
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Adams County Board Legislative & Judicial Committee met May 14

Webp 4

Lori Geschwandner, Adams County Circuit Clerk | Adams County

Lori Geschwandner, Adams County Circuit Clerk | Adams County

Adams County Board Legislative & Judicial Committee met May 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Meeting Convened at 5:45PM on May 14, 2024

Members Present: Robert Reich, Jon McCoy, Marvin Kerkhoff, Todd Duesterhaus Members Absent: Theresa Bockhold

Others in Attendance: Ryan Niekamp, Anthony Foster, Gary Farha

A motion to approve the minutes from April 10, 2024, as written by Mr. McCoy and seconded by Mr. Kerkhoff. The minutes were approved unanimously as printed.

The committee reviewed the bills and all appeared to be in order.

Addition of Join Review Board Vote – Dr. Reich presented the proposed draft which was prepared by Mr. Eyler in the State’s Attorney’s Office. The proposed language adds to section 1-6-4.1 and 1-6-4.2. Mr. Niekamp discussed the changes that were drafted to 1-3-6 as well. Mr. Niekamp will talk with the City of Quincy regarding the term which should be stated in the IGA or original ordinances.

Wind Farm Updates: The committee wished to table this for one month.

Employee Reimbursement: Mr. Niekamp stated that recently the State of Illinois CMS deferred all out-of state per diem rates to the U.S. General Services Administration’s rates and the changes reflect this.

Dr. Reich entertained a motion to approve the changes that were discussed at this meeting with the Wind Farm Updates being tabled for one month. Mr. Kerkhoff made a motion to approve the changes to review next month, and it was seconded by Mr. McCoy. The committee approved the motion unanimously.

Appointment of Phil Doane as a Trustee to the Liberty Fire Protection District Effective the First Day of May of the Year 2024 . Motioned to approve by Mr. Kerkhoff and seconded by Mr. Dusterhaus. Motion approved.

Appointment of Craig Cramm as a Trustee to the Ursa Street Light District Effective on the First Day of May of the Year 2024 and Expiring on the First Monday of May of the Year 2027. Motion to approve by Mr. Dusterhaus and seconded by Mr. McCoy. The appointment was approved.

Special One-Day Permit for Friends of Unit 4’s Fall Festival to be Held on September 14, 2024 at the Adams County Fairgrounds from 1:00pm (CDST) until 11:59pm (CDST). Motion to approve by Mr. McCoy and seconded by Mr. Kerkhoff. One-Day permit was approved.

There being no other business, Mr. McCoy moved to adjourn at 6:26 pm, seconded by Mr. Dusterhaus. The committee unanimously approved to adjourn.
