mr. Austin stated that they are uploading a couple years’ worth of budgets in to the new software. They are going to start doing department head meetings to work on entering numbers in to the software. He stated that getting the legacy data has been the toughest part so far.

Mr. Austin stated that they are approaching their aggregate deductible on several cases for insurance. He stated they have some carry-over from last year and should be in good shape.

Discussion and Possible Action

a. American Rescue Plan Act – Review and Discussion

Mr. Austin stated that they talked about the amounts that have been spent. There is interest money that has accrued and they are looking several different projects. There is about $280,000 of unallocated money and there is one project that may not go forward which would be another $200,000. It has to be allocated by the end of this year.

The committee’s next meeting will be Monday, July 8, 2024

Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business to discuss.

New Business

Approval of Board Member Travel Vouchers

There were no travel vouchers to approve.

Monthly Reports

Supervisor of Assessments/Board of Review, Juvenile Detention Center, the County Clerk & Recorder’s office, the Public Defender, the Circuit Clerk, and Probation Department, Monthly check register for May 2024, and Funds Summary report for May 2024, including revenue and expenses.

Mr. Duesterhaus made a motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee.

Mr. Zanger seconded the motion.

Motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee adopted.


There were no resignations.


a. Appointment of Rich Zeidler to a three-year appointment to the 377 Board. Mr. Fischer made a motion to approve. Mrs. Fletcher seconded the motion. The appointment was approved.


There were no additional reports.


There were no announcements.

Discussion and Possible Action

No further discussion or action was taken


a. Correspondence from Amerin Illinois on Upcoming Vegetation Activities

b. Thank You Correspondence from the Poulter Family

Mr. Duesterhaus moved to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee.

Mr. Zanger seconded the motion.

Motion to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee adopted.

The June 11th, 2024 meeting was recessed until Tuesday, July 9, 2024




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