
Quincy Reporter

Monday, March 31, 2025

City of Quincy City Council met Feb. 12

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Mayor Mike Troup | City of Quincy Website

Mayor Mike Troup | City of Quincy Website

City of Quincy City Council met Feb. 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Note: All items presented are subject to final action.


Township Registered Requests to Speak

Report Of The Quincy Township Supervisor

For The Month Of January, 2024

Report Of Town Auditing Committee

For The Month Of February, 2024

Presentation and Discussion of Tentative Budget and

Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 to be placed on file with the Township Clerk 30 days prior to passage.

Setting a date for the final hearing to approve and pass a Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance and Tax Levy for the fiscal year 2024/2025.

Other Township business related to the town tax levy or annual budget for the fiscal year 2024/2025.

Trustee Comments



Wards 3 By Mill Creek Water District requesting a Special Permit to allow for the construction of an Elevated Water Storage Tower at 614-706 North 64th Street, zoned RU1.

Wards 4 By Members First Community Credit Union requesting to rezone 329 North 24th Street from R1C (single family residential) to C1B (commercial) to align with the property’s current use as a parking lot for a financial institution.

Wards 5 By Faith Assembly of God requesting an amendment to an existing Special Permit to allow for the construction of a prayer and worship chapel at 4000 State Street, zoned R1C.

By St. Anthony Church (St. Dominic Junefest) requesting permission to conduct a raffle and have the bond requirement waived from April 5, 2024, through June 1, 2024. The City Clerk recommends approval of the permit.

Wards 3 & 4 A Special Event Application from Beth Mackenzie, YMCA Wellness Director, requesting permission to hold the annual Kelly’s Fun Run on Sunday, March 10, 2024 from 9:15 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. The run/walk will begin at Kelly’s (2902 Broadway), proceed east to 30th St., right to Maine Street, left on Maine St. towards Flynn Stadium and return to the starting point. The applicant requests the closure of these streets from 9:15 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. and the City provide barricades and cones for the closures: Southbound lane of 30th St., alley south of Broadway to Maine St.; southern eastbound lane of traffic and sidewalk on Maine St., 30th St. to the west edge of The Crossing Church property near 48th St. and temporary closure of intersections at 30th and Maine, 33rd and Maine, and 36th and Maine as participants pass through the intersections. The applicant requests that Auxiliary Officers assist with traffic control. The applicant has submitted all required documentation and approval is recommended by the Department of Utilities and Engineering.

Ward 3 A Special Event Application from Zach Campbell on behalf of The Crossing Church, requesting permission to hold the Frigid 5K on Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 10:15 a.m. until 12:00 (noon) and the City provide barricades for the closures. The run/walk will begin at The Crossing Church (4600 Maine), proceed east on Maine Street to 54th Street, turn around and proceed west to 36th Street, turn around at 36th Street and proceed east along Maine Street to the starting point. The applicant requests that Auxiliary Officers assist with traffic control. The applicant has submitted all required documentation and approval is recommended by the Department of Utilities & Engineering.



November, 2023- $1,095,441.47


November, 2023- $1,062,906.56


Resolution authorizing the transfer of deeds from the City of Quincy to the Two Rivers Regional Land Bank Authority of properties. (314 Elm, 326 Lind, 328 Lind, 535 Lind, 616-618 College, 630 N. 5th, 720 Oak, 824 Cherry, 904 N. 8th, 924 N. 6th, 1420 N. 2nd, 1617 N. 2nd, 426 College Ave. 633 State.)

Central Services Director requesting approval of the purchase of up to 1,200 tons of road maintenance salt from Compass Minerals America, Inc. in an amount not exceeding $114,720.

Airport Director and Aeronautics Committee recommending approval to enter into a five-year (5) retainer contract with Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly, Inc. of Springfield, IL for airport consulting services.

Public Works Director and Utilities Committee recommending approval of the low quote from Shannon Chemical Corporation of Malvern, PA for the purchase of approximately nine thousand (9,000) pounds of sodium permanganate at the cost of $1.393 per pound.

Public Works Director and Utilities Committee recommending the bid from William Brothers Construction of Peoria, IL for the Phase 3 Water Supply Improvement Project in the amount of $15,320,000 be rejected.

Public Works Director and Utilities Committee recommending approval of the invoice from Richards Electric Motor Co. in the amount of $11,115.63 for a ultrasonic transducer and level controller.

Public Works Director and Utilities Committee recommending approval of the proposal from Eurofins Environmental Testing of Savannah, GA in the amount of $76,685.00 for analytical testing services for a two (2) year period beginning April 1, 2024, and ending on March 31, 2026, with an option to extend the service contract for an additional two (2) year period.

Public Works Director and Utilities Committee recommending approval of the invoice from Republic Services of Quincy in the amount $8,967.30 for disposal of materials that are vacuumed out of the City’s sewer system.


Second presentation of an Ordinance entitled:

Ward 3 An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development. (To obtain a liquor license as a means to operate video gaming terminals at 1002 North 24th Street and 1006 North 24th Street.)

First presentation of an Ordinance entitled:

An Ordinance Amending The 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget. (Uses unallocated garbage fund revenues of $93,000 to increase the garbage fund for landfill fees and salaries.)

