
Quincy Reporter

Monday, March 31, 2025

Adams County Board Finance Committee met Oct. 10

Adams County Board Finance Committee met Oct. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

PRESENT: Bret Austin, Travis Cooley, David Hoskins, Robert Reich, Matt Obert


OTHER: Gary Farha, Caitlin Waterman, R. Kent Snider, Anthony Foster, Lowell Klassert, Bryden Cory

6:02 pm meeting was convened.


Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve made by Travis Cooley and seconded by Dave Hoskins. Motion passed.






1. Tax Sale Resolution Number 09-22-001 for PIN 23-0839 located in the Quincy Township

2. Tax Sale Resolution Number 09-22-002 for PIN 18-0-0601-000-00 located in the Payson Township

3. Tax Sale Resolution Number 09-22-003 for PIN 23-2-0800-000-00 located in the Quincy Township

4. Tax Sale Resolution Number 09-22-004 for PIN 23-4-1103-000-00 located in the Quincy Township

5. Tax Sale Resolution Number 09-22-005 for PIN 23-4-1632-000-00 located in the Quincy Township

6. Tax Sale Resolution Number 09-22-007 for PIN 23-5-0868-000-00 located in the Quincy Township

7. Tax Sale Resolution Number 09-22-006 for PIN 23-5-0209-000-00 located in the Quincy Township

Matt Obert makes a motion to approve the above resolutions. Travis Cooley seconded the motion. Motion carried.


1. Additional Fund Appropriation

a. Additional Fund Appropriation from David Hochgraber – IT Director – in the amount of $7,500 to Revenue Account Line Number 104- 105-4120 – FEES – ROE IT Services – for a Revised Budget Amount of $7,500 and $900 to Expense Line Number 104-105- 5100 – Salary-IT Director – for a Revised Budget Amount of $900 and $900 to Expense Line Number 104-105-5665 – Vehicle Fuel & Oil – for a Revised Budget Amount of $900 and $5,700 to Expense Line Number 104- 105-5825 – Equipment – for a Revised Budget Amount of $5,700.

Matt Obert makes a motion to approve the above additional fund appropriation. Bob Reich seconded the motion. Motion carried.

b. Additional Fund Appropriation from Jerrod Welch – Public Health Administrator – in the Amount of $5,000 to Revenue Account Line Number 601-601-4621 – GRANTS – SAFE KIDS of ADAMS CO. –2 Page 2 of 2 POSTED 10/07/2022 for a Revised Budget Amount of $5,000 and $5,000 to Expense Account Line Number 601-601-5720 – SAFE KIDS of ADAMS Co. GRANT EXPENSE – for a Revised Budget Amount of $5,000.

Matt Obert makes a motion to approve the above additional fund appropriation. Bob Reich seconded the motion. Motion carried.

c. Additional Fund Appropriation from F. Bryden Cory – Treasurer – in the Amount of $1,000 to Revenue Line Number 001-181-4295 – Revenue-Donations – for a Revised Budget Amount of $1,000

A revenue line will be created for the bicentennial commission. Bob Reich makes a motion to approve the above additional fund appropriation. Matt Obert seconded the motion. Motion carried.

2. Transfer of Budget Appropriation

a. Transfer of Funds Appropriation from F. Bryden Cory – Treasurer – in the amount of $25,000 from Line Number 001-001-5999 – Contingency – for a Revised Budget Amount of $107,500 and $25,000 to Line Number 001-181-5713 – All Expenses – for a Revised Budget Amount of $25,000.

Matt Obert makes a motion to approve the transfer of budget appropriation. Travis Cooley seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Discussion of Budget Season for FY2-23

Most departments have already had their meetings initially. County Board Office proposed a new module in Paycom that helps with Talent Requisitions. This would cost roughly $120,000. The County Board Office is also looking into budgeting software that will cost roughly $37,000 annually. The install price will be $9600.00.

Old Business


New Business


a. Housing Project with Opioid Settlement Money

i. Kyle Moore at GREDF would like to do a joint housing program like the vetting process that United Way did for Non For Profits. No action was taken.

B.) Health Insurance

a. There was one more meeting held regarding Health Insurance. Going to be a 22% increase. This may have to raise stop loss and employee deductibles.

C.) Adams County IT – Camera Project Funding Update (Discussion)

a. The Finance committee discussed where they could fund this project to put in the budget for this fiscal year. No action was taken.


a.) N/A



A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bob Reich. Dave Hoskins seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:11pm.
