
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Board of Education of School District No. 172 Board met June 26

Board of Education of School District No. 172 Board met June 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Meeting Convened

The Board of Education of School District No. 172, Adams County, Illinois, met in regular session on June 26, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Office, Room 214, 1416 Maine Street, Quincy, Illinois, in said school district.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order by President Ali, who directed the secretary to call the roll. On the call of the roll, the following members were present and answered to their names: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members were absent: None. Whereupon the President declared a quorum was present.

Moment of Silence

President Ali declared a moment of silence and reflection.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Rifle Coach Jim Holtman.

Focus on Students – Good Things Going On!

Rifle Team. Superintendent Webb introduced Rifle Team Coach Jim Holtman, Assistant Coach Ben Trapini and team members Jonathan Kuhn and Gabe Giffin. Jonathan and Gabe were invited to train and compete at the Junior Olympics training facility in Colorado. President Ali said the Rifle Team is a flag ship program and an excellent representative of QPS and the Blue Devil spirit.

QAVTC/WCR Director. Evie Morrison was introduced as the new QAVTC/WCR Director. Evie has been a math teacher at QHS. Her background includes owning her own business and technology consulting. She is well suited for the position. Superintendent Webb said she replaces Kaleb Smith who is moving out of the area. Evie said she has worked with Kaleb during the past few weeks and is excited about this new challenge.

Open Public Hearing

President Ali opened the public hearing on the 2018-2019 Amended District Budget, 2018-2019 Amended West Central Regional Joint Agreement Budget, 2018-2019 Amended Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center Budget, and 2018-2019 Amended Special Education Budget for questions and comments. There were no comments at this time, but the hearing remained open for comments until closed later in the meeting.

Questions and Comments

President Ali opened the meeting to questions and comments to members of the Board, by members of the public and employees of the district, in compliance with state statutes.

Jeff Kerkhoff commented on the 231st anniversary of ratification of the U.S. Constitution by the State of Virginia and on the recent deaths of two community members.

Consent Agenda

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:

a. Treasurer’s Report – May 2019

b. Minutes –May 22, 2019

c. Check Register and JH/SH Activity Fund Reports

d. Statement of Agreement with Quanada (Doc. Reg. No. 3084)

e. Hazardous Busing Resolution (Doc. Reg. No. 3085)

f. 2019-2020 School Board Meeting Resolution – calendar (Doc. Reg. No. 3086)

g. Acknowledge receipt of the Freedom of Information Log: May 18 through June 21, 2019 (Information Only)

On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Reports of the Superintendent

1. Review Assigned Board Tasks. Superintendent Webb presented an update on board assigned tasks. The Board has invested additional dollars to improve classroom learning in each school. The computer/student ratio is improving. The goal is two to three students per device. The school based health care program is up and running. Superintendent Webb has compiled some information on Montessori Schools. In-depth information has been compiled on the amenities available in the Quincy area in an effort to attract new teachers. Renovations continue at Junior High including gym floor, locker room, and stage rigging and curtain. The financial impact of the five-year state requirement to increase starting teacher pay to $40,000 and increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour is being studied.

2. School Based Health Care. Member Troup reported that an update on families and Hot Spotting efforts was presented to the group by the Community Health Workers at the June meeting. They will continue to work with the families during the summer. In August, there will be four community health workers who will work with 30-40 students each, up from two CHW this year. Discussion continued on developing videos to highlight the Hot Spotting Program within the community.

Building Committee

The Building Committee report was presented by Chairperson McNay. An update was presented on the Baldwin and Denman Elementary projects. The committee heard a report on 10-year Health Life Safety Projects. Several bids approvals were recommended. Superintendent Webb reported to the committee on the new sound absorption systems installed at Lincoln-Douglas and Iles. There has been a significant decrease in noise levels. The system will be installed at Rooney in July.

Reject QJHS Front Porch Bid

It was recommended by the Building Committee and moved by Member McNay to reject the bid received for the QJHS front porch renovation and rebid the project next spring. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Transportation Parking Lot Project

It was recommended by the Building Committee and moved by Member McNay to accept the bid from D&L Excavating at a cost of $391,940 to resurface the Transportation Department parking lot. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Denman Playground Equipment Installation

It was recommended by the Building Committee and moved by Member McNay to accept the bid from Million Construction at a cost of $124,000 for playground installation at Denman. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

QHS Fascia Restoration

It was recommended by the Building Committee and moved by Member McNay to accept the base bid and alternative bid from Entrup Drywall and Painting at a total cost of $165,030 to restore the fascia at Quincy Senior High School. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

District Improvement Committee

Co-Chairperson Bailey presented the District Improvement Committee report. The committee combines the Curriculum and Discipline Committees with the District Improvement Team. Each school presented an overview of their School Improvement Plans which outlined their strengths, student growth, areas to improve, goals and “hot rocks” (priority areas of focus). Each school will work on the Board goals of student achievement and staff retention/morale. The school plans were developed based on the District Improvement Plan which outlines more autonomy for principals and freedom to innovate for teachers in the classroom. Central office will support, facilitate and provide resources but will not control how students are taught. The new committee will meet quarterly to present updates on the school improvement plans, student achievement, attendance, and discipline.

School Improvement Plans

It was moved by Member Bailey and seconded by Member Arns to approve each school’s Improvement Plan as presented. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Finance Committee

Co-Chair Nichols presented the Finance Committee report. Chief of Business Operations Ryan Whicker presented the monthly financial update and cash summary report to the committee. The fuel bids and waste removal/recycling bids were reviewed. Mr. Whicker recommended inactivating some old activity accounts at junior and senior high schools so the funds can be moved to current accounts. There was not a quorum at the meeting.

2019-2020 Fuel Bid

It was moved by Member Nichols and seconded by Member McNay to approve the Escalating Bid Price as submitted by Energy Petroleum Company at a total of $292,999.50. This includes unleaded, No. 2 diesel, and a blend of No. 2 and B11 diesel fuel. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Bailey, McNay, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None; and the following members were absent: Members Arns, Nichols, and Troup. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Waste Removal & Recycling

It was moved by Member Nichols and seconded by Member Arns to accept the 3-year bid from Republic Services for waste removal and recycling: Year 1) $38,797.78, Year 2) $40,076.36 and Year 3) $41,963.60. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

De-activate Accounts

It was moved by Member Nichols and seconded by Member Arns to approve deactivating old activity accounts at Junior and Senior High Schools as recommended and deposit the funds in active accounts. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Policy Committee

It was moved by Member Whitfield and seconded by Member Bailey to remove from the table and adopted the following revised policies from February/March 2019 Policy Service updates:

Policy 2:20 – Power and Duties of the School Board: Indemnification. Policy 4:30 – Revenue and Investments

Policy 4:100 – Insurance Management

Policy 4:110 – Transportation

Policy 4:150 – Facility Management and Building Programs Policy 4:190 – Targeted School Violence Prevention Program Policy 6:15 – School Accountability

Policy 6:185 – Remote Education Program

On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Close Public Hearing

President Ali asked if there were any questions or comments regarding the budgets. Mr. Jeff Kerkhoff asked whether the budgets were balanced. Mr. Whicker responded that all were balanced. Hearing no further questions or comments, President Ali closed the public hearing at 6:45 p.m.

Amended 2018-2019 Quincy School District Budget

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Ali to approve the Amended 2018- 2019 Quincy School District Budget (Doc. Reg. No. 3080). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Amended 2018-2019 West Central Region Budget

It was moved by Member Bailey and seconded by Member Ali to approve the Amended 2018-2019 West Central Region Budget (Doc. Reg. No. 3082). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Amended 2018-2019 Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center Budget

It was moved by Member Whitfield and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the Amended 2018-2019 Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center Budget (Doc. Reg. No. 3081). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Amended 2018-2019 Special Education Association Budget

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the Amended 2018- 2019 Special Education Association Budget (Doc. Reg. No. 3083). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resolution Tentative 2019-2020 Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center Budget

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Ali to approve the Resolution on Presentation of the Tentative 2019-2020 Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center Budget and set hearing date as August 28, 2019. (Doc. Reg. No. 3087). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resolution Tentative 2019-2020 West Central Region Budget

It was moved by Member Ali and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the Resolution on Presentation of the Tentative 2019-2020 West Central Region Budget and set hearing date as August 28, 2019. (Doc. Reg. No. 3088). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resolution Regarding Bond Funds Repayment Allocation

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Ali to approve the Resolution Regarding Bond Funds Repayment Allocation (Doc. Reg. No. 3089). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Sale of QAVTC Lots

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the sale of three QAVTC Lots – 2911, 2915, 2925 Lind Street for $15,000 per lot (Doc. Reg. No. 3090). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

2019-2020 School Handbooks

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Ali to approve the 2019-2020 school handbooks as presented. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

QF Memorandum of Understanding #8 – Sparkle Squad

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the Memorandum of Understand #8 with Quincy Federation regarding the Sparkle Squad sponsor stipend (Doc. Reg. No. 3091). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Executive Session

It was moved by Member Bailey and seconded by Member Troup that the Board suspend the rules and go into executive session to discuss: a) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the School District; b) collective negotiating matters between the School District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; d) the sale or lease of property owned by the District; g) student disciplinary cases; i) pending, probable, or imminent litigation; and j) attorney/client privilege. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resumption of Rules

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Arns to resume the conduct of the regular meeting under rules. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resolution Regarding Notice to Remedy

It was moved by Member Bailey and seconded by Member Ali approve the Resolution Regarding Notice to Remedy for a licensed staff member (Doc. Reg. No. 3092). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Collective Bargaining Agreement with IBEW

It was moved by Member Whitfield and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 34 (Doc. Reg. No. 3093). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Personnel Addendum

It was moved by Member Nichols and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the Revised Personnel Addendum. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.


It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Ali that the regular meeting adjourn.

On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, McNay, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the regular meeting was duly adjourned.




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