
Quincy Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met June 26

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met June 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

The Regular Business meeting of the Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, was called to order by Board President Michael Martin at 6:00 pm on June 20, 2022, at Hinsdale Middle School, 100 S. Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL.

Roll Call

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call. Board members present were: Asim Aleem, Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, and Michael Martin. Absent: Sinead Duffy and William Cotter. Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Pledge of Allegiance

Michael Martin led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Education Celebrations

The Board of Education congratulated all of the 2023 Physical Education Blue Ribbon Award winners. They noted that the Blue-Ribbon Award is a testament to the District’s hard work and commitment, and they looked forward to seeing their continued success.

The Board also thanked Sandy Bazeluk and Laura Allgaier who are part of the food service team from Quest Food Services. They shared that they play an essential role in ensuring that students receive nutritious meals while at school, and the D181 community greatly appreciates their commitment to quality food service.

The Board thanked Dr. Tracey Miller, Melissa Capizzi, and Rick Engstrom, for their years of service to the D181 community. They wished them the best of luck as they embark on their next chapter.

Executive Session

Michael Martin made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session at 6:01 p.m. to discuss personnel and negotiations. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye”: Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, Michael Martin, Asim Aleem, Margaret Cooper, and William Cotter. ”Nay”: None. The motion carried.

Call to Order

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were: William Cotter, Margaret Kleber, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Public Hearing on the 2023-24 Budget

Open Hearing

Board President Michael Martin opened the public hearing on the 2023-24 budget.

Public Comment on the 2023-24 Budget

No public comments on the 2023-24 Budget.

Close Hearing

Board President Michael Martin closed the public hearing on the 2023-24 budget.

Public Comment

No public comment.

Action Items

Approval of the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget

Rick Engstrom, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations, presented the 2023-2024 Budget for approval. Mr. Engstrom noted that according to Illinois School Code, the fiscal year 2024 tentative budget must be on display at least 30 days prior to its adoption. Additionally, the budget must be filed within 30 days of adoption and no later than July 26, 2023. The proposed budget was displayed on May 16, 2023, and remained on display until the Public Hearing held at the Board of Education Meeting.

Mr. Engstrom shared that over the past month, changes to the budget were made related to interest on investments, workers’ compensation & property liability insurance renewal, medical insurance renewal, district office expenses, and full-day kindergarten expenses.

Margaret Cooper made a motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget as presented. Sinead Duffy seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Asim Aleem, Margaret Kleber, William Cotter, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy, and Margaret Cooper. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Capital Improvement Resolution

Mr. Engstrom presented the resolution authorizing an inter-fund transfer from the operations and maintenance fund to the capital projects fund for capital improvement purposes.

Margaret Kleber made a motion to approve the Capital Improvement Resolution. Sinead Duffy seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Grace Shin, Asim Aleem, Michael Martin, William Cotter, Margaret Kleber, Margaret Cooper, and Sinead Duffy. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Debt Service Resolution

Mr. Engstrom presented the resolution authorizing an inter-fund transfer from the educational fund to the debt service fund for debt payment purposes.

Sinead made a motion to approve the Debt Service Resolution as presented. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, Margaret Cooper, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Resolution Approving Treasurer’s Bonds

Resolution Appointing School Treasurer and Fixing Treasurer’s Compensation

Mr. Engstrom presented the Resolution Approving Treasurer’s Bonds. Pursuant to School Code 105 ILCS 5/8-1, the Board of Education may appoint a non-school board member to serve as School Treasurer.

Along with the yearly appointment, as required by IL school code 105 ILCS 5/8-2, Treasurers of School Districts and General Obligation Bonds are to be properly bonded for an amount equal to 25% of the total of all bonds, notes, mortgages, monies, and effects, of which he or she is to have custody. Mr. Engstrom noted that the District utilized both the Treasurer Bond Calculation form provided by the DuPage Regional Office of Education and counsel review to first determine the surety bond issue amounts. The administration requested Board approval of the Resolution Approving Treasurer’s Bond in the Amount of $17,000,000 Pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/8-2.

Lastly, it was noted that the new Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations is Ms. Mindy Bradford.

Sinead Duffy a motion to approve the Resolution Approving the Treasurer’s Bonds and the Resolution Appointing the School Treasurer and Filing the Treasurer’s Compensation as presented. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:'' William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, Margaret Cooper, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:'' None. The motion carried.

Insurance Rate Renewal

Mr. Engstrom presented the Insurance Rate Renewal. He noted that the Insurance Committee, along with the District’s Insurance broker, Assurance, all met to review and approve the upcoming renewal. He noted that the annual premiums were calculated on the District’s current employee headcount and dependents enrolled in each plan and will vary based on final enrollment.

Michael Martin made a motion to approve the Insurance Rates for January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, as presented. Margaret Cooper seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, Margaret Cooper, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

District Office

Mr. Engstrom presented an update on the District Office. In his report, he noted that in March 2023, the location for the District Office was narrowed down to one option, 133 Ogden Avenue. This location fits the Board's requests; purchase, not lease, and be located within the District boundaries.

The District and its brokers, attorneys, architects, and environmental professionals continued reviewing the due diligence documents that the seller-provided on Friday, May 26, 2023. Based on this review, the District requested additional documents from the seller related to capital improvements and maintenance records. These documents have been reviewed, he noted.

Engstrom shared that if no issues arose during the due diligence period, the only action required from the Board was to vote on a resolution that authorized the purchase of 133 Ogden in accordance with the terms and conditions of the purchased service agreement (PSA). Lastly, if the District is able to negotiate any necessary lease buyouts, and there are no further issues with due diligence, the District could potentially close on the purchase without further Board action.

Margaret Cooper made a motion to approve the Resolution authorizing the purchase of 133 Ogden Ave., Hinsdale, Il, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA), as presented. Margaret Cooper seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, Margaret Cooper, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. Abstain: William Cotter. The motion carried.

Middle School Language Arts Resource Approval

Dr. Kathleen Robinson, Assistant Superintendent of Learning, presented the recommendation for the approval of the Middle School Language Arts Resource.

Dr. Robinson shared that Instruction in the ELA/A-ELA classes at both middle schools encompasses reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary instruction. The ELA, SAC, and the Department of Learning determined the needs of the department and recommended new resources that support grammar and writing instruction for all middle school students.

She said Magic Lens was recommended for grades 6-8, Advanced - English Language Arts (A-ELA). NoRedInk was recommended for grades 6-8, English Language Arts (ELA), and Advanced - English Language Arts (A-ELA).

Grace Shin made a motion to approve the purchase of the Magic Lens I and III for grades 6-8 A-ELA and NoRedInk for all 6-8 grade students in all ELA and A-ELA classrooms. Sinead Duffy seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, William Cotter, Margaret Cooper, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Satchel Pulse Approval

Dr. Dana Bergthold, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services presented the Satchel Pulse approval.

Dr. Bergthold shared that the District administered the Satchel Pulse pilot screening in February 2023. She said that the pilot screening of one grade level from each Elementary School was instrumental in determining if the data and resources were valuable and providing data that assists in planning for student support.

She noted that students in second through fifth grades were able to navigate the screener easily and teachers were offered an opportunity to complete the staff screener for kindergarten and first-grade students. Following the pilot, additional information was gathered and will be presented to the MTSS Committee for feedback in collaboration with the Satchel Pulse implementation team for additional planning.

Grace Shin made a motion to approve the purchase of Satchel Pulse as a screener for grades K-5 in 2023-24. Margaret Kleber seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, William Cotter, Margaret Cooper, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Kindergarten Rising Stars Intervention Program Recommendation

Dr. Robinson presented the Rising Stars Intervention Program Recommendation. She said that Rising Stars is an extended-day kindergarten pilot that began in the fall of 2022. Eligible students from all seven elementary buildings are enrolled in the program. Enrolled students were identified as having a need for additional academic support through the screener and ongoing classroom performance. Rising Stars provides an intensive language/literacy and numeracy-based environment. She said that Rising Stars teachers focus on numeracy, language development, academic vocabulary, emergent literacy skills, working independently, gross/fine motor development, and socialization to ensure students are prepared for entry into first grade.

She said that the Rising Stars Program has been closely monitored this year using classroom, local, and state assessments and highlighted the success of the program and how well the students have done with the additional intervention. Therefore, the Department of Learning recommended the continuation of the Rising Stars Program and an expansion of the program to include a 4th site at Madison School for the 2023-2024 school year. The cost for the expansion includes: Furniture - one classroom - $15,000 Instructional Resources - one classroom $8,000 Salary and Benefits - one additional FTE estimated at $80,000 + $240,000 for existing 3FTE Transportation - estimated $17,000- 18,000 for all 4 sites.

Dr. Robinson clarified that there will be 96 students in the 2023-24 Rising Stars program.

Board members congratulated the Department of Learning on the success of the program.

Margaret Kleber made a motion to approve the continuation of the Rising Stars Program and an expansion of the program to include a 4th site at Madison School for the 2023-2024 school year. Grace Shin seconded the motion. On roll

call, the following members voted “Aye:” Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, William Cotter, Margaret Cooper, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Informational Items

Kindergarten Update

Dr. Garcia shared that over the past few months, the District covered the scope and performance of the kindergarten program, the impetus for reviewing the topic of full-day kindergarten. He said that House Bill 2396, which focuses on mandating schools establish a full-day kindergarten, was introduced to the Illinois House of Representatives in February. Since then, the bill has received bipartisan support, passed through the House of Representatives and Senate. Throughout the legislative process, the Bill has changed the implementation period from 2023 to offering an extended option that runs until the 2027- 28 school year. Despite the change in legislation, the District and Board of Education have kept the original timeline for construction the same. As of June 22, 2023, the Governor still needs to sign the bill, but most expect Governor Pritzker to sign HB2396 in the next few weeks, he said.

Dr. Garcia said that pending the Governor’s Signature there will be regular discussions with the finance and facilities committee, and periodic Board of Education updates throughout the 23-24 school year.

Spring MAP and School Improvement Plans

Dr. Tracey Miller, Director of Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation presented the Spring MAP and School Improvement Plan update. The update included the spring administration of the NWEA: MAP assessment to all D181 students enrolled in grades 1-7.

Dr. Miller reported that the grade-appropriate MAP assessment was administered to students between March 24 and May 5, 2023. The spring administration provided the District with a data point for where to evaluate instruction, increase/decrease individual student support, and enrich the curriculum for students. Building goals for School Improvement Plans reflected students’ present levels of performance on MAP and also are linked to end-of-year goals for student achievement and growth, she said.

Dr. Miller shared that the spring SIP presentation provided an update on student learning within each building and progress in pursuit of spring goals. The results for all grade levels were presented for both reading and math. Achievement by grade and school was also included. Growth by building, grade, cohort, as well as by 3-year averages were included.

Board member Shin thanked the principals and commented that there were good conversations on SELAS at the Academic Success Committee meeting.

Special Education Update

Dr. Dana Bergthold, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services presented an update on the Special Education program.

She provided information about the results of the special education student cohort NWEA MAP data and an update on the work of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Committee. She said District-wide data is utilized to observe trends or identify areas of need. This data is broken down into decile, grade level, and school groups.

Dr. Bergthold said the grade-appropriate MAP assessments were administered to all students enrolled in grades 1-7 between September 15th and May 7th. The fall administration provided a data point for where to begin instruction, provided support, and enriched the curriculum for students. Additionally, the information was used to understand student growth throughout the school year and to adjust support as necessary.

Dr. Bergthold then said the MTSS efforts in D181 are designed to identify student instructional needs early and provide support in a specific and targeted manner. Each student is identified utilizing the procedures developed by the MTSS Committee. Each year the Committee works to review these procedures and most recently began the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions district-wide. She also said the Committee reviews the current efforts and service delivery models to better determine how students’ progress within each model and intervention.

Lastly, she noted that the MTSS Committee continues working on analyzing the movement between levels of intervention and the success of resources used for students who make growth. This includes additions of a middle-school and elementary social-emotional screening tool and resources to support students at all grade levels district-wide.

FOIA Update

Dr. Garci shared that the District received six requests and completed five since the last FOIA update at the May 15, 2023 Board meeting.

Consent Agenda



Consent Agenda



Employment pending successful completion of the onboarding process and background check.




FY24 Salary

Effective Date

Kylee Nosalik

Pupil Services Administrator



August 1, 2023






Effective Date

Tracey Miller

Director of Assessment

District Wide


June 30, 2023

FY24 Salaries



FY24 Salary

Garcia, Hector



Bergthold, Dana

Assistant Superintendent of Student Services


Herrmann, Gina

Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources


Robinson, Kathleen

Assistant Superintendent of Learning


Alstadt, Jeffrey

Director of Communications


Brown, Levi C.

Principal, Clarendon Hills Middle School


Burke, Cory

Principal, Hinsdale Middle School


Chisausky, Eric L.

Principal, Walker Elementary School


Cummings, Kristin

Principal, Prospect Elementary School


Nassis, Effey

Principal, Oak Elementary School


Olson, Sara

Principal, Elm Elementary School


Reingruber, Kristin M

Principal, Monroe Elementary School


Shanahan, Barbara

Principal, Madison Elementary School


Todd, Brandon

Principal, The Lane Elementary School


Byrne, Megan

Pupil Services Administrator


Eder, Erin

Pupil Services Administrator


Molloy, Terese

Pupil Services Administrator


Reid, Christopher R.

Pupil Services Administrator


Jones, Erick M

Assistant Principal, CHMS


May Jr, Ronald C.

Assistant Principal, HMS


Norton, Catie

Director of Financial Services


Duggan, Michael J.

Director of Facilities


Kunesh, Matthew R.

Director of Technology


Certified Licensed Educators:

Employment pending successful completion of the onboarding process and background check






Effective Date

Grace Kennedy

4th Grade Teacher




August 18, 2023

Callaghan Thomas

4th Grade Teacher

The Lane



August 18, 2023

Megan Beumer

Math Teacher




August 18, 2023

Elana Behar

Kindergarten Teacher

The Lane



August 18, 2023

Michelle Connors

Preschool Teacher




August 18, 2023

Christina Miller

Rise Teacher




August 18, 2023

*Based on FY23 HCHTA Salary Schedule. Salary will be adjusted according to the FY24 Salary Schedule per HCHTA negotiated agreement upon settlement.

Change in FTE






Effective Date

Carolyn Zolecki





August 18, 2023

Approval of Minutes

The Board was asked to approve the following minutes:

● Regular Business Meeting - May 15, 2023

● Special Board Meeting - May 25, 2023

Monthly Financial Report

The Board was asked to approve the Monthly Financials from May 2023.

Approval of the BoE Committee Members and Committee Alternate Positions

During the May 15, 2023, Board of Education meeting, the Board of Education voted on the following Board Committee appointments for the 2023-25 school years:

· Academic Success Committee Chair – Grace Shin

· Academic Success Committee Co-Chair - William Cotter

· Facilities Committee Chair – Margaret Kleber

· Facilities Committee Co-Chair - Margaret Cooper

· Finance Committee Chair - Sinead Duffy

· Finance Committee Chair - Asim Aleem

Per Policy 2:150 Committees, the Board President and Committee Chair will co-present the member(s) selected for open committee seats during a Board of Education meeting. The members will then be appointed based on consensus (Majority vote) of the Board.

Academic Success Committee

1. Chaidan Leshinski

2. Sara Clary

3. Jake Wertz


1. Nathan Lucht

2. Rich Giltner

3. Adam East

4. Jerry Mejdrich


1. Ellen Dunlap

2. Lois Mejdrich


1. Facilities Committee - Sinead Duffy

2. Academic Success Committee - Meg Cooper

3. Finance Committee - Margie Kleber

Approval of Overnight Trips

The Board was asked to approve the 2023-24 Overnight Trips as presented:

8th Grade Field Trip - Washington D.C

● CHMS - April/May 2024

● HMS - November 1-4, 2023

Outdoor Education

● The Lane School - October 18-20, 2023

● Monroe School - October 5-6, 2023

Approval of the District Concussion Oversight Team: Per Board Policy 7:305

As school policy requires, the Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education must have a Concussion Oversight Team, which the Board approves. The oversight team is responsible for implementing and complying with the Return to Play and Learn protocols. The purpose of this team is to ensure that students are provided with the best possible care and treatment for head injuries. The team will also work to establish protocols for identifying, responding to, and documenting concussive incidents. They will also provide educational resources that promote concussion awareness among students, parents, coaches, and administrators. 2022-2023 and the 2023-2024 CCSD 181 Concussion Oversight Team: Mr. Dan Powers (HMS Athletic Director), Ms. Jen Scheuerman (CHMS Athletic Director), Ms. Mary Youngman (CHMS – Nurse), Ms. Cathy Siracusa (Certified District Nurse), Mr. Levi Brown (CHMS Principal), Ms. Cory Burke (HMS Principal), Mr. Brandon Todd (The Lane School Principal), and Dr. Hector Garcia, (Superintendent) or designee.

Consolidated District Plan

The Board was asked to approve the District Consolidated Plan for the IDEA and Title I, II, III, and IV Grants.

In February of 2019, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) launched a new IL ePlan as a way to consolidate and streamline the federal grant application and management process to reduce the burden on grantees and support holistic service to students. The goal of ISBE in implementing IL ePlan was to provide efficient technology that brings practitioners together for meaningful collaboration. The IL ePlan supports planning and grant management that takes multiple funding sources into consideration to fully meet each student’s needs. The IL ePlan also will help ISBE understand each grantee holistically, so they can provide improved technical assistance grounded in equity. The first phase of the IL ePlan, the Consolidated District Plan, became available for school districts to complete in March 2020 and will allow D181 to request grant funding for the 2023-2024 academic school year.

Electric Supply Parameters

In October 2022, The Board of Education authorized the administration to enter into a 15-month agreement with Century Energy Solutions, Inc. with direction to monitor the rates monthly in order to be able lock in a lower rate if one became available over the succeeding 12 to 18 months. With so much volatility in the daily markets, the administration requested approval for a strategy to be able to lock in a new rate on any day, once a target price range is hit. The request was for board approval in advance, for a new fixed contract with a ceiling of $0.065/kwh, for a 15-to-36-month term, starting June 2024.

Hinsdale Middle School Camera Installation

The Board was asked to approve the installation of video surveillance at Hinsdale Middle School that would be compatible with the existing system at CHMS. The total quote for the Hinsdale Middle School portion of the project is $175,304.88.

Policy Adoption

The Board was asked to approve the adoption of the following policies:

● 2:110 - Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers

● 4:60 - Purchases and Contracts

● 5:125 - Personal Technology and Social Media: Usage and Conduct

● 5:150: Personnel Records

● 5:30: Hiring Process and Criteria

● 5:90: Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

● 6:230: Library Media Program

● 8:20: Community Use of School Facilities

● 4:55: Use of Credit and Procurement Cards

● 5:240: Suspension

● 2:150: Committees

Google Workspace Renewal

The Board was asked to approve the renewal for Google Workspace for Education Plus.

Authorization to Pay Summer Bill Run

The Board was asked to approve the payment of bills for the conclusion of Fiscal Year 2023 and the beginning of Fiscal Year 2024. A listing of the bills and invoices that will be paid after the last Board of Education Meeting in June will be presented to the Board of Education at its regularly scheduled monthly meeting in August. Implications.

Committee Reports

Finance / Facilities Committee

● The Finance and Facilities Committee met on June 20, 2023 The topics for discussion were as follows: 

○ Workers' Compensation and Property Liability Insurance Renewal

○ Public Hearing on the Budget

○ Approval of the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget

○ Insurance Rate Renewal

○ Authorization to Pay Summer Bill Runs

○ Capital Improvement Resolution

○ Debt Service Resolution

○ Monthly Financials

○ Electric Supply Parameters

○ District Office Building Update

Academic Success Committee

● The Academic Success Committee met on June 15, 2023. The topics for discussion were as follows:

○ Rising Stars Review and Recommendation

○ Special Education Update

○ Spring MAP & SIP Update

○ District-Level Committee Updates

Gifts and Contributions

The Board was asked to accept the following gifts and contributions with gratitude: 1. Donor Name: Krista Coulas/Girl Scout Troop #56415

Donation: Royal Star Magnolia Tree / purchased/planted by Hinsdale Nurseries 

Beneficiary: Madison School

Value: $435.00

2. Donor Name: Mark Ferguson

Donation: Musical Instruments and Pro Audio Equipment

Beneficiary: Hinsdale Middle School Performing Arts

Value: $2,750.00

3. Donor Name: D181 Foundation

Donation: Funding Commitment to the Living Classroom Lesson and Curriculum

Beneficiary: CCSD 181 Students and Staff

Value: $3,487.00

4. Donor Name: Madison PTO

Donation: Additional Swings and a Gaga Pit for the playground

Beneficiary: Monroe School

Value: $13,095.32

5. Donor Name: Prospect School PTO

Donation: 2023-24 Walker School PTO Projected Budget

Beneficiary: Prospect School Students and Staff

Value: $54,900.00

6. Donor Name: Clarendon Hills Middle School PTO

Donation: 2023-24 CHMS PTO Projected Budget

Beneficiary: Clarendon Hills Middle School Students and Staff

Value: $49,600.00

7. Donor Name: D181 Foundation

Donation: Funds for D181 Teachers to attend Professional Development (Summer 2023)

Beneficiary: CCSD 181 Staff

Value: $7,500.00

8. Donor Name: Elm School PTO

Donation: 2023-24 Elm School PTO Projected Budget

Beneficiary: Elm School Students and Staff

Value: $62,500.00

9. Donor Name: Monroe School PTO

Donation: 2023-24 Monroe School PTO Projected Budget

Beneficiary: Elm School Students and Staff

Value: $159,195.00

10. Donor Name: Walker School PTO

Donation: 2023-24 Walker School PTO Projected Budget

Beneficiary: Walker School Students and Staff

Value: $104,400.00

11. Donor Name: Hinsdale Middle School PTO

Donation: 2023-24 Hinsdale School PTO Projected Budget

Beneficiary: Hinsdale Middle School Students and Staff

Value: $46,700.00

12. Donor Name: Oak School PTO

Donation: 2023-24 Oak School PTO Projected Budget

Beneficiary: Oak School Students and Staff

Value: $80,745.00

13. Donor Name: The Lane School PTO

Donation: 2023-24 The Lane School PTO Projected Budget

Beneficiary: The Lane School Students and Staff

Value: $46,620.00

Payment of Bills and Reimbursements

Bills and reimbursements were presented in the amount of $1,119,299.66

Michael Martin made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Grace Shin seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” William Cotter, Margaret Kleber, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy, Margaret Cooper, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.


Michael Martin made a motion to adjourn at 8:03 p.m. Grace Shin seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion carried.


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