Adams County Board Legislative & Judicial Committee Met April 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Mr. Bier called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Members present were: Barney Bier (Chairman), Todd Duesterhaus, Marvin Kerkhoff and Theresa Bockhold.
Others present were: Ryan Niekamp, Lori Geschwender, States Attorney’s Office and Anthony Foster.
The Committee approved minutes from the March meeting as printed. Mr. Duesterhaus made a motion to approve the minutes and Mr. Kerkhoff seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
The Committee reviewed the bills and they all appeared to be in order.
Chairman Bier introduced two appointments, the first being to the Ursa Street Light District for a reappointment of Craig Cramm. The next being to the Clayton Fire Protection district for the reappointment of James Gieker, Jerry Nall and Ted Parker. Mr. Kerkhoff made a motion to accept the reappointments; Mr. Duesterhaus seconded the motion. The Committee approved the reappointments unanimously to move to the full County Board at its next stated meeting.
Chairman Bier stated he is still working on the Liquor Licenses. He introduced a one-day liquor permit for St. Dominic School on July 6th, July 17th and July 18th, 2021. He stated they reviewed them two months ago. Mr. Kerkhoff made a motion to approve the motion to approve the licenses. Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion. The Committee approved the one-day liquor permits unanimously to move to the full County Board at its next stated meeting.
Chairman Bier asked if everyone got the email about the money the county will lose by getting rid of bail money. He stated this law will take place in January 2023. It will cost the county over $300,000 per year roughly. There is still potential that a big portion will be collected during the sentencing process, but that will be difficult. The Chairman noted there was nothing we can do right now but wanted to alert everyone.
Chairman Bier introduced a resolution for County Board in opposition to Senate Bill 1602. He stated it limits the ability of counties to regulate windfarms. We have a zoning ordinance in affect now where the blades cannot exceed 550 feet. He stated the set-back lines to community buildings according to this bill is 1155 feet and we are currently at 1500 feet. We currently require windmills to be 1320 feet away from non-participating members such as neighbors and this bill sets that back to 1100 feet. He stated he does not know if this legislation is very different from our current ordinance, but asked Mrs. Bockhold if she has an opinion on it. He stated Mr. Obert did not have a strong feeling either way. Mrs. Bockhold stated she doesn’t have an opinion either way. Mr. Duesterhaus asked if the highway department could assist in this. Chairman responded that the GIS could help. Chairman Bier stated we can regulate wind farms without zoning. Mr. Duesterhaus made a motion to table the resolution to the next meeting. Mr. Kerkhoff seconded the motion. The committee voted unanimously to table the resolution to next month.
Chairman Bier stated he will be gone at the next county board meeting and that someone will need to do the report for that. Mrs. Bockhold stated she could do it.
Chairman Bier stated there was a bill for a cake for a retirement and asked the committee and Mr. Farha if it sounded typical. Mr. Farha stated in his office, he pays for everything like that himself. Mr. Kerkhoff asked if we think it is okay to approve this. Mr. Duesterhaus stated they surely have money in the line item to pay for it. The committee agreed to pay the bill.
Chairman Bier stated he received an email that Mrs. Piazza could not attend.
Mr. Farha stated there is drama between the judges and the jail. He stated that Chad Downs believed that the jail was at capacity. Mr. Farha noted that he believes that to be inaccurate. The County Board built a jail to house 192 inmates, and so having 120 does not make it full. Mr. Downs told Mr. Farha that to house more inmates, they would need approximately 20 more employees. Mr. Farha reminded Mr. Downs that is not what they told the Board when the new building was being proposed.
Mr. Kerkhoff asked if we lose the bonds, do we have to find another source to make that revenue up.
Mr. Farha stated it will hopefully be revised.
Ms. Geischwander stated they are looking at it, but at this point, we would be losing out on quite a bit of money.
Chairman Bier stated that the total is more around $377,000.
Chairman Bier asked the department heads if they had anything for discussion.