
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education met June 21

West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education met June 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


The hearing was called to order by President Schaley at 5:45 p.m., in the Middle School Library. The following board members answered roll call: Chockley, Clark, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil. Absent from the meeting: Gullberg and Bigger. President Schaley declared a quorum present. Also present were Superintendent Day, K. Lafary, S. Ryner, J. Kirby, J. Zaiser, J. Peters, and J. Hennings.

There were no comments from the public.

Superintendent Day discussed the changes to the original budget. Most changes were due to cost increase in supplies and due to the different building projects throughout the year.


President Schaley declared the public hearing adjourned at 5:52 p.m. Motion by Clark, seconded by Vancil. Majority of Ayes by Voice Vote. Motion carried.


The Board reconvened at 6:01 p.m., in the Middle School Library for the Regular Meeting. The following Board members answered roll call: Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil. Absent from the meeting: Bigger. President Schaley declared a quorum present. Also present were Superintendent Day, K. Lafary, S. Ryner, J. Kirby, J. Zaiser, J. Peters, J. Hennings, and L. Avery.

President Schaley then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Under good news items the following items were highlighted:

• Our Seniors enjoyed the annual Senior Walk by parading down to the elementary where they were welcomed by cheers, posters of congratulations, bubbles and music.

• A big thank you to ALL of our staff who made the 2022-2023 school year a success! We hope they enjoy their summer break and can't wait for August to welcome everyone back in the buildings.


Motion by Chockley, seconded by Vancil to approve the agenda with one deletion of item 13-I as presented. Majority of Ayes by Voice Vote. Motion carried.


There were no comments from the public.


Motion by Clark, seconded by Vancil to approve the consent agenda including the following items:

• The minutes of the Public Hearing FY23 Funds Transfer and Regular Meeting, May 17, 2023;

• The minutes of Closed Session, May 17, 2023;

• The minutes of the Special Meeting, May 31, 2023;

• The minutes of the Closed Session, May 31, 2023;

• The payment of all bills as presented and any and all bills received on or before June 30, 2023;

• The activity accounts;

• The Treasurer's Report for May 2023;

• The resignation of Victoria Tapscott as WCHS JV Volleyball Coach;

• The resignation of Jackie Biggs as WCHS Assistant Golf Coach;

• The resignation of Jonah Marlow as WCHS Assistant Girls' Basketball Coach;

• The resignation of Betty Waterman as a District Bus Driver;

• The payment of athletic workers paying employees $20/game for working the clock, score table, libero tracker, etc. Non-district employees will receive $15/game. All gate workers will receive $30/night;

• Approval of Authorization to Spend.

On roll call the following members voted aye: Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil 6-0 Motion carried.


There was only one FOIA request for this month. A company named Databid requested bidding information regarding the WCHS Greenhouse Project.

A discussion was held about the July 22, 2023 Board Retreat which will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Henderson County Public Library. Board Members, Administration and selected WCATS members will be invited to discuss focus areas for the District for the next school year and work to create goals for the future.

The Board discussed sponsoring lunch on the first Teacher Institute Day of the 2023-0224 school year. This is past practice of the Board and discussion was to continue this tradition.

Superintendent Day provided an update on District investments. All investments have been re-invested at higher interest rates between 3% and 5%. One remaining CD at IPAVA State Bank matures on June 30, 2023, and Superintendent Day will determine where to invest those funds to earn the highest rate possible for the District.

PRESS Policy Updates Issue 112 was presented for 1st reading. All policies in this issue were up for general review or 5 year reviews, none of the polices have substantial changes. Issue 112 will be presented during the regular July Board Meeting for official adoption.


The Board reviewed and heard reports from the Building Principals K. Lafary, S. Ryner, J. Kirby, J. Zaiser, and District Technology Coordinator J. Hennings.


Motion by Clark, seconded by Vancil to approve the 2023-2024 student fees (meal prices) as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Clark, seconded by Vancil to approve purchasing the Transfinder Routing Software Program as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, and Chockley. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Chockley, seconded by Vancil to approve the FY23 Amended Budget as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, Chockley and Clark. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Clark, seconded by Vancil to approve the High School Greenhouse Project for a total cost of $212,000 by Merit Construction as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, Chockley, and Clark. Gullberg voted nay. 5-1 Motion carried.


Board members were asked to contact Superintendent Day with future agenda items.


Motion by Chockley, seconded by Vancil to adjourn to closed meeting pursuant of the Illinois Open Meetings Act - 5ILCS 120/2 (2) (16) at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the following subjects:

A. Personnel - The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity;

B. Negotiations - Collective negotiating matters between the school board and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees;

Majority of Ayes by Voice Vote. Motion carried.

The Board took a short break and reconvened in the Middle School Special Services Room at 7:37 p.m. On roll call the following members answered roll call: Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Chockley to return to open session at 8:14 p.m. Majority of Ayes by Voice Vote. Motion carried.

The Board took a short break and reconvened in the Middle School Library at 8:16 p.m. On roll call the following members answered roll call: Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil.


Motion by Vancil, seconded by Chockley to approve the employment of Doug Dennison as WCHS Head Boys' Basketball Coach as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley and Vancil. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Chockley to approve the employment of Jackie Biggs as a WCHS Head Golf Coach as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Gullberg to approve the employment of Bethany Nannen-Miller as WCMS and WCHS Instrumental Music Activities Sponsor as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, and Chockley. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Chockley to approve the employment of Jacinda Hill as WCHS JV Volleyball Coach as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, Chockley and Clark. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Gullberg to approve Dan Bowman as a Volunteer WCHS Girls' Basketball Coach as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, Chockley, Clark, and Gullberg. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Gullberg to approve Alicia Anderson as a Volunteer WCHS Volleyball Coach as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Schaley, Vancil, Chockley, Clark, Gullberg and Higgins. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Gullberg to approve the employment of Mary Casey as a District Bus Driver as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Vancil, Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, and Schaley. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Chockley to approve the employment of Ross Parcel as WCMS Head Boys' Baseball Coach as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, and Vancil. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Chockley to approve Exempt Staff Salaries for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, and Chockley. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Chockley to approve Exempt Staff Contracts as presented. On roll call the following members voted aye: Gullberg, Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, Chockley, and Clark. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Chockley to terminate Chris Bothwell as a District Employee effective June 21, 2023. On roll call the following members voted aye: Higgins, Schaley, Vancil, Chockley, Clark, and Gullberg. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Vancil, seconded by Chockley to approve Bus Driver pay for the 2023-2024 school year as follows $89.52/daily rate and $18.00 an hour for extra-curricular/field trip pay. On roll call the following members voted aye: Schaley, Vancil, Chockley, Clark, Gullberg and Higgins. 6-0 Motion carried.

Motion by Chockley, seconded by Vancil to approve substitute teacher pay at $140.00 a day and long- term substitute pay at $175 per day, starting with the 2023-2024 school year. On roll call the following members voted aye: Vancil, Chockley, Clark, Gullberg, Higgins, and Schaley. 6-0 Motion carried.


The Board was reminded that the next regular Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., in the elementary cafeteria.


Motion by Chockley, seconded by Vancil to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Majority of Ayes by Voice Vote. Motion carried.
