
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Quincy City Council met April 24

City of Quincy City Council met April 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City Council was held this day at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Michael A. Troup presiding. The following members were physically present:

Ald. Fletcher, Entrup, Bergman, Rivera, Mays, Farha, Sassen, Rein, Mast, Reis, Maples, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 13. Absent: Ald. Bauer. 1.

Ald. Bergman moved Alderman Bauer be allowed the usual compensation for this meeting. Motion carried. Ald. Rein moved to amend the minutes of the April 17, 2023 Finance Report motion to show that he did not make the second. (Ald. Reis made the second to the motion.) Motion carried.

The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held April 17, 2023, were approved, as amended, on a motion of Ald. Entrup. Motion carried.

Corporation Counsel: Lonnie Dunn.

The City Clerk presented and read the following:


Students and teachers visiting from Enger, Germany, introduced themselves to the City Council.


Stacy Sparks stated that the issue of her son’s memorial at 30th & Maine is a waste of time and money. She is willing to compromise and is at peace with whatever is decided.

Janet Conover stated that the next Tenant Workshop is April 25th at Horizons. There will be a total of 3 workshops this year. She passed out a flyer.

Drew Howser stated that there is an issue with landlords not keeping their properties up to code and do not care. He wants to stand for tenants.

Rev. Carl Terry stated that there will be a National Day of Prayer event at City Hall May 4th at noon. If it rains, it will be inside. He also stated that we need to take care of tenant children so they can be good tenants.


By the following organizations requesting to conduct a raffle and have the bond requirements waived: Quincy Notre Dame – Football Committee from May 23, 2023, to July 22, 2023; Muddy River Riders from now until July 22, 2023. The City Clerk recommends approval of the permits.

Ald. Holtschlag moved the prayer of the petition be granted. Motion carried.

By AirMedCare Network requesting permission to have the Air Evac helicopter at Quincy Town Center, south parking lot behind IHOP, on May 21, 2023, from 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. for “EMS Days”. The Quincy Fire Department will be handling securing the landing zone during landing and takeoff.

Ald. Mays moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried. A Revocable Permit for Encroachment of City Right-of-Way for Stacie Sparks (Requestor) to place a temporary memorial on the northeast corner of 30th and Maine Streets, was requested on a motion by Alderman Farha at the April 17th City Council meeting. The Director of Public Works presents this request subject to 1) Requestor takes full responsibility for the maintenance of the memorial site. 2) The memorial must be placed so as to not restrict sight visibility, sidewalk usage, or create a safety hazard. 3) The memorial site shall not be larger than 2 feet x 2 feet and shall not exceed 2 feet in height. 4) Requestor assumes full responsibility for damage to City infrastructure caused by the installation and maintenance of the memorial. 5) The City or other users of the right-of-way may remove the memorial as necessary for the repair or replacement of public utilities and infrastructure with the replacement of the memorial being the responsibility of Requestor. 6) The City of Quincy is not responsible for damage to the memorial site. 7) The City reserves the right to remove the memorial if the site is not satisfactorily maintained or does not conform to the conditions of the permit. 8) The Revocable Permit will expire six months from the date of City Council approval. 9) Requestor to provide contact information to the Department of Engineering.

Ald. Farha moved to amend condition #8 to say the permit will expire 12 months after from the date of City Council approval and that the request can be renewed at that time, seconded by Ald. Sassen. Motion carried. Ald. Farha moved the prayer of the petition be granted as amended, and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried. An application for Revocable Permit for Encroachment of City right-of-way from Holly Cain, Executive Director of the Quincy Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, requesting permission to display banners across 5th & Maine Street for various events at various times between May 8, 2023, and November 20, 2023. She also requests that the Department of Central Services assist in the installation and removal of these banners. The Director of Public Works presents this request subject to the City not being responsible for damage to the banners.

Ald. Uzelac moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried.


By Michael A. Troup proclaiming April 28th as “Arbor Day,”Week of April 23rd to 29th as “Library Week” and Month of May, 2023, as “Preservation Month.”

Ald. Uzelac moved the proclamation be received and filed. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, Public Act 99-517 made changes to the statute regarding the furnishing of confidential taxpayer informa tion to local governments; and,

WHEREAS, as a result of this legislative change, the Illinois Department of Revenue has made changes to the Recip rocal Agreement on Exchange of Information; and,

WHEREAS, due to the sensitive nature of this confidential taxpayer data, that Illinois Department of Revenue has add ed a new requirement which requires each authorized person to complete and sign an Attachment B, Acknowledgement of Restrictions on Use and Disclosure of Confidential Financial Information; and,

WHEREAS, the current Reciprocal Agreement on Exchange of information must be updated following the municipal elections; and

WHEREAS, the Mayor, the Director of Administrative Services, the City Treasurer, the Deputy Treasurer, and the City Comptroller are authorized to view this information, and each individual authorized under the agreement has completed Attachment B; and,

WHEREAS, Kelly Stupasky, Office Manager, has been added to this list and completed Attachment B; and,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Quincy, Adams County, Illinois, that the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Quincy are hereby authorized to execute and attest, respectively, the “Annual Recerti fication Letter and Attachment B” for the Reciprocal Agreement on Exchange of Information with the Illinois Department of Revenue, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as “Resolution Exhibit No. 1” and Attachment A & B;

This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in the manner pro vided by law.

Passed and approved this 25th day of April, 2023.

Ayes: 13 Nays: 0 Absent: 1

Linda Moore


Ald. Reis moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Uzelac, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 2 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Central Services requires the replacement of a 2008 International 7400 SFA single axle dump truck due to normal wear and tear; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy recently sought Requests for Proposals for the purchase of one (1) Class 8 heavy duty single axle truck cab and chassis; and,

WHEREAS, two (2) proposals were received, and the Director of Central Services has reviewed the proposals and finds them to be acceptable; and,

WHEREAS, the proposal from Rush Truck Center of Quincy, Illinois, offers the City the purchase of an International MV607 Single Axle Truck Cab and Chassis at the cost of $128,049.52; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in 2023/2024 General Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works, the Director of Central Services, and the Central Services Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the proposal from Rush Truck Cen ter of Quincy, Illinois, for the purchase of an International MV607 Single Axle Truck Cab and Chassis for the amount of $128,049.52 be accepted.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E.

Director of Public Works

Ald. Sassen moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


Public Works Director, Central Services Director, and Central Services Committee recommending approval of the bid from Luby Equipment for the purchase of an 18’ Cronkhite 3612 HD trailer at the cost of $14,560. Ald. Sassen moved to table the resolution for one week, seconded by Ald. Rein. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Central Services is responsible for the trimming and removal of trees on City right-of way; and,

WHEREAS, the City desires the purchase of equipment to assist crews with the clean-up and removal of debris associ ated with the trimming and removal of trees; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy requested proposals for the purchase of a compact track loader with bucket and three (3) proposals were received; and,

WHEREAS, The Director of Central Services has reviewed the proposals and finds them to be acceptable; and,

WHEREAS, a proposal from Luby Equipment of Quincy, Illinois, offers the City a purchase of a Case TR310B Trac Skid Steer with a 78” SGV78 Grapple Bucket that meets the required specifications of the proposal at the cost of $70,385.00; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the 2023/2024 General Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works, the Director of Central Services, and the Central Services Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the proposal from Luby Equipment of Quincy for the purchase of a Case TR310B Trac Skid Steer at the cost of $70,385.00 be accepted contingent to the City taking delivery of the Skid Steer on or prior to July 31, 2023.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E.

Director of Public Works

Ald. Sassen moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Central Services is responsible for the repair and maintenance of City streets and side walks; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy requested bids for the purchase of a service truck to replace an aging 2003 Ford F-350 that is currently being used by the Concrete Department; and,

WHEREAS, one (1) bid was received, and the bid from Poage Auto Plaza of Quincy offers the purchase of a 2024 GMC Sierra 3500 HD at the cost of $67,823.00; and,

WHEREAS, the bid has been reviewed by the Director of Central Services and found to be acceptable; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the 2023/2024 General Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works, the Director of Central Services, and the Central Services Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the bid from Poage Auto Plaza of Quin cy for the purchase of a 2024 GMC Sierra 3500 HD at the cost of $67,823.00 be accepted.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E.

Director of Public Works

Ald. Sassen moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, on March 20, 2023, the Quincy City Council approved the purchase of pre-fabricated ADA and IBC compliant platform ramps for the Pepsi and Hy-Vee recycling drop-off sites; and,

WHEREAS, the Pepsi recycling drop-off site located at 1121 Locust Street must be expanded to accommodate the ad ditional ramps, thus requiring the removal and installation of existing fencing; and,

WHEREAS, the City requested quotes for the purchase of two-hundred ten (210) feet of new chain link fencing and associated materials, the removal of existing fencing, and installation of existing and new fencing; and, WHEREAS, the following quotes were received:

Consolidated Fencing, Inc

Quincy, Illinois $21,150.00

Quincy Fence Company

Quincy, Illinois $16,920.87

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has reviewed the quotes and finds them to be acceptable; and, 

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the 2022/2023 General Fund fiscal year budget. 

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works recommends to the Mayor and Quincy City

Council that normal bidding requirements be waived and the quote from Quincy Fence Company of Quincy in the amount of $16,920.87 for the purchase and installation of fence be accepted.

Jeffrey Conte

Director of Public Works

Ald. Sassen moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the City of Quincy requires the sale of old vehicles and equipment that are inoperable or no longer used; and,

WHEREAS, the list of equipment has been reviewed by the Purchasing Department and meets the requirements of the City of Quincy Asset Disposal Policy; and,

WHEREAS, Housby Auctions of Des Moines, Iowa, is equipped and available to provide on-line auction services for the sale of the equipment; and,

WHEREAS, Housby Auction will charge a prep fee per auction item and a percentage of the sale proceeds.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works, the Director of Central Services, and the Central Services Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the City of Quincy be allowed to enter into an agreement with Housby Auction for the sale of unused vehicles and equipment and the Mayor be authorized to sign the necessary documents.

Jeffrey Conte

Director of Public Works

Ald. Sassen moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


Adoption of Ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Adopting the Annual operating budget for the City of Quincy for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2024.

Ald. Holtschlag moved to amend the Budget Ordinance with Exhibit B, seconded by Ald. Uzelac. Motion carried. Ald. Holtschlag moved for the adoption of the ordinance, as amended, seconded by Ald. Uzelac and on a roll call the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Mays, Mast, Uzelac, Holtschlag, Entrup, Rivera. 6. Nays: Ald. Farha, Sassen, Rein, Reis, Maples, Fletcher, Bergman. 7. Absent: Ald. Bauer. 1. Motion failed.


Adoption of Ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Amending the District Map which is made a part of the Section 162.002 if the Municipal Code of the city of Quincy of 2015. (To change the present D5 (Downtown Industrial)/M1 (Light Industrial)/R3 (Multi-Family Residential) to D5 (Downtown Industrial) Zoning District, commonly known as 301 Spring Street)

Ald. Bergman moved for the adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Ald. Mays, and on a roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent.

The Chair, Mayor Michael A. Troup, declared the motion carried and the ordinance adopted.


Mike Farha

Anthony E. Sassen

Michael Rein

Richie C. Reis

Finance Committee

Ald. Farha seconded by Ald. Sassen, moved the reports be received and vouchers be issued for the various amounts. Ald. Bergman moved to remove invoice #10523, Quincy Area Convention Visitors/Bureau Hotel Study for $4,000 and invoice #1021, Great River Economic Development Housing Study for $3,500 and vote on them separately. Ald. Holtschlag requested that his name be stricken from the Finance Committee report.

On a roll call, for invoice #10523, Quincy Area Convention Visitors Bureau for the hotel market study in the amount of $4,000, the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Fletcher, Bergman, Mays, Farha, Sassen, Rein. 6. Nays: Ald. Entrup, Rivera, Mast, Reis, Maples, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 7. Absent: Ald. Bauer. 1. Motion failed.

On a roll call invoice #1021, GREDEF, for the housing retaining fee in the amount of $3,500, the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Fletcher, Bergman, Rivera, Mays, Farha, Sassen, Rein. 7. Nays: Ald. Entrup, Mast, Reis, Maples, Uzleac, Holtschlag. 6. The Mayor cast the vote of Nay. 1. Absent: Ald. Rivera. 1. Motion failed.

On a roll call, to approve the reports and vouchers be issued for the various amounts, the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Fletcher, Entrup, Rivera, Mays, Farha, Sassen, Rein, Mast, Reis, Maples, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 12. Nay: Ald. Bergman. 1. Absent: Ald. Bauer. 1. Motion carried


Mayor Troup stated that there will be a Special City Council Meeting on April 27th at 7:00 p.m. to vote on the adoption of the Ordinance Adopting the Annual Operating Budget for the City of Quincy for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2024. Ald. Holtschlag, seconded by Ald. Uzelac, moved to have the Special City Council Meeting on April 27th at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried.

Ald. Mays moved to allow a dumpster on City right-of-way starting April 21st for two weeks. Motion carried. Ald. Rein moved that the Mayor form a 5 to 7 person Ad-Hoc Committee, including Aldermen, in May of this year, to work on the yard waste pick-up situation. Motion carried.

The City Council adjourned at 8:05 p.m. on a motion of Ald. Holtschlag. Motion carried.



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