
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Adams County Board HVAC Sub-committee met May 28

Webp 6

Keith Callaway, Adams County Board Member - District 1 | Adams County

Keith Callaway, Adams County Board Member - District 1 | Adams County

Adams County Board HVAC Sub-committee met May 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the subcommittee:

Meeting Convened at 4:00pm by Chairman Dave Bellis

Members Present: Dave Bellis, Steve McQueen, Terry Bower, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave McCleary, Marvin Kerkhoff, Brad Poulter, Les Post, Terry Bower

Members Absent: Joe Zanger

Others Present: Travis Cooley

Mr. Bellis entertained a motion to approve the minutes from May 21, 2024. Motioned by Mr. McQueen, seconded by Mr. McCleary. The minutes were approved unanimously.

There was no public comment.

Mr. Bellis asked for a motion to go into Executive Session for the purposes of: 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c )(1) discussion of the employment of First RFP firm and Second RFP firm during a tour of the courthouse which will be closed to public pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c )(8) Security Procedures; Interview of First RFP Firm; Interview of Second RFP Firm. David McCleary made the motion, seconded by Steve McQueen and the committee voted unanimously to go into executive session. The committee went into executive session at 4:02pm.

The committee came out of executive session at 7:04pm and Mr. Hinkamper left the committee meeting.

The committee discussed the RFP process and the bidders and made the unanimous recommendation to hire RTM as the engineering firm for the Courthouse HVAC system.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm on May 28, 2024.
