
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met March 20

Village of Machesney Park President and Board of Trustees met March 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Johnson.

Invocation was given by Pastor Heath Tibbetts, First Baptist Church of Machesney Park

1. Invocation

followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Trustee Bailey

2. Pledge

Present: Mayor Steve Johnson, Trustees Joe Seipts, Jake Schmidt, James Kidd, Aaron Wilson, and Terri Bailey

Absent: Erick Beck

Also Present: Deputy Clerk Penny Miller

Village Attorney Tom Green

Village Administrator James Richter II

Treasurer Deb Alms

Village Engineer Chris Dopkins

Director of Public Works Mitch Hilden

Finance and HR Director Michelle Johannsen

Community Development and Building Coordinator Izzy Mandujano

Management Analyst Dylan Moffitt

Public Safety Supervisor Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli

III. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum.

IV. The Journal of Proceedings for the Regular Board Meeting from March 6, 2023 and the Budget Meeting from February 25, 2023 were approved per typewritten copies submitted by the Clerk on a motion by Tr. Wilson and seconded by Tr. Seipts. Motion approved on Voice Vote.

V. Treasurer Deb Alms presented the Treasurer’s Report as of March 13, 2023, which reflects the total of all funds to be $32,843,021.09. A motion was made by Tr. Bailey to accept the Treasurer’s report and seconded by Tr. Schmidt. Motion approved. On Roll Call: 6 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, and Mayor Johnson) 1 absent (Beck).

VI. Communications: None

VII. Warrant: Tr. Wilson presented the warrant in the amount of $1,595,056.73 and moved for its passage; seconded by Tr. Schmidt. Motion approved. On Roll Call: 6 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, and Mayor Johnson) 1 absent (Beck).


A. Mayor Johnson reported on the following:

• The Village is now accepting applications for the Planning & Zoning Commission.

• He reminded everyone to shop locally.

B. Attorney Tom Green had no report.

C. Village Administrator James Richter II had no report.

D. Finance and HR Manager Michelle Johannsen had no report.

E. Superintendent of Public Works Mitch Hilden reported that the public works staff took delivery of a 2023 GMC Sierra 2500 last week. It is headed to the shop to have the plow and all of the lighting put on. The asphalt hotbox trailer will be delivered on Thursday.

F. Village Engineer Chris Dopkins had no report.

G. Public Safety Supervisor Deputy Chief Anthony Miceli had no report.


1. District #1 Trustee Seipts, Planning & Economic Development had no report.

2. District #2 Trustee Schmidt, Administration & Finance Vice-Chair had no report.

3. District #3 Trustee Kidd, Public Improvements & Safety Chair had no report.

4. District #4 Trustee Wilson, Administration & Finance Chair reported that the A&F committee met this evening. There are three resolutions going to Board this evening and one ordinance and one resolution going to the Board on April 3, 2023, all with positive recommendations.

5. District #5 Trustee Bailey, Public Improvements & Safety Vice-Chair had no report.

6. District #6 Trustee Beck, Planning & Economic Development Vice - Chair had no report.


Mayor Johnson noted that the next item is the Consent Agenda. He asked Staff to introduce all items to be considered under the Consent Agenda. Village Administrator James Richter II presented the items under Consent Agenda as follows:

1. Ordinance 13-23, Variance from Freestanding Sign Height Regulations, 8304 N. Second St. (First Reading)

2. Ordinance 14-23, Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage in the Light Industrial (IL) District, 1152 Turret Dr. (First Reading)

3. Ordinance 15-23, Variance from Solid Fencing Requirement for Outdoor Storage, 1152 Turret Dr. (First Reading)

4. Ordinance 16-23, Text Amendment to the Zoning Code, Site Development Plan Review Procedures and Standards, to Add a Sidewalk Requirement (First Reading)

5. Ordinance 17-23, Adopt Official Zoning Map for the Village of Machesney Park (First Reading)

6. Ordinance 18-23, Disposal of Various Personal Property (Final Reading)

7. Resolution 17-R-23, Award the 251 Sidewalk Construction Contract

8. Resolution 19-R-23, Authorize Operating Transfers FY2022-2023

9. Resolution 20-R-23, Authorize Settlement of Interfund Balances FY 2022-2023

10. Resolution 22-R-23, Opposing SB1391 to Amend the IL TIF Act

Mayor Johnson asked if there were any items to be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Mayor Johnson asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Tr. Schmidt and second by Tr. Seipts. The motion was approved on Roll Call: 6 ayes (Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, Bailey, and Mayor Johnson) 1 absent (Beck).




XIV. CLOSED SESSION: Mayor Johnson asked for a motion to go into closed session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Annual Performance Evaluation of Village Administrator. Motion by Tr. Bailey and seconded by Tr. Seipts. Motion approved on Voice Vote.

The board went into closed session at 6:08 p.m. and returned to open session at 6:26 p.m.

Mayor Johnson called the opening meeting to order at 6:26 p.m.

Present: Mayor Steve Johnson, Trustees Seipts, Schmidt, Kidd, Wilson, and Bailey. Also present: Deputy Clerk Penny Miller and Attorney Tom Green.

XV. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Tr. Schmidt to adjourn; second by Tr. Bailey. The motion was approved on Voice Vote. Meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.
