
Quincy Reporter

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Adams County Board met July 11

Adams County Board met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The County Board of Adams County, Illinois met at the Courthouse, Quincy, Illinois, on Tuesday, July 11th, 2023 at 7:00 P.M., pursuant to recess. 

PRESENT: Bret Austin, Vice Chairman 

 Ryan Niekamp, County Clerk 

Vice Chairman Austin called the meeting to order. 

Mr. Mark Sorensen gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. 

The County Clerk called the roll and the following members were present: Jon  McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Les Post, Theresa  Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith  Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin  Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, and Travis Cooley.  

Total Present: 20 Absent: 1 

Absent was: Kent Snider, excused 

Vice Chairman Austin declared a quorum present. 

Officeholders, department heads, and/or their representatives also present were: Georgene Zimmerman- Supervisor of Assessments, Lori Geschwandner-Circuit Clerk,  Anthony Foster- Director of Court Services, John Simon-EMA & Ambulance Director, Jim  Frankenhoff- County Engineer, Jessica Douglas- Director of 911, David Hochgraber Director if IT Cisco Fuller- Director of Administrative Services and Sheriff Anthony  Grootens. 

Mr. Duesterhaus moved to approve the minutes of the June 13th and July 5th County Board meetings as printed and distributed. 

Mr. Zanger seconded the motion. 

Motion to approve the minutes of the June 13th and July 5th meetings as printed was  adopted. 

Transportation, Building & Technology 

Committee Report (Mr. Bellis) 

Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, July 11th and reviewed the bills for the Highway  Department, the Maintenance Department, and the Technology Department. All the bills were in order. 


Mr. Bellis stated that the previous industrial hygienist did not work out, but they were  able to find another one. Mr. Bellis reported that they are going with John Jurgiel &  Associates from St. Lous. He reported that they have given the company Safestart’s  report and they will do their own test for comparisons. Mr. Bellis stated that the  committee unanimously approved hiring this company as the industrial hygienist. He  stated that Friday night, the judges were asking for air purifiers in the jury room and  courtrooms before Monday because of the trials coming up this week. Mr. Bellis stated  that him and others went that evening to get purifiers installed in the requested rooms.  He stated that the committee is 100% concerned about the employee and public safety.  He stated that on Monday, they met two filter experts to go over the equipment to see if  the Merv 8 which we are currently using was good, but they suggested 16. He stated  that they need to make sure it will not burn up the system. Mr. Bellis reported that on  Monday afternoon he was with HVAC and air specialists looking at the equipment. He  stated 3 air handlers needed attention and could possibly be replaced at some point. He  stated that our air equalization in this building and the new jail needs to be balanced so  they are having a local guy come in and help balance the air flow. He stated this will also  help our utility bill out and humidity issue. He stated right now the units on top of the new  jail are blowing out cold air and they should be on a time-delay. He stated that Mr. Terry  Bower spoke with Northwestern Mechanical who installed it and they will come to  straighten that up.  


a. 2023-07-501-018 – Resolution reporting bids from the June 13, 2023, Road District  Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Letting for oil and chip sealing various roads in various  Adams County Road Districts.

The clerk read the resolution by title only. 

Mr. Bellis made a motion to approve the resolution.  

Mr. Post seconded the motion. 

Resolution 2023-07-501-018 was approved. 

New Business 

a. Courthouse Mold and Remediation Plan 

a. Discussion and Possible Action on Hiring firm for Mold Remediation Plan. Mr. Bellis stated that they received the quote from the industrial hygienist company and went over it during the committee meeting.  

Mr. Bellis made a motion to accept the proposal from John A. Jurgiel & Associates, Inc. for them to do their testing and create a remediation plan.  Mr. Duesterhaus asked if they would redo what Safestart did. Mr. Bellis stated that  it basically would and it will be a second opinion. Mr. Finlay asked if legal approved  the terms in conditions on this. He also asked if it is possible to have this gentleman  come to the board in-person to tell the results. Mr. Bellis stated he does not think  that will be a problem. Mr. Callaway recommended that we get hydrometers so we  can measure it ourselves. Mr. Austin stated that they could talk about this together after the meeting. Mr. Farha stated that he does not have a memo or the email that  he is referring to. Mr. McQueen asked if they can get a copy of the validation that  they mentioned in the letter. Mr. Bellis stated they could. Mr. McQueen also asked  about confidentiality issues and transparency issues and how they are not talked  about in the contract they received. Mr. Austin stated that it is covered a little bit.  Mr. Poulter stated that it does cover it. Mr. McQueen stated that the thinks there  should be more meat to it. Mr. Bellis sated that he doesn’t think the guy will mind  us adding to the contract. Mr. Kerhoff asked how soon this company can come. Mr.  Bellis stated that he said he is out of town until Wednesday and after that it would  depend on the rain. He stated he would want no rain for a couple days before doing  any testing. Mr. Reich asked if they have the same qualifications as Safestart. Mr.  Bellis stated that they do. Mr. Hinkamper stated that this is an actual industrial  hygienist. Mr. Reich stated that he thinks this company sounds more qualified. Mr.  McCleary stated that the results would only take a week to come back.  

The Chairman clarified that there would need to be a modified motion. Mr. Bellis withdrew his original motion.  

Mr. Hinkamper made a motion to approve using John A. Jurgiel & Associates, Inc.  pending legal review as well as adding nondisclosure and having them present  something to the board in-person on their findings. 

Mr. Callaway seconded the motion. 

Mr. Bellis stated this quote is a ballpark cost unless they add more testing they want  them to do. Mr. Cooley asked if it includes a remediation plan. Mr. Zanger stated  that it does say the sampled results will come with general recommendations. Mr.  Austin stated that this is not a full remediation plan. Mr. McQueen clarified that they could move forward with this company as long as they meet these contingencies  stated. Mr. Austin stated that was correct and the board agreed. Mr. Kerkhoff asked  if this guy does the test, can he do the remediation. Mr. Bellis stated he would just  give the plan and we would have to put it out for bid for the remediation. Mr. Reich  stated that he wants the public to know that when the company speaks about the  results it will be a public meeting and everyone will hear the same thing as the  committee and board. Mr. McQueen stated that transparency is key. 

The motion was approved.  

At this time, Mr. Bellis requested the States Attorney send off our minutes that were  just approved to the Safestart company in hopes we would receive the video from  the first zoom meeting. He stated it will be provided to the public once they receive  it from Safestart. 

Mr. Bellis also reiterated that this whole board is 100% interested in the safety and wellbeing of the public and the employees. He stated he wants them to know they  are working as quickly as possible on something that doesn’t move very fast. 

The committee’s next meeting was scheduled for August 15th, 2023. 

Legislative & Judicial 

Committee Report (Mr. Reich) 

Bills – The committee met on July 11th, 2023 and reviewed bills from the Circuit Clerk,  Juvenile Detention Center, Probation Department, Public Defender, State’s Attorney,  and the Supervisor of Assessments. All the bills were in order. 


There were no additional reports. 

County Code 

a. Report on County Code Updates (ongoing) 

Mr. Reich stated that they want to update the code for speakers at public meetings.  He thinks that they will hopefully change the code to allow the public to speak  regardless of when requested for up to 3 minutes.  

They also talked about a temporary liquor permit for a mobile unit and they will try to  get it in the ordinances.  


There were no resolutions to approve. 


There were no appointments to approve. 

Event Liquor Licenses 

a. One-Day Liquor Permit for the Camp Point Centre FFA Alumni’s “Party Till the Cows  Come Home” on August 19, 2023 from 5PM until 10PM at Bailey Park, Camp Point,  Illinois

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the liquor permit. 

Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion. 

The permit was approved.  

b. Special Permit for the Liquid Pony from July 7, 2023 through September 1, 2023. Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the event liquor license.

Mr. Mccoy seconded the motion. 

Discussion: Mr. Reich stated that these people who own this have jumped through a  lot of hoops. He stated they need to get things in the ordinances to cover this. He stated they were promised a special permit by the Chairman and after reviewing their  business plan, they feel it would be okay to do a temporary permit for now. The liquor license was approved. 

Pyrotechnic Displays 

Pyrotechnic Display Permit for Village of Clayton for August 12th, 2023, on Old Settlers  Road, Clayton, IL at approximately 9:15 PM with no alternative dates requested.

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the pyrotechnic display permit. Mr. Duesterhaus seconded the motion. 

The permit was approved. 


a. County Courthouse Electronic Device Policy- Discussion 

Mr. Reich stated the States Attorney’s Office is working on this and they hope to have  it to approve next month.  

The committee’s next meeting was scheduled for August 15th, 2023. 

Public Health & Safety 

Committee Report (Mrs. Fletcher) 

Bills – The committee met on July 11, 2023 and reviewed the bills for the Sheriff’s Office,  Coroner’s Office, Emergency Management Agency and Animal Control. All the bills  were in order. 


Mrs. Fletcher read the following department reports that were given to the committee: From John Simon, Director of Ambulance and EMA: They have hired 3 EMTs. August  28th they will be beginning and EMT Academy. The IDPH has signed off on the program.  EMA is preparing for the Adams County Fair.  

From Scott Graham, County Coroner: There were 81 deaths, 2 autopsies, 32 cremation permits and no abandoned cremations in the month of June.  

From Sheriff Grootens: There was 1 new hire and 2 departures from the jail and the  average jail population is 129 inmates. They are still working on plans for the West-side  courthouse security. They are looking at a cost-sharing Recon Simulator. There is a  grant but the county would pay a cost-share with QPD. The committee forwarded that  request for funding to the Finance Committee. 


a. Resolution Number 2023-07-231-019- Resolution Adopting an Agreement Between  the County of Adams and Western Veterinary Clinic.

The clerk read the resolution by title only.

Mr. Fletcher made a motion to approve the resolution. 

Mr. Sorensen seconded the motion. 

Resolution 2023-07-231-019 was approved. 

The committee’s next meeting was scheduled for August 15th, 2023 Executive Committee 

Committee Report (Mr. Reich) 

The committee met on July 11, 2023.  


There were no additional reports. 


There were no resolutions to approve. 

At this time, Mr. Austin called upon Mr. Les Post to occupy the chairman’s seat while  the labor contract between the County and the Sheriff’s Maintenance Team is  discussed. He referenced Section 1-2-2 of the Adams County Code. 

Mr. Post occupied the chairman’s seat and informed everyone that the Chairman is  not allowed to discuss issues from the chair and Mr. Austin was the one involved in  this contract negotiation. 

Discussion and Possible Action 

a. Ratification of a Contract Labor Agreement between the County of Adams’s  Sheriff Department’s Maintenance Personnel and District Number 9- Internal  Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. 

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the contract ratification. 

Mr. Callaway seconded the motion.  

Discussion: Mr. Austin stated that this is a new bargaining agreement. He stated  there are 3 members in it from the Maintenance Department. He reported they  worked out terms and everyone seems to agree with it. He stated that wages  are in line with what was discussed before and it cleans up some terms about  work time and space as well as benefits. Mr. Bellis sated that it is one day shift 

and two night shift people. He stated that Terry Bower wanted it on record that  he is a non-union member and not a part of this. Mr. Fischer asked if this was  to initiate negotiants. Mr. Austin stated that the contract is done.  

At this time, Mr. Post announced the chairman seat would go back to Mr. Austin. Mr.  Austin returned to the Chairman’s seat and called for a vote on the contract ratification.  

The contract was approved.

The committee’s next meeting was scheduled for August 7th, 2023. 


Committee Report (Mr. Cooley) 

Bills – The committee met on July 11th, 2023 and reviewed the bills. All the bills were  in order. 


There were no additional reports. 

Resolution – 

a. Tax Sale Resolution Number 06-23-001 – for Permanent Parcel Number (PIN)  16-0-0469-055-00 – Located in the Gilmer Township.

Mr. Cooley made a motion to approve the tax sale resolution. 

Mr. Finlay seconded the motion.  

A roll call vote was taken to approve the tax sale resolution. Those in favor  were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Les  Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper,  Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, and Travis  Cooley. 

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1.  

The Tax Sale Resolution was approved.  

b. Tax Sale Resolution Number 06-23-002 – for Permanent Parcel Number (PIN)  23-5-0728-000-00 – Located in the Quincy Township.

Mr. Cooley made a motion to approve the tax sale resolution. 

Mr. Finlay seconded the motion. 

A roll call vote was taken to approve the tax sale resolution. Those in favor  were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Les  Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret  Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper,  Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, and Travis  Cooley. 

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1.  

The Tax Sale Resolution was approved. 

c. Resolution Number 2023-07-001-018 – Approval of Annual Increase of the State’s  Attorney, Public Defender, and Sheriff.

The clerk read the resolution by title only. 

Mr. Cooley made a motion to approve the resolution.  

Mr. Finlay seconded the motion. 

Discussion: Mr. Cooley stated that this is state-regulated. 

A roll call vote was taken to approve the resolution. Those in favor were: Jon  McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Les Post,  Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin,  Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis,  Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, and Travis Cooley. 

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1.  

Resolution 2023-07-001-018 was approved. 


a. Additional Fund Appropriation from Gary Farha – States Attorney – in the amount  of $4,500 to Expense Line 401-401-5713 – Record Automation – All Expenses  – for a Revised Budget Amount of $7,500.

The clerk read the Additional Fund Appropriation. 

Mr. Cooley made a motion to approve the additional fund appropriation. Mr. Poulter seconded the motion. 

Discussion: Mr. Cooley stated it is coming from the special use fund and needs  to be put into the budget to be spent for computers.  

A roll call vote was taken to approve the Additional Fund Appropriation. Those  in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David  McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd  Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher,  Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen,  and Travis Cooley. 

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. 

The Additional Fund Appropriation was approved. 

b. Additional Fund Appropriation from Ryan Niekamp – County Clerk – in the  Amount of $10,000 to Expense Line 111-111-5850 – County Clerk: Automation  – Equipment – for a Revised Budget Amount of $25,000

 The clerk read the Additional Fund Appropriation. 

Mr. Cooley made a motion to approve the additional fund appropriation. Mr. Poulter seconded the motion. 

Discussion: Mr. Cooley stated that they are doing the same thing which is just  moving money from the special use fund into the budget for scanners.  A roll call vote was taken to approve the Additional Fund Appropriation. Those  in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David  McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd  Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen,  and Travis Cooley. 

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. The Additional Fund Appropriation was approved. 

c. Additional Fund Appropriation from Jerrod Welch – Health Department Director  – in the Amount of $16,000 to Expense Line 404-401-5713 – OPIOD Settlement  Expenses – for a Revised Budget Amount of $21,600 and $16,000 to Revenue  Line 601-601-4295 – Miscellaneous Revenue – for a Revised Budget Amount of  $161,000. 

The clerk read the Additional Fund Appropriation. 

Mr. Cooley made a motion to approve the additional fund appropriation. Mr. Finlay seconded the motion. 

A roll call vote was taken to approve the Additional Fund Appropriation. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David  McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd  Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher,  Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen,  and Travis Cooley. 

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. The Additional Fund Appropriation was approved. 

d. Transfer of Funds Appropriation from Anthony Grootens – Sheriff – in the  Amount of $38,500 from Account Line 001-001-5999 – Contingency – for a  Revised Budget Amount of $156,500 and $38,500 to Account Line 001-231- 5875 – Sheriff Capital Exp. – for a Revised Budget Amount of $238,500  

The clerk read the Transfer of Funds Appropriation. 

Mr. Cooley made a motion to approve the transfer of funds appropriation. Mr. Callaway seconded the motion. 

Discussion: Mr. Cooley stated that they already passed this but it needed  cleaned up. The first one stated $153,000 instead of the $156,000 number. He  reminded everyone that this was for the cameras.  

A roll call vote was taken to approve the Transfer of Funds Appropriation. Those  in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David  McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd  Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher,  Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen,  and Travis Cooley. 

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. The Transfer of Funds Appropriation was approved. 

e. Transfer of Funds Appropriation from F. Bryden Cory – Treasurer – In the  Amount of $5,000 from Account Line 001-001-5999 – Contingency – for a Revised Budget Amount of $151,500 and $5,000 to Account Line 001-001-5925 – Adams County Bicentennial Commission – for a Revised Budget Amount of  $5,000. 

The clerk read the Transfer of Funds Appropriation. 

Mr. Cooley made a motion to approve the transfer of funds appropriation. Mr. Callaway seconded the motion. 

Discussion: Mr. Cooley stated this is to initiate the funding for the bicentennial  committee fund.  

A roll call vote was taken to approve the Transfer of Funds Appropriation. Those  in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David  McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd  Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher,  Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen,  and Travis Cooley. 

Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. 

The Transfer of Funds Appropriation was approved. 

Mr. Cooley reported the Sheriff presented a RECON simulator system to the  committee. He explained there are many counties supporting this system. They  are going to Jacksonville for this currently. He stated they are wanting to move  it here and we would have to put up 10% of the money in order for us to obtain  it here. The cost would be $5,700 from the county and the city would also pay $5,700. Mr. Cooley stated that it is a 360 view of what happens in a live situation  and would be beneficial for us to have. He stated that this is a low cost for this  great benefit to have. The Sheriff stated that it will save the county in the long  run because we are having to send officers to Jacksonville or Springfield now.  He stated we won’t have to pay transportation or overtime for officers going  there. He stated that this is a great training tool and is very beneficial to the  officers. He stated this will be placed out in their training facility.  

The Chairman stated there is no action needed for this at this meeting.  

Mr. Cooley asked a couple people to be present to listen about the mold  remediation. He stated that they are here to be an advocate and he is here  because people have changed out multi-unit buildings and switched their heating  and air system. He stated that they have gone to mini-splits. He stated that if  they are possibly departmentalizing this, mini-splits may be a good idea and this  gentleman has installed these. The Chairman stated that the more information  we can get, the better. 


There was no budget or levy issues to discuss.  


There was no insurance business to discuss. 

The committee’s next meeting was scheduled for August 14th, 2023. 

Unfinished Business 

There was no unfinished business to discuss.  

New Business 

Approval of Board Member Travel Vouchers  

There were no travel vouchers to approve.  

Monthly Reports 

Supervisor of Assessments/Board of Review, Juvenile Detention Center, the County Clerk  & Recorder’s office, the Public Defender, the Circuit Clerk, Information Technology, and  Probation Department, Monthly check register for June 2023, and Funds Summary report  for June 2023 including revenue. 

The clerk announced that expense report would be available by tomorrow morning.  Mr. Duesterhaus made a motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate  committee. 

Mr. Zanger seconded the motion. 

Motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee adopted.  


There were no resignations.  


a. Appointment of Jeffery Jansen to the Sheriff Merit Commission effective July 1,  2023 to serve out the remainder term of Terry Gibson.

The Chairman entertained a motion to concur with the appointment.  Mr. Zanger made a motion to approve the appointment.  

Mr. Reich seconded the motion. 

The appointment was approved. 


There were no additional reports. 


There were no additional announcements. 

Discussion and Possible Action 

There was no further discussion or action. 


1) Ameren – Upcoming Vegetation Activities Notification (June 14, 2023 and July 5,  2023) 

Mr. Duesterhaus moved to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee. 

Mr. Zanger seconded the motion. 

Motion to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee adopted. 

Mr. Austin thanked the IT Department for getting the zoom equipment together for this  meeting. He also stated Mr. Snider wanted to pass along the message that patience is  hard right now with this mold situation, but the board is working hard on it.  

Mr. McQueen stated that on behalf of Freedom Fest, he wanted to thank everyone here,  especially John Simon on the work they did for it. Mr. Austin stated that it is a great event  and encouraged them to keep it going.  

Mr. Bellis stated that he wants anyone to email, text or call anyone on the committee before  believing everything they hear. He stated they would be glad to talk to anyone that reaches  out.