
Quincy Reporter

Monday, March 31, 2025

City of Quincy City Council met November 30

Webp meeting808

City of Quincy City Council met Nov. 30.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Due to COVID–19, President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on March 13, 2020, and Governor Pritzker issued an Executive Order on March 20, 2020.

Mayor Kyle A. Moore announced that City Council meetings will be closed to the public starting August 10, 2020. The following members were physically present:

Ald. Entrup, Bergman, Bauer, Finney, Rein, Mast, Reis, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 9.

Virtual: Ald. McKiernan, Holbrook, Farha, Sassen, Awerkamp. 5.

The minutes of the regular meetings of the City Council held November 23, 2020, were approved as printed on a motion of Ald. Entrup. Motion carried.

Legal: Corporation Counsel Lonnie Dunn.

The Deputy City Clerk presented and read the following:


Recommending approval of a zoning change from C1A (Limited Commercial) to C1B (Limited Commercial) on property located At 1401 Harrison Street and recommending approval of a zoning change from C1A (Limited Commercial) to C1B (Limited Commercial) on property located At 1405 Harrison Street to allow for the installation of an ATM and for possible future development (including bank-related services).

Ald. Reis moved the report be received and concurred in and an ordinance drafted. Motion carried. 

Recommending approval of the special permit for planned development to operate a window tinting business at 1629 South 57th Street, to operate a rental business for solar light tower trailers at 1629 South 57th Street, and to allow outdoor storage of solar light tower trailers at 1629 South 57th Street.

Ald. Mast moved the report be received and concurred in and an ordinance drafted. Motion carried. 

Ald. Mast moved to table this report for two weeks, seconded by Ald. Rein. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the City of Quincy Purchasing Department did advertise for sealed competitive bids for the purchase of tires for city- owned vehicles for a term of two years beginning January 1, 2021, and ending December 31, 2022; and 

WHEREAS, the following bid was received, and the total contract costs are.

Summy Tire          $6,920.31

WHEREAS, bid met the required specifications; and

WHEREAS, funding has been appropriated for this contract; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Director of Central Services and the Central Services Committee recommend to the Mayor and the City Council that the only bid is awarded to Summy Tire.

Kevin McClean

Director of Central Services

Ald. Holtschlag moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Reis, and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea. Motion carried.


Second reading of an ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Approving A Redevelopment Ordinance And Expenditure Of Tax Increment Financing For The Redevelopment Of 131 N. 4th Street.


Second reading of an ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Levying Taxes For Special Service Area Known As The Historic Quincy Business District In The City Of Quincy, County Of Adams, State Of Illinois, For The Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2020 And Ending April 30, 2021.


Second reading of an ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Levying Taxes For The City Of Quincy, In The County Of Adams, And State Of Illinois, For The Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2020 And Ending April 30, 2021. Ald. Mast moved to amend the ordinance to take up to an additional $150,000 from the fund reserve balance to make the estimated tax rate the same as the past fiscal year, seconded by Ald. Finney. Motion carried.


Second reading of an ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Providing For The Abatement Of The Tax Heretofore Levied For The Year 2020 Of The City Of Quincy, Adams County, Illinois.


Quincy, Illinois, November 30, 2020

Jack Holtschlag

Mike Rein

Richie Reis

Finance Committee

Ald. Reis, seconded by Ald. Holtschlag, moved the reports be received and vouchers be issued for the various amounts and on the roll call each of the 14 Aldermen voted yea. Motion carried.


Ald. Bergman moved to refer to the Traffic Commission that the intersection at 7th & Lind be made into a “4–Way Stop.” Motion carried.

Ald. Rein moved to refer to the Street Lights/Right-of-Way Committee, street lights out at 28th & Cabot, KenRay and Monroe Streets. Motion carried.

The City Council adjourned at 7:22 p.m. on a motion of Ald. Holtschlag. Motion carried.
