
Quincy Reporter

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Village of Payson Village Board met Feb. 13

Webp 1

Main Street, Payson, Illinois | WikipediA

Main Street, Payson, Illinois | WikipediA

Village of Payson Village Board met Feb. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Meeting called to order- Mayor Devers asks for roll call. Those present were Chris Dever, Kristi Shelton, Kyle Beckman, Roger Sunde, Matt Mellon, Rob Stock and Brenda Dietrich.

Secretary's Report:

Roger made a motion to accept the Secretary's report and seconded by Rob, and all approved.


1. General Report: Website going well.

2. Guests that were present: Vaughn Flesner, Bob Mitchell and Donnie Benjamin 

3. Vaughn was there to let the Village know that he is going to put up a building on the property he owns on the corner of West State Street and North Franklin Street. He was attending to discuss the ordinances of commercial property.

4. Bob Mitchell expressed concerns regarding the ordinance updates.

Maintenance Committee:

1. General Report: A bid for purchasing a new maintenance truck from Tom Boland Ford was presented and Rob made a motion to approve the purchase which was seconded by Kyle, and all approved the purchase.

2. Water tower update: The county reimbursement was discussed. Final closing on the church lot was finalized.

3. New cabinet for pump house: Price was given for a new cabinet to replace the existing one that is falling apart. Roger made a motion to accept the bid and Rob seconded the motion. All others approved the purchase.

4. Summer help: Decision was made to place an ad on the website and Facebook to hire summer help and Kyle will be working on getting it completed.

5. Gallagher water leak: Discussion of issuing an abandon nuisance ordinance to get the leak repaired was made and will be continued till next month.

Police Committee:

1 General report: Nothing new to report.

2 New ordinance person: Rocky had decided to no longer work in maintenance but may continue with the ordinance enforcement. This will be revisited next month.

Parks Committee:

1. General Report: Revisited Park improvements.

2. Improvements depending on budget updates: March updates will provide more information on how to proceed.

Financial Committee:

1 General report: Kyle made motion to approve all bills, seconded by Rob. Motion approved.

2 Purchase of church property: Purchase is complete. Construction easement on the lot was agreed that it would remain in same condition as when purchased and will be kept safe during construction event. Roger made a motion to approved, seconded by Kristi and all approved.

New Business:

1 Town cleanup: Revisiting getting bids from different companies versus using dumpsters.

2 Website requirements: Still working on updates. No issues with full-time staff.

3 Liquor license pricing: They will remain the same for now and will revisit next month.

Adjournment: Kristi made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Rob. Meeting adjourned.
