City of Quincy Traffic Commission met March 13.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Public Comment (3-minute limit)
3. Old Business
a. Quincy Medical Group’s request to study the intersection of 11th and Hampshire for traffic control.
4. New Business
a. Alderman Reis’ referral to the streetlight at the intersection of 8th and Van Buren.
b. Alderman Holtshclag’s referral to install a street light in the north/south alley behind Dick’s Brewery.
c. Alderwoman Mays’ request to review the Hollister Whitney Parkway speed study.
d. Police Department referral for “No Left Turn Lane” signage at 5120 Broadway.
5. Late Referrals and Additions
6. Adjournment