
Quincy Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Quincy City Council met Nov. 7

City of Quincy City Council met Nov. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City Council was held this day at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Michael A. Troup presiding. The following members were physically present:

Ald. Fletcher, Entrup, Bergman, Bauer, Mays, Freiburg, Farha, Sassen, Rein, Mast, Reis, Maples, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 14.

The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held October 31, 2022, were approved on a motion of Ald. Entrup. Motion carried.

Corporation Counsel: Lonnie Dunn


Timothy Bichsel stated that he attended the utility rate increase public hearing and concluded that the Utilities Department does not have the extra money for expenses and that the council should vote for the rate increase.

The City Clerk presented and read the following:


By Hildebrand Construction requesting a subdivision (one lot into nine lots) of property located at 5010-5019 College Avenue under the “small tracts” provision of the Subdivision Ordinance (zoned NR1).

Ald. Freiburg moved the petition be received and referred to the Plan Commission for study and to report back. Motion carried.

By Klingner & Associates, on behalf of Jeff and Ann Wilson, requesting a subdivision (one lot into four lots) of property located at 5100 Chestnut Street under the “small tracts” provision of the Subdivision Ordinance (zoned NR1). Ald. Freiburg moved the petition be received and referred to the Plan Commission for study and to report back. Motion carried.

By Craig Industries, Inc. requesting the vacation of a public North/South alley bounded by 3rd Street, Ohio Street, 4th Street, & Delaware Street (zoned M1).

Ald. Uzelac moved the petition be received and referred to the Plan Commission for study and to report back. Motion carried.

By Carl Douglas II requesting the rezoning of 1400 North 8th Street from R1C (single-family residential) and R2 (two family residential) zoning to R3 (multi-family residential) to allow for the operation of a sober living house. Ald. Entrup moved the petition be received and referred to the Plan Commission for study and to report back. Motion carried.

By Carl Douglas II requesting a Special Permit to operate a sober living house at 1400 North 8th Street. Ald. Entrup moved the petition be received and referred to the Plan Commission for study and to report back. Motion carried.


The monthly reports of the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, the City Comptroller, the Forestry Division, the Sign & Paint Department and the Street Cleaning Department for the month of October, 2022, and the Sign & Paint Department, Street Cleaning Department, the Mosquito Abatement Program, the Forestry Division and the Recycling Division for the month of September, 2022, were ordered received and filed on a motion of Ald. Farha. Motion carried.


The recommendation for DENIAL of the amendment to a Special Permit for Planned Development at 2600 North 12th Street to obtain a liquor license as a means to operate multiple video gaming terminals at 2600 North 12th Street, as requested (Zoned C1B), which was tabled for one week by Ald. Fletcher.

Ald. Fletcher stated that the petitioner for the Special Permit for Planned Development has withdrawn the request.


WHEREAS, the City of Quincy had previously engaged Anders Technology for the purposes of an Information Tech nologies department evaluation; and,

WHEREAS, there are multiple projects and unmet needs following the cyber incident of May 7th that cannot continue to linger without immediate attention; and,

WHEREAS, it had been determined that the City could benefit from an outside professional consultant to review the needs and provide assistance with the IT project management; and,

WHEREAS, the City wishes to enter into an contractual agreement with Anders Technology for the purposes of provid ing management/consulting services to the City for a sum not to exceed a total cost of $50,000.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Quincy, Illinois, that the Mayor is au thorized to retain Anders Technology as a consultant for the purposes outlined above and for an amount not to exceed $50,000.

Michael A. Troup, Mayor

Laura Oakman, City Clerk

Ald. Uzelac moved to suspend the rules, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag. Motion carried.

The council discussed the resolution.

Ald. Uzelac moved the rules be resumed, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag. Motion carried.

Ald. Sassen moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Rein, and on the roll call the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Freiburg, Farha, Sassen, Rein, Maples, Holtschlag, Fletcher, Entrup, Bergman, Mays. 10. Nays: Ald. Reis, Bauer. 2. Present: Ald. Mast, Uzelac. 2. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the City of Quincy is the owner and operator of the Quincy Regional Airport; and,

WHEREAS, as part of the Rebuild Illinois Program, the State of Illinois Department of Transportation awarded the City of Quincy funds to construct a general aviation apron, taxi lane, and roadway for a new corporate hangar at Quincy Regional Airport under State Project UIN-5025, an agreement with the State is forthcoming; and,

WHEREAS, Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly, Inc. (CMT) was selected in accordance with state and federal procurement requirements to provide engineering and planning services for airport projects; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy wishes to enter into an agreement with CMT for construction engineering services of said project; and,

WHEREAS, the total contract cost is not to exceed $231,800; and,

WHEREAS, this agreement is to be funded 90% through the State of Illinois’ Rebuild Illinois Program, and 10% by the City of Quincy; and,

WHEREAS, the cost of the agreement is budgeted for in Fund 513, the Airport Hangar Development Fund in the current fiscal year; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy will act as the pass through for all state funds; and,


1. The Aeronautics Committee and the Airport Director recommend that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute and attest, respectively, this agreement with Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly for engineering and design services for the construction of a general aviation apron, taxi lane, and roadway; and,

2. The Comptroller and the Airport Director recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Comptroller and Air port Director be authorized to release the City share of the project; and,

3. The Comptroller and the Airport Director recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Comptroller and the Airport Director be authorized to pay pass through funding to all vendors involved in this project.

Chuck Miller

Airport Director

Ald. Bauer moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Maples, and on the roll call the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Mast, Reis, Maples, Uzelac, Fletcher, Entrup, Bergman, Bauer, Mays, Freiburg, Farha, Sassen. 12. Nay: Ald. Rein. 1. Abstain: Ald. Holtschlag. 1. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, on September 12, 2022, the Quincy City Council adopted an ordinance allowing the implementation of recycling drop-off locations that will be used by residents for the collection of recyclable materials; and,

WHEREAS, on September 19, 2022, the Quincy City Council approved the purchase of fifteen 40 cubic yard covered roll-off containers from Gregory Container Company for use at the public recycling collection sites; and,

WHEREAS, the City required the purchase of an additional container that will be used as a replacement if an on-site container is damaged and requires replacement; and,

WHEREAS, the container has been delivered and an invoice received in the amount of $11,250.00 for the purchase and delivery of the container; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the 2022/2023 General Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works recommends to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the invoice from Gregory Container Company of Kahoka, Missouri, in the amount of $11,250.00 for the purchase of one (1) roll-off container be approved for payment.

Jeffrey Conte

Director of Public Works

Ald. Mast moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bauer, and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities and Engineering is responsible for the metering of water used by its residential, commercial, and industrial water and sewer customers; and,

WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities and Engineering required the purchase of nine (9) 6” gate valves to be installed on replacement 6” commercial water meters; and,

WHEREAS, Core & Main of Washington, Illinois, quoted a price of $998.00 per gate valve; and,

WHEREAS, the Department has received an invoice in the amount of $8,982.00 for the purchase and delivery of the gate valves; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the 2022/2023 Water Fund fiscal year budget. NOW,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that the invoice from Core & Main of Washington, Illinois, in the amount of $8,982.00 be approved for payment.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E

Director of Public Works

Ald. Mast moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bauer, and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities and Engineering is responsible for the repair and maintenance of underground water infrastructure throughout the City of Quincy, and,

WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities and Engineering recently took delivery of a shipment of backordered water main and pipe fittings; and,

WHEREAS, an invoice in the amount of $11,081.48 has been received from Core and Main of Washington, Illinois, for the purchase and delivery of these stock items; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the 2022/2023 Water Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that normal bidding requirements be waived and the invoice from Core & Main of Washington, Illinois, in the amount of $11,081.48 be approved for payment.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E

Director of Public Works

Ald. Mast moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bauer, and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities and Engineering required the purchase of one-hundred (100) automatic meter reading devices for 5/8” residential water meters; and,

WHEREAS, Badger meters offered by Midwest Meter, Inc. offer the automatic meter reading technology that is com patible with the automatic meter reading system employed by the City of Quincy thus qualifying them as a sole source provider; and,

WHEREAS, the City has received an invoice from Midwest Meter, Inc. of Edinburg, Illinois, in the amount of $18,500.00 for the purchase of the automatic reading devices; and,

WHEREAS, funding for the purchases is available in the 2022/2023 Water Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that normal bidding requirements be waived and the invoice from Midwest Meter, Inc. of Edinburg, Illinois, in the amount of $18,500.00 be approved for payment.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E

Director of Public Works

Ald. Mast moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bauer, and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Department of Utilities and Engineering required the purchase of sodium permanganate which is used for the treatment of drinking water at the Water Treatment Plant; and,

WHEREAS, the shortage in supplies of water treatment chemicals is causing difficulties in procuring an adequate supply of chemicals at a reasonable cost; and,

WHEREAS, the Department was able to purchase 29,280 pounds of sodium permanganate from Carus, LLC of Peru, Illinois, at the cost of $1.27 per pound; and,

WHEREAS, the Department has taken delivery of the sodium permanganate and an invoice in the amount of $37,185.60 has been received for the purchase and delivery of the chemical; and,

WHEREAS, funding for this purchase is available in the 2022/2023 Water Fund fiscal year budget.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Director of Public Works and the Utilities Committee recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council that normal bidding requirements be waived and that the invoice from Carus, LLC of Peru, Illinois, in the amount of $37,185.60 for the purchase of sodium permanganate be approved for payment.

Jeffrey Conte, P.E

Director of Public Works

Ald. Mast moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bauer, and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea. Motion carried.


The Ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 51 (Plumbing And Sewers) And Chapter 52 (Water) Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Quincy of 2015 (Water and Sewer funds), which had a third presentation and was tabled at the October 31st council meeting for one week on a motion of Ald. Maples.

Ald. Bauer moved to refer the ordinance back to the Utilities Committee. The motion failed for lack of a second. Ald. Mast moved the adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag and on a roll call the following vote resulted: Yeas: Ald. Mays, Freiburg, Sassen, Mast, Uzelac, Holtschlag, Entrup 7. Nays: Ald. Farha, Rein, Reis, Maples, Fletcher, Bergman, Bauer. 7.

The Mayor cast the vote of yea.

The Chair, Mayor Michael A. Troup, declared the motion carried and the ordinance adopted.


Adoption of an ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Amending The 2022 – 2023 Fiscal Year Budget. (Increased expenditures for professional fees and IT budget for the purpose of purchasing dual-factor authentication equipment and consulting services. Lincoln Bicentennial Commission Fund receiving a donation for the purpose of increasing the building expenditures for the Looking for Lincoln Interpretive Center.)

Ald. Uzelac moved the adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag and on a roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea

The Chair, Mayor Michael A. Troup, declared the motion carried and the ordinance adopted.


First presentation of an Ordinance Entitled: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 22-04 (Amending Special Permit For Planned Development). (2435 Maine Street - Add Cafeteria – storage by Quincy Community Theater.)


First presentation of an Ordinance Entitled: An Ordinance Granting A Special Use Permit For A Planned Development. (2130 Harrison Street, construct a parking lot to serve the existing senior living facility.)


First presentation of an Ordinance Entitled: An Ordinance Amending Title VII (Traffic Code) Of Chapter 81 (Traffic Schedules) Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Quincy Of 2015. (Add Stop Sign at intersection of Glenayre Ways and Hollister Whitney Parkway.)

Ald. Freiburg moved the requirements of Section 32.31 of the City Code of the City of Quincy be waived and the ordinance adopted, seconded by Ald. Mays, and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea. The Chair, Mayor Michael A. Troup, declared the motion carried and the ordinance adopted.


First presentation of an Ordinance Entitled: An Ordinance Amending Title VII (Traffic Code) Of Chapter 82 (No Parking Zones) Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Quincy Of 2015. (Add No Parking Zone west side of North 4th Street, 140’ north of centerline of Hampshire St., north 90’.


Mike Farha

Jack Holtschlag

Anthony E. Sassen

Mike Rein

Richie C. Reis

Finance Committee

Ald. Farha, seconded by Ald. Sassen, moved the reports be received and vouchers be issued for the various amounts and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea. Motion carried.


Ald. Fletcher moved to refer to the Street Lights/Right-Of-Way Committee the need for more lighting on North 12th Street from Chestnut to Locust Streets. Motion carried.

The City Council adjourned at 8:02 p.m. on a motion of Ald. Holtschlag. Motion carried.




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