Adams County Jail Sub-Committee met Sept. 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The following members were present:
Mark Peter, Chairman
Duane Venvertloh
Kent Snider
Ryan Niekamp
Rob Copley
Others present:
Rebecca Weed
Les Post
Steve DeMoss
Sid Wilson
Gary L. Farha
Sue Hester
Terry Bower
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by the Jail Subcommittee Chairman, Mark Peter.
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from July 10, 2018. Mr. Snider seconded the motion. The committee approved the minutes.
Review Change Orders:
Sid Wilson presented the committee with several change orders. Duane Venverloth made a motion to approve the change orders. Kent Snider seconded the motion. The change orders were approved.
Mr. Venvertloh made a motion to go into Executive Session. Mr. Snider seconded the motion. The committee went into Executive Session at 5:47 p.m.
Mr. Venvertloh made a motion to go into regular session. Mr. Snider seconded the motion. The committee went into regular session at 6:00 p.m.
Mr. Snider made a motion to have the States Attorney prepare an agreement between the County and Poepping Stone Bach & Associations for a reimbursement of errors for the beam support and other miscellaneous change orders. Mr. Venvertloh seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
Mr. Niekamp made a motion to adjourn; Mr. Venvertloh seconded the motion. Mr. Peter adjourned the meeting at 6:02 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Sue Hester, Executive Assistant, Adams County Board