
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met June 17

Webp chairs

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met June 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary

The 06.17.20 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at the Student/Administrative Center, Room 252, at 1301 South 48th Street, Quincy, IL 62305 at 7:00 p.m. by Ms. Diane Ary, Board Chair. Ms. Ary appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary.

2. Roll Call

Ms. Benz called roll: Due to the coronavirus, the meeting was conducted through video, audio, and/or telephonic access means with a quorum being physically present. Members of the public were provided an opportunity to listen to the meeting by telephoning.

Attendees: Mr. Michael Elbe, Mr. Josh Welker – via Zoom, Dr. Laurel Klinkenberg – via Zoom, Ms. Leah Benz, Mr. James Rapp -– via Zoom, Mr. Matt Hoff-– via Zoom, Ms. Tracy Hagman – via Zoom, Ms. Tracy Orne – via Zoom, Mr. Bill LaTour – via Zoom, Ms. Melanie Lechtenberg – via Zoom, Ms. Susan Fifer – via Zoom.

3. Pledge of Allegiance; Mission Statement - Mr. Clayton Dyer read the mission statement.

4. Introductions - No introductions

5. Special Report - No special report for June

6. Consideration of Items from the Floor - None

7. Public and/or Employee Comment - None

8.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report – Dr. Randy Greenwell, ICCTA representative, Mr. Andrew Sprague, alternate. ICCTA held a virtual meeting on June 6. Highlights from the virtual meeting were included in the table folder. Items discussed at this virtual meeting included the acknowledgement from ICCTA on systemic racism and social inequity, information on Community Colleges receiving flat funding for FY21, a HEROS ACT which addresses issues overlooked by the CARES ACT, an update on the work of the ICCB’s return to campus committee who are developing guidelines for the fall semester re-opening, heard a marketing collaborative which will promote a short-term campaign during the current COVID-19 environment, elected new officers and passed the gavel to Gregg Chadwick (Heartland CC) as new president of ICCTA as of July 1.

8.2 Board Executive Committee Report – Ms. Diane Ary, Mr. Bob Rhea, Mr. Larry Fischer. The Executive Committee met on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. with Ms. Diane Ary, Mr. Bob Rhea, via zoom, and Mr. Larry Fischer, Mr. Michael Elbe president, and Ms. Leah Benz, note taker.

The Executive Committee reviewed the June Board meeting agenda items. The items included the tentative budget for FY21, student delinquent write-offs, adoption of the school treasurer’s bond, an request for qualifications for an architect for the WDC expansion project and adoption of the standing committees.

They deferred an amicable separation request to closed session.

Other items discussed included Phase 2 renormalization plan, board retreat agenda, fall classes, an update on the Kinscherff Center, the proposal to submit a grant to EDA for expansion of the Workforce Development Center, an enrollment update, and a graduation update.

The committee received a copy of a JWCC newsletter which will be sent out to all households within the district.

Carlos Fernandez, has inquired on the possibility of hosting the city of Quincy fireworks on our campus Sunday after Labor Day weekend. A twenty-five member committee has planned this event for many years. All of the insurance, liability, traffic control, and additional items of the event would not be the responsibility of JWCC. The fireworks would be in a fenced area with only authorized personnel. The show is 26 minutes in length and would begin at 9:30. Events such as the park band and sky divers would be attractions earlier. Parking would only be allowed on our payment and not in the grass area. Administration asked for the Board to consider and provide their opinion by Friday, June 19. Discussion was held on safety and security, and if this can be done, the sentiment was to proceed cautiously in support of the event.

The College is hosting a movie night on June 26 and June 27. Two shows, Aladdin and Sandlot were chosen to show. Due to the COVID-19 guidelines a limited amount of cars each night is required. That number is approximately 70. Each vehicle must have a ticket for entry. Tickets will be available on Monday, on JWCC’s Student Life Facebook event page. No concessions, but will have outdoor bathrooms. Food and non-alcoholic drinks can be brought in your car.

8.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report - Mr. Don Hess, Mr. James Gay. The Curriculum Committee held a committee meeting on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 via zoom. Attendees were Mr. James Gay (present), and Mr. Don Hess, trustees; Dr. Laurel Klinkenberg, vice president for Instruction, and Ms. Nici Woodyard, note taker all via Zoom.

Online experience was discussed. A survey was conducted by student services on online experiences. 125 responses were received with four questions asked. Question #1 centered on student services and what worked well. Overall response was positive. Question #2 asked how student services could improve. Over ½ of the responses stated no suggestions for improvement. Question #3 asked what went well with instruction. Answers included being flexible, understanding, communication and adaptive. Question #4 asked how instruction can improve. Suggestions included having more recorded lectures and Zoom meetings, additional lab times for students, more faculty communication, more canvas training, and improve faculty response time.

Future development of online was discussed. Dr. Klinkenberg shared that information has been sent to faculty regarding virtual conferences centered on online teaching, providing timely access to attend trainings. Discussion led into more hybrid class opportunities, effectiveness of virtual science labs, adult population survey to determine what we can best do as a college to serve that population, discussed our technical and specialty programs on a national or regional scale.

Workforce Development was discussed. Questions proposed included; where is technology leading us, and are there WDC programs that can be taught more virtually and still be effective. The need for advisory councils was noted.

Future space requirements was discussed. We will continue to need less space on our main campus because of online delivery methods increasing, therefore, repurposed of current space will need to be explored.

Other Instructional updates included the 5-year program review submissions, developing a substantive communication policy which is being required by HLC for the fall semester, dissolving the Rad Tech program as it is moving to a bachelor’s degree and Med Lab Tech is moving to BRCN.

The committee heard the top 10 academic year highlights.

8.4Board Finance and Audit Committee Report - Mr. Andy Sprague, Dr. Randy Greenwell - The Finance and Audit Committee met on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 via Zoom at 9:00 a. m. Ms. Susan Fifer, director of Fiscal Services, Mr. Josh Welker, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Business Services, Dr. Randy Greenwell, trustee, President Mike Elbe, and Ms. Jenny Venvertloh, note taker.

Dr. Greenwell thanked Ms. Susan Fifer and Mr. Josh Welker for the orientation and explanation of the financials as this was his first meeting on this committee.

Bills for payment, financials and investments were reviewed and recommended for approval. There were no travel requests for approval. Discussion was held on the FY21 tentative budget which was on the July agenda.

Other items discussed included a tax appeal from the City of Pittsfield regarding Bunge and a notice received that the city of Meredosia’s TIF is expiring and will not be renewed.

8.5 Student Trustee Report - Ms. Clayton Dyer - Due COVID- 19 little activity is happening in Student Life. Student officers were introduced to incoming students who are scholarship recipients. The officer team and coordinator of SGA are brainstorming to come with activities for an enjoyable year.

8.6 Administration Report - Mr. Elbe - President Elbe stated that the Board retreat is June 24. A “draft” agenda was included in the table folder. If the Board has no further suggestions Administration will proceed.

The Strategic Plan was included in the table folder. Board members were asked to review the document. Adoption of the plan will be requested at the July 2020 Board of Trustees meeting. Discussion of the KPI’s will be held at the Board retreat.

The JWCC newsletter will be sent out to every household in the district in late June or early July. A copy of the document was included in the table folder. A big thank you to Tracy Hagman for this publication.

Credit hours for summer are tracking up 535 hours or 15.2%. That is an increase of 74 students. Fall credit hours are tracking 16% beind. Student Service is requesting assistance from faculty, athletics, and staff to increase this number. Some students have stated they are taking what they call a “gap” year. Mr. Dyer was asked what the student perspective is regarding fall classes. He stated that students are anxious to return back in person.

JWCC Phase 2 renormalization plan corresponds with the Restore the State of Illinois Phase 4 plan. Wording for JWCC Phase 2 has been ongoing for several weeks. Administration continues to wait for clarification from ICCB on the requirements of wearing a mask prior to finalization. The Adams County Together Task Force met on Tuesday where it was reported that all indicators for the state of Illinois are green which would mean Illinois would begin Phase 4 on June 29. This would mean we would open campus and have all employees return to work. Phase 4 is anticipated to be in effect until there is a vaccine, the disease becomes extinct, or a proven treatment method. With that being said, Phase 4 is anticipated to last 12-15 months.

A request for bids to reconstruct the soccer field were posted and published. It is anticipated Administration will bring forth a recommendation at the July meeting.

Graduation dates continue to be discussed. The chairman of the Board and president would be the only two to be part of the ceremony to allow parents and grandparents to be part of the required number due to COVID-19. Multi-times would be offered on two different dates.

9. Consent Agenda

Consent business

9.1 Request approval of 05.20.2020 regular minutes and special meeting minutes

9.2 Request approval of bills for payment for May payment Finance and Audit Committee

9.3 Request approval of monthly financial statements for May Finance & Audit Committee

9.4 Request approval of trustee and employee travel expenditures for May Finance & Audit Committee – No travel requests at this time.

MOTION: Request approval of the consent agenda items

Moved by: Mr. Gay

Seconded by: Dr. Greenwell


10. Grant Items

10.1 MOTION: Authorized to submit a grant application to Illinois Board of Higher Education for the Early Childhood Education Cohort grant Requested funds: $125,521.46

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Gay

Discussion: The grant funds will allow JWCC Early Childhood Education to partner with area high schools, local employers and WIO/One Stop to recruit and offer tuition waivers, books and fees for a cohort of 20 students for a fast-track pilot program to increase the number of childcare workers in our community.

10.2  MOTION: Authorized to submit a grant application to the Illinois Community College Board for Carl D. Perkins Postsecondary Career and Technical Education grant Requested Funds: $178,287

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Fischer

Discussion: This grant supports College efforts in the development, improvement and implementation of education opportunities for JWCC Career Technical Education students.

10.3 MOTION: Authorized to submit a grant application to the Federal Economic Development Administration for FY20 Public Works and Economic Adjustment – WDC Expansion grant Requested funds 3 million dollars of an estimated 5 million project ( motion was to strike “off an estimated 5 million project”)

Moved by: Mr. Fischer

Seconded by: Dr. Greenwell

Discussion: EDA provides strategic investments on a competitive merit basis to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment in economically distressed areas of the United States. This project would include an updated truck driving training building, and the purchase of additional career and technical education program equipment.

Item 10.3 was discussed and acted on in conjunction with Business Item 12.5. Lengthy discussion was held on the architect agreement, grant justification, and termination if the grant funds are not received. No timeline was available at this time.

12.5MOTION: Approval to enter into a contract for the Workforce Development Center expansion project architectural/engineering services with Klingner & Associates/BLDD, architectural/engineering firm

This motions was amended to include the “Subject to language of termination option added by JWCC”

Moved by: Mr. Rhea

Seconded by: Dr. Greenwell

Discussion: Based on the results and tabulation of the ranking scoresheet from the special Board of Trustees meeting held on June 10, 2020 Klingner & Assoc. /BLDD, architectural/engineering firm was selected and contacted, to discuss a contract for the Workforce Development Center Expansion Project.

Discussion on the contract and termination of was held. Per JWCC legal counsel, Mr. James Rapp, this language will be added to Section 9.7.1 of the contract:

If Owner terminates this Agreement because the EDA Grant to be sought is not granted and received, Owner will pay the Concept Design and Grant Assistance Phase fees (5.5%), but will have no further obligations under this Agreement unless Owner thereafter proceeds with the project on or before July 1, 2021. If Owner proceeds with the project prior to such date, this Agreement will thereafter continue and remain in force and effect and any subsequent termination fee after reinstating the project will be determined by mutual agreement.

11. Personnel Items

11.1 MOTION: Authorize to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, terminations, and implement status changes as presented

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Rhea

Discussion: Mr. Rhea discussed the employment graph and data included with personnel items. He noted it was important to know the FTE.

12. Business

12.1 MOTION: Request approval of the Fiscal Year 2021 tentative budget resolution

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague

Discussion: The proposed tentative budget is balanced with operating revenue and expenditures of $15,991,005. This is an increase from the fiscal year 2020 budget of $451,131.

Operating revenue projections include:

•Flat state funding of $1,609,648, which represents 10.1% of total revenues.

•Tuition revenue based on 41,300 credit hours which represents a decrease of 1,100 credit hours from FY2020 budgeted credit hours.

•Local property tax levy based on an estimated flat tax rate of $5,101,763, which represents 31.9% of total revenues.

•No change in tuition rates or universal fees. 4th year in row.

Operating expenditure projections include:

•All contractual obligations including all debt payments.

•Items from the College’s Strategic Master Plan.

•Faculty and staff salary increases of approximately 2.75% for all Board approved positions and associate faculty.

•Implementation of the updated Staff Compensation Plan which includes a change to a 36-hour full-time workweek and compliance with the Illinois Minimum Wage Law.

•An increase in student waivers to support the concurrent enrollment recruitment and affordability strategy.

•The addition of eSports as an NJCAA intercollegiate sport.

Included in the budget are a raise for associate faculty. Mr. Brian Durham sent notification of state allocation. JWCC will receive $200,000 more than budgeted. It includes Veteran funding.

Acknowledgement was given to Ms. Fifer on her work on the budget.

12.2MOTION: Adoption of the School Treasurer’s bond with THE HARTFORD through the Illinois Community College Risk Management Consortium RE: Bond level 6.4 million

Moved by: Mr. Gay

Seconded by: Mr. Fischer

Discussion: Based upon Illinois Statue 110 ILCS 805/3-19, the treasurer of the community college district is required to be bonded. The Illinois Community College Risk Management Consortium has contracted with THE HARTFORD to provide this coverage to its members. The level of bonding is $6,406,170.

12.3 MOTION: Approval to write-off delinquent student accounts as uncollectible RE: $28,822.76

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague

Discussion: The uncollectible amount represents student tuition and fees, bookstore write offs, and other write offs due to special circumstances that have not yet received Board approval.

Accounts are written off when they are deemed uncollectible. The amounts include accounts that have been submitted to a collection service as well as accounts less than $25.00 that have not been sent out for collection. Students whose account balance has been written off are not allowed to receive transcripts or register for classes until the indebtedness is paid in full.

The total requested to be written off is $28,822.76. Future recoveries are receipted into Miscellaneous Collection Revenue.

Because of the mandated change in reporting requirements on the IRS 1098T Tuition Statement form, from 2018 forward we will keep unpaid balances on student accounts and adjust our allowance for doubtful student accounts annually.

12.4 MOTION: Adoption JWCC standing committees

Moved by: Mr. Rhea

Seconded by: Dr. Greenwell

Discussion: Administration reviewed the current standing committee structure of the College. It was determined to restructure some of the current committees and establish additional standing committees to better serve the institutional needs at this time. The standing committees proposed are:

•Academic Standing


•Behavioral Intervention

•Campus Climate

•Employee Benefits

•Student Learning

12.5MOTION: Approval to enter into a contract for the Workforce Development Center expansion project architectural/engineering services with Klingner & Associates/BLDD, architectural/engineering firm. Subject to language to termination option by JWCC

Moved by: See above

Seconded by:

13. Discussion Item

Calendar of Events Board Retreat – June 24 – Updates by Friday, June 19

Graduation date/time/location pending

14.Notices and Communications

15. Other Items

16. Closed Session

17.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body.

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Fischer

18. Public Session

18.1 MOTION: Resume to Open Session

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Gay


Mr. Dyerx via zoom

19. Adjournment

19.1 MOTION: Adjourn the June17, 2020 Board of Trustees regular meeting

Moved by: Mr. Fischer

Seconded by: Dr. Greenwell

21. Approval:

Approved the 22th day of July, 2020, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 539, meeting in the Board Room, Student/Administrative Center in the city of Quincy, Illinois 62305 at which ________voting members were present, constituting a quorum by a vote of ___ayes and ________nays.




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