Adams County Board met Aug. 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
PRESENT: Kent Snider, Chairman
Chuck Venvertloh, County Clerk
Mr. Matt Obert gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
Chairman Snider called the meeting to order.
The County Clerk called the roll and the following members were present: Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, David Hoskins, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Ryan Niekamp, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.
Total Present: 18 Absent: 3
Absent were: Rebecca Weed, Ryan Hinkamper, and John Heidbreder who were all excused.
Chairman Snider declared a quorum present.
Officeholders, department heads, and/or their representatives also present were: Lori Geschwandner-Circuit Clerk, Georgene Zimmerman- Supervisor of Assessments, John Simon-EMA & Ambulance Director, Jim Frankenhoff- County Engineer, Dave Bockhold from the Highway Department, Todd Eyler from the State’s Attorney’s Office, Sheriff Vonderhaar, John Frankenhoff- Technology Director Aaron Arnold-Juvenile Detention Center Superintendent, Jessica Douglas-Interim Director of 9-1-1, and Sue Hester- County Board Executive Assistant.
Mr. Duesterhaus moved to approve the minutes of the July 9th, 2019 county board meeting as printed and distributed.
Mr. Bellis seconded the motion.
Motion to approve the minutes of the July 9th, 2019 meeting as printed was adopted.
Transportation, Building & Technology
Committee Report (Mr. Post)
Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, August 13th 2019 to review the bills for the Highway Department, the Maintenance Department, and the Technology Department. All of the bills were in order.
Summer maintenance projects are still ongoing and some are winding down.
a. 2019-08-501-015 – Resolution reporting bids from the July 16, 2019 County Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Letting for oil and chip sealing various County Highways. (Attachment A-1)
Mr. Brady made a motion to approve the resolution.
Mr. Bellis seconded the motion.
Resolution 2019-08-501-015 was approved.
b. 2019-08-501-016 – Resolution reporting bids from the July 16, 2019 Road District Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Letting for oil and chip sealing various roads in various Adams County Road Districts. (Attachment A-2)
Mr. Zanger made a motion to approve the resolution.
Mr. Post seconded the motion.
Resolution 2019-08-501-016 was approved.
c. 2019-08-501-017 - Resolution for approval of a Plat of Jim’s Handy Storage Subdivision, located in Section 31 of Gilmer Township, subject to approval of the County Engineer’s subdivision check (Attachment A-3)
Mr. Zanger made a motion to approve the resolution.
Mr. Bellis seconded the motion.
Resolution 2019-08-501-017 was approved.
d. 2019-08-001-016 - Resolution of Support for the modernization of Illinois Route 57. (Attachment A-4)
Mr. Bellis made a motion to approve the resolution.
Mr. Zanger seconded the motion.
Mr. Post explained that there is the possibility of funding available from the state. The City of Quincy and the county have to pass a resolution in support. He stated that this should not involve any county funds.
Resolution 2019-08-001-016 was approved.
The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for September 10th, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
Legislative & Judicial
Committee Report (Mr. Niekamp)
Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, August 6th to review the bills from the circuit Clerk, Juvenile Detention Center, Probation Department, Public Defender, State’s Attorney, and the Supervisor of Assessments. All of the bills were in order.
a. Mendon Fire Protection District – John Begeman - appointment to fill a vacant unexpired 3 year term expiring in May 2022. Diane Frazier appointment to fill a vacant un-expired 3 year term expiring in May 2020. Brent Voth appointment to fill a vacant un-expired 3 year term expiring in May 20211. Positions left vacant by the retirements of Ed Schroeder, Dean Woodruff and Sue Woodruff. (Attachment B-1)
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the appointments
Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.
The Mendon Fire Protection District appointments were approved.
Event Liquor License
a. Request from Ethan’s rodeo for a Liquor License for August 16th and 17th for a Fundraising Event to be held at the Adams County Fairgrounds.(Attachment B-2)
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the event liquor license.
Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.
The event liquor license was approved.
b. Request from the Friends of Unit 4 for a One-Day Liquor permit for Friends of Unit 4 Fall Festival to be held September 14, 2019 at the Adams County Fairground. (Attachment B-3)
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the event liquor license.
Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.
The event liquor license was approved.
Firework Permit-
a. Request from Rob Ebbing for a fireworks permit for September 1, 2019 for a display by Springlake Country Club to be held at 5215 Clubhouse Drive, Quincy. (Attachment B-4)
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the firework permit.
Mr. Reich seconded the motion.
The firework permit was approved.
The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for September 3rd, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
Public Health & Safety
Committee Report (Mr. Kerkhoff)
Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, July 16th, 2019 at 7:00PM and reviewed the bills for the Sheriff’s Office, Coroner’s Office, Emergency Management Agency and Animal Control. All of the bills were in order.
The committee had a guest speaker during their committee meeting. Michael Schutte and Leroy Klauser spoke on concerns about a nuisance property. The committee moved to refer the property address to Jeff Mays to send a city inspector out to assess the situation. They also moved to refer it to the Legislative and Judicial committee to review existing codes for possible revisions and possible new codes.
The committee received the following reports from the departments:
Rich Wagner-Chief Deputy of the Sheriff’s Office: The jail population continues to hold steady. There are 3 new correction officers hired and they will start training for the new jail. These positions were budgeted. They have a few inmates who qualified for work release in the last couple of weeks.
John Simon- Director of Emergency Management: They are continuing to collect flood numbers. The sand bag operations had the following costs: $132K for Emergency Response, $78K for Debris Removal, $126.5K for Road Repairs. That is $337K total. There was $3.1 Million in totals county-wide.
John Myers- Coroner (emailed report): There were 80 reported deaths, 2 autopsies, and 0 indigent cremations in the month of June 2019. There were 32 cremation permits issued in May 2019. So far, there is an average of 35 cremation permits issued monthly in the fiscal year of 2019.
Sue Hester- County Board Executive Assistant: The final draft of the Employee Handbook being compiled should be available to be approved at the October 2019 County Board Meeting and ready for use starting January 1st, 2020. She also discussed open enrollment for health insurance for a January effective date.
The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20th, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Law Library.
Committee Report (Mr. Austin)
Bills – The committee met on August 12th, 2019 to review the bills. All of the bills were in order.
Resolution –
a. Resolution for the approval of ordinance # 2019-08-001-015 to increase the annual salary of the States Attorney and the Public Defender. (Attachment C-1)
Mr. Austin moved to approve the ordinance.
Mr. Rakers seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was taken to approve the resolution. All in favor were: Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, David Hoskins, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Ryan Niekamp, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.
Total in favor: 18 Total Opposed: 0 Total Absent: 3
Ordinance 2019-08-001-015 was approved.
The following five tax sale resolutions were approved together:
b. Tax Sale Resolution Parcel Number: 23-1-0897-000-00 located at 819 Jersey, Quincy, IL. (Attachment C-2)
c. Tax Sale Resolution Parcel Number: 23-4-1321-000-00 located at 324 Maple, Quincy, IL. (Attachment C-3)
d. Tax Sale Resolution Parcel Number: 23-5-0956-000-00 located at 624 Chestnut, Quincy, IL. (Attachment C-4)
e. Tax Sale Resolution Parcel Number: 23-5-1028-000-00 located at 326 Chestnut, Quincy, IL. (Attachment C-5)
f. Tax Sale Resolution Parcel Number: 23-7-0094-000-00 located at 325 Cherry, Quincy, IL. (Attachment C-6)
Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the 5 tax sale resolutions.
Mr. Hoskins seconded the motion.
All of the tax sale resolutions were approved.
g. 2019-08-001-017 - RESOLUTION authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), in one or more series, of the County of Adams, Illinois, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $4,000,000 in order to provide additional funds to complete the construction and equipping of a new jail facility within the County, including, in connection with said work, acquisition of all land or rights in land, mechanical, electrical, and other services necessary, useful, or advisable thereto and pay certain costs of issuance of the Bonds, and providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds. (Attachment C-6)
Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the resolution.
Mr. Rakers seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was taken to approve the resolution. All in favor were: Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, David Hoskins, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Ryan Niekamp, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.
Opposed was: Steven Demoss
Total in favor: 17 Total Opposed: 1 Total Absent: 3
Resolution 2019-08-001-017 was approved.
Mr. Austin stated that budget-time is starting. They are going to start finding times to meet. They have special committee meetings scheduled for September 3rd, 4th, and 5th. They want to have the full budget done in October to be approved in November.
The committee’s next meeting will be September 9th, 2019 at 6:15PM.
Jail Sub-Committee
Committee Report (Mr. Peter)
Change Order-
There is a change order that will hopefully be the last one. There are 14 total items on it, but there is one item not included because they do not think they have to have it. There are 7 items in dispute with the design team. They need to be paid so that construction can continue, but they will go back and negotiate those items. There are another 7 items that are warranted. A couple were taken out earlier on with value engineering to save money. Money was saved, but some money needed put back in. They saved money on a ramp to the QPD portion of building ended up having to put some money back in. The end savings on that was $1,000. There was a demolition job for a planter-bed that was right by the front door. It was problematic as people were hiding stuff in it, so it needed to go. It was $3900. There was also a couple roof curves we needed anchored for $814 that was not known about. There’s things like these that come up.
Mr. Peter made a motion to approve the change order for an additional $102,000 that consists of 13 items.
Mr. Niekamp seconded the motion.
Mr. Peter explained that $57,125 of this will be negotiated with the design team to dispute.
The change order was approved.
Mr. Peter explained that there is a bid prepared between Rees Construction and Williams Brothers Co. for the East parking lot. The city is doing the parking lot south of that, but this one has 48 or 50 stalls. Per-stall cost is similar to the 20 that was just put in on the north side. The money received from the state for the revolving loan more than covers this cost will be. It does not take money out of the jail project. Mr. Peter believes it is $264,000 for the two bids. There is work to be done by the sally port, and if this is approved now and gets started, they can do the underground work before they pour the concrete. This will be the most efficient way with the tax-payer dollars.
The committee recommends approval of this project.
Mr. Peter made a motion to approve the project.
Mr. Post seconded the motion.
Mr. Bellis asked if we didn’t know we would need that parking lot.
Mr. Peter stated we did know and it was in the original plan, but we thought it would be less expensive to do it this way instead of the bid process.
Mr. Post stated that now we have the money that needs to be spent in the tif district, so this works out good.
The motion was approved.
Construction Update-
All second floor bathrooms and locker rooms have their tile and it is grouted. 90% of the carpet and tile was started in the sheriff’s office. The walls on the second floor have their final coat of paint. The floor is being completed. The pre-finished office wood doors will arrive tomorrow. The elevator company has run their check-list for the Williams Brothers Co. and also the City of Quincy who acquire temporary occupancy permit for the Sheriff’s Department and the QPD area. They have backed the schedule up. The QPD and Sheriff’s Department are now looking at a November date as opposed to October. The jail completion date is for late December. Those are new dates. They are backed up 4-6 weeks from what they had been.
The committee discussed with Sheriff Vonderhaar how they would handle the opening/dedication part of letting people see the new building. There are security considerations and the Sheriff’s Department will continue to plan what they think will work best. They will probably not do anything until the building is occupied and maybe not do the dedication until it is warmer in the spring.
Executive Committee
Committee Report (Mr. Austin)
The PACE program is moving forward at its own pace. The partner they had decided to no longer be a part of it, so they are working with other possible partners that can do that program in our area. There is no hurry at this point.
Sue Hester is working on the new employee handbook and has been meeting with department heads.
The committee discussed the cannabis issue. There was a revision bill at the state and they have increased the taxation amount to 3% inside the city. The county can tax an additional 3% on top of that and 3.75% by ourselves. The committee has a few more things to look and talk about. Then, they plan to get something in writing as an ordinance to let people know where we stand on it. This will be voted on. The state set this up as an opt-out program. The committee is unanimously in favor of moving on in the program and using the tax dollars because cannabis will be legal in our state anyway. If we opt out, we would miss out on the taxation of it.
Union contracts are coming up. The committee has started planning on how to handle those. The meetings will start in September.
Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business.
New Business
Approval of Board member Travel Vouchers-
$42.00 to Seldon Totsch for travel on July 16th to the committee meeting and August 16th to the County Board meeting for a total of 120 miles.
Mr. Peter made a motion to approve the travel vouchers.
Mr. Bellis seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was taken to approve the resolution. All in favor were: Mark Peter, Matt Obert, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, David Hoskins, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Ryan Niekamp, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.
Total in favor: 18 Total Opposed: 0 Total Absent: 3 The travel vouchers were approved.
Monthly Reports – The County Clerk had monthly reports from the Supervisor of Assessments/Board of Review, the Probation Department, Juvenile Detention center, The County Clerk/Recorder’s office, Treasurer’s Office, the Sheriff’s Office, Monthly check register for July 2019 and Funds Summary report for July 2019 including revenue and expenses.
Mr. Duesterhaus made a motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee.
Mr. Zanger seconded the motion.
Motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee adopted.
Discussion/Possible Action-
a. Adams County Proclamation for the 2020 Census. (Attachment D-1)
The Chairman asked the County Clerk to read the proclamation. The County clerk read the proclamation.
Mr. Obert moved to approve the proclamation.
Mr. Austin seconded the motion.
The proclamation was approved.
1) Statement from First Mid Bank & Trust regarding the Tax Anticipation Loan.
2) Letter from Ameren regarding tree-trimming in and around the City of Quincy.
3) Thank you letter from the Geschwandner family.
Mr. Duesterhaus moved to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee.
Mr. Zanger seconded the motion.
Motion to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee adopted.
The August 13th, 2019 meeting was recessed until Tuesday, September 10th, 2019.