
Quincy Reporter

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

City of Quincy City Council met March 6

City of Quincy City Council met March 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City Council was held this day at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Michael A. Troup presiding. The following members were physically present:

Ald. Entrup, Bergman, Bauer, Rivera, Mays, Farha, Sassen, Rein, Mast, Reis, Maples, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 13. Absent: Ald. Fletcher. 1.

Ald. Entrup moved Alderman Fletcher be allowed the usual compensation for this meeting. Motion carried. The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held February 27, 2023, were approved on a motion of Ald. Entrup. Motion carried.

Corporation Counsel: Lonnie Dunn.

The City Clerk presented and read the following:


Laurie Poe asked how people are going to recycle if they do not have a vehicle.

Barry Cheyne stated that the Mayor came to the council to change the composition of the Fire & Police Commission without any input from the commission, the council or anyone else.

Drew Howser stated that landlords should be doing their job and be held accountable. Too many tenants are victims. Brennan Hills asked why would anyone on the council suggest or imply that the problem is on the tenants for staying in the residence instead of on the Inspection Department not holding the landlord accountable. Robert Anderson stated that eviction notices usually end up with the tenant filing a housing complaint.


An application for Waiver of Liquor Ordinances by the Quincy Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium & Office Building (Oakley Lindsay Civic Center) requesting permission to have Liquor Ordinance 111.066 (Closing Hours) waived to be able to serve liquor until 3:00 a.m. for a pool tournament. The Quincy Police Department has given their approval.

Ald. Uzelac moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried. Special Event Application from Quincy Medical Group requesting permission to hold the “Bridge the Gap to Health Race” on Saturday, May 13, 2023. The run/walk consists of 5K, 10K, and half marathon routes that begin and end at Clat Adams Park. They request the closures of Bonansinga Dr., Broadway to Cedar St.; Broadway, Bonansinga Dr. to 3rd St.; Vermont St., Front to 3rd Streets; Hampshire St., Front to 3rd Streets; Front St., Jersey Street to Broadway; 2nd Street, Maine to Cedar Streets, from of 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon). South Lane of Bayview Bridge; West Ln. of North 3rd St. at the Broadway intersection; North Lane of Memorial Bridge; North Lane of Maine St. from Memorial Bridge to 4th St. from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Cedar Street, Bonansinga Dr. to 3rd St. and Bonansinga Drive, Cedar St. to Kochs Ln. from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 (noon) and the City provide barricades. They request “no parking” signs be placed on the race route from 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 12th through 1:00 p.m. the day of the event. The applicant requests Auxiliary Police be present at requested intersections. Emergency Management Services has been involved with the coordination of the event. City of Quincy resolutions to IDOT and MODOT, requesting the temporary closure of State routes and lane closures on the Bayview and Memorial bridges, are on the agenda for consideration by the City Council. A Live Entertainment/ Public Gathering Permit is requested for the event. The applicant has submitted all required documentation and approval is recommended by the Department of Utilities & Engineering.

Ald. Entrup moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried. Special Event Application from the Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to hold the annual “Dogwood Parade” on Saturday, May 6, 2023. The parade will begin at 9:30 a.m. at 24th and Maine St. and will disband on 6th Street between Hampshire and Jersey Streets. Line up starts on Maine St. between 24th and 36th Streets beginning at 7:00 a.m. Rain delay alternate start times are 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. They request closure of Maine St., 6th to 36th Streets and 6th St., Hampshire to Jersey Streets from 7:00 a.m. through 12:00 (noon) on the day of the event and that the City provide barricades. They also request “No Parking” signs be placed along the parade route by 12:00 (noon) on Friday, May, 6th. Auxiliary Police Officers are requested at major intersections along Maine Street. Event organizers will be responsible for clean-up along the parade route following the event. Emergency Management Services has been involved with the coordination of the event. The applicant has submitted all required documentation and approval is recommended by the Department of Utilities & Engineering.

Ald. Sassen moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried. By Quincy Medical Group Foundation Cancer Crush requesting permission to conduct two separate raffles and have the bond requirements waived from now through April 7, 2023. The City Clerk recommends approval of the permits. Ald. Sassen moved the prayer of the petition be granted. Motion carried.


City Inspector Michael Seaver gave a presentation concerning housing inspections. He stated that they have implemented software to better serve the department.


The bank statements of condition of the Town & Country Midwest and State Street Bank as of September 30, 2022, were ordered received and filed on a motion of Ald. Farha. Motion carried.


The monthly reports of the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, the City Comptroller, the Sign and Paint Division and Forestry Division for the month of February, 2023, and the Recycling Department for the month of January, 2023, were ordered received and filed on a motion of Ald. Farha. Motion carried.


By Mayor Michael A. Troup making the appointment of Angela Caldwell to the Board of Police and Fire Commission effective March 20, 2023, for a three-year term ending March 19, 2026

Ald. Rein moved the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag, and on a roll call the following vote resulted: Ayes: Ald. Entrup, Rivera, Sassen, Rein, Mast, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 7. Nays: Ald. Bergman, Bauer, Mays, Farha, Reis, Maples. 6. Absent: Ald. Fletcher. 1. The Mayor cast the vote of Aye. Motion carried.


The resolution from the Public Works Director and City Hall Committee recommending approval of the proposal from Klingner & Associates P.C. in the amount of $225,600.00 for engineering and architectural design services for the relocation of offices that are currently in the Annex building to the City Hall building, was tabled for one week by Ald. Bauer.

Ald. Holtschlag moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Entrup.

Ald. Rein, seconded by Ald. Sassen, moved to table the resolution for one week. Motion carried.



WHEREAS, the City of Quincy is a Tree City USA Community; and

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy advertised for bids to treat 223 ash trees located on city right of way; and

WHEREAS, two tree service companies submitted bids to treat city ash street trees for EAB and the bids were Trees “R” Us, Inc. at $21,314.34 and Kinnacun Tree Service at $21,780.00; and

WHEREAS, based on past treatment service by Trees R Us, the City Tree Commission recommends Kinnacun Tree Service at $21,780.00.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council be authorized to hire Kinnacun Tree Service at a cost of $21,780.00 for the two-year contract.

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor be authorized to execute a contract with Kinnacun Tree Service for the treatment of 223 city street ash trees.

This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, as provided by law. PASSED and APPROVED this 7th day of March, 2023.

SIGNED: Michael A. Troup, Mayor

ATTEST: Laura Oakman, City Clerk

Ald. Sassen moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Entrup, and on the roll the following vote resulted: Ayes: Ald. Mast, Reis, Maples, Uzelac, Holtschlag, Entrup, Bauer, Rivera, Mays, Farha, Sassen. 11. Nays: Ald. Bergman, Rein. 2. Absent: Ald. Fletcher. 1. Motion carried.




WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Quincy, an Illinois unit of local government, met on March 6, 2023, and adopted the following Resolutions all of which are in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois:

WHEREAS, the Illinois Housing Development Authority (the “Authority”) has issued to the City of Quincy that certain Conditional Commitment Letters (together with any amendments thereto, the “Commitment”), pursuant to which the Au thority has agreed to issue a grant from the Home Repair and Accessibility Program (the “Program”) to the City of Quincy in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Thousand and NO/100 Dollars ($300,000.00) (the “Grant”) and the City of Quincy will use the Grant funds solely and exclusively for eligible activities in connection with Program and for no other purpose; and

WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City of Quincy to accept the Grant;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Quincy hereby authorizes the acceptance of the Grant; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Quincy is authorized to accept the Commitment and enter into a Program Funding Agreement for the Program (the “Agreement”) with the Authority wherein the City of Quincy agrees to perform Program services in return for the Grant; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Quincy hereby accepts the Grant, agrees to deliver and/or execute the Commit ment and the Agreement and any and all other instruments, certifications and agreements as may be necessary or desirable for the City of Quincy to perform all of its obligations and duties under the Program (including any amendments, other agreements or supplements); and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that Michael A. Troup, the Mayor of the City of Quincy, without the neces sity or requirement for the signature of another person, is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Quincy, the Commitment, the Agreement and all other documents and instruments relating to the Grant to be delivered to the Authority in connection with the closing of the Grant and take such further action on be half of the City of Quincy as they deem necessary to effectuate the foregoing Resolutions; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Quincy hereby ratifies, authorizes, confirms, and approves any prior action of the City of Quincy taken in furtherance of the foregoing Resolutions and any and all documents and instruments previously executed on behalf of the City of Quincy in connection with the Grant.


SIGNED: Michael A. Troup, Mayor

ATTEST: Laura Oakman, City Clerk

Ald. Uzelac moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Human Resources Department is responsible for the negotiation of labor agreements between the City of Quincy and the six (6) union labor bargaining units that represent its employees; and,

WHEREAS, the City required the services of a law firm that specializes in collective bargaining negotiations to assist with the labor agreement between the City of Quincy and the Illinois Police Benevolent and Protective Association (PBPA) that represents employees of the Quincy Police Department; and,

WHEREAS, the law firm of Ancel Glink, P.C. of Chicago, Illinois, was qualified and available to provide the legal services in a satisfactory and timely manner; and,

WHEREAS, the City has received an invoice from Ancel Glink in the amount of $16,394 for legal services rendered for the labor agreement; and,

WHEREAS, funding for these services is available in the 2021/2022 General Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the Director of Administrative Services, the Human Resources Manager and the Personnel Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the invoice for collective bargaining negotiations from Ancel Glink, P.C. of Chicago, Illinois, in the amount of $16,394 be approved for payment.

Jeff Mays

Director of Administrative Services

Ald. Holtschlag moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Entrup, and on the roll the following vote resulted: Ayes: Ald. Maples, Uzelac, Holtschlag, Entrup, Rivera, Mays, Sassen, Rein, Mast. 9. Nays: Ald. Reis, Bergman, Bauer, Farha. 4. Absent: Ald. Fletcher. 1. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the City of Quincy is the owner and operator of the Quincy Regional Airport; and,

WHEREAS, Federal Aviation Administration Part 139 safety regulation requires the airport to maintain an active Wild life Hazard Management Plan to mitigate and deter wildlife that may threaten the safety of aircraft; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy wishes to renew an agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture to provide continual wildlife assessment, active control, permit management, and annual training required by the FAA; and,

WHEREAS, the agreement waives the airport’s need to do a Wildlife Hazard Assessment every five years; and,

WHEREAS, USDA has been performing these services at Quincy Regional Airport for the past year; and,

WHEREAS, USDA performs these same services at several airports across the state and has become standard in the FAA Great Lakes Region; and,

WHEREAS, the term of the agreement is one year; and,

WHEREAS, the total cost of the agreement is $14,500; and,

WHEREAS, the contract cost is fully reimbursable through COVID relief funds; and,

WHEREAS, the Aeronautics Committee and the Airport Director are requesting to waive the normal bidding require ments of Section 44.045 of the City Code of the City of Quincy and approve the agreement with USDA; now,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Aeronautics Committee and the Airport Director recommend to the Mayor and City Council authorization to accept and execute a cooperative services agreement with the USDA to provide wildlife management.

Chuck Miller

Airport Director

Ald. Bauer moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Entrup, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the City of Quincy is the owner and operator of the Quincy Regional Airport; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy executed a performance contract with Veregy, LLC, to provide development of a solar array at Quincy Regional Airport; and,

WHEREAS, the solar array was successfully connected and started producing electricity to the terminal in December, 2022; and,

WHEREAS, Veregy, LLC, presented the City with a Project Acceptance of Substantial Completion document stating they have found the project to be substantially complete and operating as designed; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy has already seen a monthly savings in monthly terminal utility costs due to the solar array and increased revenue from selling excess energy back to the grid; and,

WHEREAS, airport personnel has not noticed any issues or faults with the solar array’s operation; and,

WHEREAS, this agreement includes no financial obligation to the City of Quincy; now,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Airport Director and the Aeronautics Committee recommend that the May or be authorized and directed to execute this acceptance of substantial completion document presented by Veregy, LLC. Chuck Miller

Airport Director

A representative from Veregy LLC spoke to the council.

Ald. Bauer moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Entrup, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities is responsible for customer billing and collection of payments for usage of the City’s water and sewer systems and garbage collection services; and,

WHEREAS, the Department desires to replace its current payment collection system to better serve and accommodate our resident’s needs while improving efficiencies and lowering costs; and,

WHEREAS, the City recently requested proposals for Utility Billing Payment Collection Services and seven (7) pro posals were received; and,

WHEREAS, a proposal from InvoiceCloud of Braintree, Massachusetts, meets or exceeds all required specifications while offering residents easy, user-friendly payment services at a competitive cost to the City; and, WHEREAS, funding for this service is available in the 2022/2023 Water Fund and Sewer Fund fiscal year budgets.

NOW, THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works, the City Treasurer, and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the proposal from InvoiceCloud of Braintree, Massachusetts, be accepted, and the Mayor be authorized to sign contract documents.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E.

Director of Public Works

Linda Moore

City Treasurer

Ald. Bauer moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Mast, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities requires the purchase of two thousand (2,000) cellular meter reading devices for 5/8” residential water meters; and,

WHEREAS, Badger cellular based meter reading devices offered by Midwest Meter, Inc. employs the cellular meter reading technology that is compatible with the meter reading system used by the City of Quincy, thus qualifying them as a sole source provider; and,

WHEREAS, Midwest Meter, Inc. of Edinburg, Illinois, has offered the purchase of the cellular based meter reading devices at the cost of $424,000.00; and,

WHEREAS, funding for the purchase is available in the 2022/2023 Water Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that normal bidding requirements be waived and the purchase of two thousand (2,000) cellular meter reading devices from Midwest Meter, Inc., of Edinburg, Illinois, in the amount of $424,000.00 be approved. Jeffrey Conte, P.E

Director of Public Works

Ald. Bauer moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Mast, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities is responsible for the routine maintenance and repair of the water distribution infrastructure system throughout the City of Quincy; and,

WHEREAS, the Department utilizes heavy machinery to assist with the maintenance and repair of the City’s under ground water system; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy requested proposals for the purchase of a mini excavator to replace an aging 2006 Case 580 that has over 8,900 operating hours; and,

WHEREAS, four (4) proposals were received, and the Director of Public Works has reviewed the proposals and finds them to be acceptable; and,

WHEREAS, a proposal from Luby Equipment of Quincy, Illinois, offers the City a purchase of a Takeuchi TB250 that meets the required specifications at the cost of $72,000.00; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the 2022/2023 Water Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the proposal from Luby Equipment of Quincy for the purchase of a Takeuchi TB250 mini excavator at the cost of $72,000.00 be accepted.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E.

Director of Public Works

Ald. Bauer moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Mast, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.

Ald. Mays left the council chambers at 8:24 p.m.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities is responsible for the routine maintenance and repair of the sewer infrastruc ture system throughout the City of Quincy; and,

WHEREAS, the Department utilizes heavy machinery to assist with the maintenance and repair of the City’s sanitary and storm sewer systems; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy requested proposals for the purchase of a new backhoe to replace an aging 2004 Case 580 that has over 8,500 operating hours; and,

WHEREAS, four (4) proposals were received, and the Director of Public Works has reviewed the proposals and finds them to be acceptable; and,

WHEREAS, a proposal from Luby Equipment of Quincy, Illinois, offers the City a purchase of a new Case 580SN backhoe that meets the required specifications at the cost of $125,500.00; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the 2022/2023 Sewer Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the proposal from Luby Equipment of Quincy for the purchase of a 2023 Case 580SN backhoe at the cost of $125,500.00 be accepted.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E.

Director of Public Works

Ald. Bauer moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Mast, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 2 absent. Motion carried.

Ald. Mays returned to the council chambers at 8:28 p.m.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities requires annual maintenance and calibration of on-line analyzers, monitoring equipment, and instruments used for the treatment and testing of the City’s drinking water supply at the Water Treatment Plant; and,

WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities has received a proposal from the manufacturer of the analytical equipment for annual preventative maintenance, calibration, and certification of this equipment; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has reviewed the proposal and finds it to be acceptable; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this service is available in the 2022/2023 Water Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the proposal for annual maintenance, calibration, and certification of water treatment equipment from Hach Company of Chicago, Illinois, in the amount of $18,240.00 be accepted.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E.

Director of Public Works

Ald. Bauer moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Mast, and on the roll the following vote resulted: Ayes: Ald. Mast, Reis, Maples, Uzelac, Holtschlag, Entrup, Bergman, Bauer, Rivera, Mays, Farha, Sassen. 12. Nay: Ald. Rein. 1. Absent: Ald. Fletcher. 1. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, Quincy Medical Group is sponsoring the 23rd Annual Bridge the Gap to Health Race on May 13, 2023, in the City of Quincy, which is an event that constitutes a public purpose; and,

WHEREAS, this run will require the temporary closure of the north lane of eastbound U.S. Route 24, a State Highway in the City of Quincy from 4th and Maine Street to the Missouri State Line; and,

WHEREAS, this run will require the temporary closure of the south lane of westbound U.S. Route 24, a State Highway in the City of Quincy from the west terminus of State Route 104 to the Missouri State Line and the west lane of North 3rd Street (U.S. Route 24/State Route 57) in the intersection of State Route 104; and,

WHEREAS, Section 4-408 of the Illinois Highway Code authorizes the Department of Transportation to issue permits to local authorities to temporarily close portions of State Highways for such public purposes; now,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Quincy that permission to close the north lane of eastbound U.S. Route 24, a State Highway in the City of Quincy from 4th and Maine Street to the Missouri State Line, the south lane of westbound U.S. Route 24, a State Highway in the City of Quincy from the west terminus of State Route 104 to the Missouri State Line, and the west lane of North 3rd Street (U.S. Route 24/State Route 57) in the intersection of State Route 104, as above designated, be requested of the Illinois Department of Transportation by the Director of Public Works.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these closures shall occur during the approximate time period between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 13, 2023.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure is for the public purpose of the Bridge the Gap to Health Race.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that traffic from that closed portion of highway shall be detoured over routes with an all-weather surface that can accept the anticipated traffic, which will be maintained to the satisfaction of the Department and which is conspicuously marked for the benefit of traffic diverted from the State Highway.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the run sponsor, Quincy Medical Group, assumes full responsibility for the direc tion, protection, and regulation of vehicular traffic during the time the detour is in effect.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers or authorized flaggers shall, at the expense of the sponsors, be posi tioned at each end of the closed section and at other points (such as intersections) as may be necessary to assist in directing traffic through the detour.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers, flaggers, and officials shall permit emergency vehicles in emer gency situations to pass through the closed area as swiftly as it is safe for all concerned.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all debris shall be removed by the sponsors prior to reopening the State Highway.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such signs, flags, barricades, etc., which shall be used by the sponsors may be approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the closure and detour shall be marked according to the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Quincy Medical Group hereby agrees to assume all liabilities and pay all claims for any damage which shall be occasioned by the closing described above.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Quincy Medical Group shall provide a comprehensive general liability insurance policy or an additional insured endorsement in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate which has the Illinois Department of Transportation and its officials, employees and agents as named insures and which protects them from all claims arising from the requested road closing.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Illinois Department of Transportation to serve as a formal request for the permission sought in this Resolution and to operate as part of the conditions of said permission.

Passed this 6th day of March, 2023.

Michael A. Troup, Mayor

Laura Oakman, City Clerk

Ald. Entrup moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Uzelac and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, on the 13th day of May, 2023, Quincy Medical Group is sponsoring the 23rd Annual Bridge the Gap to Health Race to promote the health and welfare of the citizens of Quincy, Illinois; and,

WHEREAS, this run will require the temporary closure of the north lane of eastbound U.S. Route 24, a State Highway in Marion County, from the west end of the Memorial Bridge to the Illinois State Line; and,

WHEREAS, this run will require the temporary closure of the south lane of westbound U.S. Route 24, a State Highway in Marion County, from the west end of the Bayview Bridge to the Illinois State Line; now,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Quincy that permission to close the north lane of eastbound U.S. Route 24, a State Highway in Marion County, from the west end of the Memorial Bridge to the Illinois State Line and the south lane of westbound U.S. Route 24, a State Highway in Marion County, from the west end of the Bayview Bridge to the Illinois State Line as above designated, be requested of the Missouri Department of Transportation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure shall occur during the approximate time period between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on May 13, 2023.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure is for the public purpose of the Bridge the Gap to Health Race.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the traffic from that closed portion of highway shall be detoured over routes with an all-weather surface that can accept the anticipated traffic.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all debris shall be removed by the sponsors prior to the reopening of the State Highway.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Missouri Department of Transportation to serve as a formal request for the permission sought in this resolution and to operate as part of the conditions of said permission.

Passed this 6th day of March, 2023.

Michael A. Troup, Mayor

Laura Oakman, City Clerk

Ald. Entrup moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Uzelac, and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


Michael Farha

Anthony E. Sassen

Mike Rein

Richie C. Reis

Finance Committee

Ald. Farha, seconded by Ald. Sassen, moved the reports be received and vouchers be issued for the various amounts and on the roll call each of the 13 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent. Motion carried.


Ald. Holtschlag moved to have “No Parking” signs placed on the south side of Maine Street between 12th to 16th Streets from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on March 24th and have the times placed on the signs. Motion carried. Ald. Holtschlag moved to refer to the Traffic Committee to place a streetlight in the north/south alley between 9th to 10th Street behind Dicks Brewery on any pole. Motion carried.

The City Council adjourned at 8:39 p.m. on a motion of Ald. Holtschlag. Motion carried.
