
Quincy Reporter

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Adams County Board met Oct. 15

Webp 5

Bret Austin, Adams County Board Member - District 1 | Adams County

Bret Austin, Adams County Board Member - District 1 | Adams County

Adams County Board met Oct. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The County Board of Adams County, Illinois met at the Courthouse, Quincy, Illinois, on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7:00 P.M., pursuant to recess.

PRESENT: R. Kent Snider, Chairman

Ryan A. Niekamp, County Clerk Gary Farha, States Attorney

Chairman Snider called the meeting to order.

Mr. Mark Sorensen gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

The County Clerk called the roll and the following members were present: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, David McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider.

Total Present: 20 Absent: 1

Absent were: Brad Poulter, excused

Chairman Snider declared a quorum present.

Officeholders, department heads, and/or their representatives also present were: Gary Farha- States Attorney, Georgene Zimmerman- Supervisor of Assessments, Lori Geschwandner-Circuit Clerk, Anthony Foster- Director of Court Services, John Simon- EMA & Ambulance Director, Jim Frankenhoff- County Engineer, Jessica Douglas- Director of 911, David Hochgraber- Director if IT, Amy Carothers-County Board Office Director, Johnathan Hoover- Chief Public Defender, Paul Havermale- Superintendent of the Veterans Assistance Commission, and Sheriff Anthony Grootens.

Mr. Austin made a motion to suspend the rules to allow the public to speak which was seconded by Mr. Hinkamper.

The motion was approved.

Cut Kelty, John Wood Community College Chief of Police spoke about Friends of Justice which is a program to solve cold cases. He stated they are encouraging people to come forward with information they may have on cold cases by offering rewards. He stated he wanted to let the board know who they are. He reported that they would be doing fundraising towards this cause.

Mr. Austin made a motion to return to regular session which was seconded by Mr. Hinkamper. The motion was approved and the board returned to regular session.

At this time, Chairman Snider presented an award to Mr. Bret Austin for all of his work and dedication to the citizens of Adams County on the County Board as vice chairman.

Mr. Duesterhaus moved to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2024 county board meeting as printed and distributed which was seconded by Mr. Zanger. Motion to approve the minutes of the September 10, 2024 meeting as printed was adopted.

Transportation, Building & Technology

Committee Report (Mr. Bellis)

Bills – The committee met on October 15, 2024 and reviewed the bills for the Highway Department, the Maintenance Department, and the Technology Department. All the bills were in order.


a. 2024-10-501-024 – Resolution appropriating $8,825.60 from the County Bridge Fund to pay for a culvert on County Bridge Fund Project #823 in Fall Creek Road District. Attachment A-1 The clerk read the resolution by title only. Mr. Bellis made a motion to approve the resolution which was seconded by Mr. McCleary. Discussion: He stated these resolutions are materials being brought in. Resolution 2024-10-501-024 was approved.

b. 2024-10-501-025 – Resolution appropriating $35,866.88 from the County Bridge Fund to pay for various culverts on County Bridge Fund Project #822 on County Highway 21 (South 24th Street). Attachment A-2

The clerk read the resolution by title only.

Mr. Zanger made a motion to approve the resolution which was seconded by Mr. Bellis. Resolution 2024-10-501-025 was approved.

c. 2024-10-501-026 - Resolution appropriating $33,970.60 from the County Bridge Fund to pay for a culvert and drainage structures on County Bridge Fund Project #817 on County Highway 33 (North 30th Street). Attachment A-3 The clerk read the resolution by title only. Mr. Post made a motion to approve the resolution which was seconded by Mr. McCleary. Resolution 2024-10-501-026 was approved.

New Business

a. Courthouse HVAC Update

He reported that the committee got a good report about how that process is going.

b. Courthouse EIFS Update

He stated the north side is about 2/3 done.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Legislative & Judicial

Committee Report (Mr. Reich)

Bills – The committee met on October 15, 2024 and reviewed bills from the Circuit Clerk, Juvenile Detention Center, Probation Department, Public Defender, State’s Attorney, and the Supervisor of Assessments. All the bills were in order.

County Code There were no county code discussions or changes.


a. 2024-10-001-033 – Resolution Adopting the 2025 County Holiday Schedule

The clerk read the resolution by title only. Attachment B-1 Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the resolution which was seconded by Mr. Kerkhoff. Resolution 2024-10-001-033 was approved.

b. 2024-10-001-034 – Resolution Adopting the 2025 County Board Meeting Schedule

The clerk read the resolution by title only. Attachment B-2 Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the resolution which was seconded by Mr. McCoy.

Resolution 2024-10-001-034 was approved.

c. Adoption of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Plainville and the County of Adams for Polling Place Accessibility within the Village Town Hall Attachment B-3 Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the agreement which was seconded by Mr. Duesterhaus. Discussion: Mr. Reich explained this is an ADA compliance parking lot for a polling place. A roll call vote was taken to approve the agreement. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, David McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider. Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. The intergovernmental agreement was approved.

Appointments There were no appointments.

Event Liquor Licenses

a. One-Day Liquor Permit for The Laundry Chute LLC for Fishing For Freedom at

2010 East 1250th St., Mendon, IL. 62351 for October 18, 2024 from 11:00AM until 11:59PM (CDST) and October 19, 2024 from 10:00AM until 11:59PM (CDST). Attachment B-4 & Attachment B-5 Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the event liquor license which was seconded by Mr. McCoy. The event liquor license was approved.

Pyrotechnic Displays There were no pyrotechnic displays to approve.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Public Health & Safety

Committee Report (Mrs. Fletcher)

Bills – The committee met on October 15, 2024 and reviewed the bills for the Sheriff’s Office, Coroner’s Office, Emergency Management Agency, Veterans Assistance Commission and Animal Control. All the bills were in order.


Mrs. Fletcher read the following department reports that were given to the committee: From John Simon, Director of Ambulance and EMA: The call volume continues to be up. They are receiving more than 20 calls per day. They are good on staffing but they are still short paramedics. From Scott Graham, County Coroner: There were 75 deaths, 1 autopsy 0 abandoned cremations, 41 cremation permits issued and 1 suicide in the month of September. From Sheriff Grootens: Average jail population was 111. There was one employment departure in the jail. The Sheriff has spoken with the Chief Federal Marshall about receiving more federal inmates. From Paul Havermale, Director of the Veterans Assistance Commission: There have been 262 clients seen. They are dealing with 52 active cases and have signed MOUs with Clarity and Transitions.

Resolution- a. Ordinance Number 2024-10-231-035 Increasing the Adams County Sheriff’s Summons Fee Schedule. This ordinance was tabled until a cost study can be done.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Executive Committee

Committee Report (Mr. Austin)

The committee did not meet in the month of October.

The committee’s next meeting will be Monday, November 4, 2024


Committee Report (Mr. Austin)

Bills – The committee met on October 14, 2024 and reviewed the bills. All the bills were in order.

Report Shelby Crow spoke on behalf of the IL. Extenstion. A strategic plan was completed. The University of Illinois Extension is a group that the county has funded for a long time and they put in a request for the same amount of money as usual which is budgeted already. They gave a nice update to the committee that was Adams County-based.

Resolution a. Resolution Number 2024-10-001-031 – ARPA South Quincy Drainage District in the amount of $50,000. Attachment C-1

The clerk read the resolution by title only. Mr. Zanger made the motion to approve resolution which was seconded by Mr. Austin. Discussion: Mr. Austin stated they spoke about this last month and the finance committee approved this unanimously. A roll call vote was taken to approve the resolution. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, David McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider. Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. Resolution 2024-10-001-031 was approved.


a. Additional Fund Appropriation – Ryan A. Niekamp, County Clerk and Recorder – in the Amount of $100 for Expense Account Number 006-001-5875 – Capital Project: HVAC Project Expense – for a Revised Budget Amount of $100 and $100 for Expense Account Number 006-001-5815 – Capital Project: HVAC Project Design – for a Revised Budget Amount of $100 and $100 to Revenue Account Number 006-001-4627 – Capital Project HVAC – Revenue – for a Revised Budget Amount of $100. Attachment C-2 The clerk read the additional fund appropriation. Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the additional fund appropriation which was seconded by Mr. Cooley. Discussion: This is the beginning of organizing the accounts for the HVAC project. A roll call vote was taken to approve the additional fund appropriation. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, David McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider. Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. The Additional Fund Appropriation was approved.

b. Transfer of Funds Appropriation – Ryan A. Niekamp, County Clerk & Recorder – in the Amount of $72,000 from Account Number 001-001-5999 – Contingency – for a Revised Budget Amount of $123,000 and $72,000 to Account Number 006-001- 5815 – Capital Project: HVAC Project Design – for a Revised Budget Amount of $72,100. Attachment C-3 The clerk read the transfer of funds appropriation. Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the transfer of funds appropriation which was seconded by Mr. Finlay. Discussion: This is the first of the design fee which is being taken out of contingency. A roll call vote was taken to approve the transfer of funds appropriation. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, David McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider. Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. The Transfer of Funds Appropriation was approved.

c. Transfer of Funds Appropriation – Paul Havermale, Veteran’s Assistance Commission – for $1,000 from Account Number 631-631-5436 – Utilities – for a Revised Budget Amount of $1,800 and $1,000 to Account Number 631-631-5650 – Other Expenses – for a Revised Budget Amount of $3,400 and $2,000 from Account Number 631-631-5105 – Salary – Assistant Superintendent VAC – for a Revised Budget Amount of $18,000 and $2,000 to Account Number 631-631-5775 – Training – for a Revised Budget Amount of $3,000 Attachment C-4 The clerk read the transfer of funds appropriation. Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the transfer of funds appropriation which was seconded by Mr. Fischer. Discussion: This is internal house cleaning and budget neutral. A roll call vote was taken to approve the transfer of funds appropriation. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, David McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider. Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. The Transfer of Funds Appropriation was approved.

d. Transfer of Funds Appropriation – Jonathan Hoover, Chief Public Defender – in the Amount of $1,000 From Account Number 001-411-5549 – Postage – for a Revised Budget Amount of $1,000 and $1,000 To Account Number 001-411-5605 – Books and Publications – for a Revised Budget Amount of $7,500 and $500 From Account Number 001-411-5549 – Postage – for a Revised Budget Amount of $500 and $500 to Account Number 001-411-5650 – Office Supplies – for a Revised Budget Amount of $4,000. Attachment C-5 The clerk read the transfer of funds appropriation. Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the transfer of funds appropriation which was seconded by Mr. Finlay. Discussion: This is internal account transfers that are budget neutral. A roll call vote was taken to approve the transfer of funds appropriation. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, David McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider. Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. The Transfer of Funds Appropriation was approved.

e. Transfer of Funds Appropriation – John Simon, Chief of Ambulance – in the Amount of $1,000 From Account Number 001-211-5650 – Office Supplies – for a Revised Budget Amount of $500 and $1,000 To Account Number 621-621-5860 – Office Equipment – for a Revised Budget Amount of $6,000 Attachment C-6 The clerk read the transfer of funds appropriation. Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the transfer of funds appropriation which was seconded by Mr. Cooley. Discussion: This is more internal account cleaning and budget neutral. A roll call vote was taken to approve the transfer of funds appropriation. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, David McCleary, Les Post, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Todd Duesterhaus, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider. Total in favor was 20. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 1. The Transfer of Funds Appropriation was approved.


a. Update and progress on Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget

Mr. Austin reported that all the departments have submitted their draft budgets. It is being reviewed and they will be getting more in-depth next week. He stated the new software is doing good, but it is a learning curve. He stated they are looking at a fairly large EAV raise again which would result in a little bit lower of the tax rate.

b. CIRMA Update

Mr. Austin stated there is a meeting coming up. He stated they try to cover most of the meetings and it seems as though CIRMA remains strong.

Mr. Austin stated that the health insurance is coming in over-budget and they will have to go into reserves.

The committee’s next meeting will be Monday, November 11, 2024

Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business to discuss.

New Business

Approval of Board Member Travel Vouchers There were no travel vouchers to approve.

Monthly Reports Supervisor of Assessments/Board of Review, Juvenile Detention Center, the County Clerk & Recorder’s office, the Public Defender, the Circuit Clerk, Information Technology, and Probation Department, Monthly check register for September 2024, and Funds Summary report for September 2024, including revenue and expenses. Mr. Duesterhaus made a motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee which was seconded by Mr. Fletcher. Motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee adopted.

Resignation There were no resignations.


a. Appointment of James Taylor of Clayton, IL to the Housing Authority of Adams

County. Mr. Post made a motion to approve the appointment which was seconded by Mr. Fischer. The appointment was approved.


1) Thank you notification from Catherine Meckes regarding the Adams County Childcare Program Funding 2) Mill Creek Water new tower proposal petition.

Mr. Duesterhaus moved to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee which was seconded by Mr. Zanger. Motion to receive and file the correspondence with the appropriate committee adopted.

The October 15th, 2024 meeting was recessed until Tuesday, November 12, 2024




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