Adams County Board Executive Committee met Sept. 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The Adams County Board Executive Committee held the regularly scheduled meeting via Zoom Conference, on September 8, 2020.
The following members were present:
R. Kent Snider
Bret Austin
Barney Bier
Les Post
Others present:
Gary Farha
Ryan Niekamp
Sue Hester
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mr. Snider.
Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the August 3, 2020 meeting minutes. Mr. Post seconded the motion. The meeting minutes were approved.
Mr. Post provided the committee with an update on the IT department, and after about 6 weeks from John’s departure, Mr. Post and Mrs. Hester recommend hiring a Senior Network Administrator. There have been some wifi and network issues, and even having Adams assistance it is a major concern for the department. Mr. Bier made a motion to proceed with advertising for the new position. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. The motion carries.
Mr. Bier recommended that the decision to remain open on election day be tabled for one more month. The committee will have to make a decision at the October meeting.
Mr. Niekamp provided the committee with a proposed software agreement with DEVNET. Mr. Bier made a motion to present the agreement to the County Board. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. The motion carries.
Mr. Niekamp also provided a sample CURES Certification Ordinance, that will essentially provide the County Board Chairman the authority to sign documentation without objection. It is so ordered.
The committee held a discussion about using money from the jail project to fix an elevator that is required to bring inmates to and from court from the new building. They discussed putting together an RFP.
Mr. Post made a motion to go into executive session to discuss a grievance. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. The committee went into executive session.
Mr. Post made a motion to go into regular session. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. The committee went into regular session.
Mr. Post made a motion to deny the grievance brought forth in executive session. Mr. Bier seconded the motion. The motion carries.
Mr. Bier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. Chairman Snider adjourned the meeting at 6:13 p.m.