
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met Aug. 21

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met Aug. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Invocation

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum

IV. Approval of Minutes from August 7, 2023

V. Treasurer’s Report - Deborah Alms

VI. Communications - Penny Miller

VII. Warrant - Aaron Wilson

VIII. Administrative Reports

1. President - Steve Johnson

2. Attorney - Tom Green

3. Village Administrator - James Richter II

4. Finance and Human Resources Director - Michelle Johannsen

A. Quarterly Investment Report April-June 2023

5. Public Works Director - Mitch Hilden

6. Village Engineer - Chris Dopkins

7. Public Safety Supervisor - Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli

IX. Committee and Trustee Reports

1. District #1 - Planning & Economic Development, Chair - Joe Seipts

2. District #2 – Planning & Economic Development, Vice-Chair - Jodi Stromberg

3. District #3 – Public Improvement & Safety, Vice-Chair - James Kidd

4. District #4 - Administration & Finance, Chair - Aaron Wilson

5. District #5 – Public Improvement & Safety, Chair - Terri Bailey

6. District #6 – Administration & Finance, Vice-Chair - Julie Boggie

X. Consent Agenda

1. Ordinance 34-23, Variance from Accessory Building Height Regulations, 10522 Ventura Blvd. (First Reading)

2. Ordinance 38-23, Special Use Permit for Outdoor Self-Storage in the Light Industrial (IL) District, 11850 N. Second St. (First Reading)

3. Resolution 44-R-23, Approving a Class A Liquor License located at 10205 N. 2nd Street

4. Resolution 45-R-23, Approving a Class G Liquor License located at 10205 N. 2nd Street

5. Resolution 49-R-23, Resolution for MFT Improvement Under the Highway Code

6. Resolution 50-R-23, Award Construction Contract for Section 23-00000-000-GM (2023 Pavement Maintenance Program)

XI. Unfinished Business

XII. New Business

1. Ordinance 35-23, Zoning Map Amendment from the Multi-Family Residential (R4) District to the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) District, 2081 Anjali Way (First Reading)

2. Ordinance 36-23, Variance from Size Requirement for a Planned Community Development (PCD), 2081 Anjali Way (First Reading)

3. Ordinance 37-23, Special Use Permit for a Planned Community Development (PCD), 2081 Anjali Way (First Reading)

XIII. Public Comment

XIV. Closed Session

XV. Adjourn
