
Quincy Reporter

Monday, March 31, 2025

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met May 20

Webp meeting808

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met May 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary

The 05.20.20 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at the Student/Administrative Center, room 252, at 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL 62305 at 7:00 p.m. by Ms. Diane Ary, Board Chair. Ms. Ary appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary.

2. Roll Call

Ms. Benz called roll: Due to the coronavirus, the meeting was conducted through video, audio, and/or telephonic access means without a quorum being physically present. Members of the public were provided an opportunity to listen to the meeting by telephoning.






Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Voice Vote

Attendees: Mr. Michael Elbe, Mr. Josh Welker – via Zoom, Dr. Laurel Klinkenberg – via Zoom, Ms. Leah Benz, Mr. James Rapp -– via Zoom, Mr. Matt Hoff-– via Zoom, Ms. Tracy Hagman – via Zoom, Ms. Tracy Orne – via Zoom, Mr. Bill LaTour – via Zoom, Ms. Melanie Lechtenberg – via Zoom

3. Pledge of Allegiance; Mission Statement was read.

4. Introductions

Student Life Coordinator, Eric Foster, provided an introduction. Each SGA officer introduced and shared some information on themselves. The officers for year 2020-2021 are:

•President: Samantha Rochelle

•Vice-President: Isaac Doughart-Wood

•Student Trustee: Clayton Dyer

•Secretary: Todd Klingele

•Treasurer: Vincent Bowen

•PR Secretary: Alaina Voss

5. Special Report - There was no special report for the month of May.

6.Consideration of Items from the Floor - None

7. Public and/or Employee Comment - None

8.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report – Dr. Randy Greenwell, ICCTA representative, Mr. Andrew Sprague, alternate. Due to coronavirus there has been no ICCTA meeting.

8.2 Board Executive Committee Report – Ms. Diane Ary, Mr. Bob Rhea, Mr. Larry Fischer. The Executive Committee met on Thursday, May 14 2020 at 12:30 p.m. with Ms. Diane Ary, via zoom, Mr. Bob Rhea, via zoom, and Mr. Larry Fischer, via zoom, Mr. Michael Elbe president, and Ms. Leah Benz, note taker.

The Executive Committee reviewed the May Board meeting agenda items. They heard that new Student Government officers will be introduced, no special report will be given and five grants; three which are reoccurring and two which pertain to the CARES ACT due to the coronavirus are being presented. There are no business items for approval. The new Telecommuting policy which was brought forward at the May 6, 2020 special Board meeting was discussed but no recommendation was brought forward.

The committee discussed the CARES ACT and allocation of funding to both students and the institution.

Foundation received funding due to the coronavirus to be allocated. An application process will be used in distribution of these funds to students.

The committee discussed the president’s evaluation and noted to continue with this process in closed session.

President Elbe continues to meet with the Adams County Taskforce group. OUT which stands for Opening Up Together in Adams County is putting a checklist and toolkit to distribute locally next week.

The committee heard a survey was given to students on their preference of graduation options. The majority of students did not want a virtual graduation. Three dates have been identified as possible alternative dates. They are August 16, December 14, and May 15. Over 600 degrees/certificates are being awarded this year.

The committee recommended an alternate date for a Board Retreat. President Elbe will provide several dates at the May regular meeting for consideration in late June.

The committee discuss JWCC Phase One Renormalization document. JWCC administration has developed a plan of three phases to renormalized the opening of the college. The document was reviewed by the Health Department and Emergency Management System of Adams County. The implementation will depend on the Governor’s orders at the end of May.

Both the FY20 budget and FY21 budget was discussed. FY20 is anticipated to end with a surplus and the FY21 budget is anticipated to be presented balanced.

At this meeting the date of Wednesday, June 24th was presented as a Board retreat option. The Board did request to Zoom with the director of ICCTA, Jim Reed at the meeting.

8.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report - Mr. Don Hess, Mr. James Gay. The Curriculum Committee held a committee meeting on Tuesday, May 18, 2020 via conference call. Attendees were Mr. James Gay, and Mr. Don Hess, trustees; Dr. Laurel Klinkenberg, vice president for Instruction, and Ms. Nici Woodyard, note taker.

A general discussion was held on the direction of the committee and items they could review. Mr. Gay is interested in the big picture items centered around online learning, current situation, funding related to programs, etc. President Elbe discussed elevating the committee to entail some more detailed program review discussions.

A new Robotics certificate has been approved for delivery this fall. Program review information will be brought forward each month. President Elbe mentioned bringing a top 10 academic highlights list from the past academic year for review and discussion plus visiting which programs are thriving and why and which programs may be declining.

8.4 Board Finance and Audit Committee Report - Mr. Andy Sprague, Dr. Randy Greenwell - The Finance and Audit Committee met on Thursday, May 14, 2020 via Zoom at 3:00 p.m. due to the coronavirus order. Recipients were Mr. Andrew Sprague, trustee, Ms. Susan Fifer, director of Fiscal Services, Mr. Josh Welker, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Business Services, Dr. Randy Greenwell, trustee, President Mike Elbe, and Ms. Jenny Venvertloh, note taker.

Bills for payment and travel requests were reviewed and recommended for approval. Financials and investments were reviewed. Discussion was held on the FY21 budget that will be presented in June. Funds from the CARES Act will go to students the week of May 18. Institutional funds received are required to be used for expenses incurred moving classes to online. There was no out of district travel.

FY20 budget was discussed to end the year with a surplus.

The committee discussed a new Economic Development Agency grant opportunity.

8.5 Student Trustee Report - Ms. Clayton Dyer - Under the current circumstances the students are making the best of the coronavirus requirements as they try to continue SGA activities. Awards given out included: Outstanding freshman award - Isaac Doughart-Wood; Outstanding sophomore award – Ameylia Smith; Non-traditional student award - Rachel Jones. Outstanding club went to SGA with outstanding advisor as Eric Foster. Student life continues to monitor the food pantry. Zoom conferencing and electronic opportunities are the method of communication and activities. The Executive team has not held their normally retreat but hope to be able to do so soon within the guidelines. go.

8.6 Administration Report - Mr. Elbe - President Elbe shared JWCC’s renormalization Phase One document outlining the beginning phase of returning to campus. Phase One for JWCC is in line with Phase Three for the state of Illinois. Activating Phase One would begin June 1 and states the College will remain closed to the public. Phase Two and Phase Three of the document continues to be a work in progress due to continued requirement changes. Our plan was reviewed by the health and emergency organizations within Adams County.

The plan includes a single entrance and exit, answering questions, social distancing and/or masks, and temperature checks. The plan will be shared with the college community after the Board meeting. Not shared with the college community.

FY20 end fiscal year budget is anticipated to end with a surplus which will allow the fund balance to reach 30 % of our expenses which is the goal. FY21 budget will be presented at the June meeting as balanced. State budget information being received anticipates that funding to remain flat for FY21. This is good news for higher education.

Grant opportunities are numerous. The College is identifying potential grants that are a fit to the institution. One of those grants is an Economic Development Administration grant. Administration stated this grant would assist with the expansion of the Workforce Development Center. It is an 80%/20% grant which would mean the College would invest 20% toward the funding. Administration asked the Board if they felt this opportunity should be pursued prior to any application being submitted. The Board agreed this grant is a great opportunity. A special Board meeting would be necessary to meet the deadlines of the grant.

Bond debit and refinancing options were discussed. Different projects are being reviewed and/or acknowledged. Board members noted to revisit the bond sheet at the Board retreat.

IGEN grant on water nexus is completed. There were approximately 40 people on the webinar.

9.Consent Agenda

Consent business

9.1 Request approval of 04.15.20 regular minutes and 05.06.20 special meeting minutes

9.2 Request approval of bills for payment for April payment Finance and Audit Committee

9.3 Request approval of monthly financial statements for April Finance & Audit Committee

9.4 Request approval of trustee and employee travel expenditures for April Finance & Audit Committee

MOTION: Request approval of the consent agenda items

Moved by: Mr. Gay

Seconded by: Dr. Greenwell







Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

10. Grant Items

10.1 MOTION: Authorized to submit a grant application to Illinois Board of Higher Education for a IBHE Work-Study grant funds requested: $15,840

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Gay

Discussion: The grant funds are to match ½ the minimum wage for IBHE sponsored internships. This program assists employers to JWCC internship students for work-study opportunities in their field of interest. The employer pays ½ the salary and this grant money reimburses the employer for up to ½ of minimum wage to encourage their participation. This grant is used for numerous AG internships.






Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

10.2 MOTION: Authorized to submit a grant application to the Federal Government CARES ACT Pub. 1. 116-136 for CARES ACT funds requested: $1,245,792

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Gay

Discussion: Funds received will cover $622,000 for students and the same amont for institutions associated with significant changes due to the delivery of Instruction as a result of the coronavirus. Ms. Lechtenberg shared that 500 full time 250 for part-time for students were the first recipients of the funding. Spring enrollment was the first group. Criteria outlined was used to identify the students.

No criteria has been identified completed for institutional disbursement as of yet. Guidelines are anticipated to become available soon. The College has been tracking their expenses due to this coronavirus.

The Foundation also received funding for disbursement but there is an application process that needs to be met and followed.






Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

10.3 MOTION: Authorized to accept grant funds from Federal Government, CARES ACT, Pub. 1. 116-136 for CARES ACT Received funds: $1,245,792 confirm. dates

Moved by:

Seconded by:







Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

10.4 MOTION: Authorize to submit a grant application to ICCB for Adult Education funds requested: $248,298

Moved by: Mr. Sprague

Seconded by: Mr. Rhea

A.Discussion: The Adult Education grant provides instruction and support services a means to create pathways for adult learners to obtain knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; attain a high school equivalency credential and transition to postsecondary education and training; and assist English language learners in improving their reading, writing, speaking, and math skills.






Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

10.5 MOTION: Authorize to submit a grant application to ICCB for ICCB-CTE Program Improvement 20-21 funds requested: $25-$60,000

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Gay

Discussion: Curriculum development project provides the opportunity to improve CTE programming by building, evaluating, and implementing CTE curriculum and improving student transitions to and through postsecondary education. This may include distance education, competency-based education, and other projects that enhance student transitions, with a focus on equitable access and retention.






Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

11.Personnel Items

11.1 MOTION: Authorize to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, terminations, and implement status changes as presented

Moved by: Mr. Gay

Seconded by: Dr. Greenwell







Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote


13. Discussion Item

Calendar of Events

14.Notices and Communications

15. Other Items - Discussion was held on the 50th anniversary planning. Interviews are being capture and year-long activities being planned. It was agreed that August 1, 1974 was the first date of the College.

16.Closed Session

17.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public and the setting price for the sale or lease of property owned by the public body and security procedures, school building safety and security and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property.

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Gay






Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote

18. Public Session

18.1 MOTION: Resume to Open Session

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Gay






Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote


19.1 MOTION: Adjourn the May 20, 2020 Board of Trustees regular meeting

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Gay






Mr. Dyer

X via zoom

Mr. Gay


Mr. Hess

X via zoom

Mr. Rhea

X via zoom

Mr. Sprague

X via zoom

Dr. Greenwell


Mr. Fischer

X via zoom

Ms. Ary


Voice Vote


Approved the 17th day of June, 2020, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 539, meeting in the Board Room, Student/Administrative Center in the city of Quincy, Illinois 62305 at which ________voting members were present, constituting a quorum by a vote of ___ayes and ________nays.
