Adams County Board Executive Committee met May 14.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
The Adams County Board Executive Committee held a special meeting in the ROE room at 507 Vermont Street, Quincy, Illinois, May 14, 2019.
The following members were present:
R. Kent Snider
Bret Austin
Ryan Niekamp
Les Post
Rebecca Weed
Others present:
Gary Farha, States Attorney
Sue Hester, Executive Assistant
Chuck Venvertloh, County Clerk/Recorder
Steve Rowlands, 911 Director
The meeting was called to order at 4:46 p.m. by Chairman Kent Snider.
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the March 5, April 8, and May 6th 2019 meeting minutes. Mrs. Weed seconded the motion. The meeting minutes were approved.
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to go into executive session to discuss a personnel issue. Mrs. Weed seconded the motion. The committee went into executive session.
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to come out of executive session and return to regular session. Mrs. Weed seconded the motion. The committee returned to regular session.
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Weed seconded the motion. Mr. Snider adjourned the meeting at 5:42 p.m.