
Quincy Reporter

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met April 17

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met April 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

The Regular Business meeting of the Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, was called to order by Board President, Michael Martin, at 6:00 pm on April 17, 2023, at Hinsdale Middle School, 100 S. Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL.

Roll Call

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call. Board members present were: William Cotter, Grace Shin, Michael Martin, Asim Aleem, Margaret Kleber, Sinead Duffy, and Sheetal Rao. Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Pledge of Allegiance

Michael Martin led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Education Celebrations

The Board of Education expressed their appreciation for the D181 teachers and staff’s dedication and hard work. They asked the community to join them in celebrating teacher and staff appreciation weeks during the first two weeks of May.

The Board also recognized the CHMS 8th Grade Band for being selected to perform at the University of Illinois SuperState Concert Band Festival. CHMS is one of only eight middle schools across the entire state chosen to perform at this prestigious festival.

The Board also welcomed Meg Cooper to the Board of Education. They also recognized the returning Board members, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, and Margie Kleber, for their continued service.

Executive Session

Michael Martin made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session at 6:03 p.m. to discuss personnel, negotiations, and the purchase and lease of real property for the use of the public body, including settings held to discuss whether a particular parcel should be acquired. Sinead Duffy seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye”: Grace Shin, Michael Martin, Sheetal Rao, William Cotter, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, and Margret Kleber. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Call to Order

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary took roll call at 7:16 p.m. Board members present were: Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sheetal Rao, William Cotter, Asim Aleem, Margaret Kleber, and Sinead Duffy. Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Public Comment,

No public comment.

Action Items

Application for Waiver or Modification of State Board Rules and/or School Code Mandates for the ASA Mr. Engstrom shared that Illinois School Code Section 10-17 (105 ILCS 5/10-17) requires school districts/joint agreements to complete the Annual Statement of Affairs (ASA) and publish it in a local newspaper each year. The ASA contains information from the Annual Financial Report (AFR), salary, and demographics. The Illinois State Board of Education allows districts to apply for a waiver or modification of school code to avoid posting the required elements of the ASA in a local newspaper. If the state accepts the application, the district will save $2,500 per year, excluding increases in the cost to publish it in the newspaper and staff time spent preparing the data.

Sheetal Rao made a motion to approve the Application for Waiver or Modification of State Board Rules and School Code Mandates for the ASA. Sinead Duffy seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Sheetal Rao, Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Michael Martin, Margaret Kleer, and Sinead Duffy. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Assessment Calendar

Dr. Tracey Miller, Director of Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation, presented the 2023-2024 Assessment Calendar for discussion. She indicated that the Department of Learning creates an assessment schedule/calendar for the following school year. The testing windows include a fall, winter, and spring testing schedule. She said several assessments are recurring to determine students' successful growth over a school year.

Additionally, several assessments on the calendar are only completed by students once during the school year.

The list of current assessments as well as the timing of the assessment window was reviewed with school administrators, CIAAC, and ASC. Feedback from stakeholders is solicited, and amendments have been made to minimize the number of assessments delivered to students.

For the 2023-24 school year, the Department of Learning recommended the removal of winter and spring BAS for 5th graders who are reading at grade-level expectations and winter MAP for 8th-grade students, as high school schedules are finalized before the administration window.

Grace Shin made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 Assessment Calendar. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Michael Martin, Sheetal Rao, Grace Shin, William Cotter, Margaret Kleber, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

World Language Resource Approval

Dr. Robinson shared the Department of Learning’s recommendation for a World Language Resource. She said all world language teachers (6th Grade) used the pilot in their classrooms.

She noted that the teachers provided feedback on the resource using an evaluation rubric. Highlights of the Programs:

● Somos by The Comprehensible Classroom - Spanish

○ 6th, 7th & 8th grades

○ 27 Units of Instruction

● Nous Sommes by The Comprehensible Classroom - French

○ 6th & 7th grades

○ 12 Units of Instruction

● Entre Culture by Wayside Publishing - French

○ 8th grade

○ 6 Units of Instruction

Somos & Nous Sommes

● Constant comprehensive input; focus on acquisition & active communications

● Essential questions

● Digital download that you can print out

● Student workbooks can be customized in advance instead of having to print pages as you go

● Content-based language instruction (CBLI): stories; personalized conversation; always in a context

● Updated and current vocabulary

Entre Cultures

● Essential questions

● Flex text- online textbook

● Workbook

● Video blogs for each unit using natives; all native speakers at native speed, accent

● Embedded Can Do statements

● Chat place for students-teacher can moderate

● Grammar: inductive approach, Verb T chart

The resources had been on public display for thirty days.

Asim Aleem made a motion to approve the World Language Resource. Grace Shin seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy, Margaret Kleber, and Sheetal Rao. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Final School Calendar - 2022-2023

Dr. Gina Herrmann, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, presented the final 2022-2023 school calendar. Section 10-19 of the Illinois School Code mandates a minimum of 185 days in proposed public school calendars with a minimum of 176 days of student attendance. She noted that the calendar must include an additional five emergency days at the end of each school year to be used in inclement weather or other emergencies.

Before the end of the school year, the District must amend the school calendar to eliminate unused emergency days and establish the actual final day of school.

Michael Martin made a motion to approve the 2022-2023 Final School Calendar. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Sinead Duffy, Michael Martin, Asim Aleem, Grace Shin, William Cotter, Sheetal Rao, and Margaret Kleber. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.

Informational Items

Science Pilot

Dr. Miller presented the K-8 Science Pilot.

Curriculum Renewal Cycle - Science

● D181 Target - 5-year curriculum renewal cycle

● The last science resource pilot and purchase was in the spring of 2017 for the 2017-2018 school year

○ K-3: McGraw Hill

○ 4-8: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH)

● The impact of COVID delayed the renewal cycle by 1-year.

● The Science Subject Area Committee researched resources during the spring of 2022 and fall/winter of 2022/2023.

Science Committee Priorities

● Hands-on activities

● Organized resource/units

● Aligned to NGSS and prioritizes the standards that we have identified in our pacing guides

● Assessments and labs included

● If an online component is offered - review the current state of that resource.

● Differentiated materials to meet the needs of all students (above, at, and below grade level

● Cohesive K-8

Dr. Miller shared that the Science SAC members reviewed all sample resources:

● EdReports review of resources

○ Focus

○ Coherence

○ Rigor

○ Alignment to NGSS

○ Alignment to D181 priorities

● Publishers provided samples of current science resources at our request

● Connection with local school districts regarding science curriculum resources

● The Science SAC members reviewed all sample resources

● Narrowed to those resources for which a representative was scheduled to present ● Full day of presentations for both elementary and middle school SAC members

● Finalized the top two resources for pilot

Pilot Process & Procedures:

● All SAC members and their grade-level team in elementary will pilot

● All middle school science teachers at middle school will pilot

● Each teacher will pilot one unit of instruction from each resource

● Units from the first resource (Mystery Science & Elevate) were selected and paced by the SAC in March. The unit from the second resource (Amplify and OpenSciEd) will be selected and placed by the SAC in May.

● The pilot will begin in September 2023 and end in February 2024

● Parents will receive a letter in the fall if their child’s teacher will be piloting the science resources and specifics of the pilots.

Dr. Miller shared how excited the staff is to begin the science pilot.

CSCI Results

Dr. Miller shared the results of the 2023 administration of the CSCI with students, staff, and D181 families.

The Illinois State Board of Education believes that test scores alone do not provide a full picture of teaching and learning in any school. Under recent legislation, the State Board is mandated, on an annual basis, to implement a learning conditions survey that will help paint that fuller picture. She noted that the survey might help inform state policy and improvement initiatives; it is primarily intended to help local administrators, such as teachers, principals, and superintendents, identify strengths and weaknesses at the District and school level and better target resources and interventions.

Dr. Miller shared that the response rates are very high for students and staff. During the 2023 administration, 99% of students in grades 4-8 participated in the survey. 100% of D181 certified staff members completed the school personnel survey. Family participation ranged between 29-57%, with more than 100 families (44%) sharing their perspectives.

Dimensions whose average median score is below 2.5 are considered negative, meaning there is a high level of negative judgment. Scores above 3.5 are considered to be positive, meaning that there is a high level of positive judgment regarding this dimension. Scores between 2.5 and 3.5 are viewed as neutral. Results for all three respondent groups in D181 have generally averaged at/above a 4.0. The 3-year average (20SY-22SY) for students is 4.15, for staff is 4.55, for families is 4.13, and overall is 4.27. During the 2023 administration, the median score was higher for staff (4.63), families (4.14), and overall (4.28). The average score for students was still above 4.0 at 4.08 but slightly below the 3-year average.

Dr. Miller shared that an area of focus will be the social/emotional piece of the puzzle.

Summary and Next Steps

● The success and data have been shared with principals and district administration.

● Building-specific results will be shared with staff at a building meeting.

● Individual schools will determine what, if any, shifts need to be implemented for the remainder of 2022-2023 and/or during the 2023-2024 school year.

● Continue to promote the Community Speaker series (Katie Hurley -- Child & Adolescent Mental Health & Development).

FOIA Update

The District received four FOIA requests and completed the requests since the last FOIA update on the March 13, 2023, Board of Education meeting.

Consent Agenda


Licensed Educators:

Employment pending successful completion of onboarding process and background check






Effective Date

Viktorija Bielskyte

Psychologist Intern




August 2023

Change in FTE






Effective Date

Kaitlin Teater





August 2023

Summer School Employment




Effective Dates

Michelle Connors

ESY-ECE program

$44.15/hour plan

$52.72/hour classroom

June 12-30, 2023

Lane Advancement, effective for the 2023-24 school year






Erin Donovan

Teacher Gr. 4

BA, 4

BA+15, Step 5

per contract

Taylor Moen

Teacher Gr. 3

BA, 3

BA+15, Step 4

per contract

Lindsey Cray

Teacher Gr. 3

BA+15, 6

MA, Step 7

per contract






Effective Date

Laura Byrne

Certified School Nurse



June 6, 2023

Scottley Sandnes

World Language



June 6, 2023

Club Stipends





Mary Jo Guzaldo


Eco Club


Michael Jensen


Mileage Club


Dan Kolar


Mileage Club


Cassie Soofi


Eco Club


Katherine Speetzen


Comedy Club-2nd session


Morgan Andreoni


Spelling Bee Scorekeeper


Mary Collins


Spelling Bee Judge


Jessica Czerniuk


Cup Stacking


Amy Grippando


Spelling Bee Reader


Lorene Himpelmann


Board Game


Suzanne Hostrawser


Junior Great Books


Megan Husted Madison Spelling Bee Scorekeeper $30.00

Megan Husted


Junior Great Books


Amanda Leyden


Junior Great Books


Patricia Mardula


Spelling Bee Judge


Lori Andreoni


Spelling Bee Coordinator


Allison Durkin


Spelling Bee Judge


Maura Fagan


Spelling Bee Coordinator


Christine Guide


Spelling Bee Judge


Katie Larmon


Spelling Bee Judge


Jessica Goodreid


Choir-Long term sub


Barbara Matt


Panther Prep


Bailey Meredith




Litman Molly


Panther Prep


Christine Feeney

The Lane

Tech Bootcamp


Linda Kolacki

The Lane

Coding Club


Wendy McGreal

The Lane

Tech Bootcamp


Stephanie Stieglitz

The Lane

Tech Bootcamp


Stephanie Stieglitz

The Lane

Coding Club


Jen Francis


Dance Club


Morgan Andreoni


Cardio Club


Mary Collins


Cardio Club


Jessica Czerniuk


Cardio Club


Mentors Stipends

Mentor Name



Stipend Amount

Sara McNamara




Christina Alsip




Becky Brand




Meghan Carey

Social Studies



Richard Lehman




Bridget Golden




JoAnn Vaisman




Brooke Bass

1st Grade



Mandy Bauer

3rd Grade



Susan Eggers

Diff. Specialist



Angela Golden


The Lane


Aisling Lemke (50%)




Stephanie Keating (50%)




Hilary Andrlik




Aletha Fuhrman




Lisa Powers

Lang. Arts



Erika Sajpel




Theresa McGee




Shestine Gesbocker




Classified Staff:

Employment pending successful completion of the onboarding process and background check





Hourly Rate

Effective Date

Daniel Nava

B & G Delivery




April 3,2023






Effective Date

Kathleen Trilla

IA Specialized RISE



March 20, 2023

Mary Marsillo,resigns to retire

MS Main Office



June, 2023

Mary Chris Flannery

Administrative Assistant



June 9, 2023

Change in FTE/Position








Effective Date

Shayln Brady

From hourly RTI tutor to 1.0 IA Specialized Behavior




$20.09 1.0 FTE

March 9, 2023

B & G Summer workers pending successful completion of onboarding process & background check. $13.00 per hour, effective summer of 2023.



Brooke Bobbitt

Angelica Juarez

Tyler Bergthold

Reece Kolke

Caitlyn Bishop

Jimmy Martin

Noah Block

Cody McKay

Joseph Boggs

Joshua Narcisse

Henry Conkright

Adrana Reyes

Michael Conkright

Patrick Ryan

Kevin Conners

Ana Sarabia

Kassandra Diaz

Dominic Tortorello

Monica Fernandez

Gavin VandeLune

Patrick Graham

Max Williams

Approval of Minutes

The Board was asked to approve the minutes from the following meeting:

● Regular Business Meeting - March 13, 2023

Monthly Financial Report

The Board was asked to approve the March 2023 Monthly Financials.

Quarterly Financial Report

The Board was asked to approve the 3rd Quarter (Year to Date) financial activity.

Approval of Demographer Contract

The Board was asked to approve the contract with John D. Kasarda, Consulting Demographer, for an updated CCSD181 demographic study plus District-wide and individual school enrollment projections. The total amount is $27,800.

Resolution Designating the Existence of Safety Hazards

Section 29-3 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/29-3) allows local school districts to receive reimbursement from the State Superintendent of Education for the busing of pupils for distances of less than 1½ miles when conditions are such that walking, either to or from the school to which a pupil is assigned for attendance, or to or from a pick-up point or bus stop, constitutes a serious hazard to the safety of the pupil due to vehicular traffic or rail crossings. It provides that this transportation shall not be provided if adequate transportation for the public is available.

The Board was asked to approve the D181 IDOT Serious Safety Hazards list.

Transportation Service Agreement

The Board was asked to approve the recommendation for the Transportation Services Contract to First Student for three years with an optional 2-year extension.

Middle School Yearbook Service Agreement

The Board was asked to approve the recommendation for the Yearbook Services Contract to Herff Jones for three years with an optional 2-year extension.

Food Service Agreement

The Board was asked to approve the Food Service Contract to Quest Food Management Services as presented for three years with an optional 2-year extension.

Date Book Service Agreement

The District sought a quote with the current vendor for datebook services (student handbooks) for all the schools in the district. The quote is for three years. This is to help ensure consistency and quality across the District. Some of the district’s priorities include stability and continuity, meeting delivery timelines, and a high quality product with exceptional service.

The Board was asked to approve the recommendation for the Datebook Services, Inc. contract as presented for three years.

Landscape Service Agreement

The Board was asked to approve renewing a 3-year Landscape Maintenance Agreement with Twin Oaks Landscaping of Oswego, IL.

Proven IT Security Camera Installation

The Board of Education was asked to approve an agreement with Proven IT for the summer of 2023 to supply and the installation of 210 new cloud-based security cameras whose placement and functionality would mirror those installed in 2021 at Clarendon Hills Middle School.

The total quote for the seven elementary (104 new indoor cameras and 106 new outdoor cameras and cabling) is $597,768. The administration has also requested a quote from Proven IT to bring the camera system at Hinsdale Middle School into compatibility with the other eight buildings.

Kee Construction Settlement Agreement

The Board was asked to approve the Kee Construction Settlement Agreement.

Website Renewal and Redesign Contract

The Board was asked to approve a contract with Finalsite for FY23 for $31,000. This will enable the District to begin designing the new website for launch in the fall. The length of the agreement is five years. The contract does not automatically renew.

Release of Closed Session Minutes

The Board of Education reviewed closed session minutes on March 13, 2023. They reviewed minutes from August 15, 2022, to February 13, 2023, and recommended the following minutes be released to the public:

● August 15, 2022

● October 6, 2022

Destruction of Verbatim Record of Closed Session Minutes

The verbatim record of a closed session must be kept by the public body for a minimum of 18 months after the meeting and may be destroyed after the expiration of that period of time, but only if: 1. the public body approves the destruction;

2. the public body approves the written minutes of the closed session concerned; and 3. there is no legal action pending concerning the meeting. 5 ILCS 120/2.06(c)

Committee Reports

Finance and Facilities Committee

● The Finance and Facilities Committee met on April 11, 2023. The topics for discussion were as follows:

● Resolution Designating the Existence of Safety Hazards

● Application for Waiver or Modification of State Board Rules and/or School Code Mandates for the ASA

● Vendor Contract Approval

● Monthly Financials

Academic Success Committee

● The Academic Success Committee met on April 13, 2023. The topics for discussion were as follows:

● 2023-2024 Assessment Calendar

● 2023 CSCI Results

● Science Pilot

● District-Level Committee Updates

Gifts and Contributions

The Board was asked to accept the following gifts and contributions with gratitude:

1. Donor Name: Marybeth Kopriva

Donation: Guitar, Amp, Book, Strap, and Stand

Beneficiary: Hinsdale Middle School (Band/Orchestra/Choir) Students

Value: $350.00

2. Donor Name: Madison School PTO

Donation: Additional Playground Equipment

Beneficiary: Madison School Students

Value: $55,283.00

3. Donor Name: D181 Foundation

Donation: Supplies for the Got STEM! Program

Beneficiary: CCSD 181 Students

Value: $455.00

Payment of Bills and Reimbursements

Bills and Reimbursements were presented in the amount of $1,179,797.39.

Michael Martin made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Grace Shin, Michael Martin, Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Margaret Kleber, Sinead Duffy, and Sheetal Rao. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.


William Cotter made a motion to adjourn at 7:49 p.m. Grace Shin seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion carried.



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