Gary L. Farha, States Attorney | Adams County
Gary L. Farha, States Attorney | Adams County
Adams County Board Finance Committee met Jan. 8.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Meeting Convened at 6:02pm on January 8, 2024.
Members Present: Bret Austin, Travis Cooley, Tim Finlay, Brad Poulter, Brent Fischer Members Absent: None
Others in Attendance: Ryan Niekamp, Anthony Foster, Todd Eyler, Marvin Kerkhoff
Mr. Austin introduced Brent Fischer as the newest Finance Committee member. Mr. Austin stated that Mr. Fischer has a lot of union experience and that he was the Sheriff for 17 years here in Adams County. Mr. Austin stated that he also understand the County Board very well.
A motion to approve the minutes from December 11, 2023 as written by Mr. Poulter and seconded by Finlay. The minutes were approved unanimously as printed.
Mr. Austin presented Resolution Number 2024-01-401-008 – State’s Attorney Appellate Prosecutor resolution. Mr. Finlay motioned to approve the resolution, and Mr. Cooley seconded the resolution. Mr. Austin stated this was an annual resolution for the State’s Attorney’s Office. Mr. Eyler spoke about the resolution and if there is a conflict within the State’s Attorney’s Office – the State’s Appellate Office will handle the case. The resolution was approved unanimously.
Mr. Austin presented a Transfer of Fund Appropriation from Mr. Paul Havermale – Superintendent of the Veterans Assistance Commission of Adams County. Motion by Tim Finlay and Seconded by Brent Fischer. The committee requested, within their motion, that all sub-lines under “Assistance to Veterans” for the balance of $105,000 be consolidated into one expense line called “VAC Programming” with the total of $105,000. The committee also requested that the balance of account line number 631-001-5990 be netted out to zero dollars so the account line may be closed out. The committee approved the transfers with the change unanimously. Mr. Niekamp advised that the VAC of Adams County will be under the County’s accounting and its suggested that the Finance Committee be the ones to review the vouchers. Mr. Finlay asked if the committee had any legal authority to act on the vouchers. Mr. Austin stated no. Mr. Finaly asked what the reason would be then to review the vouchers. Mr. Niekamp stated the committee could at least as questions about spending. Mr. Austin stated that the Public Health and Safety Committee would be best fit to review the monthly vouchers.
Mr. Austin presented as old business the ARPA Project Review. The committee discussed the Restroom projects. Mr. Niekamp stated that he had received three (3) signed intergovernmental agreements over the weekend from Plainville ($90,000), Village of Liberty ($120,000), and Bailey Park ($120,000) in Camp Point. Mr. Niekamp stated that it would be best to have a formal resolution changing resolution number 2022-09-001-050 since a few of the original requestees have dropped their request. The committee agreed. A formal agreement would be prepared and presented to the Board at its February meeting. Mr. Austin stated that there were several other projects that have come in lower than estimated, and the committee will be looking over those.
Mr. Austin provided an update on the Adams County Housing Project.
Mr. Niekamp presented a request for a credit card for Mr. Paul Havermale in the amount of $3,000 on behalf of the Veterans Assistance Commission and recommended approval. Motion to approve the credit card request made by Mr. Finlay, seconded by Mr. Poulter. The credit card application was approved unanimously.
Mr. Austin provided an update on the County Board Office Director. Mr. Austin stated that they are actively working on hiring for this position. The job description was changed and reworked by Mr. Snider, Mr. Austin, and a couple of department heads. Mr. Austin stated that the office will become a human resource center – and will act more as an onboarding agent and exit interview agent. Mr. Austin stated that the office will oversee payroll and benefits along with assisting the board with the budget. Mr. Austin also stated that the department would be a resource to the county and department heads and, hopefully, one day, write grants for the county. Mr. Finlay asked if the new person will keep us out of legal troubles. Mr. Austin stated yes. Mr. Finlay pondered that if one day in the future if we could be a central hub for human resource assistance for other counties to help offset the HR cost.
Meeting adjourned at 7:37PM.