
Quincy Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met February 19

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John Wood Community College Board of Trustees met Feb. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1.Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary

The 02.19.20 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at the Student/Administrative Center, Board room, in Quincy, IL 62305 at 7:00 p.m. by Ms. Diane Ary, Board Vice - Chair. Ms. Ary appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary.

2.Roll Call

Ms. Benz called roll:


Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

Attendees: Mr. Michael Elbe, Mr. Josh Welker, Dr. Laurel Klinkenberg, Ms. Leah Benz, Mr. James Rapp, Mr. Steve Eighner, Mr. Gary Shupe, Ms. Susan Fifer, Ms. Tracy Hagman, Ms. Tracy Orne, Ms. Jennifer Grindstaff, Ms. Laura Mathews, Mr. Victor Mathews, Mr. Kim Straube, Ms. Leslie Spears, Mr. Jimmy Behrens, Mr. Dave Hetzler, Ms. Barb Casady, and Ms. Susan Fifer.

3. Pledge of Allegiance; Mission Statement - The trustees said the Pledge of Allegiance with student trustee Macyn Seaver reciting the JWCC Mission statement.

4. Introductions

•Adam Holtschlag, Coordinator of Grounds/Maintenance

•Leslie Spears, Part-time Advisor for Advising and Retention

5. Special Report - Accreditation & Recognition given by Josh Welker, Laurel Klinkenberg, Tracy Orne. This presentation shared information on the Higher Learning Commission accreditation process. The Board heard about Open Pathway. This satisfies a quality initiative for assessment academy.

The HLC monitor reports were submitted in November 2019. Those reports were on the assessment curricular & co-curricular, student persistence, retention & completion of the College. Feedback was received back to us in January of 2020.

The ICCB recognition process starts with an application where the College makes a request of “recognition continued” status.

The College provided a self-evaluation and supporting documents. These standards reviewed included instruction, student services/academic support, finance/facilities and institutional research. JWCC submitted this information by the December 2019 deadline. Currently, the College is waiting on a response and a status response.

6.Consideration of Items from the Floor - None

7. Public and/or Employee Comment - None

8. President and Committee Reports

8.1ICCTA/West Central Region Report - Mr. Andy Sprague, ICCTA representative, Dr. Randy Greenwell, alternate. Next ICCTA meeting is March 12 and March 13 at Heartland Community College in Normal. This meeting is a joint meeting with CEO/CAO/CSSO/CFO’s. Highlights from ICCTA were included in the table folder.

The West Central Trustee meeting is scheduled at Spoon River College on March 16 at 4:30 p.m. Carpooling will be arranged prior to the meeting.

The Board retreat is scheduled for May 6 of which the ICCTA director Jim Reed and Chamber of Commerce director LaTonya Brock will be speaking.

8.2Board Executive Committee Report - Mr. Larry Fischer, Mr. James Gay, Ms. Diane Ary. The Executive Committee met on Friday, February 14, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. with Ms. Diane Ary, Mr. James Gay, Mr. Bob Rhea and Mr. Larry Fischer (via phone) trustees, Mr. Michael Elbe president, and Ms. Leah Benz, note taker.

February Board agenda items were discussed. Those items included six grants, approval of tenure, authorization of summer hours, revision of Board Policy 512 – Drug Free Workplace, addition of E-sports, approval to retain our accounting firm, authorization to accept and award a bid for the auditorium sound system, accept and award a bid for consultation support to the THG Advisors for the Water Nexus program, accept and award a solar heat and solar photovoltaic trainer for the HVAC program and enter into an intergovernmental agreement and lease with University of Illinois.

Other items discussed included:

CEO program - Pike County CEO program inquired on the decision by JWCC regarding the cost of dual credit to DEO students and the impact it could have on future participation of the program. The board held that Adams and Brown County are also looking at such a program. Executive committee recommended the College do 25% funding. A response letter will be shared with Mr. Rennecker.

Knapheide initiative - opportunity to work collectively on an automation initiative for Knapheide’s business.

GREDF/Chamber of Commerce – President Elbe is chair of both of these groups in the community.

48th Street Coalition - heard an update on the progress of this project.

Compensation Plan - heard an update on the compensation plan and longevity component.

Board Retreat – reviewed the board spring retreat agenda.

Enrollment Report – President Elbe provided ten day numbers for spring which showed enrollment up 1.2%.

Kinscherff Center- heard the Kinscherff Center is being listed with All Phase Property Solutions, LLC, John Mast, agent. Listed at its appraised

The committee was provided with a list of dates of activities and events in the near future.

President’s evaluation was discussed. The timeline was revised to accommodate a speaking engagement of the president. A revised timeline was included in the table folder.

Two personnel items were discussed and was deferred to closed session.

8.3Board Curriculum Committee Report - Mr. Don Hess, Dr. Randy Greenwell. The Curriculum Committee did not meet.

8.4Board Finance and Audit Committee Report - Mr. Andy Sprague, Mr. Bob Rhea - The Finance and Audit Committee met on Wednesday, February 19, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. in the office of the Dean of Business Services and Institutional Effectiveness. Present were Mr. Andrew Sprague, trustee, Ms. Susan Fifer, director of Fiscal Services, Mr. Josh Welker, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Business Services, Mr. Bob Rhea (via phone) President Michael Elbe, and Ms. Jenny Venvertloh, note taker.

Bills for payment, Out of District Travel, financials, and investments were discussed and recommended for approval.

Discussed Board items of solar heat and solar photovoltaic trainer, consultants to support water nexus program, auditorium sound system, and audit agreement.

The committee also discussed a personnel item.

8.5Student Trustee Report - Ms. Macyn Seaver - Spring classes began in January. SGA is working on activities for homecoming week. Activities planned include a dance, dodge ball, hypnotist, bingo, bowling and the Mr. John Wood pageant. The pageant will be held on February 28 and starts at 6:30 p.m. which is fundraiser for Quanada.

8.6Administration Report - Mr. Elbe - No report.

9.Consent Agenda

Consent business

9.1Request approval of 12.11.19 regular minutes

9.2 Request approval of bills for payment for December & January payment Finance and Audit Committee

9.3Request approval of monthly financial statements for December & January Finance & Audit Committee

9.4Request approval of trustee and employee travel expenditures for December & January Finance & Audit Committee

* Mr. Fischer’s participated by phone and his vote from this point forward is an advisory vote.

MOTION: Request approval of the consent agenda items

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Gay



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

10. Grant Items All grants were done in one motion.

President Elbe provided a brief explanation of all the grants under the consent agenda. It was noted both the IGEN application and IGEN acceptance of funds were on the February agenda.

10.1 MOTION: Request authorization to accept grant funds from Corporation for National And Community Service for Adams, Brown, & Pike County RSVP programs RE: $152,690

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Hess

Discussion: This is year two of a three-year program. The purpose of this grant is for support of RSVP programming in all three counties that meets performance measurements supporting the ability of older adults and individuals with disabilities to live independently with access to resources.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

10.2 MOTION: Request authorization to submit a grant application to Illinois Green Economy Network for IGEN Solar Array at the Workforce Development Center RE: $306,675

Discussion: This grant is proposing the purchase and installation of two solar arrays at the WDC. The arrays will be used in conjunction with training in the HVAC training program and will also allow expansion of solar technologies into our Electrical Technology curriculum.

10.3 MOTION: Request authorization to submit a grant application for Adult Volunteer Literacy to Illinois State Library/Jesse White Secretary of State RE: $45,000 $50,000

Discussion: This grant would fund volunteer coordination for Instruction to help adults who read below a ninth grade level or speak English at a beginning level to improve their basic reading, writing, math and English language proficiency.

10.4 MOTION: Request authorization to submit a grant application for Adams, Brown, and Pike Counties RSVP to the United Way of Adams County RE: $5,000

Discussion: This grant funding supports RSVP programing that supports “Seniors Health and Security” which includes the Medical Transportation, Carry-Out Caravan and Neighborly Assistance programs

10.5 MOTION: Request authorization to accept grant funds from ICCB entitled Transitional Math in the amount of $15,000

Discussion: This grant was awarded to all community colleges and is retroactive to July 1 to create support or expand transitional math instruction through enhanced curriculum development.

10.6 MOTION: Request authorization to accept funds from Illinois Green Economy Network for IGEN Solar Array at WCD in the amount of $306,675

Discussion: This grant is accepting the funds from the above submission.

11.Personnel Items

11.1MOTION: Authorize to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, terminations, and implement status changes as presented

Moved by: Mr. Gay

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague

Discussion: President Elbe noted the additional addendum personnel items in the table folder. They included hiring Tracy Hagman as Director of Public Relations, retirement of Dr. Ivan Paul, and the hiring of Keely Ragar into a full-time position as Missouri & Business Outreach Advisor.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote


12.1MOTION: Request approval of tenure for five full-time faculty members; Jennifer Grindstaff, Laura Mathews, Jimmy Behrens, Ronald Kraft, and Kimberly Straube, effective at the beginning of the 2020 -2021 academic year

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Rhea

Discussion: Each person submitted a written request for tenure review in a timely manner and has provided appropriate materials. All of the above candidates were recommended by their deans and tenure review chairs/committees who reviewed the classroom observation summaries and student evaluations.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

12.2MOTION: Request approval of JWCC summer hours for summer 2020

Moved by: Mr. Sprague

Seconded by: Mr. Gay

Discussion: Summers hours for 2020 would begin Monday, May 18 – Friday, August 7. Hours would be Monday – Thursday 8:00 - 4:00 with a 30 minute lunch and Friday, 8:00-Noon.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

12.3MOTION: Request authorization to revise Board Policy 512 – Drug Free Workplace

Moved by: Mr. Hess

Seconded by: Dr. Greenwell

Discussion: With the legalization of adult recreational marijuana in the state of Illinois marijuana is no longer considered a controlled substance. The policy was revised to reflect this new law.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

12.4MOTION: Request approval of the addition of NJCAA E-sports beginning fall 2020

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Hess

Discussion: As an enrollment initiative the addition of NJCAA E-sports beginning fall of 2020 was proposed. Administration explored the initiative and felt it should be brought forward.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

12.5MOTION: Request approval to retain WIPFLI, LLP as our accounting firm to audit the financial statements of the College for an additional two years of 2020-2021

Moved by: Mr. Rhea

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague

Discussion: WIPFLI, LLP has been the College’s audit firm for fiscal years 2017, 2018, and 2019. It was recommended to retain this firm for an additional two years. The cost was $36,250 for 2020 and $36,850 for 2021.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

12.6MOTION: Request authorization to accept the bid and award the auditorium sound system to Live Space in the mount of $59,148.25 which includes the addendum amount of $7,191.50

Moved by: Mr. Gay

Seconded by: Mr. Rhea

Discussion: Bids were solicited from qualified vendors to provide a proposal for the auditorium sound system to be purchased with grant dollars. Four bids were received The recommendation on the best fir for JWCC was to Live Space for a total of $49,148.25.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

12.7MOTION: Request authorization to accept the bid and award consultation support to THG Advisors for the Water Nexus program in the amount of $119,235.

Moved by: Mr. Rhea

Seconded by: Dr. Greenwell

Discussion: JWCC solicited bids from qualified vendors to provide consultation to support the water nexus program. One bid was received. The award is to THG Advisors for a total cost of $119,235.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

12.8MOTION: Request authorization to accept the bid and award a solar heat and solar photovoltaic trainer for the HVAC program to Advanced Technologies in the amount of $27,567

Moved by: Mr. Sprague

Seconded by: Mr. Rhea

Discussion: Bids were solicited from qualified vendors to provide a solar heat and solar photovoltaic

Trainer for the HVAC program to be purchased with grant dollars. Four bids were received. The recommendation on the best fit for the program was Advanced Technologies Consultants for $27,567.



Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

12.9MOTION: Request authorization to enter into an intergovernmental agreement and lease with University of Illinois regarding the Orr Research Farm.

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague

Discussion: An intergovernmental agreement was presented for approval on a five acre real estate parcel located with the Orr Research Farm in Pike County and currently owned by the University of Illinois. The purpose of the lease is to provide land access for a newly proposed multi-purposed facility

on that site. The most time efficient way of working through this process of approving deeding the land to JWCC was in this manner. The term period for this ease is March 1 2020- February 28, 2030.

13. Discussion Item

Calendar of Events

14.Notices and Communications

14.1 A thank you note from Pam Rittof was included in the table folder for the monetary acknowledgement of her faculty of the year award.

15. Other Items Mr. Gay inquired on the amount of dollars on scholarships given. He asked for a report in the future.

16.Closed Session

16.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body the setting price of the sale or lease of property owned by the public body.

Moved by: Mr. Hess

Seconded by: Mr. Sprague


Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote

17. Public Session

17.1 Return to public session

Moved by: Dr. Greenwell

Seconded by: Mr. Hess


Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote


18.1MOTION: Adjourn the February 19, 2020 Board of Trustees regular meeting

Moved by: Mr. Sprague

Seconded by: Mr. Gay


Ms. Seaver

Mr. Gay

Mr. Hess

Ms. Ary

Mr. Rhea

Dr. Greenwell 

Mr. Sprague

Mr. Fischer via phone

Voice Vote


Approved the 18th day of March 2020, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 539, meeting in the Board Room, Student/Administrative Center in the city of Quincy, Illinois 62305 at which ________voting members were present, constituting a quorum by a vote of ___ayes and ________nays.



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