
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met Feb. 15

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met Feb. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board

1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary

The 02.15.23 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at the Student Administrative Center, Board Room, 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL 62305 at 6:00 p.m. by Ms. Diane Ary, Board chair. Ms. Ary appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary.

Ms. Ary appointed Mr. Don Hess as Assistant Secretary.

Mr. Fischer participated via phone. Due to regulations of the Open Meetings Act his absence does not qualify for his vote to be official considered in the count.

2. Roll Call

Ms. Benz called roll:






Ms. Archer


Ms. Hawley


Mr. Hess


Mr. Rhea


Mr. Sprague


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X (via phone)

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

Attendees: Dr. Bryan Renfro, Ms. Leah Benz, Mr. Josh Welker, Ms. Tracy Orne, Ms. Tracy Hagman, Dr. Laurel Klinkenberg, Mr. Mike Sorensen Quincy Herald Whig reporter, Mr. Dave Hetzler, Ms. Jennifer Grindstaff, Ms. Madelyn Davis, Dr. Chris Kaelke, Ms. Jamie Chapman, Ms. Catharine Miller, Mr. Dan Stupavsky, and Ms. Rachel Hansen.

3. Pledge of Allegiance; Mission Statement – The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Ms. Lauren Archer read the mission statement which states JWCC enriches lives through learning by providing accessible educational opportunities and services at an exceptional value.

4. Introductions - Mr. Michael Sorensen, the Quincy Herald Whig reporter, was acknowledged.

5. Special Report -Ms. Jennifer Grindstaff and Ms. Madeline Davis, co-advisors of Phi Theta Kappa, introduced Phi Theta Kappa current student president, Ms. Catharine Miller who shared information regarding this organization. It was established in 1918 in 1,300 community colleges in eleven nations. The purpose was to allow members to receive scholarships, career training, transfer guidance and recognition. The JWCC chapter is a 5-star group. The work which goes into keeping this status at that level includes monthly meetings, fundraisers, service activities, fellowship events and leadership opportunities. The JWCC chapter hosts two induction ceremonies per year. Members and advisors travel annually to the PTK Catalyst International conference. Our chapter has seen 105 new members inducted in 2022. Members must have a 3.5 GPA and take at least twelve credit hours. Once a student becomes a member of the organization, they remain in it for life.

The JWCC chapter was founded by president, Mike Elbe in 1991. Ms. Miller shared that this year’s members submitted a nomination application for former president Elbe to be considered for the PHI Theta Kappa retired president’s award. Notification was received Mr. Elbe did receive this honor and was invited to receive the award at the conference this spring.

6. Consideration of Items from the Floor - None

7. Public and/or Employee Comment - None

8.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report – Ms. Paula Hawley, ICCTA representative, Mr. Don Hess, alternate – The next ICCTA meeting is scheduled for March 9-11 at The Westin Chicago Lombard. Neither Ms. Hawley nor Mr. Hess are available to attend this meeting.

The West Central Regional meeting of community college trustee boards is March 17 at the Spoon River Macomb Outreach Center. Mr. Greenwell, Ms. Hawley, and Mr. Fischer stated they would be attending.

The trustees were also invited to attend the East Central Regional meeting of community college trustee boards on February 24 at Heartland Community College. No trustees were available to attend this meeting.

ICCTA sent an e-mail on the Governor’s FY24 budget proposal which mentioned a significant funding increase for Illinois’ community colleges. Illinois community colleges would see one of the largest operating budget increases in more than two decades if lawmakers agree on Governor Pritzker’s proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget. The increase would take the community college system-wide operating budget from last year’s $277.6 million to $297.1 million for the current fiscal year -- a $19.4 million (7 percent) increase overall. The budget numbers are processed through a formula for allocation to each community college, therefore, no actual amount is known of the dollars for the college.

8.2 Board Executive Committee Report – Ms. Diane Ary, Mr. Bob Rhea, Mr. Larry Fischer. The Executive Committee met on February 9, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. in room C252. Ms. Diane Ary, Mr. Larry Fischer, (via phone) and Mr. Bob Rhea, trustees; Dr. Bryan Renfro, president; Ms. Leah Benz, note taker.

February Board of Trustees Business Agenda items discussed:

Approval of tenure for full-time faculty member Ms. Jamie Chapman

Acceptance of proposal and award WDC expansion audio-visual equipment for the classroom to Conference Technology RE: $218,538.86

Consent Agenda

Regular Board minutes, bills, travel expenditures

Financials December and January


Grant application to National Science Foundation for STEM Lab Learning Project – This grant application was withdrawn from the agenda.

Grant application to United Way of Adams County for RSVP Support grant RE: $5,000


The Tracy Family Foundation presented a proposal to the College for a 50% position funded through their foundation. Their focus is to support students in Brown County 50% of the time for both concurrent enrollment and students at JWCC. JWCC will support the other 50% of the position to develop a model for College and Career Coach in other area high schools identified.

Other items discussed by the committee included reviewing the vacant vice president of Instruction’s position moving forward, a new leadership team by the president, an enrollment update, discussion on the Board spring retreat, progress at the WDC expansion project, a final report summary of the HLC affirmation, and a TIFF request from the city of Quincy.

Highlighted activities and/or noted items:

West Central Regional trustees meeting March 17

Career Makeover announcement later in February

An in-service developmental activity for employees March 31

President’s events for the month of January

Board policy transformation to electronic format

8.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report – The Curriculum Committee met on Monday, February 13, 2023. Attending virtually via zoom conference were Ms. Paula Hawley, trustee; Mr. Andy Sprague, trustee; Dr. Laurel Klinkenberg, vice president of instruction; Dr. Bryan Renfro, president; Ms. Kristina Johnson, note taker.

Career Pathways Institute model was introduced as a cohesive methodology to streamline the process of guiding students toward success in a clearly structured manner. Faculty and staff will have ongoing conversations regarding Career Pathways.

Other items discussed included, the Annual Program Review Workshop for faculty that was held on February 10th, where the annual and 5-year programs were reviewed along with course/program fees. Additionally, the Career and Technical faculty reviewed their program goals to ensure goals are in alignment with the newly adopted institutional goals.

8.4 Board Finance and Audit Committee Report – Dr. Randy Greenwell, Mr. Don Hess - The Finance and Audit Committee met on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. at John Wood Community College, room, C240. Present were Mr. Don Hess, trustee, Mr. Josh Welker, Dean of Business Services & Institutional Effectiveness, Dr. Bryan Renfro; president, and Jenny Venvertloh; note taker.

The committee reviewed the following:

Bills for Payment - The bills for both December and January were reviewed and will be recommended for payment.

Approval of Travel Requests – The committee reviewed the out of district travel forms that have been submitted and recommended them for approval.

Financials - The financials for both December and January were reviewed and will be recommended for approval.

Board Budget – The budget was reviewed. It was noted that the budget is over due to expenses incurred during the presidential search.

Review & Discuss Investments - The investment report was reviewed.

Mr. Hess noted that numbers in the December and January financials reflected the WDC project.

A comparison sheet was distributed showing the credit hours and tuition and fees for each fiscal year.

8.5 Student Trustee Report – Ms. Lauren Archer – Ms. Archer informed Board members of the upcoming homecoming activities to be held the week of February 20. These include Big Time Bingo, Mr. John Wood, homecoming after party and pizza with the “Prez.”

8.6 Administration Report – Dr. Renfro– Dr. Renfro shared with Board activities and events he had participated in the past thirty days. He met with students, staff, community members, and news media. He visited the outlying centers and met with leaders within the community.

Dr. Renfro shared an executive summary of the HLC final report. A celebration will be held internally on March 3 to recognize the work of all in achieving this accreditation. He highlighted two areas of concerned were noted in the report. They were data planning and usage and professional development. As a result, a data task force is being formed to improve this concern. A professional development activity is scheduled for March 31 for all employees to start improvement in this area. Further options will be explored on professional development.

Career Pathways continues to be explored at the College as we move forward. This model guides students in navigating the courses toward their declared major.

Vice president of Instruction position is being reviewed. Faculty leadership will be consulted for their perspective of attributes for this position.

Enrollment report stated last year’s headcount was 1565 compared to 1679 same time this year. Credit hour was 15,204 compared to 16,013 this year.

9. Consent Agenda

Consent business

9.1 Request approval of 12.19.22 Board regular meeting minutes

9.2 Request approval of bills for payment for December and January Finance and Audit Committee

9.3 Request approval of monthly financial statements for December and January Finance and Audit Committee

9.4 Request approval of trustee and employee travel expenditures for December and January Finance & Audit Committee

MOTION: Request approval of the consent agenda items

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Ms. Hawley







Ms. Archer


Ms. Hawley


Mr. Hess


Mr. Rhea


Mr. Sprague


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

x via phone

Not counted

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

10. Grant Items

10.1 MOTION: Request authorization to submit a grant application to the National Science Foundation for STEM Lab Learning Project grant RE: Range Amount $325,000 - $350,000 withdrawn

Seconded by:

Discussion: Grant Item 10.1 was withdrawn by Administration






Ms. Archer

Ms. Hawley

Mr. Hess

Mr. Rhea

Mr. Sprague

Dr. Greenwell

Mr. Fischer

Ms. Ary

Voice Vote

10.2 MOTION: Authorization to submit a grant application to United Way of Adams County for RSVP support grant RE: Amount $5,000

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Rhea







Ms. Archer


Ms. Hawley


Mr. Hess


Mr. Rhea


Mr. Sprague


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

x via phone

Not counted

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

11. Business

11.1 MOTION: Request approval of tenure for full-time faculty member Ms. Jamie Chapman Instructor Natural Sciences effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year

Moved by: Ms. Hawley

Seconded by: Mr. Hess

Discussion: Ms. Jamie Chapman is a faculty member in the Natural Sciences and Engineering department. Ms. Chapman brings a wealth of teaching experience and expertise to the College and is a valued colleague of the department. She has a skill in developing curriculum, always striving for continuous improvement, and using various strategies to help students learn challenging material. Jamie explains things in a way that makes sense to students who have little to no prior knowledge. Students are appreciative and have shared she is a great communicator and is always helpful. Beyond the classroom, Jamie has embraced service to the College as an active member of the Faculty Senate Assessment and Curriculum Committees and serves as the Faculty Union treasurer.






Ms. Archer


Ms. Hawley


Mr. Hess


Mr. Rhea


Mr. Sprague


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

x via phone

Not counted

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

11.2 MOTION: Request authorization to accept the proposal and award to Conference Technology to provide audio visual equipment for the Workforce Development Center RE: $218,538.86

Moved by: Mr. Rhea

Seconded by: Mr. Hess

Discussion: JWCC solicited request for proposals from qualified vendors to provide audio visual equipment for the Workforce Development Center. The request for proposals was advertised in the Quincy-Herald Whig and on the John Wood Community College website. Two proposals were received.


Live Space $214,032.60

4995 Starr St. SE 12,392.60 plus customized consoles

Grand Rapids MI 49546 $226,425.20 Total Bid

Conference Technology

3513 Vine Court

Davenport IA 52806 $218,538.86 Total Bid *includes customized consoles






Ms. Archer


Ms. Hawley


Mr. Hess


Mr. Rhea


Mr. Sprague


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

x via phone

Not counted

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

12. Discussion Item

Calendar of Events – Graduation May 19, 2023

Retreat June 1, 2023

13. Notices and Communications

14. Personnel Items

14.1 MOTION: Authorize to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, terminations, and implement status changes as presented

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Rhea

Discussion: The Tracy Family Foundation was highlighted. Details were shared via the Executive Committee update.






Ms. Archer


Ms. Hawley


Mr. Hess


Mr. Rhea


Mr. Sprague


Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

x via phone

Not counted

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

15. Other Items


17.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body

Moved by:

Seconded by:






Ms. Archer

Ms. Hawley

Mr. Hess

Mr. Rhea

Mr. Sprague

Dr. Greenwell

Mr. Fischer

Ms. Ary

Voice Vote

18. Public Session

18.1 MOTION: Resume to Open Session

Moved by:

Seconded by:






Ms. Archer

Ms. Hawley

Mr. Hess

Mr. Rhea

Mr. Sprague

Dr. Greenwell

Mr. Fischer

Ms. Ary

Voice Vote

19. Adjournment

19.1 MOTION: Adjourn the February 15, 2023, Board of Trustees regular meeting

Moved by: Mr. Rhea

Seconded by: Mr. Hess






Ms. Archer

Ms. Hawley

Mr. Hess

Mr. Rhea

Mr. Sprague

Dr. Greenwell

Mr. Fischer

Ms. Ary

Voice Vote



Approved the 15th day of March 2023, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 539, meeting at the Mt. Sterling Education Center, 108 N Capitol, Mt. Sterling IL 62353 at which ________voting members were present, constituting a quorum by a vote of ___ayes and ________nays.


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