
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met May 13

Webp 3

Barbara Shanahan - Principal, Madison School | Community Consolidated School District 181

Barbara Shanahan - Principal, Madison School | Community Consolidated School District 181

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met May 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order 

The Regular Business meeting of the Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, was called to order by Board President William Cotter at 6:00 pm on May 13, 2024, at Hinsdale Middle School, 100 S. Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL.

Roll Call 

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call. Board members present were William Cotter, Grace Shin, Asim Aleem, Michael Martin, Sinead Duffy, and Meg Cooper. Absent: Margaret Kleber. Also present: Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Pledge of Allegiance 

William Cotter led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Executive Session 

William Cotter made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session at 6:08 p.m. to discuss personnel and negotiations. Michael Martin seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye”: Grace Shin, Meg Cooper, William Cotter, Bill Cotter, Asim Aleem, and Michael Martin. “Nay:” None. Absent: Margaret Kleber. The motion carried.

Call to Order 

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call at 7:05 p.m. Board members present were: Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Meg Cooper, William Cotter, Asim Aleem, and Sinead Duffy. Absent: Margaret Kleber. Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Board of Education Celebrations 

Dr. Jeffrey Alstadt, Director of Communications, shared that Clarendon Hills Middle School in District 181 was recognized as a 2024 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School for its initiatives in sustainability. The Illinois State Board of Education nominated CHMS, highlighting its efforts to reduce environmental impact, improve health and wellness, and provide effective environmental education.

Principal Dr. Levi Brown, teachers, and Eco Club students attended the board meeting to be recognized for receiving this national award.

Dr. Alstadt also shared that the D181 staff enjoyed a week of surprises which culminated in a celebratory evening to reflect on their dedication and passion for students. The entire D181 community expresses immense gratitude to each staff member for making a difference every day.

The Board highlighted the D181 Celebration Evening held at HMS. Twelve educators were recognized for receiving the prestigious ISBE Those Who Excel Award. D181 retirees were also honored for their lasting impact on the district, and the D181 Foundation recognized their generous donors, kids grants, and teacher grants.

Public Comment

Sonja Gill, Hinsdale resident, and Oak School parent, addressed the Board regarding library books. Mark Montgomery, Hinsdale resident, and Oak School parent, addressed the Board regarding library books.

Action Items

Budget Presentation and Approval of the FY 2025 Tentative Budget for Public Display  Mrs. Mindy Bradford, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations, presented the FY2025 Tentative Budget for Public Display. She noted that the Illinois School Code requires the budget to be displayed for 30 days before adoption.

The budget presentation for all funds includes the Fiscal Year 2024 unaudited forecasted numbers:

Unaudited Forecasted 


Unaudited Forecasted Expenditures



The budget presentation for all funds includes the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget:

Unaudited Est. Fund 

Balance as of 6/30/2024






Unaudited Est. Fund 

Balance as of 6/30/2025







The timeline for the approved budget process is as follows:

● May 13, 2024: The Board approved displaying the tentative budget.

● May 14, 2024: The tentative budget goes on public display.

● June 17, 2024: Public hearing and anticipated board approval of the budget.

● July 17, 2024: Deadline to file the approved budget and post it online for parents/staff/community.

Budget Highlights:

● The District is projecting an operating deficit of approximately $2 million for the 2025 fiscal year. This is driven by $4 million of previously planned one-time capital project investments.

● The proposed budget includes planned transfers from reserve funds to cover the one-time capital spending above.

Board member Cooper thanked Ms. Bradford and the business office for their hard work on the budget.

Mr. Martin asked if Ms. Bradford had any concerns about the increase in the deficits in the operating fund. She indicated that this is due to a one-time capital investment (FDK and DO) and how the district is using the funds.

Ms. Duffy asked Ms. Bradford to share what the District is doing with FDK and the District Office and how the District is utilizing the funds.

William Cotter made a motion to approve the FY 2025 Tentative Budget for Public Display. Meg Cooper seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Sinead Duffy, Grace Shin, Asim Aleem, Michael Martin, William Cotter, and Meg Cooper. Absent: Margaret Kleber. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Approval of the Resolution Approving Treasurer’s Surety Bonds 

Ms. Bradford shared that Pursuant to School Code 105 ILCS 5/8-1, the Board of Education may appoint a non-school board member to serve as School Treasurer. Along with the yearly appointment, as required by the IL school code, Treasurers of School Districts and General Obligation Bonds are to be properly bonded for an amount equal to 10% of the total of all bonds, notes, mortgages, monies, and effects, of which he or she is to have custody.

Administration utilized both the Treasurer Bond Calculation form provided by the DuPage Regional Office of Education and counsel review to first determine the surety bond issue amounts. The administration requested that the Board approve the Resolution Approving School Treasurer’s Bond in the amount of $7,000,000 and the Treasurer’s Bond for General Obligation Bond in the amount of $1,687,500.

Michael Martin made a motion to approve the Resolution Approving the Treasurer’s surety bonds as presented. Sinead Duffy seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Michael Martin, William Cotter, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, Meg Cooper, and Grace Shin. “Nay:” Absent: Margaret Kleber. The motion carried.

Resolution Appointing the School Treasurer and Fixing the Treasurer’s Compensation Ms. Bradford shared that Pursuant to School Code 105 ILCS 5/8-1, the Board of Education may appoint a non-school board member to serve as School Treasurer and to fix the Treasurer’s annual compensation.

She recommended that the Board of Education approve the resolution to appoint Mrs. Mindy Bradford as Treasurer and fix her compensation at $1.00 for the period from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.

Sinead Duffy made a motion to approve the Resolution Appointing the School Treasurer and Fixing the Treasurer’s compensation. Michael Martin seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Michael Martin, William Cotter, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, Meg Cooper, and Grace Shin. “Nay:” Absent: Margaret Kleber. The motion carried.

Resolution authorizing and providing for an Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of  purchasing real or personal property, or both, in and for the School District, and for the issue of not to  exceed $18,000,000 General Obligation Debt Certificates (Limited Tax), Series 2024, of the School  District evidencing the rights to payment under said Agreement, prescribing the details of the Agreement and Certificates, and providing for the security for and means of payment under said Agreement of said Certificates, authorizing the proposed sale of said Certificates to the purchaser  thereof.

Ms. Bradford shared that the District is anticipating the issuance of not to exceed $18,000,000 General Obligation Debt Certificates (Limited Tax), Series 2024, to be used to finance capital improvements in and for the District, including, but not limited to, classroom additions to accommodate full-day kindergarten.

An estimated $26 MM facility investment was originally included in the FY24 budget for the Full-Day Kindergarten project (which included a $2.5 MM annual bond & interest payment). The administration continued to refine those estimates based on updated information from the architect and the bidding process. Based on the construction bids that were Board approved on February 12th and updated architect estimates for other ancillary costs, the final projected cost estimate is $19,175,000.

Ms. Bradford said the administration worked with PMA to analyze three different financing options including 15-year, 12-year, and 10-year scenarios. Each scenario provided the district with different interest rates and different annual bond and interest payments. Based on feedback from the Finance & Facilities committees and from the Board of Education at their respective April meetings, the District plans to use $1.2 MM from the fund balance to fund any contingencies (if required) and to finance the remaining $17,975,000 over a 10- year payback schedule.

Meg Cooper made a motion to approve the resolution authorizing and providing for an Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of purchasing real or personal property, or both, in and for the School District, and for the issue of not to exceed $18,000,000 General Obligation Debt Certificates (Limited Tax), Series 2024, of the School District evidencing the rights to payment under said Agreement, prescribing the details of the Agreement and Certificates, and providing for the security for and means of payment under said Agreement of said Certificates, authorizing the proposed sale of said Certificates to the purchaser thereof as presented. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy, and Meg Cooper. “Nay:” None. Absent: Margaret Kleber. The motion carried.

Informational Items

Full-Day Kindergarten Update

Mike Duggan, Director of Facilities, shared that the first two bi-weekly Owner Contractor Architect meetings were held on Thursday, April 18, 2024, and May 2, 2024. All three contractors, the owner’s representatives, and the architects were in attendance. The following topics were discussed:

● Site plans, logistics, and construction schedules

● Action items

● Requests for information (RFI’s)

● Submittals and selections Potential changes

● Billing

● New business

Mr. Duggan noted that the District is making great progress with resolving all RFI’s, submittals and selections. They continue to review and minimize any change orders. He noted that they have encountered no known impediments or delays.

Mr. Duggan shared that a few of the most concerning issues are:

● Relocation of buried ComEd lines at Monroe and Oak schools.

○ Waiting for ComEd paperwork to get on the construction schedules. The work must be completed as early in the summer as possible.

● Focusing on the completion of Oak and Walker since a portion of both must be completed by August 2024.

● Increased enrollment at Oak School. It is likely that Oak will need to house an additional ½ day of kindergarten this fall at Oak. To do so, this class will be held in a portion of the MRC. The plan is to build a temporary wall separating an adequate classroom space from the balance of the MPR. He said that they requested a price from KR Miller to escalate the construction schedule in order to alleviate this issue and to complete the construction as soon as possible. The goal would be to complete all construction at Oak no later than the beginning of winter break ‘24/’25, allowing the move-in to all added spaces over winter break.

Board members requested that the information be communicated to the local families.

High School Data

Ms. Reingruber shared that District 86 hosted regular Intra-district Curriculum Leader check-in meetings with D181 and other D86 feeder school districts over the past several years. These meetings allowed the feeder districts to receive student outcome information on their student population. Mr. Kurt Vonnahme, D86's Data & Analytics Coordinator, shared the D181 graduate data.

Ms. Reingruber noted the following after reviewing the data from D86:

● D181 students perform as well or better than other HCHS feeder schools.

● In the 9th grade, most d181 students earn grades of A or B in English, math, social studies, science, and world language courses at HCHS.

● D181 students with IEPs are performing as well or better than students from other HCHS feeder students with IEPs, with the majority receiving grades of A or B during the first semester of 2023. 

● D181 9th (PSAT) and 11th (SAT) grade performance in reading and math were equal to or greater than other HCHS feeders.

● 51% of the class of 2023 students from D181 feeder middle schools participated in at least one AP exam, with 30% taking three or more AP exams.

● 83% of D181 graduates currently enrolled at HCHS participate in at least one extracurricular activity, with the top clubs/activities being:

○ Microfinance

○ National Honor Society

○ Business Professionals of America

○ Marching Band

○ Varsity Club

○ Habitat for Humanity

● Since 2017, the top colleges in which D181 students have enrolled are:

○ University of Illinois (Urbana)


○ Indiana University - Bloomington

○ University of Iowa

Ms. Cooper asked to see D181 compared to schools with similar demographics.

Ms. Shin commented that the Department of Learning gathered what information they could from the high school.

Social Studies Pilot Update

Ms. Reingruber shared that the D181 target for a curriculum renewal cycle is five years. The last social studies pilot and purchase was made for the 2018-19 school year. The Social Studies Subject Area Committee researched and planned during the 2023-24 school year for the 2024-25 pilot. The resource considerations are as follows:

● Elementary School

○ High level of student engagement

○ Fully-developed, comprehensive resource

○ Opportunities for hands-on projects

○ Digital Resources

○ Ease of use

○ Alignment to standards

○ Good to fit for our instructional model

○ Integration with ELA standards

○ Inquiry/problem-based activities

○ Readability and access to text

● Middle School

○ Readability and access to text

○ Multiple perspectives integrated into units vs. standalone features

○ Differentiated levels to scaffold and enrich access for students

○ Quality functional digital resources

○ Customer service and PD

○ A blend of accessible print and digital materials

○ Assessments

○ Engaging resources for students

● Criteria for Evaluating Resources

○ Alignment to standards and grade-appropriate elements

○ Consistent, coherent content

○ Instructional supports

○ Supports instruction and learning for all students

○ Assessment

○ Supports progress monitoring and solicits evidence of student learning

○ Indicators of quality

○ Provide teachers and students with the tools they need to meet the expectations of the standards.

○ Digital components

● Resources Considered

○ Cengage National Geographic (MS selected to pilot)

○ Imagine Learning Traverse

○ InquirED Inquiry Journeys (ES selected to pilot)

○ McGraw Hill Impact

○ Nystrom Young Citizens

○ TCI Social Studies Alive (MS and ES selected to pilot)

● Review Process

○ Connection with local school districts, ROE, and State curriculum and standards specialists regarding updated standards and aligned curriculum resources

○ Publishers providing samples of current social studies resources at our request ○ The SAC members will select and review sample resources that meet our criteria ○ Narrowed to those resources for which a representative will be scheduled to present ○ A full day of presentations for both elementary and middle school SAC members ○ Finalize the top two resources for the pilot

● Pilot Process & Procedures:

○ All SAC members and their grade-level team in elementary will pilot

○ All middle school, social studies teachers, will pilot

○ Each teacher will pilot one unit of instruction from each resource

○ Units from the first resource will be selected and paced by the SAC in the early spring of 2024. The unit from the second resource will be selected and paced by the SAC in the spring/summer of 2024.

○ The pilot will begin in September 2024 and end in February 2025.

○ Recommendation information was brought to BOE in March 2025 and action in April 2025. ○ Parents will receive a letter in the fall if their child’s teacher is piloting the social studies resources as well as the specifics of the pilots.

FOIA Update 

The district received three FOIA requests and completed the requests since the last FOIA update on April 15, 2024, at the Board of Education meeting.

Consent Agenda 



Employment-Pending successful completion of onboarding process and background check



Effective Date

Erica Ekstrom

Assistant Superintendent Student Services

July 1, 2024

Certified Licensed Educators 

Employment-Pending successful completion of onboarding process and background check





Effective Date

Lisa Hoppe

Reading Specialist/Resource



2024-25 school year

Erin Collins

Kindergarten Teacher



2024-25 school year

Mary Petschinsky

Kindergarten Teacher



2024-25 school year

Change in FTE






Effective Date

Elana Behar

Kindergarten to 1st Grade

The Lane



August 15, 2024

Madelyn Soldan



.71.0August 15, 2024

Club Stipends





Mary Collins


Cardio Club


Mary Collins


Book Club


Jessica Czerniuk


Cardio Club


Megan Husted


Cardio Club


Jessica Moles


Cardio Club


Linda Kolacki

The Lane

Creative Cafe


Wendy McGreal

The Lane

Creative Cafe


Pamela Sisson

The Lane

Creative Cafe


Nancy Lynch

The Lane

Creative Cafe


Callaghan Thomas

The Lane

Creative Cafe


Mentors Stipends

Mentor Name



Stipend Amount

Jessica Brady




Lindsay Solski


Monroe for Madison


Dana Bednar


Oak ECE Program


Milton Harris




Eric Morong




Christina Alsip




Jessica Salvesen




Shestine Gesbocker




Mentors Stipends

Dia Borden




Kelly Pelak




Nicole Vargas




Jennifer Prochaska


The Lane


Meredith Wodka


Monroe for The Lane


Jennifer Pestka




Julie Hafner




Bridget Cavato


The Lane


Lissa Trice




Summer Programs



Effective Dates

Hourly Rate

Beth Abitz

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Christina Alsip

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Rebecca Brand

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Lauren Catalan

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Mary Collins

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Lindsey Cray

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Jessica Czerniuk

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Tiffany Egan

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Susan Eggers

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Nuhie Faheem

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Jennifer Francis

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Nancy Gadzala

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Grace Hafner

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Summer Programs

Julie Hafner

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Michael Jensen

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Sarah Karrow

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Stephanie Keating

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Linda Kolacki

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Eric Lampe

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Erin Martorano

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Christine McCabe

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Wendy McGreal

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Taylor Moen

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Susan Oliva

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Kari Olson

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Jeremy Pomeroy

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Brenda Sanders

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Jaime Sciaccotta

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Jessica Sheridan

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Meaghan Sheridan

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Suzanne van der Merwe

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Meghan Van Hoegarden

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Rachel Wade

Summer Learning

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Lisa Brough

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Susan Bulicek

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Kristin Cantrell

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Erin Collins

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Stephanie Keating

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Summer Programs

Sara Kelly

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Linda Kolacki

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Christine McCabe

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Wendy McGreal

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Susan Oliva

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Melinda Phelan

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Raleigh Seraponas

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Meaghan Sheridan

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Erin Stuckey

Time To Shine

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Ryan Cantrell

Math Camp

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Heather DeBolt

Math Camp

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


JoAnn Vaisman

Math Camp

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Kelly Proctor

Math Camp

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Christiana Zigras

Math Camp

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Tyara Simpson Morales

Math Camp

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Mary Petschinsky

Math Camp

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Emma Doyle

Math Camp

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Katherine Morris


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Julie Calcagno


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Bethany Martino


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Connie Black


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Meredith Bailey


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Gabrielle Pastiak


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Tracy Vollmers


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Barbara Topol-Matt


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Summer Programs

Sara Nichols


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Megan Husted


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Natalie O’Callaghan


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Alison Durkin


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Sarah Karrow


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Nicole DeLambo


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Matthew Oldenburg


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Erica Kunickas


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Lea Bishop


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Annette Madaj


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Maura Fagan


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Jennifer Cucinella


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Sarah Hamideh


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Rebecca Brand


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Jennifer Cagney


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Michelle Connors


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Brain Clements

ESY-Foundations 1

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Ann Sakalys

ESY-Foundations 2

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Angela Gannon


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Kelly Hayes


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Leah Thulin


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Dana Todd


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Kristi Awtry


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Carolynne Ozanich


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Juliette Nardulli


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Summer Programs

Maureen Windmoeller


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Tammy Petrovich


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Natalie Maynard


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Elyte Santini


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Regina McDougal


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Susan Martin

Nurse-All Programs

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Catherine Siracusa

Nurse-All Programs

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Jamie Guerin

Technology & Digital 

Application Support 

All Programs

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Classified Staff 

Summer Building & Grounds - Pending successful completion 

of onboarding process and background check


Effective Date

Hourly Rate

Noah Block

May 15, 2024


Patrick Graham

May 15, 2024


Max Merlo

May 15, 2024


Gavin Vande Lune

May 15, 2024


Max Williams

May 15, 2024


Kassandra Diaz

June 3, 2024


Ana Sarabia

June 3, 2024


Monica Fernandez



Summer of Learning Instructional

Assistants June 10-28, 2024



Effective Date

Hourly Rate

Hala Alhindi

IA Resource

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Maria Arocha Santiago

IA Resource

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Amber Bedolla

IA Resource

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Merrie Burket

IA Special Program-RISE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Maria Bush

IA Specialized/ECE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Mary Beth Daly

IA-Special Program-Fundations

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Tyler Drozd


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Nadezda Fedoseeva


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Sally Ganzer

IIA Special Program-RISE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Amber Hanke

IA Special Program-RISE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Jill Hosty

IA Resource

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Regina Lee

IA Resource

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Mary Lynch

IA Resource

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Nicole Marsik

IA Specialized/ECE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Gabriella Masood

IA Specialized/ECE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Michelle McGrath

IA Resource

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Laura Monyek


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Sarah O’Brien

IA Specialized/ECE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Lisa Oddo

IA Specialized/ECE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Kimberly Pavich


June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Briana Posada

IA Specialized/ECE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Kristyn Schramm

IA Special Program-RISE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Eileen Skrypek

IA Special Program-RISE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Sydney Wade

IA Special Program-RISE

June 10, 2024-June 28, 2024


Club Stipends-Elementary Schools


Sarah O’Brien





Cardio Club






Effective Date

Robert Olvera

Help Desk Tech

Elm/The Lane

May 3, 2024

Approval of Minutes 

The Board was asked to approve the minutes from the following meeting:

● Regular Business Meeting and Reorganizational Meeting - April 15, 2024

Monthly Financial Report

The monthly Financial Reports for April 2024, were submitted for review and approval.

Policy Review - Approval for Public Display

The Board was asked to approve the following policies for public display:

● Policy 2:40 - Board Member Qualifications 

● Policy 2:50 - Board Member Term of Office 

● Policy 2:60 - Board member Removal from Office 

● Policy 2:140 - Communications to and From the Board 

● Policy 2:260 - Uniform Grievance Procedure 

● Policy 2:265 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure 

● Policy 2:270 - Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited

● Policy 4:20 - Fund Balance 

● Policy 4:110 - Transportation 

● Policy 4:190 - Targeted School Violence Prevention Program 

● Policy 5:10 - Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment 

● Policy 5:20 - Workplace Harassment Prohibited 

● Policy 5:35 - Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act 

● Policy 5:40 - Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease 

● Policy 5:100 - Staff Development Program 

● Policy 5:300 - Schedules and Employment Year 

● Policy 6:40 - Curriculum Development 

● Policy 7:10 - Equal Educational Opportunities 

● Policy 7:180 - Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment 

Approval of the BoE Committee Calendars - 2024-2025

The Board was asked to approve the 2024-25 Finance and Facilities Committee meeting calendar and the 2024-25 Academic Success Committee Calendars.

Committee Reports

Finance and Facilities Committee

The Finance and Facilities Meeting was held on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. The topics for discussion were as follows:

● Cash Flow Outlook

● Monthly Financials

● Full-Day Kindergarten Update

● Budget Presentation

● Approval of the Tentative Budget for Public Display

● Resolution Approving Treasurer's Surety Bonds

● Resolution Appointing the School Treasurer and Fixing the Treasurer's Compensation

Academic Success Committee 

The Academic Success Committee meeting was held on Thursday, May 9, 2024. The topics for discussion were as follows:

● Social Studies Pilot Update

● High School Data

● District-Level Committee Updates

Gifts & Contributions 

The Board was asked to approve the following gift with gratitude:

1. Donor Name: Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Donation: NED Program Enhancement Grant for Pickleball Paddles

Beneficiary: D181 Students

Value: $550.93

Payment of Bills and Reimbursements 

Bills and Reimbursements were presented for approval in the amount of $1,275,504.00.

William Cotter made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Meg Cooper seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Grace Shin, Michael Martin, Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Sinead Duffy, and Margaret Cooper. ”Nay:” None. Absent: Margaret Kleber. The motion carried.


William Cotter made a motion to adjourn at 8:06 p.m. Grace Shin seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion carried.



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