
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Adams County Board met April 1

Webp meeting 05

Adams County Board met April 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The County Board of Adams County, Illinois met at the Courthouse, Quincy, Illinois, on Wednesday, April 10th, 2019 at 7:00 P.M., pursuant to recess.

PRESENT: Kent Snider, Chairman

Chuck Venvertloh, County Clerk

Mr. Chuck Venvertloh gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

Chairman Snider called the meeting to order.

The County clerk called the roll and the following members were present: Mark Peter, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, David Hoskins, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Rebecca Weed, Ryan Niekamp, Ryan Hinkamper, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, John Heidbreder, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.

Total Present: 17 Absent: 4

Absent were: Matt Obert, Joe Zanger, Todd Duesterhaus, and Dave Bellis- All excused.

Chairman Snider declared a quorum present.

Officeholders, department heads, and/or their representatives also present were:

Georgene Zimmerman- Supervisor of Assessments, John Simon-EMA & Ambulance Director, Jim Frankenhoff- County Engineer, Dave Bockhold from the Highway Department, Gary Farha- States Attorney, Todd Eyler and Josh Jones from the State’s Attorney’s Office, Jill Reis- Regional Superintendent of Schools, Wendy Venvertloh- Director of Court Services, and Sue Hester- County Board Executive Assistant.

Les Post made a motion to suspend the rules to allow the public to speak Robert Reich seconded the motion.

The motion to suspend the rules to allow the public to speak was approved.

Mark Tyrpin spoke on behalf of the United Way Fund Drive. He shared that their goal was to raise $1,100,000 this campaign. There are 20 different agencies in this area serving the needs and services of the people that live work and reside in Adams County. United Way provides scholarships, food, counseling, camps, etc. The county board is the first stop on this campaign to get to the goal. He asked for the board members to consider a donation and also encourage employees to donate as well. He showed a short video that summarized United Way in our county.

Philip, the vice chair of Adams County United Way, also spoke on behalf of United Way. He stated United Way offers support to help infuse better lifestyles to those in the community. He encouraged everyone to donate and that not only money, but donating time, is important.

Todd, executive director of Adams County United Way, was the last speaker for United Way. He stated that United Way gives from the heart. He encouraged everyone to look at the pledge card and see it as an investment to the community. He also thanked the board for their service as board members.

Chairman Snider stated that he is the president of the Advocacy Network for Children and United Way contributed to them. He stated that many times, your donations can multiply as some agencies will match the donation. He stressed the importance of this United Way campaign.

Ryan Niekamp made a motion to return to regular session. Todd Duesterhaus seconded the motion.

The board returned to regular session.

Mrs. Weed moved to approve the minutes of the March 12th, 2019 county board meeting as printed and distributed.

Mr. Rakers seconded the motion.

Motion to approve the minutes of the March 12th, 2019 meeting as printed was adopted. ---------

Transportation, Building & Technology

Committee Report (Mr. Post)

Bills – The committee met on Wednesday, April 10th, 2019 to review the bills for the Highway Department, the Maintenance Department, and the Technology Department. All of the bills were in order.


a. 2019-04-501-010 – Resolution appropriating $130,000.00 from the County Matching

Tax Fund to pay for the County’s share of the resurfacing of a segment of County Highway 12 (E 1900TH Street) (Columbus – Coatsburg Road) (FAS Route 0589), from McKee Creek, southerly, to Liberty Street in Columbus, that is approximately 1.51 miles in length and authorizing the County Board Chairman to sign any agreements and contracts and shall be designated as Section 16-00175-01-FP. (Attachment A-1)

Mr. Brady made a motion to approve the resolution. Mr. Post seconded the motion.

Resolution 2019-04-501-010 was approved.

b. 2019-04-501-011 – Resolution reporting bids from the April 4, 2019 Road District Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Materials Letting. (Attachment A-2)

Mr. Post made a motion to approve the resolution. Mr. Demoss seconded the motion.

Resolution 2019-04-501-011 was approved.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th, 2019. Legislative & Judicial

Committee Report (Mr. Niekamp)

Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019 to review the bills from the circuit Clerk, Juvenile Detention Center, Probation Department, Public Defender, State’s Attorney, and the Supervisor of Assessments. All of the bills were in order.


a. Golden Fire Protection District – David B. Gronewald – appointment to a 3 year term expiring in May 2022. (Attachment B-1)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the appointment. Mr. Post seconded the motion.

The appointment was approved.

b. Central Fire Protection District – William R. Johnson – appointment to a 3 year term expiring in May 2022. (Attachment B-2)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the appointment.

Mrs. Weed seconded the motion.

The appointment was approved.

c. Clayton Fire Protection District – James H. Gieker – appointment to a 3 year term expiring in May 2022. (Attachment B-3)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the appointment.

Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

The appointment was approved.

d. Tri-Township Fire Protection District – Greg Shierling – appointment to fill a vacant un- expired 3 year term expiring in May 2020, left vacant by the retirement of Robert Rhinberger. (Attachment B-4)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the appointment.

Mr. Reicht seconded the motion.

The appointment was approved.

e. Mill Creek Water District – Paul Keller & Kenneth Holtschlag– re-appointment to 6 year terms expiring in May 2025. (Attachment B-5)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the appointment.

Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

The appointment was approved.

f. Ursa Street Light District – Scott Dedert– re-appointment to a 3 year term expiring in May 2022. (Attachment B-6)

Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the appointment.

Mr. Peter seconded the motion.

The appointment was approved.

County Code

a) County Code Chapter 31- Indigent Burial Policy

2019-04-201-005 – Resolution to update Indigent Burial Policy. (Attachment B-7) Mr. Niekamp moved to approve the resolution.

Mrs. Weed seconded the motion.

Mr. Niekamp explained that they are amending the policy after recommendations from the Coroner. This will clean up the policy.

Resolution 2019-04-201-005 was approved.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for May 7th, 2019 at 6:30 PM. Public Health & Safety

Committee Report (Mrs. Weed)

Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, March 19th, 2019 and reviewed the bills for the Sheriff’s Office, Coroner’s Office, Emergency Management Agency and Animal Control. All of the bills were in order.


The Sheriff’s Department reported that the court security active shooter training was completed. All deputies have completed a sexual assault investigation training online. Three correctional officers will be going to school next month. They have been on the job for 4 months and have to be enrolled in training within 6 months of their hire date. The department is still down two correctional officers. A new list of candidates has been received from the merit board and hiring ix expected soon.

Emergency Management reported that flooding is anticipated on the Mississippi River. The extent is unknown at this time. Larger than normal snow packs up north and normal spring rains will raise the potential for flooding. The flood planning efforts will continue for the next several weeks for all concerned.

The Coroner reported that there were 65 reported deaths, 2 autopsies, 0 indigent cremations, and 29 cremation permits issued in the month of February 2019.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16th, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Law Library.


Committee Report (Mr. Austin)

Bills – The committee met on Monday, April 8th, 2019 to review the bills. All of the bills were in order.

Resolution –

a. Approval of Board Member Travel Vouchers: (Attachments C-1& C-2)

$42.00 to Seldon Totsch for travel on April 10th to the County Board meeting, March 10th to the Public, Health and Safety Committee meeting for a total of 120 miles.

$26.95 to Teresa Bockhold for travel on April 1st to the Legislative and Judicial committee meeting, April 10th to the County Board meeting, and March 14th to the Two Rivers Regional Council meeting for a total of 77 miles.

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the board member travel vouchers.

Mr. Niekamp seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the board member travel vouchers. Those in favor were: Mark Peter, Robert Reich, John Brady, Seldon Totsch, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, David Hoskins, Bret Austin, Steven Demoss, Rebecca Weed, Ryan Niekamp, Ryan Hinkamper, Marvin Kerkhoff, Raquel Piazza, John Heidbreder, Taylor Rakers and Kent Snider.

Total in favor was 17. Total against was 0. Total absent was 4.

b. Tax Sale Resolution Parcel Number 23-4-0465-000-00, located at 527 N. 3rd St. in Quincy, IL. (Attachment C-3)

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the Tax Sale Resolution.

Mr. Hoskins seconded the motion.

The Tax Sale Resolution was approved.


The County Board Office is looking to see how to evaluate the Affordable Care Act measurement period to see where we are as far as requirements.

The new payroll software, Paycom, is fully implemented, but there is still some learning to do with it being a new system.

The committee spoke with two department heads about IMRF accelerated payments when people retire/quit. The committee is looking at how we are keeping track of employee’s sick, vacation and comp time and how it affects IMRF. They can look to see what kind of payments the employees will have when they leave the county and see what consistency they can get from department to department.

Mr. Austin and Sue Hester are working on grant management. People and organizations in the area are applying for grants and they want to work with those people to coordinate it. This will help everyone avoid stepping on each other’s toes.

The committee’s next meeting will be May 13th, 2019 at 6:15 PM. Jail Sub-Committee  

Committee Report (Mr. Peter)

Mr. Peter gave a report on change orders that need action taken. There were 2 change orders. The first one deals with windows and door hardware. They reduced this cost by $14,000 previously by using standard windows. Now there is an increase with the windows of $7,652. The door and hardware portion is $1,712. We also need some revisions in the room we share with QPD which is $3,674. We will be responsible for 50% of that $3,674. The total number increase is $13,038. There will be more change orders as the project winds down. Some may reduce the cost and some may increase it.

Mr. Peter made a motion to approve a change order increase of a total of $13,038. Mr. Niekamp seconded the motion.

Mr. Hinkamper asked if there were issues with the walls as well.

Mr. Peter stated they had to do cuts because of the beam and there was a wall that was the wrong length, but those were already addressed and taken care of.

The change order was approved.

Mr. Peter also spoke about the possibility of getting 20 more parking spaces at a very reasonable cost. The design is ready. This would not be in the project budget, but would be paid for through available revolving money since it can be classified as a TIF project. It will cost $85,961, but that is half of what it would normally cost if the crew wasn’t already in place. They will be getting a good value since Williams Brothers is already on-site and has the equipment. It will not be more pressure on the jail project fund.

Mr. Peter made a motion to approve the $85,961 parking space project change order. Mr. Austin seconded the motion.

Mr. Heidbreder asked where this was.

Mr. Austin said it is at 5th and Broadway St.

Mr. Heidbreder asked if this is aimed for employees to park and the Vermont Street is more aimed towards public.

Mr. Austin stated that was correct.

The motion was approved.

Mr. Peter also gave the following update on construction: The framing and sheetrock in area A on the second floor is complete. The drywall finish is 90% done. Painting is 50% done, ceiling grid is 75% done. Area A on the first floor’s block walls are complete. The sally port floor will be poured this week. The central plant water was tested and passed and the new water meter is on site. The north parking lot construction has started. The new light poles are roughed in and the base is poured. The glass wall on Broadway is 80% complete and the windows are 50% complete. The project is still on time to be completed in November 2019.

Executive Committee

Committee Report (Mr. Austin)

Mr. Austin reported that the Corrections Department collective agreement bargain agreement is done and ready to be signed. They are seeing a recurring theme of falling behind entry level pay, which makes it to where employees do not stay. The contract was already approved last month.

Mr. Austin gave an update on the Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Quincy. The city has put the final numbers in. We will run the parking lot D project as part of the jail build-out overall, and the city’s estimate is about $630,000 for that. Over the course of the project, we will get reimbursed by the city with money they’ve already approved in their budget. The net result is actually that we will recapture money that we returned to the state in the form of a revolving loan fund and it has come back to us through the DCEO (Dept. of Commerce and Economic Opportunity). The restrictions are that it has to be used in a TIF area, and this is. We need to approve to move forward, the city will do the same, and then an agreement will be written up to be approved. The board is just approving an agreement to move forward on creating an agreement. This project would be bid separately and local companies could possibly have this work. (Attachment D-1)

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the intergovernmental agreement. Mr. Niekamp seconded the motion.

The intergovernmental agreement was approved.

Mr. Austin stated that work on the PACE program is ongoing. They are working on getting administrators. There are a couple people who may step forward which is the next step. Then, they would write a code or ordinance.

Sue Hester has been working on a new employee handbook.

New Business

Monthly Reports – The County Clerk had monthly reports from the Supervisor of Assessments/Board of Review, the Probation Department, Juvenile Detention center, The County Clerk/Recorder’s office, Treasurer’s Office, the Sheriff’s Office, EMS, Monthly check register for March 2019 and Funds Summary report for March 2019 including revenue and expenses.

Mr. Rakers made a motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee.

Mr. Peter seconded the motion.

Motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee adopted.


Chairman Snider reported two resignations. Ryan Niekamp resigned from the Two Rivers Regional council Board of Directors and David Reis resigned from the Adams County 377 Board. The resignation of Brian Vonderhaar from the Quincy/Adams County Joint Emergency Telephone Service Board will not be until next month. (Attachments E-1 & E-2)


Chairman Snider reported the appointment of Steven Demoss to the Two Rivers Regional Council Board of Directors. Matt Obert was reappointed to a three year term ending in June 2022 for the Adams County 377 Board. Clairice Hetzler was appointed to a three year term ending in June 2022 for the 377 Board.

Solar Farm Application-

Mr. Post stated that the time frame for the application is long and is approaching quickly. They have to have publications done and have a hearing. The public hearing is going to be on May 23rd, 2019 at 7:00. The board will take action following the public hearing or possibly hold a special meeting.

Mr. Heidbreder stated he has held caution on solar farms. He wants to know if it is too close to the highway to make a bright glare when drivers are going down Highway 57. He expressed that he hopes someone will find out the elevation to see the probability of this sun glare.

Mr. Post stated they will get answers.


1) Letter from the Office of Fredrich Cruse regarding a bankruptcy notice.

Mr. Rakers moved to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee. Mr. Austin seconded the motion.

Motion to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee adopted.

Mr. Post stated that his family’s thank you letter didn’t make it in to the correspondence. He wanted to thank everyone on behalf of him and his family and that a paper thank you just doesn’t cut it. There was so much support offered to him and his family after his father’s passing. He and his family truly appreciate it.

The April 10th, 2019 meeting was recessed until May 14th, 2019 at 7:00 PM.




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