Central Central Community Unit School District #3 Curriculum Committee met Sept. 14.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Introductions
3. Curriculum Director
a. OG Pilot
b. JH ELA Alignment
4. CES
a. RtI- Goals
b. Social Emotional Curriculum- How it is being used?
c. Beginning of the Year Assessments - Timeline
5. CMS
a. RTI
i. How to fit in all in the day?
ii. Extended period of time working in ELA
iii. Beginning of the year testing
b. AI
i. Lesson planning
ii. Possible SS curriculum/unit
a. Second Step
b. RTI
c. IXL
d. Wordly Wise added to 5th – 8th ELA
e. 7th grade math Freckle
7. CHS
a. Academic/Focused Homeroom
8. Superintendent
a. IAR Scores
b. SAT Scores