
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

City of Quincy City Council met May 22

City of Quincy City Council met May 22.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:




Alderman Greg Fletcher to the Plan Commission

Brian Durante to the Washington Theatre Redevelopment Commission for a two-year term ending April 30, 2025.

John Mast to serve a three-year term expiring April 30, 2026 on the Sister City Commission.


Resolution Of Support For Strong Community Property Program Round 2 Grant Application. (Illinois Housing Development Authority grant through the Strong Community Program in the amount of $440,000 for demolition cost of abandoned properties.)

Human Resources Director recommending approval of the invoice for collective bargaining negotiations & arbitration from Ancel Glink, P.C. of Chicago, Illinois in the amount of $11,274.36.

Chief of Police recommending approval to pay $13,928.00 for tuition for Officer Joel Siebers and Officer Brady Bockenfeld, who recently completed the basic law enforcement training academy at Southwestern Illinois College, Belleville, IL.

Chief of Police recommending approval to pay $14,868.00 for tuition for Officer Tyler Kent and Officer Blaine Venvertloh, who recently completed the basic law enforcement training academy at the Police Training Institute., University of Illinois, Champaign.

Public Works Director, Central Services Director and Central Services Committee recommending approval of the invoice from Blick’s Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $10,000 to remove the accumulation of logs against the South 8th Street near RJ Peters Drive bridge.

Public Works Director, Central Services Director, and Central Services Committee recommending approval of the proposal from Cascade Cart Solutions of Grand Rapids, MI in the amount of $26,970.00 for the purchase of five hundred (500) Residential Roll-Off Garbage Carts.

Public Works Director, Central Services Director, and Central Services Committee recommending approval of the low bid in the amount of $86,049.50 from Rainbo Oil Company of Palmyra, MO for the annual purchase of motor oil, hydraulic fluid, and transmission fluid.

Engineering Manager, Public Works Director, Traffic Commission, and Central Services Committee recommending approval of the invoice in the amount of $7,592.00 from Decatur Electronics, LLC of St. Petersburg, FL for two radar speed boards.

Engineering Manager, Public Works Director, and Central Services Committee recommending approval of the bid from Rees Construction in the amount of $1,669,239.59 for the North 17th Street, Locust Street to Seminary Road Project which includes new asphalt pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks on the west side of 17th Street, and drainage improvements.

Engineering Manager, Public Works Director, and Central Services Committee recommending approval of the bid from D&L Excavating of Liberty, Illinois in an amount not exceeding $72,050.00 to the County of Adams upon completion and inspection of the improvement to the City owned alley adjacent to the parking lot located at 516 Vermont Street.

Fire Aldermanic Committee, and Fire Chief recommending approval to make payment to First Arriving in the amount of $8,334.00 to purchase hardware, licensing, installation costs and a year subscription.

Fire Aldermanic Committee, and Fire Chief recommending approval to make payment to FirstDue in the amount of $3,986.00 to purchase an additional software program and include this in the annual contract.

Fire Aldermanic Committee, and the Fire Chief recommending approval to participate in the State of Illinois Federal Surplus Property Program.

Airport Director and Aeronautics Committee recommending approval of the invoice in the amount of $14,385.00 from Knuffman Plumbing of Liberty, IL for the repair of piping located in the water meter pit at the Quincy Regional Airport.

Airport Director and Aeronautics Committee recommending approval of the proposal from United Contractors Midwest in the amount of $122,352.40 to widen an apron taxiway to safely accommodate larger planes.

Airport Director and Aeronautics Committee recommending approval to accept the bid from Illinois Valley Paving of Springfield, IL and to release funding not exceeding the amount of $375,487.37 to the Illinois Department of Transportation upon request for the reconstruction of part of runway 4/22.

Airport Director and Aeronautics Committee recommending approval to execute the grant agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration and Illinois Department of Transportation in an amount not exceeding $12,971,382.22 for the reconstruction of part of runway 4/22.


Adoption of an Ordinance entitled:

Ward 3 An Ordinance Amending The District Map Which Is Made A Part Of Section 162.002 Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Quincy Of 2015. (R1C (Single Family Residential) to C2 (General Commercial) for a portion of 1537 North 24th Street, formerly 2304 Locust Street.)

Second presentation of an Ordinance entitled:

An Ordinance Amending Chapter 32 (City Council) Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Quincy, 2015. (Delete Planning & Development Committee from Standing Committees.)

