
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Adams County Board Finance Committee met May 13

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Ryan A. Niekamp, Adams County Clerk | Adams County

Ryan A. Niekamp, Adams County Clerk | Adams County

Adams County Board Finance Committee met May 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Meeting Convened at 6:00PM on May 13, 2024.

Members Present: Travis Cooley, Tim Finlay, Brad Poulter, Bret Austin, Brent Fischer Members Absent: None

Others in Attendance: Clerk Ryan Niekamp, Chairman R. Kent Snider, State’s Attorney Gary Farha, Georgene Zimmerman. Sheriff Anthony Grootens, Director of Court Services Anthony Foster, Superintendent Paul Havermale, County Board Member Ryan Hinkamper

A motion to approve the minutes as written by Mr. Finlay and seconded by Mr. Poulter. The minutes were approved unanimously as printed.

Mr. Austin stated that the committee will go a little out of order of the agenda to allow some speakers to leave. Mr. Austin asked Mrs. Georgene Zimmerman to come to floor.

Georgene Zimmerman presented information regarding a parcel stating that a complaint was filed in 2021 with URSA Farmers Co-Op. They have an EAV… If the entity had won their complaint, the county would have lost a little over $19,000. Ursa Farmers Co-Op has already filed for 2022 and 2023. Georgene stated that if the Board of Review does not have data to comparable date to compare apples to apples, it makes the decision harder. Multiple entity have came forward to partake in paying for an appraisal so they have the county would be on the hook for around $4,500 plus some fees. Georgene Zimmerman stated that she does not have this money in her budget and if the county does not have the appraisal completed, the county would lose. Georgene Zimmerman stated that the entity built new bins that are state-of-the-art and is very large. If the entity wins their appeal, it would be at least a $19,000 lose just to Adams County going year over year going forward. Mr. Austin stated that it is important that the BOR office has apple to apples comparison. Georgene stated that her budget has about $2,500 in the line item and further provided information on several other large appeals within the county. Mr. Cooley asked if there was a reason why a local vendor was not chosen to do the appraisal. Mrs. Zimmerman stated it’s due to the fact that she needed someone who was well versed in elevators and is willing to testify on how they arrived at their appraisal so that limits the field of potential vendors. Mr. Austin discussed the domino effect within the City of Quincy with the big box stores, but it is well within the right of the entity to file an appeal, and it is also the county’s right to make sure everything is fair and every appeal is heard and with that Mr. Austin endorsed using contingency money to cover the added expenses to the Assessor’s budget. Mr. Cooley stated that he does not believe the county even has a choice – it has to be done. Mr. Finlay stated at the end of the day, the county wants to have a fair value. Mr. Finlay made a motion to approve $5,000 out of contingency to Georgene’s line for appraisal, seconded by Mr. Poulter. The motion was passed unanimously.

Mr. Austin asked Sheriff Grootens to speak about the grievance. Sheriff Grootens stated that the issue is tabled at the moment and at the end the County would provide officers of 16 years and over one additional personnel day per year. Mr. Austin stated that this was supposed to be through a memorandum of understanding and had limit authorization of what needed to be added to the initial contract and the county was trying to be proactive, going forward Bret Austin, Brent Fischer, Tony Grootens and Patrick Frazier will schedule a meeting about the topic.

Additional Fund Appropriation from Paul Havermale – VAC Superintendent – in the Amount of $100 to Expense Account 631-631-5115 – Salary – Office Staff – for a Revised Budget of $100 motion to approve was made by Mr. Finlay and seconded by Mr. Fischer. Mr. Havermale spoke that the allocation was to create an administrative assistant and the goal is to see where the numbers are at the end of the year to decide what staffing changes should be made in next year’s budget. The appropriation was approved unanimously.

Transfer of Funds Appropriation from Paul Havermale – VAC Superintendent – in the Amount of $30,000 From 631-631-5105 – Salary – Assistant Superintendent VAC – for a Revised Budget Amount of $20,000 and $30,000 To 631-631-5115 – Salary – Office Staff – for a Revised Budget Amount of $30,100 moved to approve by Mr. Finlay and seconded by Mr. Poulter. The appropriation was moved unanimously.

Additional Fund Appropriation from Anthony Foster – Director of Court Services – in the Amount of $31,000 To Expense Account 312-311-5860 – Equipment – for a Revised Budget Amount of $31,000 was moved by Mr. Finlay and seconded by Mr. Fischer. Mr. Foster stated that the request is for the ARI Grant for a new vehicle and when the budget was setup many years ago, there was no correlating expense line for the account’s revenue and explained that the ARI grant runs through the State’s fiscal year, and the ARI grant locally is administered on the County’s fiscal year. The appropriation moved unanimously.

Resolution Number 2024-05-205-015 – Resolution Setting the Adams County Coroner’s Salary for the Term Beginning on December 1, 2024. Mr. Austin stated went over the UCCI salary and population position and states that Adams County is within the 78% percentile. Per the study, the coroner salary at the 75th percentile would be around $61,000 and currently it is now $54,000 as a baseline. Mr. Finlay asked when the salary was last adjusted. Mr. Austin stated that it would have been done in May of 2020. Mr. Finlay stated that helped him understand as the proposed is at 13%. Mr. Austin stated that he understands that it sounds like a lot, but when there has not been a raise for four years and then to jump the position to the new baseline then followed by 3% of raise per year. Mr. Finlay stated his recommendation is to follow the UCCI recommendation of bumping it to $61,000 and then followed by three-percent each of the following years of the term. Mr. Poulter stated he felt that was fair. There was follow up discussion regarding where the salary would stand at the end of the term. Mr. Finlay asked how the three-percent raise compared to other employees and Mr. Austin stated it would be one or so present below what other employees have given. Mr. Fischer also stated to think about the comps. Mr. Cooley stated that he feels that the survey has been the county’s metric for the past couple of years so why tread away from that. Mr. Fischer moved to approve to the full board, seconded by Mr. Cooley, the resolution was approved unanimously.

Resolution Number 2024-05-421-016 – Resolution Setting the Adams County Circuit Clerk Salary for the Term Beginning on December 1, 2024. Mr. Austin stated that for this office, the circuit court mandates the salary and the county may put a recommendation of the salary to the state. Mr. Austin stated that UCCI survey has the salary at $84,000 and currently the salary is set at $72,615. Mr. Austin stated that the position has been receiving a yearly pay increase, unlike the Coroner’s salary, of about 2.5% per year and at the beginning of the term, there was a one-time eight-percent increase followed by 2.5% increase. Mr. Austin stated following the UCCI survey amount, the salary is lower; however, there has been the increases and his recommendation of a raise of four-percent followed by three-percent annual increases. Mr. Farha stated the judge’s perspective, the circuit clerk judges will be around $247,000 per year. Me. Fischer clarified that what the Finance Committee was doing is starting negotiations with the Chief Judge. Mr. Austin agreed. Mr. Finlay asked if the county funds 100% of the position, Mr. Austin stated that the county does; however, this department has a very strong revenue string. Mr. Cooley clarified that the UCCI 75th percentile is at $84,000, and the recommendation is not at the 75th percentile. Mr. Austin agreed, however, by the time the term is over it will be very close to that even considering the UCCI salary survey will increase. A motion to make the approval to the circuit clerk system was made by Travis Cooley and seconded by Mr. Fischer. The motion was approved unanimously.

Additional Fund Appropriation from Jerrod Welch - Public Health Director – in the Amount of $25,000 to Expense Account 601-601-5635 – Public Health Expenses – for a Revised Budget amount of $200,000 and $300,000 to Expense Account 601-601-5640 – Nursing Expenses – for a Revised Budget Amount of $650,000 and $300,000 to Revenue Account 601-601-4250 – Revenue – Immunizations – for a Revised

Budget Amount of $654,000 and $98,000 to Revenue Account 601-601-47925 – Grants – Other – for a Revised Budget Amount of $575,000. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Finlay and seconded by Mr. Poulter. Mr. Austin stated that Mr. Welch was awarded some grants and is giving significant raises to nursing staff to provide the staff adequate pay to keep qualified nursing staff and between using some reserves and re-aligning some expense lines, the appropriation will be budget positive and believes the grant will be there for a few years. The appropriation was approved unanimously.

Additional Fund Appropriation from James R. Frankenhoff – County Engineer – in the Amount of $30,000 to Expense Account 505-501-5105 – GIS FUND – Salary – for a Revised Budget Amount of $97,000. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Finlay, seconded by Mr. Fischer. Mr. Austin stated that the department is giving some raises out of the GIS fund itself due to its surplus and the cost of the GIS arial photos has decreased as well allowing to assist this fund expense. Mr. Austin stated that next year, the budget will be re-aligned to properly fit this into the budget. The appropriation approved unanimously.

Additional Fund Appropriation from Anthony Grootens – Sheriff – in the Amount of $10,000 for Revenue Account 001-231-4624 – Reimbursement – FBI Hire Back – for a Revised Budget Amount of $10,000 and $10,000 for Expense Account 001-231-5724 – Hire Back Expense – FBI – for a Revised Budget Amount of $10,000. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Poulter, seconded by Mr. Fischer. Mr. Austin stated that this is a reimbursable account for the Sheriff which is new. The motion was passed unanimously.

Additional Fund Appropriation from Hon. Scott Larson – Judicial – in the Amount of $291,000 to Revenue Account 433-441-4615 – Tech. Mod Grant – in the Amount of $291,000 and $291,000 to Expense Account – 433-411-5713 – Tech Mod. Grant – All Expenses – for a Revised Budget Amount of $291,000. Motion to approve was made by Mr. Cooley and seconded by Mr. Fischer. Appropriation approved unanimously.

Mr. Austin stated that the FY23-23 budget is fully loaded into Clear Gov and the board will be moving forward with Clear Gov going forward.

Mr. Austin provided an update on the ARPA projects and announced that its spreadsheet is now on the County’s webpage, and he is proud of how the county board has used the money with community buy-in and stated that the website will be updated monthly, or when something significant has taken place. Mr. Finlay asked if there could be clarification on the five projects that have a zero percent completion. Mr. Poulter asked when the ARPA money must be spent, Mr. Austin replied by 2025. Mr. Finlay asked about the Ursa Water project and Mr. Austin stated that they have had many issues and are working with the IL EPA on the projects.

Mr. Austin provided an update on the Land Bank properties. The committee meets almost monthly. Currently the committee is talking with Brown County (Mt. Sterling) on coming into the landbank with a goal of being around a 6-7 county Land Bank. The Land Bank also received six properties from the city of Quincy, and working on eight more properties upstream. The Land Bank was able to use its authority to apply for a grant to make the properties a clean title and currently they are in the marking piece of the projects. The Land Bank has been very successful in Jacksonville, Illinois and has created a viable neighborhood within the city limits.

Discussion on the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) South was started by Mr. Austin. Mr. Austin, through the county clerk’s office, sent an e-mail to all board members regarding the TIF and its qualifying study which the area met several different qualifying metrics that are outlined on the study. Mr. Austin stated the district looks gerrymandered, but that is not the case, the district was drawn per taxing codes (commercial, residential, etc) and total the district would have around 120 commercial properties hardly any of the properties having a positive EAV growth. Mr. Austin stated that out of $19.7 million from 1998 to 2023, $6.3 million was spent using TIF which also brought in DCEO and IDOT moneys – both of which require capital match. Mr. Finlay stated a point of information, what the county’s tax revenue base would be in the TIF south to try and understand what the total amount of county dollars would be that freeze. Mr. Austin stated that the county is receiving roughly $38,000 out of the district right now. Mr. Finlay stated that for a three-percent EAV increase, the county would lose around $4,000 per year over year. Mr. Hinkamper stated that it is only if the EAV increases and stated that it might not. Mr. Austin stated that the real numbers, it could be $4,000 at 3% increase compounded over 23 years. Mr. Austin stated that he was glad that the board had a special meeting and he understands the board felt that they were left out of the process stated that he believed it was a compliancy issue. Mr. Finlay stated that he feels that anytime there is a tax dollar issue at hand, it needs to be up to the board, not a committee to make the decision. Mr. Fischer asked if the Joint Review Board meets annually. Mr. Austin stated yes, at a minimum, they must be meet at least once per year. Mr. Austin believes they JRB should meet quarterly as the couple of yearly meetings he has attended, they speak about what they did in the past year, not what they will be doing. No action was taken at this committee meeting. Mr. Austin stated that he will be abstaining from the formal vote as he owns property in the district and has a conflict of interest. Mr. Poulter asked Mr. Austin to be sure to explain the advantages of the TIF to the board.

Discussion on the Quincy Adams Brown Enterprise Zone and Intergovernmental Agreement Addition. Mr. Austin stated that the Enterprise Zone (EZ) is involved between counties and municipalities and the concept of the EZ is a property tax rebate, essentially. Mr. Austin stated that the TIF is a reallocation of tax dollars, and the EZ is a rebated property tax bill. Mr. Hinkamper provided insight into the EZ meeting and stated that United Alloy is asking for an extension as they are expanding their building and hiring 100 employees and no persons spoke against the extension at the meeting and there were very questions that were asked and additionally had no residential complaints. Mr. Hinkamper stated that the expansion is a 10-year abatement, and they are building a $40 million building. Mr. Austin stated that he projects the EAV of the property would be around $20 million, and the land base value is currently in the taxes and that cannot be exempted from the EZ and will remain on the base. Mr. Austin provided details that the abatement will allow for about a $3.5million property tax exemption. Mr. Finlay provided input that the community will be providing $35,000 per job over the period of the EZ addition. Mr. Cooley also stated that once the company starts paying taxes, they are not allowed to protest their EAV of their property.

Mr. Niekamp provided an update Credit Card Requests for New Banking Institution and request list. Motion to approve made by Mr. Fischer and seconded by Mr. Poulter. The motion approved unanimously approved.

Discussion of Child Care Programming and Use of ARPA Money was started by Mr. Austin. Mr. Austin stated that there has been requested recently regarding the need for childcare within our community specifically. Mr. Austin said that from 2018 to 2024 there was a 1/3 decrease locally for childcare providers. The rules and regulations for childcare are great and makes it difficult for new or renewed providers. Mr. Austin stated that the childcare has been difficult to recruit and retain – much like how nursing use to be. Mr. Austin would like to entertain the ideas of matching some monies out of ARPA for requested purposes as they relate to childcare. Mr. Austin provided a couple for ideas on solutions one being a scholarship program to get new providers. Additionally bridging pay deficits is another idea. One last goal would be find ways to increase capacity.

Mr. Finlay asked about the health insurance deficit. Mr. Austin stated the county is meeting the stop-loss deductible. The stop-loss is $80,000.

Motion adjourn was made by Mr. Finlay and seconded by Mr. Cooley - Meeting adjourned at 8:32pm.




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