
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Adams County Board Executive Committee met Nov. 6

Webp 4

Lori Geschwandner, Adams County Circuit Clerk | Adams County

Lori Geschwandner, Adams County Circuit Clerk | Adams County

Adams County Board Executive Committee met Nov. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Present: Kent, Bret, Dave, Barb, Robert

Absent: None

Others: Travis Cooley, Tim Finlay, Ryan Niekamp, David H, Marley Kill, Todd Eyler, Anthony Foster,

1) Approval of Minutes:

a. October 2, 2023 motion to approve as written by Mr. Bellis, seconded by Mr. Austin. The minutes were approved as printed unanimously.

2) Speaker

a. None

3) Reports

a. None

4) New Business

a. Adams County Housing Project – Bret states that there have been a few meetings between GREDF, TRRC, and other community members. Mr. Austin states that they have followed the housing study that was completed. Mr. Austin also states that they are looking at a housing project that is administered by an entity like

United Way so there is no County Board members involved. What makes sense right now is to look at matching improvement programs. The City of Quincy has already invested in a rental rehab program within the City of Quincy one or two years ago. Mr. Austin states that they are looking at what owner occupied assistance is looking like: for example, bridge loan, etc. If the county did this, they would be county-wide programs — whether it’s matching for rental rehab, owner-occupied housing, or revolving loan funds — the item that looked the most appealing was a one-time financing mechanism. Mr. Austin states that the revolving loan fund has been around for 18 or so years. Mr. Austin states that it works, he has used it himself in the past due to the low 3% interest amortized out for a long period of time. Mr. Austin states that we are trying to establish a policy boundary to say “hey keep it inside of this lane” and the county could use GREDF to manage something of this caliber. The City of Quincy has acquired properties by means that they really wish to. Mr. Austin stated that their goal is to have something to present within the next month so work could get started by next year (late Spring, early summer). Mr. Austin stated he prefers an enduring program that can keep momentum for years to come. He further states that the Board did allocate money for this type of project. Mr. Austin anticipates some negative comments regarding government getting into this type of work. Mr. Austin reminds that the ARPA money and housing plan is a gateway to hopefully receive additional monies through departments like DCEO. Mr. Austin hopes that this is the pathway to create and start a one-stop housing solution. Mr. Reich states that he believes this is a good idea as it is not a social thing. Mr. Reich states that this program is a good thing, he used something similar 25 years ago for his business. Mr. Reich states this is a good thing as it continues to roll over and over and this would not be open to County Board members to use. Mr. Snider mentioned that we hope to have something to present to the Board in December.

b. Adams County FY23-24 Budget / Levy Discussion — Mr. Austin displayed the budget on the TVs in the Board room and provided a recap of the overall budget. Mr. Austin stated that the county has around $800 thousand to one million in carry over year over year. Mr. Austin states that the county is looking around $34 million in special use fund revenue with $39 million in expenses; however, they may spend legally what is in their checkbook for the special use funds. Mr. Austin states that we are looking at $20 million in revenue in county general with around $21 million in expenses. Mr. Austin stated that the county is reaching the maximum at the county general level due to our increased EAV. Mr. Austin goes over some of the larger expenses that hit the county budget such as the EMS contract increase where the county provided $5 per hour increase, not 5% increase and out of our complete budget, about 90% of it is dedicated to salaries. Mr Austin states that the economy is in a hyper inflation period and we are seeing it. Mr. Austin explains the tax levy more and how EAV has impacted the county general tax levy. County sales tax is increasing from year over year according to Mr. Austin. Mr. Austin states that the cannabis sales tax is decreasing from previous years. Mr. Austin states the reimbursement for inmate housing has been increasing. Mr. Austin goes over the Personal Property Replacement Tax (PPRT) and history the county had been around $1.6 million per year, and we are currently behind in this revenue due to a change in the formula and the State of IL capping the amount given to government bodies to help the State balance their own budget. Mr. Austin states that the medical cost had flattened out since it had been funded correctly in the past few years. Mr. Austin states that county admin is around $150,000 less in expenses than year previously. Mr. Austin talks about the Tax Public Safety which is the jail construction and the four bonds were phased over time — one was 18 years and it’s in it’s 13th year right now and all of the bonds should be paid off about a year early. Mr. Austin states that the county was only bonded at about 13% capacity. Mr. Austin states that we have around $2.8 million in ARPA funds currently. Mr Austin goes over the IMRF payments and the county has balanced out some since we have had many employees retire over the past couple of years. Mr. Austin advises that the employee health insurance premium increased around 4% where the private sector has seen double digit increases. The final budget will be completed by 11/07 per Mr Austin. Mr. Austin provides an overview of the county levy sheet as it currently sits. Currently there is a 7.18% increase in EAV which is the highest in the past thirty years. Mr. Austin states that IMRF has dramatically decreased, County Highway will be down, Health Department is only requesting $100,000; the Ambulance service has requested $1.3 million and still have a large reserve — Mr. Reich stated that the cost of an ambulance had doubled since the last time any were purchased and are currently around $400,000. Mr. Austin explains how the VAC tax levy was put together and explained how the state mandates the levy be a percentage of the total EAV of the county. Mr. Austin believes that for a house with a fair market value of $100,000 will see around $259 per $100,000. The need for a truth in taxation hearing will still be required Mr. Austin believed once the Sheriff’s budget revisions make it into the budget. Mr. Finlay stated the spending is going up 5.3% and with the revenue, minus the VAC, we are around 3-4% comparing apples to apples. Mr. Snider noted that the reason it was hard pressed that if the union contact is approved, it would dramatically change the county levy request. Mr. Austin stated that he had wanted two months of reserves in the county; the county was almost there and then shot itself in the foot — if the board wished to keep the reserves, it would require a max tax of county general. Mr. Austin asked the committee if there were any questions. No one asked any questions. Mr. Snider noted that he is sending out an e-mail via Ryan Niekamp to board members to come to Finance Committee on Monday evening to understand the budget and to ask any questions they might have. Mr. Cooley asked if the board could increase the county levy and put the reserve back into the budget, Mr. Austin stated that it would be difficult to complete without having the voters pass a referendum to increase the cap of the levy.

5) Resolutions

a. Ordinance Number 2023-11-001-027 – Formalizing the Recognition and Creation of the Adams County Veterans Assistance Commission – Mr. Snider states this is to formally adopt the ordinance. Mr. Austin made the motion to approve, seconded by Mrs. Fletcher.

6) Executive Session

a. Personnel Issues — Austin made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Fletcher went into EX Session at 6:25pm.

Present: Marley Kill, Todd Eyler, Ryan Niekamp

Come out of EX session at 6:36pm – motion by Mr. Bellis, seconded by Mr. Reich.

Mr. Bellis made a motion to deny the request to work from home. Seconded by Mr. Austin. The committee unanimously denied the request.

7) Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 6:37pm.
