
Quincy Reporter

Monday, March 3, 2025

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met Nov. 18

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Dr. Levi Brown - Clarendon Hills Middle School Principal | Community Consolidated School District 181

Dr. Levi Brown - Clarendon Hills Middle School Principal | Community Consolidated School District 181

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met Nov. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order  

The Regular Business meeting of the Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181,  DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, was called to order by Board President William Cotter at 6:00 pm on  November 18, 2024, at Hinsdale Middle School, 100 S. Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL. 

Roll Call  

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call. Board members present were: Asim Aleem, Margaret  Cooper, Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, William Cotter, Sinead Duffy, and Michael Martin. Also present, Dr.  Hector Garcia, Superintendent. 

Pledge of Allegiance  

William Cotter led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Board of Education Celebrations  

The Administration recognized and thanked the D181 Board of Education for their hard work and dedication  to the District.  

The Board honored and recognized the service of our Veterans and thanked them for their service to our  country. 

The Board congratulated the outstanding achievements of several talented students from the middle schools  who were selected to participate in the Illinois Music Educators Association Honor Ensemble, a prestigious  honor recognizing exceptional musical ability and dedication. 

They also celebrated the exceptional performance of the district in the 2025 U.S. News & World Report  Schools rankings. The seven elementary schools earned the "Best Elementary Schools" designation, and the  two middle schools were named "Best Middle Schools." This outstanding achievement reflects the dedication  and hard work of our students, staff, parents, and community.

Executive Session  

William Cotter made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session at 6:05 p.m. to discuss personnel. Michael  Martin seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye”: Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin,  Asim Aleem, Margaret Cooper, William Cotter, Michael Martin, and Sinead Duffy. ”Nay”: None. The motion  carried. 

Call to Order  

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were William Cotter,  Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, Margaret Cooper, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, and Michael Martin. “Nay:” None.  Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent. 

Public Comment  

No public comment. 

Action Items  

Resolution Regarding the Estimated Amounts Necessary to be Levied for the Year 2024  Mrs. Mindy Bradford, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations, presented the Resolution  Regarding the Estimated Amounts Necessary to be Levied for the year 2024. She said the administration  recommended a total estimated tax levy of $79,944,103 for the year 2024. This represents a 4.6% increase  over the 2023 levy of $76,433,827. The increase is primarily due to new construction and the impact of the  Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL). A public hearing is scheduled for December 16th. 

Ms. Bradford shared the following highlights: 

● Projected Tax Levy: The district is proposing a total 2024 Levy of $79,944,103 for operating funds.  This represents a 4.6% increase over the 2023 extension. 

● PTELL Impact: The Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL) will limit the district's tax revenue  growth. While property values are increasing, the PTELL will cap the increase in tax extensions based  on the lower CPI (i.e., 3.4%) or 5%. This year’s calculations use the 3.4% CPI-U rate as of December  31, 2023. 

● EAV Increase: The district's Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) is projected to increase by 8.3%, based on  current assessor estimates. 

● New Construction: Based on current assessor estimates, new construction is estimated at $24,539,76.  This represents a decrease of 17.6% from the previous year. 

● Abatement: This year's levy includes a $2 million continued commitment to returning tax dollars to the  taxpayers.

Proposed 2024 Tax Levy Breakdown: 

● Education: $66,051,818 (an increase of $2,955,102 from 2023) 

● Operation and Maintenance: $10,709,610 (an increase of $427,987 from 2023) 

● Transportation: $1,723,629 (an increase of $68,881 from 2023) 

● Illinois Municipal Retirement: $729,353 (an increase of $29,153 from 2023) 

● Social Security: $729,353 (an increase of $29,153 from 2023)   

William Cotter made a motion to approve the Resolution Regarding the Estimated Amounts Necessary to be  Levied for the Year 2024. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:”  Meg Cooper, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, Bill Cotter, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, and Michael Martin. “Nay:”  None. The motion carried. 

Resolution Authorizing the Donation, Sale, or Other Disposition of Personal Property (Electronic  Equipment)  

Ms. Bradford presented the Resolution for the Disposition of Surplus Property (Electronic Equipment. She said  the administration was seeking approval to sell surplus electronic devices to Upward Assets. This included  approximately 500 Chromebooks, 800 iPads, 70 projectors, and other outdated technology equipment. The  estimated revenue from this sale is $76,000. 

Ms. Bradford shared that this is an annual request. The District has a significant amount of surplus electronic  devices that are replaced as a part of the district’s approved technology replacement cycle. The Technology  Department solicited proposals for resale of the equipment and the vendor, Upward Assets, was selected as  the vendor with the highest bid. She noted that the vendor is required to provide a certificate of secure data  destruction. 

Grace Shin made a motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Donation, Sale, or Other Disposition of  Personal Property (Electronic Equipment), as presented. Margaret Kleber seconded the motion. On roll call,  the following members voted “Aye:” Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy,  Margaret Kleber, and Meg Cooper. “Nay:” None. The motion carried. 

Resolution Authorizing the Donation, Sale or Other Disposition of Personal Property (Capital Equipment)  Ms. Bradford presented the Resolution for the Disposition of Surplus Capital Equipment Property for  approval. The resolution detailed the disposal of surplus or obsolete property, primarily textbooks, furniture,  and equipment.

A significant portion of the surplus items, including textbooks and obsolete equipment, will be donated to  SCARCE, a nonprofit organization focused on building sustainable communities. Other items, such as student  desks and chairs, will be recycled or disposed of appropriately. 

She noted that by disposing of surplus property, the district will reduce storage costs and improve efficiency.    

William Cotter made a motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing the Donation, Sale, or Other Disposition  of Personal Property (Capital Equipment), as presented. Margaret Kleber seconded the motion. On roll call,  the following members voted “Aye:” Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy,  Margaret Kleber, and Meg Cooper. “Nay:” None. The motion carried.  

Math/ELA/ACE Placement Approval  

Ms. Kristin Reingruber, Director of Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation, presented the criteria for student  placement in third through eighth-grade math and sixth through eighth-grade ELA and social studies courses  for the 2025-2026 school year for approval. 

She shared that the district has updated the RIT scores to reflect percentiles for the 2024-2025 MAP weeks of  instruction at a 3.5 SEM (D181 average). The qualifying percentiles for advanced and accelerated courses  remain unchanged. 

She highlighted that there is a new Math Bridge Pre-Assessment that will be offered to qualifying students.  Students who score 85% or higher on the pre-assessment may choose to opt out of the Math Bridge  program. 

Ms. Reingruber explained the district has an integrated appeals process that uses multiple valid and reliable  indicators to ensure fair and equitable placement decisions. These processes aim to provide students with the  most appropriate academic challenges and support. 

William Cotter made a motion to approve the Math/ELA/ACE placement, as presented. Grace Shin seconded  the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Asim Aleem, William Cotter, Michael Martin,  Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy, Margaret Kleber, and Meg Cooper. “Nay:” None. The motion carried. 

Superintendent Succession Plan  

The District 181 Board of Education discussed the upcoming retirement of Superintendent Dr. Hector Garcia,  who will retire on June 30, 2026.

After setting guiding principles for the search, BWP and Associates were selected as the firm to assist with the  Superintendent search. The Board approved the firm at the October 16, 2024, Board of Education meeting. 

The Board considered two options in preparation for Dr. Garcia’s retirement. The options were to either  begin the process in 2024 (Deputy Superintendent) or in the fall of 2025 (Traditional Approach). 

Each Board member shared their perspective and opinions on the search process. The Board voted to  conduct the search during Fall 2025, with a selection made in Winter 2026, and a start date of July 2026. In an  effort to ensure a successful transition, Dr. Garcia will remain with the district for an additional 30 days during  the summer of 2026. 

William Cotter made a motion to approve the option of a traditional approach to the Superintendent Search,  as presented. Meg Cooper seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Asim  Aleem, William Cotter, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sinead Duffy, Margaret Kleber, and Meg Cooper. “Nay:”  None. The motion carried. 

Informational Items  

Fund Balance Strategy  

Ms. Bradford reviewed the district’s Fund Balance Strategy, which is used to ensure a healthy financial  position for the district. She explained that the district aims to maintain an audited operating fund balance  between 30% and 50% of total annual expenditures. The current projected fund balance is 48.8%. 

She said that there are stages the District considers when determining an abatement amount. The District does not anticipate any revenue reduction or cost shift factors at this time. Additionally, there are  no significant fund balance implications.  

Ms. Bradford clarified that there would be no additional funds that need to be abated beyond the $2M based  on policy and practice. As a result of the abatement, taxpayers will see an approximate savings of 103 dollars. 

Ms. Bradford said the administration will continue to monitor financial risks and adjust the strategy as needed  to ensure the district’s long-term financial stability. 

Fall MAP Presentation/School Improvement Plans/School Report Card  

Ms. Reingruber shared a comprehensive report on student achievement and school performance throughout  the district.

The district administered the NWEA MAP assessment to students in grades 1-8. She said the results provide a  baseline for instruction and are used to inform curriculum adjustments and support programs. 

Ms. Reingruber shared the following highlights: 

● Fall 2023 to Fall 2024 median reading achievement remains consistent at the 83rd percentile. 

● From Fall 2023 to Fall 2024 median math achievement increased by two points to the 94th percentile. 

● School Improvement Plans: Building goals for school improvement plans are based on MAP data and  aim to improve student achievement and growth. 

● 2024 IAR and ISA Results: Results from these state assessments demonstrate continued academic  progress across elementary and middle schools. 

● 83.1% of the District students were proficient in English Language Arts (State avg. 41.2%). 

● 77.1% were proficient in Math (State avg. 28.4%). 

● 85.6% were proficient in Science (State avg. 53.1%). 

● The 2024 overall, elementary, and middle school reading and math achievement percentages are  higher than the three-year prior average. 

● All D181 schools received either "Exemplary" or "Commendable" designations, placing them in the  top two tiers of the state's ranking system.  

● Six schools were designated as Exemplary and three schools were designated as Commendable. 

Ms. Reingruber said the district utilizes various assessments and reports, including MAP, IAR, ISA, and Illinois  School Report Cards, to monitor student progress and inform continuous improvement efforts. She also  shared that the data-driven approach ensures a premier education, consistently ranking among the highest in  the state and nation. 

FOIA Update  

Dr. Garcia shared that the District received one request and completed one since the last FOIA update at the  October 21, 2024 Board meeting.

Consent Agenda  


Certified Licensed Educators 

Change in FTE




original FTE


Effective Date

Erin Collins

Kindergarten .5/1st grade .5


.5 K only


November 11, 2024

Mary Petschinsky

Kindergarten .5/1st grade .5


.5 K only


November 11, 2024

Extracurricular Stipend - Clubs - effective for the 2024-2025 school year.



Extra Assignment

December Stipend

Daniel Kolar


Running/Cardio Club


Michael Jensen


Running/Cardio Club


Lorene Himpelmann


Board Game Recess


Jenny Juska


Monroe Milers


Meredith Wodka


Monroe Milers


Caitlin White


Elementary Orchestra


Caitlin White


Elementary Orchestra


Kristin Conway


Lunch Running Club


Susan Petersen


Battle of the Books summer hours


Tiffany Egan


Battle of the Books summer hours


Meredith Wodka


Battle of the Books summer hours


Colleen Malone


Battle of the Books summer hours


Rebecca Swanson


Battle of the Books summer hours


Christie Belfiore


Battle of the Books summer hours


NameSchoolExtra Assignment

December Stipend

Amy Elaine Bennington


Eagle Singers


Sara McNamara


Soaring Strings


Lauren Culver


Soaring Strings


Eric Morong


Jazz Band


Caitlin White


Elementary Orchestra


Erin Kozakis


Elementary Chorus


Beth Bellinger


Elementary Chorus


Kaitlin Teater


Elementary Band


Patricia Mardula


Recess Read Aloud


Lauren Culver


Elementary Orchestra


Classified Staff






Hourly rate

Effective Date

Jill Conkright

Administrative Assistant to the Principal




November 6, 2024



RtI Tutor




November 11, 2024

Employment, Safety Officer, pending successful completion of onboarding process and background check





Hourly Rate

Effective Date

Edward Leinweber

Safety Officer




December 2, 2024





Effective Date

Jill Conkright

PT Administrative Assistant


November 5, 2024

Erin Collins

RtI Tutor


November 8, 2024

Mary Petschinsky

RtI Tutor


November 8, 2024

Lori McGreal

Instructional Assistant

The Lane

November 15, 2024

Maria Garcia-resigns to retire

Night Custodian


December 31, 2024





Effective Date

Thressa Bradley Johnson

Instructional Assistant

The Lane

November 1, 2024

Approval of Minutes  

The Board was asked to approve the following minutes: 

● Regular Business Meeting - October 21, 2024 

Monthly Financial Report  

The Board was asked to approve the monthly financial reports from October 2024.  

Early Entrance and Subject/Grade Level Acceleration Criteria  

The Board was asked to approve the Early Entrance and Subject/Grade Level Acceleration Criteria. 

Committee Reports  

Finance / Facilities Committee 

● The Finance Committee met on November 12, 2024 The topics for discussion were as follows: ○ Monthly Financials 

○ Fund Balance Strategy 

○ Tentative Tax Levy Presentation

○ Resolution/Estimated Amounts to Levy 

○ Resolution - Disposition of Surplus Property (Electronic Equipment) 

○ Resolution - Disposition of Surplus Property (Capital Equipment) 

Academic Success Committee 

● The Academic Success Committee met on November 7, 2024. The topics for discussion were as  follows: 

○ Fall MAP 2024 

○ Fall School Improvement Plans 

○ IAR & ISA Data 2024 

○ School Report Card 

○ Math/ELA/ACE Placement Approval 

○ District-Level Committee Updates 

IASB 2024 Resolutions Committee Report  

Payment of Bills and Reimbursements  

Bills and reimbursements were presented in the amount of $2,073,391.43. 

William Cotter made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Meg Cooper seconded the  motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” William Cotter, Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin,  Margaret Cooper, Sinead Duffy, Michael Martin, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. The motion carried. 


William Cotter made a motion to adjourn at 8:21 p.m. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. All in favor. The  motion carried. 



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