
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Adams County Board Legislative & Judicial Committee met Feb. 13

Webp 3

Gary L. Farha, States Attorney | Adams County

Gary L. Farha, States Attorney | Adams County

Adams County Board Legislative & Judicial Committee met Feb. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Meeting Convened at 5:45PM on February 13, 2024

Members Present: Robert Reich, Theresa Bockhold, Jon McCoy, Marvin Kerkhoff

Members Absent: Todd Duesterhaus

Others in Attendance: Ryan Niekamp, Anthony Foster, Todd Eyler

A motion to approve the minutes from January 9, 2024 as written by Theresa Bockhold and seconded by Jon McCoy. The minutes were approved unanimously as printed.

The committee reviewed the bills and all appeared to be in order.

Mr. Reich entertained Resolution Number 2024-02-001-009. Mr. Reich stated that the resolution was read over by the State’s Attorney’s Office and they were okay with the purposed ordinance. Mr. Reich stated that he had three different calls over the weekend asking questions about it – nothing that was too substantial. Mr. McCoy motion to approve the ordinance, seconded by Mrs. Bockhold. The committee passed the ordinance unanimously.

Mr. Reich presented Ronald Marks as a trustee to the Tri-Township Board. The motion was made by Mrs. Bockhold, seconded by Mr. McCoy, the appointment passed unanimously.

Mr. Reich presented a one-day liquor permit for St. Anthony Church’s picnic. Mrs. Bockhold made a motion to approve, seconded by Mr. Kerkhoff. The committee passed the one-day permit unanimously.

There being no other business, Mrs. Bockhold moved to adjourn at 6:20PM. Seconded by Mr. McCoy. The committee unanimously approved to adjourn.
